The current logic in the compiler is to bail when there are errors when parsing a template into an HTML AST or when there are errors in the i18n metadata. As a result, a template with these types of parse errors _will not have any information for the language service_. This is because we never attempt to conver the HTML AST to a template AST in these scenarios, so there are no template AST nodes for the language service to look at for information. In addition, this also means that the errors are never displayed in the template to the user because there are no nodes to map the error to. This commit adds an option to the template parser to temporarily ignore the html parse and i18n meta errors and always perform the template AST conversion. At the end, the i18n and HTML parse errors are appended to the returned errors list. While this seems risky, it at least provides us with more information than we had before (which was 0) and it's only done in the context of the language service, when the compiler is configured to use poisoned data (HTML parse and i18n meta errors can be interpreted as a "poisoned" template). fixes angular/vscode-ng-language-service#1140 PR Close #41068
625 lines
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625 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {BindingType} from '../../src/expression_parser/ast';
import * as t from '../../src/render3/r3_ast';
import {unparse} from '../expression_parser/utils/unparser';
import {parseR3 as parse} from './view/util';
// Transform an IVY AST to a flat list of nodes to ease testing
class R3AstHumanizer implements t.Visitor<void> {
result: any[] = [];
visitElement(element: t.Element) {
visitTemplate(template: t.Template) {
visitContent(content: t.Content) {
this.result.push(['Content', content.selector]);
t.visitAll(this, content.attributes);
visitVariable(variable: t.Variable) {
this.result.push(['Variable',, variable.value]);
visitReference(reference: t.Reference) {
this.result.push(['Reference',, reference.value]);
visitTextAttribute(attribute: t.TextAttribute) {
this.result.push(['TextAttribute',, attribute.value]);
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: t.BoundAttribute) {
visitBoundEvent(event: t.BoundEvent) {
visitText(text: t.Text) {
this.result.push(['Text', text.value]);
visitBoundText(text: t.BoundText) {
this.result.push(['BoundText', unparse(text.value)]);
visitIcu(icu: t.Icu) {
return null;
private visitAll(nodes: t.Node[][]) {
nodes.forEach(node => t.visitAll(this, node));
function expectFromHtml(html: string, ignoreError = false) {
const res = parse(html, {ignoreError});
return expectFromR3Nodes(res.nodes);
function expectFromR3Nodes(nodes: t.Node[]) {
const humanizer = new R3AstHumanizer();
t.visitAll(humanizer, nodes);
return expect(humanizer.result);
function expectSpanFromHtml(html: string) {
const {nodes} = parse(html);
return expect(nodes[0]!.sourceSpan.toString());
describe('R3 template transform', () => {
describe('ParseSpan on nodes toString', () => {
it('should create valid text span on Element with adjacent start and end tags', () => {
describe('Nodes without binding', () => {
it('should parse incomplete tags terminated by EOF', () => {
expectFromHtml('<a', true /* ignoreError */).toEqual([
['Element', 'a'],
it('should parse incomplete tags terminated by another tag', () => {
expectFromHtml('<a <span></span>', true /* ignoreError */).toEqual([
['Element', 'a'],
['Element', 'span'],
it('should parse text nodes', () => {
['Text', 'a'],
it('should parse elements with attributes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div a=b></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'a', 'b'],
it('should parse ngContent', () => {
const res = parse('<ng-content select="a"></ng-content>');
['Content', 'a'],
['TextAttribute', 'select', 'a'],
it('should parse ngContent when it contains WS only', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-content select="a"> \n </ng-content>').toEqual([
['Content', 'a'],
['TextAttribute', 'select', 'a'],
it('should parse ngContent regardless the namespace', () => {
expectFromHtml('<svg><ng-content select="a"></ng-content></svg>').toEqual([
['Element', ':svg:svg'],
['Content', 'a'],
['TextAttribute', 'select', 'a'],
describe('Bound text nodes', () => {
it('should parse bound text nodes', () => {
['BoundText', '{{ a }}'],
describe('Bound attributes', () => {
it('should parse mixed case bound properties', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [someProp]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'someProp', 'v'],
it('should parse bound properties via bind- ', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div bind-prop="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v'],
it('should report missing property names in bind- syntax', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div bind-></div>')).toThrowError(/Property name is missing in binding/);
it('should parse bound properties via {{...}}', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div prop="{{v}}"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'prop', '{{ v }}'],
it('should parse dash case bound properties', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [some-prop]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'some-prop', 'v'],
it('should parse dotted name bound properties', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [d.ot]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'd.ot', 'v'],
it('should not normalize property names via the element schema', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [mappedAttr]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'mappedAttr', 'v'],
it('should parse mixed case bound attributes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [attr.someAttr]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Attribute, 'someAttr', 'v'],
it('should parse and dash case bound classes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [class.some-class]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Class, 'some-class', 'v'],
it('should parse mixed case bound classes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [class.someClass]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Class, 'someClass', 'v'],
it('should parse mixed case bound styles', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [style.someStyle]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Style, 'someStyle', 'v'],
describe('templates', () => {
it('should support * directives', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div *ngIf></div>').toEqual([
['TextAttribute', 'ngIf', ''],
['Element', 'div'],
it('should support <ng-template>', () => {
it('should support <ng-template> regardless the namespace', () => {
['Element', ':svg:svg'],
it('should support reference via #...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-template #a></ng-template>').toEqual([
['Reference', 'a', ''],
it('should support reference via ref-...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-template ref-a></ng-template>').toEqual([
['Reference', 'a', ''],
it('should report an error if a reference is used multiple times on the same template', () => {
expect(() => parse('<ng-template #a #a></ng-template>'))
.toThrowError(/Reference "#a" is defined more than once/);
it('should parse variables via let-...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-template let-a="b"></ng-template>').toEqual([
['Variable', 'a', 'b'],
it('should parse attributes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-template k1="v1" k2="v2"></ng-template>').toEqual([
['TextAttribute', 'k1', 'v1'],
['TextAttribute', 'k2', 'v2'],
it('should parse bound attributes', () => {
expectFromHtml('<ng-template [k1]="v1" [k2]="v2"></ng-template>').toEqual([
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'k1', 'v1'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'k2', 'v2'],
describe('inline templates', () => {
it('should support attribute and bound attributes', () => {
// Desugared form is
// <ng-template ngFor [ngForOf]="items" let-item>
// <div></div>
// </ng-template>
expectFromHtml('<div *ngFor="let item of items"></div>').toEqual([
['TextAttribute', 'ngFor', ''],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'ngForOf', 'items'],
['Variable', 'item', '$implicit'],
['Element', 'div'],
// Note that this test exercises an *incorrect* usage of the ngFor
// directive. There is a missing 'let' in the beginning of the expression
// which causes the template to be desugared into
// <ng-template [ngFor]="item" [ngForOf]="items">
// <div></div>
// </ng-template>
expectFromHtml('<div *ngFor="item of items"></div>').toEqual([
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'ngFor', 'item'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'ngForOf', 'items'],
['Element', 'div'],
it('should parse variables via let ...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div *ngIf="let a=b"></div>').toEqual([
['TextAttribute', 'ngIf', ''],
['Variable', 'a', 'b'],
['Element', 'div'],
it('should parse variables via as ...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div *ngIf="expr as local"></div>').toEqual([
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'ngIf', 'expr'],
['Variable', 'local', 'ngIf'],
['Element', 'div'],
describe('events', () => {
it('should parse bound events with a target', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div (window:event)="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundEvent', 'event', 'window', 'v'],
it('should parse event names case sensitive', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div (some-event)="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundEvent', 'some-event', null, 'v'],
expectFromHtml('<div (someEvent)="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundEvent', 'someEvent', null, 'v'],
it('should parse bound events via on-', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div on-event="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundEvent', 'event', null, 'v'],
it('should report missing event names in on- syntax', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div on-></div>')).toThrowError(/Event name is missing in binding/);
it('should parse bound events and properties via [(...)]', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div [(prop)]="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v'],
['BoundEvent', 'propChange', null, 'v = $event'],
it('should parse bound events and properties via bindon-', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div bindon-prop="v"></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundAttribute', BindingType.Property, 'prop', 'v'],
['BoundEvent', 'propChange', null, 'v = $event'],
it('should report missing property names in bindon- syntax', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div bindon-></div>'))
.toThrowError(/Property name is missing in binding/);
it('should report an error on empty expression', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div (event)="">')).toThrowError(/Empty expressions are not allowed/);
expect(() => parse('<div (event)=" ">')).toThrowError(/Empty expressions are not allowed/);
it('should parse bound animation events when event name is empty', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div (@)="onAnimationEvent($event)"></div>', true).toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['BoundEvent', '', null, 'onAnimationEvent($event)'],
expect(() => parse('<div (@)></div>'))
.toThrowError(/Animation event name is missing in binding/);
it('should report invalid phase value of animation event', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div (@event.invalidPhase)></div>'))
/The provided animation output phase value "invalidphase" for "@event" is not supported \(use start or done\)/);
expect(() => parse('<div (@event.)></div>'))
/The animation trigger output event \(@event\) is missing its phase value name \(start or done are currently supported\)/);
expect(() => parse('<div (@event)></div>'))
/The animation trigger output event \(@event\) is missing its phase value name \(start or done are currently supported\)/);
describe('variables', () => {
it('should report variables not on template elements', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div let-a-name="b"></div>'))
.toThrowError(/"let-" is only supported on ng-template elements./);
it('should report missing variable names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<ng-template let-><ng-template>'))
.toThrowError(/Variable does not have a name/);
describe('references', () => {
it('should parse references via #...', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div #a></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['Reference', 'a', ''],
it('should parse references via ref-', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div ref-a></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['Reference', 'a', ''],
it('should parse camel case references', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div #someA></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['Reference', 'someA', ''],
it('should report invalid reference names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a-b></div>')).toThrowError(/"-" is not allowed in reference names/);
it('should report missing reference names', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #></div>')).toThrowError(/Reference does not have a name/);
it('should report an error if a reference is used multiple times on the same element', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div #a #a></div>'))
.toThrowError(/Reference "#a" is defined more than once/);
describe('literal attribute', () => {
it('should report missing animation trigger in @ syntax', () => {
expect(() => parse('<div @></div>')).toThrowError(/Animation trigger is missing/);
describe('ng-content', () => {
it('should parse ngContent without selector', () => {
const res = parse('<ng-content></ng-content>');
['Content', '*'],
it('should parse ngContent with a specific selector', () => {
const res = parse('<ng-content select="tag[attribute]"></ng-content>');
const selectors = ['', 'tag[attribute]'];
['Content', selectors[1]],
['TextAttribute', 'select', selectors[1]],
it('should parse ngContent with a selector', () => {
const res = parse(
'<ng-content select="a"></ng-content><ng-content></ng-content><ng-content select="b"></ng-content>');
const selectors = ['*', 'a', 'b'];
['Content', selectors[1]],
['TextAttribute', 'select', selectors[1]],
['Content', selectors[0]],
['Content', selectors[2]],
['TextAttribute', 'select', selectors[2]],
it('should parse ngProjectAs as an attribute', () => {
const res = parse('<ng-content ngProjectAs="a"></ng-content>');
['Content', '*'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngProjectAs', 'a'],
describe('Ignored elements', () => {
it('should ignore <script> elements', () => {
['Text', 'a'],
it('should ignore <style> elements', () => {
['Text', 'a'],
describe('<link rel="stylesheet">', () => {
it('should keep <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have an absolute url', () => {
expectFromHtml('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://someurl">').toEqual([
['Element', 'link'],
['TextAttribute', 'rel', 'stylesheet'],
['TextAttribute', 'href', 'http://someurl'],
expectFromHtml('<link REL="stylesheet" href="http://someurl">').toEqual([
['Element', 'link'],
['TextAttribute', 'REL', 'stylesheet'],
['TextAttribute', 'href', 'http://someurl'],
it('should keep <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have no uri', () => {
expectFromHtml('<link rel="stylesheet">').toEqual([
['Element', 'link'],
['TextAttribute', 'rel', 'stylesheet'],
expectFromHtml('<link REL="stylesheet">').toEqual([
['Element', 'link'],
['TextAttribute', 'REL', 'stylesheet'],
it('should ignore <link rel="stylesheet"> elements if they have a relative uri', () => {
expectFromHtml('<link rel="stylesheet" href="./other.css">').toEqual([]);
expectFromHtml('<link REL="stylesheet" HREF="./other.css">').toEqual([]);
describe('ngNonBindable', () => {
it('should ignore bindings on children of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div ngNonBindable>{{b}}</div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngNonBindable', ''],
['Text', '{{b}}'],
it('should keep nested children of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div ngNonBindable><span>{{b}}</span></div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngNonBindable', ''],
['Element', 'span'],
['Text', '{{b}}'],
it('should ignore <script> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div ngNonBindable><script></script>a</div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngNonBindable', ''],
['Text', 'a'],
it('should ignore <style> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable', () => {
expectFromHtml('<div ngNonBindable><style></style>a</div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngNonBindable', ''],
['Text', 'a'],
it('should ignore <link rel="stylesheet"> elements inside of elements with ngNonBindable',
() => {
expectFromHtml('<div ngNonBindable><link rel="stylesheet">a</div>').toEqual([
['Element', 'div'],
['TextAttribute', 'ngNonBindable', ''],
['Text', 'a'],