George Kalpakas 7e38f4fd1f fix(aio): fix window title on Home page (#20440)
Using `display: none` on the `<h1>` causes `innerText` to not work as expected
and include the icon ligature (`link`) in the title. This caused the window
title on the Home page to appear as "Angular - link".
This commit fixes it by not generating anchors at all for headings with the
`no-anchor` class.

Fixes #20427

PR Close #20440
2017-11-15 18:25:58 -06:00

68 lines
2.4 KiB

import { browser, element, by, promise, ElementFinder, ExpectedConditions } from 'protractor';
const githubRegex = /https:\/\/\/angular\/angular\//;
export class SitePage {
links = element.all(by.css('md-toolbar a'));
homeLink = element(by.css('a.home'));
docsMenuLink = element(by.cssContainingText('aio-top-menu a', 'Docs'));
docViewer = element(by.css('aio-doc-viewer'));
codeExample = element.all(by.css('aio-doc-viewer pre > code'));
ghLink = this.docViewer
.filter((a: ElementFinder) => a.getAttribute('href').then(href => githubRegex.test(href)))
static setWindowWidth(newWidth: number) {
const win = browser.driver.manage().window();
return win.getSize().then(oldSize => win.setSize(newWidth, oldSize.height));
getNavItem(pattern: RegExp) {
return element.all(by.css('aio-nav-item .vertical-menu-item'))
.filter(element => element.getText().then(text => pattern.test(text)))
getTopMenuLink(path) { return element(by.css(`aio-top-menu a[href="${path}"]`)); }
ga() { return browser.executeScript('return window["ga"].q') as promise.Promise<any[][]>; }
locationPath() { return browser.executeScript('return document.location.pathname') as promise.Promise<string>; }
navigateTo(pageUrl = '') {
return browser.get('/' + pageUrl)
// We need to tell the index.html not to load the real analytics library
// See the GA snippet in index.html
.then(() => browser.executeScript('sessionStorage.setItem("__e2e__", true);'));
getDocViewerText() {
return this.docViewer.getText();
getInnerHtml(element) {
// `getInnerHtml` was removed from webDriver and this is the workaround.
// See
return browser.executeScript('return arguments[0].innerHTML;', element);
getScrollTop() {
return browser.executeScript('return window.pageYOffset');
scrollToBottom() {
return browser.executeScript('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)');
enterSearch(query: string) {
const input = element(by.css('.search-container input[type=search]'));
getSearchResults() {
const results = element.all(by.css('.search-results li'));
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.presenceOf(results.first()), 8000);
return results;