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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as semver from 'semver';
import {green, info, yellow} from '../../../utils/console';
import {semverInc} from '../../../utils/semver';
import {ReleaseNotes} from '../../notes/release-notes';
import {ActiveReleaseTrains} from '../../versioning/active-release-trains';
import {computeNewPrereleaseVersionForNext} from '../../versioning/next-prerelease-version';
import {ReleaseAction} from '../actions';
import {getCommitMessageForExceptionalNextVersionBump, getReleaseNoteCherryPickCommitMessage} from '../commit-message';
import {changelogPath, packageJsonPath} from '../constants';
* Base action that can be used to move the next release-train into the feature-freeze or
* release-candidate phase. This means that a new version branch is created from the next
* branch, and a new pre-release (either RC or another `next`) is cut indicating the new phase.
export abstract class BranchOffNextBranchBaseAction extends ReleaseAction {
* Phase which the release-train currently in the `next` phase will move into.
* Note that we only allow for a next version to branch into feature-freeze or
* directly into the release-candidate phase. A stable version cannot be released
* without release-candidate.
abstract newPhaseName: 'feature-freeze'|'release-candidate';
override async getDescription() {
const {branchName} =;
const newVersion = await this._computeNewVersion();
return `Move the "${branchName}" branch into ${this.newPhaseName} phase (v${newVersion}).`;
override async perform() {
const newVersion = await this._computeNewVersion();
const newBranch = `${newVersion.major}.${newVersion.minor}.x`;
// Branch-off the next branch into a new version branch.
await this._createNewVersionBranchFromNext(newBranch);
// Stage the new version for the newly created branch, and push changes to a
// fork in order to create a staging pull request. Note that we re-use the newly
// created branch instead of re-fetching from the upstream.
const {pullRequest, releaseNotes} =
await this.stageVersionForBranchAndCreatePullRequest(newVersion, newBranch);
// Wait for the staging PR to be merged. Then build and publish the feature-freeze next
// pre-release. Finally, cherry-pick the release notes into the next branch in combination
// with bumping the version to the next minor too.
await this.waitForPullRequestToBeMerged(pullRequest);
await this.buildAndPublish(releaseNotes, newBranch, 'next');
await this._createNextBranchUpdatePullRequest(releaseNotes, newVersion);
/** Computes the new version for the release-train being branched-off. */
private async _computeNewVersion() {
if (this.newPhaseName === 'feature-freeze') {
return computeNewPrereleaseVersionForNext(, this.config);
} else {
return semverInc(, 'prerelease', 'rc');
/** Creates a new version branch from the next branch. */
private async _createNewVersionBranchFromNext(newBranch: string) {
const {branchName: nextBranch} =;
await this.verifyPassingGithubStatus(nextBranch);
await this.checkoutUpstreamBranch(nextBranch);
await this.createLocalBranchFromHead(newBranch);
await this.pushHeadToRemoteBranch(newBranch);
info(green(` ✓ Version branch "${newBranch}" created.`));
* Creates a pull request for the next branch that bumps the version to the next
* minor, and cherry-picks the changelog for the newly branched-off release-candidate
* or feature-freeze version.
private async _createNextBranchUpdatePullRequest(
releaseNotes: ReleaseNotes, newVersion: semver.SemVer) {
const {branchName: nextBranch, version} =;
// We increase the version for the next branch to the next minor. The team can decide
// later if they want next to be a major through the `Configure Next as Major` release action.
const newNextVersion = semver.parse(`${version.major}.${version.minor + 1}.0-next.0`)!;
const bumpCommitMessage = getCommitMessageForExceptionalNextVersionBump(newNextVersion);
await this.checkoutUpstreamBranch(nextBranch);
await this.updateProjectVersion(newNextVersion);
// Create an individual commit for the next version bump. The changelog should go into
// a separate commit that makes it clear where the changelog is cherry-picked from.
await this.createCommit(bumpCommitMessage, [packageJsonPath]);
await this.prependReleaseNotesToChangelog(releaseNotes);
const commitMessage = getReleaseNoteCherryPickCommitMessage(releaseNotes.version);
await this.createCommit(commitMessage, [changelogPath]);
let nextPullRequestMessage = `The previous "next" release-train has moved into the ` +
`${this.newPhaseName} phase. This PR updates the next branch to the subsequent ` +
`release-train.\n\nAlso this PR cherry-picks the changelog for ` +
`v${newVersion} into the ${nextBranch} branch so that the changelog is up to date.`;
const nextUpdatePullRequest = await this.pushChangesToForkAndCreatePullRequest(
nextBranch, `next-release-train-${newNextVersion}`,
`Update next branch to reflect new release-train "v${newNextVersion}".`,
info(green(` ✓ Pull request for updating the "${nextBranch}" branch has been created.`));
info(yellow(` Please ask team members to review: ${nextUpdatePullRequest.url}.`));