We have some internal proxies for all of the Jasmine functions, as well as some other helpers. This code hasn't been touched in more than 5 years, it can lead to confusion and it isn't really necessary since the same can be achieved using Jasmine. These changes remove most of the code and clean up our existing unit tests. PR Close #42177
567 lines
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567 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {AbstractControl, AsyncValidator, AsyncValidatorFn, FormArray, FormControl, ValidationErrors, ValidatorFn, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
import {Observable, of, timer} from 'rxjs';
import {first, map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {normalizeValidators} from '../src/validators';
(function() {
function validator(key: string, error: any): ValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const r: ValidationErrors = {};
r[key] = error;
return r;
class AsyncValidatorDirective implements AsyncValidator {
constructor(private expected: string, private error: any) {}
validate(c: any): Observable<ValidationErrors> {
return Observable.create((obs: any) => {
const error = this.expected !== c.value ? this.error : null;
describe('Validators', () => {
describe('min', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should return null if NaN after parsing', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl('a'))).toBeNull();
it('should return a validation error on small values', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(1))).toEqual({'min': {'min': 2, 'actual': 1}});
it('should return a validation error on small values converted from strings', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl('1'))).toEqual({'min': {'min': 2, 'actual': '1'}});
it('should not error on small float number validation', () => {
expect(Validators.min(1.20)(new FormControl(1.25))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal float values', () => {
expect(Validators.min(1.25)(new FormControl(1.25))).toBeNull();
it('should return a validation error on big values', () => {
expect(Validators.min(1.25)(new FormControl(1.20))).toEqual({
'min': {'min': 1.25, 'actual': 1.20}
it('should not error on big values', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(3))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal values', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl(2))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal values when value is string', () => {
expect(Validators.min(2)(new FormControl('2'))).toBeNull();
it('should validate as expected when min value is a string', () => {
expect(Validators.min('2' as any)(new FormControl(1))).toEqual({
'min': {'min': '2', 'actual': 1}
it('should return null if min value is undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.min(undefined as any)(new FormControl(3))).toBeNull();
it('should return null if min value is null', () => {
expect(Validators.min(null as any)(new FormControl(3))).toBeNull();
describe('max', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should return null if NaN after parsing', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl('aaa'))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on small float number validation', () => {
expect(Validators.max(1.20)(new FormControl(1.15))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal float values', () => {
expect(Validators.max(1.25)(new FormControl(1.25))).toBeNull();
it('should return a validation error on big values', () => {
expect(Validators.max(1.25)(new FormControl(1.30))).toEqual({
'max': {'max': 1.25, 'actual': 1.30}
it('should return a validation error on big values', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(3))).toEqual({'max': {'max': 2, 'actual': 3}});
it('should return a validation error on big values converted from strings', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl('3'))).toEqual({'max': {'max': 2, 'actual': '3'}});
it('should not error on small values', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(1))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal values', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl(2))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on equal values when value is string', () => {
expect(Validators.max(2)(new FormControl('2'))).toBeNull();
it('should validate as expected when max value is a string', () => {
expect(Validators.max('2' as any)(new FormControl(3))).toEqual({
'max': {'max': '2', 'actual': 3}
it('should return null if max value is undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.max(undefined as any)(new FormControl(3))).toBeNull();
it('should return null if max value is null', () => {
expect(Validators.max(null as any)(new FormControl(3))).toBeNull();
describe('required', () => {
it('should error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'required': true});
it('should error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(null))).toEqual({'required': true});
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(undefined))).toEqual({'required': true});
it('should not error on a non-empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl('not empty'))).toBeNull();
it('should accept zero as valid', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(0))).toBeNull();
it('should error on an empty array',
() => expect(Validators.required(new FormControl([]))).toEqual({'required': true}));
it('should not error on a non-empty array',
() => expect(Validators.required(new FormControl([1, 2]))).toBeNull());
describe('requiredTrue', () => {
it('should error on false',
() => expect(Validators.requiredTrue(new FormControl(false))).toEqual({'required': true}));
it('should not error on true',
() => expect(Validators.requiredTrue(new FormControl(true))).toBeNull());
describe('email', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string',
() => expect(Validators.email(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull());
it('should not error on null',
() => expect(Validators.email(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull());
it('should error on invalid email',
() => expect(Validators.email(new FormControl('some text'))).toEqual({'email': true}));
it('should not error on valid email',
() => expect(Validators.email(new FormControl('test@gmail.com'))).toBeNull());
describe('minLength', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on valid strings', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl('aa'))).toBeNull();
it('should error on short strings', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl('a'))).toEqual({
'minlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 1}
it('should not error when FormArray has valid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
it('should error when FormArray has invalid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl('')]);
'minlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 1}
it('should always return null with numeric values', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(0))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(1))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(-1))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(+1))).toBeNull();
it('should trigger validation for an object that contains numeric length property', () => {
const value = {length: 5, someValue: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]};
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(value))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.minLength(10)(new FormControl(value))).toEqual({
'minlength': {'requiredLength': 10, 'actualLength': 5}
it('should return null when passing a boolean', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(true))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.minLength(1)(new FormControl(false))).toBeNull();
describe('maxLength', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on valid strings', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl('aa'))).toBeNull();
it('should error on long strings', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl('aaa'))).toEqual({
'maxlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 3}
it('should not error when FormArray has valid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
it('should error when FormArray has invalid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
'maxlength': {'requiredLength': 1, 'actualLength': 2}
it('should always return null with numeric values', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(0))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(1))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(-1))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(+1))).toBeNull();
it('should trigger validation for an object that contains numeric length property', () => {
const value = {length: 5, someValue: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]};
expect(Validators.maxLength(10)(new FormControl(value))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(value))).toEqual({
'maxlength': {'requiredLength': 1, 'actualLength': 5}
it('should return null when passing a boolean', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(true))).toBeNull();
expect(Validators.maxLength(1)(new FormControl(false))).toBeNull();
describe('pattern', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null value and "null" pattern', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('null')(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on valid strings',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should error on failure to match string', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*')(new FormControl('aaa0'))).toEqual({
'pattern': {'requiredPattern': '^[a-zA-Z ]*$', 'actualValue': 'aaa0'}
it('should accept RegExp object', () => {
const pattern: RegExp = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z ]+');
expect(Validators.pattern(pattern)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull();
it('should error on failure to match RegExp object', () => {
const pattern: RegExp = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z ]*$');
expect(Validators.pattern(pattern)(new FormControl('aaa0'))).toEqual({
'pattern': {'requiredPattern': '/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/', 'actualValue': 'aaa0'}
it('should not error on "null" pattern',
() => expect(Validators.pattern(null!)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should not error on "undefined" pattern',
() => expect(Validators.pattern(undefined!)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should work with pattern string containing both boundary symbols',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('^[aA]*$')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should work with pattern string containing only start boundary symbols',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('^[aA]*')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should work with pattern string containing only end boundary symbols',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('[aA]*$')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should work with pattern string not containing any boundary symbols',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('[aA]*')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
describe('compose', () => {
it('should return null when given null', () => {
it('should collect errors from all the validators', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([validator('a', true), validator('b', true)])!;
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'a': true, 'b': true});
it('should run validators left to right', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([validator('a', 1), validator('a', 2)])!;
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'a': 2});
it('should return null when no errors', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([Validators.nullValidator, Validators.nullValidator])!;
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should ignore nulls', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([null!, Validators.required])!;
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'required': true});
describe('composeAsync', () => {
describe('promises', () => {
function promiseValidator(response: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const res = c.value != 'expected' ? response : null;
return Promise.resolve(res);
it('should return null when given null', () => {
it('should collect errors from all the validators', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[promiseValidator({'one': true}), promiseValidator({'two': true})])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true, 'two': true});
it('should normalize and evaluate async validator-directives correctly', fakeAsync(() => {
const normalizedValidators = normalizeValidators<AsyncValidatorFn>(
[new AsyncValidatorDirective('expected', {'one': true})]);
const validatorFn = Validators.composeAsync(normalizedValidators)!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(validatorFn(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should return null when no errors', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([promiseValidator({'one': true})])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('expected')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
it('should ignore nulls', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([promiseValidator({'one': true}), null!])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true});
describe('observables', () => {
function observableValidator(response: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const res = c.value != 'expected' ? response : null;
return of(res);
it('should return null when given null', () => {
it('should collect errors from all the validators', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[observableValidator({'one': true}), observableValidator({'two': true})])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true, 'two': true});
it('should normalize and evaluate async validator-directives correctly', () => {
const normalizedValidators = normalizeValidators<AsyncValidatorFn>(
[new AsyncValidatorDirective('expected', {'one': true})]);
const validatorFn = Validators.composeAsync(normalizedValidators)!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(validatorFn(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors)!;
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should return null when no errors', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([observableValidator({'one': true})])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('expected')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
it('should ignore nulls', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([observableValidator({'one': true}), null!])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap!).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should wait for all validators before setting errors', fakeAsync(() => {
function getTimerObs(time: number, errorMap: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
return timer(time).pipe(map(() => errorMap));
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[getTimerObs(100, {one: true}), getTimerObs(200, {two: true})])!;
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}|null = undefined!;
(v(new FormControl('invalid')) as Observable<ValidationErrors|null>)
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}|null) => errorMap = errors);
`Expected errors not to be set until all validators came back.`);
{one: true, two: true}, `Expected errors to merge once all validators resolved.`);