
253 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {logging} from '@angular-devkit/core';
import {Rule, SchematicContext, SchematicsException, Tree} from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
import {relative} from 'path';
import {from} from 'rxjs';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NgComponentTemplateVisitor} from '../../utils/ng_component_template';
import {getProjectTsConfigPaths} from '../../utils/project_tsconfig_paths';
import {createMigrationProgram} from '../../utils/typescript/compiler_host';
import {NgQueryResolveVisitor} from './angular/ng_query_visitor';
import {QueryTemplateStrategy} from './strategies/template_strategy/template_strategy';
import {QueryTestStrategy} from './strategies/test_strategy/test_strategy';
import {TimingStrategy} from './strategies/timing-strategy';
import {QueryUsageStrategy} from './strategies/usage_strategy/usage_strategy';
import {getTransformedQueryCallExpr} from './transform';
interface AnalyzedProject {
program: ts.Program;
host: ts.CompilerHost;
queryVisitor: NgQueryResolveVisitor;
sourceFiles: ts.SourceFile[];
basePath: string;
typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker;
tsconfigPath: string;
/** Entry point for the V8 static-query migration. */
export default function(): Rule {
return (tree: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => {
// We need to cast the returned "Observable" to "any" as there is a
// RxJS version mismatch that breaks the TS compilation.
return from(runMigration(tree, context).then(() => tree)) as any;
/** Runs the V8 migration static-query migration for all determined TypeScript projects. */
async function runMigration(tree: Tree, context: SchematicContext) {
const {buildPaths, testPaths} = getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree);
const basePath = process.cwd();
const logger = context.logger;
if (!buildPaths.length && !testPaths.length) {
throw new SchematicsException(
'Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot migrate queries ' +
'to add static flag.');
const analyzedFiles = new Set<string>();
const buildProjects = new Set<AnalyzedProject>();
const failures = [];
const strategy = process.env['NG_STATIC_QUERY_USAGE_STRATEGY'] === 'true' ?
for (const tsconfigPath of buildPaths) {
const project = analyzeProject(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath, analyzedFiles, logger);
if (project) {
if (buildProjects.size) {
for (let project of Array.from(buildProjects.values())) {
failures.push(...await runStaticQueryMigration(tree, project, strategy, logger));
// For the "test" tsconfig projects we always want to use the test strategy as
// we can't detect the proper timing within spec files.
for (const tsconfigPath of testPaths) {
const project = await analyzeProject(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath, analyzedFiles, logger);
if (project) {
...await runStaticQueryMigration(tree, project, SELECTED_STRATEGY.TESTS, logger));
if (failures.length) {'');'Some queries could not be migrated automatically. Please go');'through these manually and apply the appropriate timing.');'For more info on how to choose a flag, please see: ');'');
failures.forEach(failure => logger.warn(`${failure}`));
* Analyzes the given TypeScript project by looking for queries that need to be
* migrated. In case there are no queries that can be migrated, null is returned.
function analyzeProject(
tree: Tree, tsconfigPath: string, basePath: string, analyzedFiles: Set<string>,
logger: logging.LoggerApi): AnalyzedProject|null {
const {program, host} = createMigrationProgram(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath);
const syntacticDiagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
// Syntactic TypeScript errors can throw off the query analysis and therefore we want
// to notify the developer that we couldn't analyze parts of the project. Developers
// can just re-run the migration after fixing these failures.
if (syntacticDiagnostics.length) {
`\nTypeScript project "${tsconfigPath}" has syntactical errors which could cause ` +
`an incomplete migration. Please fix the following failures and rerun the migration:`);
logger.error(ts.formatDiagnostics(syntacticDiagnostics, host));
'Migration can be rerun with: "ng update @angular/core --from 7 --to 8 --migrate-only"\n');
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles().filter(
f => !f.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(f));
const queryVisitor = new NgQueryResolveVisitor(typeChecker);
// Analyze all project source-files and collect all queries that
// need to be migrated.
sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => {
const relativePath = relative(basePath, sourceFile.fileName);
// Only look for queries within the current source files if the
// file has not been analyzed before.
if (!analyzedFiles.has(relativePath)) {
if (queryVisitor.resolvedQueries.size === 0) {
return null;
return {program, host, tsconfigPath, typeChecker, basePath, queryVisitor, sourceFiles};
* Runs the static query migration for the given project. The schematic analyzes all
* queries within the project and sets up the query timing based on the current usage
* of the query property. e.g. a view query that is not used in any lifecycle hook does
* not need to be static and can be set up with "static: false".
async function runStaticQueryMigration(
tree: Tree, project: AnalyzedProject, selectedStrategy: SELECTED_STRATEGY,
logger: logging.LoggerApi): Promise<string[]> {
const {sourceFiles, typeChecker, host, queryVisitor, tsconfigPath, basePath} = project;
const printer = ts.createPrinter();
const failureMessages: string[] = [];
const templateVisitor = new NgComponentTemplateVisitor(typeChecker);
// If the "usage" strategy is selected, we also need to add the query visitor
// to the analysis visitors so that query usage in templates can be also checked.
if (selectedStrategy === SELECTED_STRATEGY.USAGE) {
sourceFiles.forEach(s => templateVisitor.visitNode(s));
const {resolvedQueries, classMetadata} = queryVisitor;
const {resolvedTemplates} = templateVisitor;
if (selectedStrategy === SELECTED_STRATEGY.USAGE) {
// Add all resolved templates to the class metadata if the usage strategy is used. This
// is necessary in order to be able to check component templates for static query usage.
resolvedTemplates.forEach(template => {
if (classMetadata.has(template.container)) {
classMetadata.get(template.container)!.template = template;
let strategy: TimingStrategy;
if (selectedStrategy === SELECTED_STRATEGY.USAGE) {
strategy = new QueryUsageStrategy(classMetadata, typeChecker);
} else if (selectedStrategy === SELECTED_STRATEGY.TESTS) {
strategy = new QueryTestStrategy();
} else {
strategy = new QueryTemplateStrategy(tsconfigPath, classMetadata, host);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (selectedStrategy === SELECTED_STRATEGY.TEMPLATE) {
`\nThe template migration strategy uses the Angular compiler ` +
`internally and therefore projects that no longer build successfully after ` +
`the update cannot use the template migration strategy. Please ensure ` +
`there are no AOT compilation errors.\n`);
// In case the strategy could not be set up properly, we just exit the
// migration. We don't want to throw an exception as this could mean
// that other migrations are interrupted.
`Could not setup migration strategy for "${project.tsconfigPath}". The ` +
`following error has been reported:\n`);
'Migration can be rerun with: "ng update @angular/core --from 7 --to 8 --migrate-only"\n');
return [];
// Walk through all source files that contain resolved queries and update
// the source files if needed. Note that we need to update multiple queries
// within a source file within the same recorder in order to not throw off
// the TypeScript node offsets.
resolvedQueries.forEach((queries, sourceFile) => {
const relativePath = relative(basePath, sourceFile.fileName);
const update = tree.beginUpdate(relativePath);
// Compute the query timing for all resolved queries and update the
// query definitions to explicitly set the determined query timing.
queries.forEach(q => {
const queryExpr = q.decorator.node.expression;
const {timing, message} = strategy.detectTiming(q);
const result = getTransformedQueryCallExpr(q, timing, !!message);
if (!result) {
const newText = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, result.node, sourceFile);
// Replace the existing query decorator call expression with the updated
// call expression node.
update.remove(queryExpr.getStart(), queryExpr.getWidth());
update.insertRight(queryExpr.getStart(), newText);
if (result.failureMessage || message) {
const {line, character} =
ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, q.decorator.node.getStart());
`${relativePath}@${line + 1}:${character + 1}: ${result.failureMessage || message}`);
return failureMessages;