Alex Eagle 2a70f4e4c7 fix(typings): Don't expose typing dependencies to users.
This resolves Duplicate Identifier issues seen by many users,
at the expense of more typings installation required in some

Removes the quickstart hack of placing all needed dependencies
typings files in our distribution. Removes dependencies on
nodejs from angular2/core.

Fixes #5973
Fixes #5807
Fixes #6266

Angular now depends on es6-promise and es6-collections
(and a handful of manual typings) rather than all of es6-shim.

Fixes #5242

We previously had an undocumented breaking change, this is now
documented in this commit.

Fixes #6817


Transitive typings are no longer included in the distribution.
You may need to install typings in your project using

Users now must rely on getting typings from:
- one of the peerDependencies, such as rxjs, which exposes
  typings via the moduleResolution=node mechanism.
  This happens automatically.
- Using --target ES5 now requires manual installation of
  es6-promise and es6-collections typings.
- Using some angular APIs may introduce a dependency on eg. nodejs
  or jasmine, and those typings need manual installation as well.

Closes #6267
2016-02-04 22:42:40 +00:00

339 lines
11 KiB

'use strict';
var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
var htmlReplace = require('../html-replace');
var jsReplace = require('../js-replace');
var path = require('path');
var stew = require('broccoli-stew');
import compileWithTypescript from '../broccoli-typescript';
import destCopy from '../broccoli-dest-copy';
import flatten from '../broccoli-flatten';
import mergeTrees from '../broccoli-merge-trees';
import replace from '../broccoli-replace';
import checkImports from '../broccoli-check-imports';
const kServedPaths = [
// Relative (to /modules) paths to benchmark directories
// Relative (to /modules) paths to external benchmark directories
// Relative (to /modules) paths to example directories
module.exports = function makeBrowserTree(options, destinationPath) {
const modules = options.projects;
const noTypeChecks = options.noTypeChecks;
const generateEs6 = options.generateEs6;
const sourceMaps = options.sourceMaps;
const useBundles = options.useBundles;
if (modules.angular2) {
var angular2Tree = new Funnel('modules/angular2', {
include: ['**/**'],
exclude: [
// Exclude ES6 polyfill typings when tsc target=ES6
destDir: '/angular2/'
if (modules.angular2_material) {
var angular2MaterialTree =
new Funnel('modules/angular2_material',
{include: ['**/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/angular2_material/'});
if (modules.benchmarks) {
var benchmarksTree =
new Funnel('modules/benchmarks',
{include: ['**/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/benchmarks/'});
if (modules.benchmarks_external) {
var benchmarksExternalTree = new Funnel(
{include: ['**/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/benchmarks_external/'});
if (modules.payload_tests) {
var payloadTestsTree =
new Funnel('modules/payload_tests',
{include: ['**/ts/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/payload_tests/'});
if (modules.playground) {
var playgroundTree =
new Funnel('modules/playground',
{include: ['**/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/playground/'});
if (modules.benchpress) {
var benchpressTree =
new Funnel('modules/benchpress',
{include: ['**/**'], exclude: ['e2e_test/**'], destDir: '/benchpress/'});
var modulesTree = mergeTrees([
var es6PolyfillTypings =
new Funnel('modules', {include: ['angular2/typings/es6-*/**'], destDir: '/'});
var es5ModulesTree = mergeTrees([modulesTree, es6PolyfillTypings]);
var scriptPathPatternReplacement = {
match: '@@PATH',
replacement: function(replacement, relativePath) {
var parts = relativePath.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
return parts.splice(0, parts.length - 1).join('/');
var scriptFilePatternReplacement = {
match: '@@FILENAME',
replacement: function(replacement, relativePath) {
var parts = relativePath.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
return parts[parts.length - 1].replace('html', 'js');
var useBundlesPatternReplacement = {
match: '@@USE_BUNDLES',
replacement: function(replacement, relativePath) { return useBundles; }
// Check that imports do not break barrel boundaries
modulesTree = checkImports(modulesTree);
modulesTree = replace(modulesTree, {
files: ["playground*/**/*.js"],
patterns: [{match: /\$SCRIPTS\$/, replacement: jsReplace('SCRIPTS')}]
let ambientTypings = [
// Use TypeScript to transpile the *.ts files to ES5
var es5Tree = compileWithTypescript(es5ModulesTree, {
declaration: false,
emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
experimentalDecorators: true,
module: 'commonjs',
moduleResolution: 'classic',
noEmitOnError: !noTypeChecks,
rootDir: './',
rootFilePaths: ambientTypings,
inlineSourceMap: sourceMaps,
inlineSources: sourceMaps,
target: 'es5'
var vendorScriptsTree = flatten(new Funnel('.', {
files: [
var vendorScripts_benchmark =
new Funnel('tools/build/snippets', {files: ['url_params_to_form.js'], destDir: '/'});
var vendorScripts_benchmarks_external =
new Funnel('node_modules/angular', {files: ['angular.js'], destDir: '/'});
// Get scripts for each benchmark or example
let servingTrees = kServedPaths.reduce(getServedFunnels, []);
function getServedFunnels(funnels, destDir) {
let options = {srcDir: '/', destDir: destDir};
funnels.push(new Funnel(vendorScriptsTree, options));
if (destDir.indexOf('benchmarks') > -1) {
funnels.push(new Funnel(vendorScripts_benchmark, options));
if (destDir.indexOf('benchmarks_external') > -1) {
funnels.push(new Funnel(vendorScripts_benchmarks_external, options));
return funnels;
if (modules.angular2_material || modules.benchmarks || modules.benchmarks_external ||
modules.playground) {
var assetsTree = new Funnel(
modulesTree, {include: ['**/*'], exclude: ['**/*.{html,ts,dart}'], destDir: '/'});
var htmlTree = new Funnel(modulesTree, {
include: ['*/src/**/*.html', '**/playground/**/*.html', '**/payload_tests/**/ts/**/*.html'],
destDir: '/'
if (modules.playground) {
htmlTree = replace(htmlTree, {
files: ['playground*/**/*.html'],
patterns: [
{match: /\$SCRIPTS\$/, replacement: htmlReplace('SCRIPTS')},
if (modules.benchmarks) {
htmlTree = replace(htmlTree, {
files: ['benchmarks/**'],
patterns: [
{match: /\$SCRIPTS\$/, replacement: htmlReplace('SCRIPTS_benchmarks')},
if (modules.benchmarks_external) {
htmlTree = replace(htmlTree, {
files: ['benchmarks_external/**'],
patterns: [
{match: /\$SCRIPTS\$/, replacement: htmlReplace('SCRIPTS_benchmarks_external')},
if (modules.playground) {
// We need to replace the regular angular bundle with the web-worker bundle
// for web-worker e2e tests.
htmlTree = replace(htmlTree, {
files: ['playground*/**/web_workers/**/*.html'],
patterns: [{match: "/bundle/", replacement: "/bundle/web_worker/"}]
if (modules.benchmarks || modules.benchmarks_external) {
var scripts = mergeTrees(servingTrees);
if (modules.benchmarks_external) {
var polymerFiles = new Funnel('.', {
files: [
var polymer =, 'benchmarks_external/src/tree/polymer');
var reactFiles = new Funnel('.', {files: ['node_modules/react/dist/react.min.js']});
var react =, 'benchmarks_external/src/tree/react');
if (modules.benchmarks || modules.benchmarks_external || modules.playground) {
htmlTree = mergeTrees([htmlTree, scripts, polymer, react]);
// this is needed only for creating a bundle
// typescript resolves dependencies automatically
if (modules.bundle_deps) {
var nodeModules = new Funnel(
'node_modules', {include: ['rxjs/**/**', 'parse5/**/**', 'css/**/**'], destDir: '/'});
if (generateEs6) {
// Use TypeScript to transpile the *.ts files to ES6
var es6Tree = compileWithTypescript(modulesTree, {
declaration: false,
emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
experimentalDecorators: true,
noEmitOnError: false,
rootDir: './',
rootFilePaths: [
inlineSourceMap: sourceMaps,
inlineSources: sourceMaps,
target: 'es6'
es6Tree =[es6Tree, htmlTree, assetsTree, nodeModules]), '/es6');
es5Tree =[es5Tree, htmlTree, assetsTree, nodeModules]), '/es5');
var mergedTree = mergeTrees([es6Tree, es5Tree]);
return destCopy(mergedTree, destinationPath);