George Kalpakas 7524c99be2 fix(docs-infra): log the successful creation of previews (#27436)
This can help with debugging issues, e.g. with the communication between
the preview server and CI, as it gives a better idea of exactly when was
the preview made available and how long it took.

PR Close #27436
2018-12-04 19:59:24 -08:00

214 lines
8.6 KiB

// Imports
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as http from 'http';
import {AddressInfo} from 'net';
import {CircleCiApi} from '../common/circle-ci-api';
import {GithubApi} from '../common/github-api';
import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {GithubTeams} from '../common/github-teams';
import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty, computeShortSha, Logger} from '../common/utils';
import {BuildCreator} from './build-creator';
import {ChangedPrVisibilityEvent, CreatedBuildEvent} from './build-events';
import {BuildRetriever} from './build-retriever';
import {BuildVerifier} from './build-verifier';
import {respondWithError, throwRequestError} from './utils';
const AIO_PREVIEW_JOB = 'aio_preview';
// Interfaces - Types
export interface PreviewServerConfig {
downloadsDir: string;
downloadSizeLimit: number;
buildArtifactPath: string;
buildsDir: string;
domainName: string;
githubOrg: string;
githubRepo: string;
githubTeamSlugs: string[];
circleCiToken: string;
githubToken: string;
significantFilesPattern: string;
trustedPrLabel: string;
const logger = new Logger('PreviewServer');
// Classes
export class PreviewServerFactory {
// Methods - Public
public static create(cfg: PreviewServerConfig): http.Server {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('domainName', cfg.domainName);
const circleCiApi = new CircleCiApi(cfg.githubOrg, cfg.githubRepo, cfg.circleCiToken);
const githubApi = new GithubApi(cfg.githubToken);
const prs = new GithubPullRequests(githubApi, cfg.githubOrg, cfg.githubRepo);
const teams = new GithubTeams(githubApi, cfg.githubOrg);
const buildRetriever = new BuildRetriever(circleCiApi, cfg.downloadSizeLimit, cfg.downloadsDir);
const buildVerifier = new BuildVerifier(prs, teams, cfg.githubTeamSlugs, cfg.trustedPrLabel);
const buildCreator = PreviewServerFactory.createBuildCreator(prs, cfg.buildsDir, cfg.domainName);
const middleware = PreviewServerFactory.createMiddleware(buildRetriever, buildVerifier, buildCreator, cfg);
const httpServer = http.createServer(middleware as any);
httpServer.on('listening', () => {
const info = httpServer.address() as AddressInfo;`Up and running (and listening on ${info.address}:${info.port})...`);
return httpServer;
public static createMiddleware(buildRetriever: BuildRetriever, buildVerifier: BuildVerifier,
buildCreator: BuildCreator, cfg: PreviewServerConfig): express.Express {
const middleware = express();
const jsonParser = bodyParser.json();
const significantFilesRe = new RegExp(cfg.significantFilesPattern);
middleware.get(/^\/health-check\/?$/, (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
const canHavePublicPreviewRe = /^\/can-have-public-preview\/(\d+)\/?$/;
middleware.get(canHavePublicPreviewRe, async (req, res) => {
try {
const pr = +canHavePublicPreviewRe.exec(req.url)![1];
if (!await buildVerifier.getSignificantFilesChanged(pr, significantFilesRe)) {
// Cannot have preview: PR did not touch relevant files: `aio/` or `packages/` (except for spec files).
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'No significant files touched.'});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Cannot have a public preview, because it did not touch any significant files.`);
} else if (!await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(pr)) {
// Cannot have preview: PR not automatically verifiable as "trusted".
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'Not automatically verifiable as "trusted".'});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Cannot have a public preview, because not automatically verifiable as "trusted".`);
} else {
// Can have preview.
res.send({canHavePublicPreview: true, reason: null});
logger.log(`PR:${pr} - Can have a public preview.`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Previewability check error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
// CIRCLE_CI BUILD COMPLETE WEBHOOK^\/circle-build\/?$/, jsonParser, async (req, res) => {
try {
if (!('json') &&
req.body &&
req.body.payload &&
req.body.payload.build_num > 0 &&
req.body.payload.build_parameters &&
)) {
throwRequestError(400, `Incorrect body content. Expected JSON`, req);
const job = req.body.payload.build_parameters.CIRCLE_JOB;
const buildNum = req.body.payload.build_num;
logger.log(`Build:${buildNum}, Job:${job} - processing web-hook trigger`);
if (job !== AIO_PREVIEW_JOB) {
logger.log(`Build:${buildNum}, Job:${job} -`,
`Skipping preview processing because this is not the "${AIO_PREVIEW_JOB}" job.`);
const { pr, sha, org, repo, success } = await buildRetriever.getGithubInfo(buildNum);
if (!success) {
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, Build:${buildNum} - Skipping preview processing because this build did not succeed.`);
assert(cfg.githubOrg === org,
`Invalid webhook: expected "githubOrg" property to equal "${cfg.githubOrg}" but got "${org}".`);
assert(cfg.githubRepo === repo,
`Invalid webhook: expected "githubRepo" property to equal "${cfg.githubRepo}" but got "${repo}".`);
// Do not deploy unless this PR has touched relevant files: `aio/` or `packages/` (except for spec files)
if (!await buildVerifier.getSignificantFilesChanged(pr, significantFilesRe)) {
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, Build:${buildNum} - ` +
`Skipping preview processing because this PR did not touch any significant files.`);
const artifactPath = await buildRetriever.downloadBuildArtifact(buildNum, pr, sha, cfg.buildArtifactPath);
const isPublic = await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(pr);
await buildCreator.create(pr, sha, artifactPath, isPublic);
res.sendStatus(isPublic ? 201 : 202);
logger.log(`PR:${pr}, SHA:${computeShortSha(sha)}, Build:${buildNum} - ` +
`Successfully created ${isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public'} preview.`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('CircleCI webhook error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
// GITHUB PR UPDATED WEBHOOK^\/pr-updated\/?$/, jsonParser, async (req, res) => {
const { action, number: prNo }: { action?: string, number?: number } = req.body;
const visMayHaveChanged = !action || (action === 'labeled') || (action === 'unlabeled');
try {
if (!visMayHaveChanged) {
} else if (!prNo) {
throwRequestError(400, `Missing or empty 'number' field`, req);
} else {
const isPublic = await buildVerifier.getPrIsTrusted(prNo);
await buildCreator.updatePrVisibility(prNo, isPublic);
} catch (err) {
logger.error('PR update hook error', err);
respondWithError(res, err);
middleware.all('*', req => throwRequestError(404, 'Unknown resource', req));
middleware.use((err: any, _req: any, res: express.Response, _next: any) => {
const statusText = http.STATUS_CODES[err.status] || '???';
logger.error(`Preview server error: ${err.status} - ${statusText}:`, err.message);
respondWithError(res, err);
return middleware;
public static createBuildCreator(prs: GithubPullRequests, buildsDir: string, domainName: string): BuildCreator {
const buildCreator = new BuildCreator(buildsDir);
const postPreviewsComment = (pr: number, shas: string[]) => {
const body = shas.
map(sha => `You can preview ${sha} at https://pr${pr}-${sha}.${domainName}/.`).
return prs.addComment(pr, body);
buildCreator.on(CreatedBuildEvent.type, ({pr, sha, isPublic}: CreatedBuildEvent) => {
if (isPublic) {
postPreviewsComment(pr, [sha]);
buildCreator.on(ChangedPrVisibilityEvent.type, ({pr, shas, isPublic}: ChangedPrVisibilityEvent) => {
if (isPublic && shas.length) {
postPreviewsComment(pr, shas);
return buildCreator;