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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CssSelector, SelectorMatcher, TmplAstElement, TmplAstTemplate} from '@angular/compiler';
import {DirectiveInScope, ElementSymbol, TemplateSymbol, TemplateTypeChecker, TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {DisplayInfoKind, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind} from './display_parts';
import {makeElementSelector} from './utils';
* Differentiates different kinds of `AttributeCompletion`s.
export enum AttributeCompletionKind {
* Completion of an attribute from the HTML schema.
* Attributes often have a corresponding DOM property of the same name.
* Completion of a property from the DOM schema.
* `DomProperty` completions are generated only for properties which don't share their name with
* an HTML attribute.
* Completion of an attribute that results in a new directive being matched on an element.
* Completion of an attribute that results in a new structural directive being matched on an
* element.
* Completion of an input from a directive which is either present on the element, or becomes
* present after the addition of this attribute.
* Completion of an output from a directive which is either present on the element, or becomes
* present after the addition of this attribute.
* Completion of an attribute from the DOM schema.
export interface DomAttributeCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute;
* Name of the HTML attribute (not to be confused with the corresponding DOM property name).
attribute: string;
* Whether this attribute is also a DOM property.
isAlsoProperty: boolean;
* Completion of a DOM property of an element that's distinct from an HTML attribute.
export interface DomPropertyCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty;
* Name of the DOM property
property: string;
* Completion of an attribute which results in a new directive being matched on an element.
export interface DirectiveAttributeCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute|
* Name of the attribute whose addition causes this directive to match the element.
attribute: string;
* The directive whose selector gave rise to this completion.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* Completion of an input of a directive which may either be present on the element, or become
* present when a binding to this input is added.
export interface DirectiveInputCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput;
* The public property name of the input (the name which would be used in any binding to that
* input).
propertyName: string;
* The directive which has this input.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* The field name on the directive class which corresponds to this input.
* Currently, in the case where a single property name corresponds to multiple input fields, only
* the first such field is represented here. In the future multiple results may be warranted.
classPropertyName: string;
* Whether this input can be used with two-way binding (that is, whether a corresponding change
* output exists on the directive).
twoWayBindingSupported: boolean;
export interface DirectiveOutputCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput;
* The public event name of the output (the name which would be used in any binding to that
* output).
eventName: string;
*The directive which has this output.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* The field name on the directive class which corresponds to this output.
classPropertyName: string;
* Any named attribute which is available for completion on a given element.
* Disambiguated by the `kind` property into various types of completions.
export type AttributeCompletion = DomAttributeCompletion|DomPropertyCompletion|
* Given an element and its context, produce a `Map` of all possible attribute completions.
* 3 kinds of attributes are considered for completion, from highest to lowest priority:
* 1. Inputs/outputs of directives present on the element already.
* 2. Inputs/outputs of directives that are not present on the element, but which would become
* present if such a binding is added.
* 3. Attributes from the DOM schema for the element.
* The priority of these options determines which completions are added to the `Map`. If a directive
* input shares the same name as a DOM attribute, the `Map` will reflect the directive input
* completion, not the DOM completion for that name.
export function buildAttributeCompletionTable(
component: ts.ClassDeclaration, element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate,
checker: TemplateTypeChecker): Map<string, AttributeCompletion> {
const table = new Map<string, AttributeCompletion>();
// Use the `ElementSymbol` or `TemplateSymbol` to iterate over directives present on the node, and
// their inputs/outputs. These have the highest priority of completion results.
const symbol: ElementSymbol|TemplateSymbol =
checker.getSymbolOfNode(element, component) as ElementSymbol | TemplateSymbol;
const presentDirectives = new Set<ts.ClassDeclaration>();
if (symbol !== null) {
// An `ElementSymbol` was available. This means inputs and outputs for directives on the
// element can be added to the completion table.
for (const dirSymbol of symbol.directives) {
const directive = dirSymbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
if (!ts.isClassDeclaration(directive)) {
const meta = checker.getDirectiveMetadata(directive);
if (meta === null) {
for (const [propertyName, classPropertyName] of meta.inputs) {
if (table.has(propertyName)) {
table.set(propertyName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput,
directive: dirSymbol,
twoWayBindingSupported: meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(propertyName + 'Change'),
for (const [propertyName, classPropertyName] of meta.outputs) {
if (table.has(propertyName)) {
table.set(propertyName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput,
eventName: propertyName,
directive: dirSymbol,
// Next, explore hypothetical directives and determine if the addition of any single attributes
// can cause the directive to match the element.
const directivesInScope = checker.getDirectivesInScope(component);
if (directivesInScope !== null) {
const elementSelector = makeElementSelector(element);
for (const dirInScope of directivesInScope) {
const directive = dirInScope.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
// Skip directives that are present on the element.
if (!ts.isClassDeclaration(directive) || presentDirectives.has(directive)) {
const meta = checker.getDirectiveMetadata(directive);
if (meta === null || meta.selector === null) {
if (!meta.isStructural) {
// For non-structural directives, the directive's attribute selector(s) are matched against
// a hypothetical version of the element with those attributes. A match indicates that
// adding that attribute/input/output binding would cause the directive to become present,
// meaning that such a binding is a valid completion.
const selectors = CssSelector.parse(meta.selector);
const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
for (const selector of selectors) {
for (const [attrName, attrValue] of selectorAttributes(selector)) {
if (attrValue !== '') {
// This attribute selector requires a value, which is not supported in completion.
if (table.has(attrName)) {
// Skip this attribute as there's already a binding for it.
// Check whether adding this attribute would cause the directive to start matching.
const newElementSelector = elementSelector + `[${attrName}]`;
if (!matcher.match(CssSelector.parse(newElementSelector)[0], null)) {
// Nope, move on with our lives.
// Adding this attribute causes a new directive to be matched. Decide how to categorize
// it based on the directive's inputs and outputs.
if (meta.inputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName)) {
// This attribute corresponds to an input binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput,
directive: dirInScope,
propertyName: attrName,
twoWayBindingSupported: meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName + 'Change'),
} else if (meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName)) {
// This attribute corresponds to an output binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput,
directive: dirInScope,
eventName: attrName,
} else {
// This attribute causes a new directive to be matched, but does not also correspond
// to an input or output binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute,
attribute: attrName,
directive: dirInScope,
} else {
// Hypothetically matching a structural directive is a litle different than a plain
// directive. Use of the '*' structural directive syntactic sugar means that the actual
// directive is applied to a plain <ng-template> node, not the existing element with any
// other attributes it might already have.
// Additionally, more than one attribute/input might need to be present in order for the
// directive to match (e.g. `ngFor` has a selector of `[ngFor][ngForOf]`). This gets a
// little tricky.
const structuralAttributes = getStructuralAttributes(meta);
for (const attrName of structuralAttributes) {
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute,
attribute: attrName,
directive: dirInScope,
// Finally, add any DOM attributes not already covered by inputs.
if (element instanceof TmplAstElement) {
for (const {attribute, property} of checker.getPotentialDomBindings( {
const isAlsoProperty = attribute === property;
if (!table.has(attribute)) {
table.set(attribute, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute,
if (!isAlsoProperty && !table.has(property)) {
table.set(property, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty,
return table;
* Given an `AttributeCompletion`, add any available completions to a `ts.CompletionEntry` array of
* results.
* The kind of completions generated depends on whether the current context is an attribute context
* or not. For example, completing on `<element attr|>` will generate two results: `attribute` and
* `[attribute]` - either a static attribute can be generated, or a property binding. However,
* `<element [attr|]>` is not an attribute context, and so only the property completion `attribute`
* is generated. Note that this completion does not have the `[]` property binding sugar as its
* implicitly present in a property binding context (we're already completing within an `[attr|]`
* expression).
export function addAttributeCompletionEntries(
entries: ts.CompletionEntry[], completion: AttributeCompletion, isAttributeContext: boolean,
isElementContext: boolean, replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan|undefined): void {
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute: {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute: {
// In an element, the completion is offered with a leading '*' to activate the structural
// directive. Once present, the structural attribute will be parsed as a template and not an
// element, and the prefix is no longer necessary.
const prefix = isElementContext ? '*' : '';
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE),
name: prefix + completion.attribute,
sortText: prefix + completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
// Offer a completion of a property binding.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[${completion.propertyName}]`,
sortText: completion.propertyName,
// If the directive supports banana-in-a-box for this input, offer that as well.
if (completion.twoWayBindingSupported) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[(${completion.propertyName})]`,
// This completion should sort after the property binding.
sortText: completion.propertyName + '_1',
// Offer a completion of the input binding as an attribute.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE),
name: completion.propertyName,
// This completion should sort after both property binding options (one-way and two-way).
sortText: completion.propertyName + '_2',
} else {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: completion.propertyName,
sortText: completion.propertyName,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.EVENT),
name: `(${completion.eventName})`,
sortText: completion.eventName,
} else {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.EVENT),
name: completion.eventName,
sortText: completion.eventName,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
// Offer a completion of an attribute binding.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
if (completion.isAlsoProperty) {
// Offer a completion of a property binding to the DOM property.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[${completion.attribute}]`,
// In the case of DOM attributes, the property binding should sort after the attribute
// binding.
sortText: completion.attribute + '_1',
} else if (completion.isAlsoProperty) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty: {
if (!isAttributeContext) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
export function getAttributeCompletionSymbol(
completion: AttributeCompletion, checker: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Symbol|null {
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
return null;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute:
return completion.directive.tsSymbol;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
return checker.getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(completion.directive.tsSymbol)
.getProperty(completion.classPropertyName) ??
* Iterates over `CssSelector` attributes, which are internally represented in a zipped array style
* which is not conducive to straightforward iteration.
function* selectorAttributes(selector: CssSelector): Iterable<[string, string]> {
for (let i = 0; i < selector.attrs.length; i += 2) {
yield [selector.attrs[0], selector.attrs[1]];
function getStructuralAttributes(meta: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta): string[] {
if (meta.selector === null) {
return [];
const structuralAttributes: string[] = [];
const selectors = CssSelector.parse(meta.selector);
for (const selector of selectors) {
if (selector.element !== null && selector.element !== 'ng-template') {
// This particular selector does not apply under structural directive syntax.
// Every attribute of this selector must be name-only - no required values.
const attributeSelectors = Array.from(selectorAttributes(selector));
if (!attributeSelectors.every(([_, attrValue]) => attrValue === '')) {
// Get every named selector.
const attributes =[attrName, _]) => attrName);
// Find the shortest attribute. This is the structural directive "base", and all potential
// input bindings must begin with the base. E.g. in `*ngFor="let a of b"`, `ngFor` is the
// base attribute, and the `of` binding key corresponds to an input of `ngForOf`.
const baseAttr = attributes.reduce(
(prev, curr) => prev === null || curr.length < prev.length ? curr : prev,
null as string | null);
if (baseAttr === null) {
// No attributes in this selector?
// Validate that the attributes are compatible with use as a structural directive.
const isValid = (attr: string): boolean => {
// The base attribute is valid by default.
if (attr === baseAttr) {
return true;
// Non-base attributes must all be prefixed with the base attribute.
if (!attr.startsWith(baseAttr)) {
return false;
// Non-base attributes must also correspond to directive inputs.
if (!meta.inputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attr)) {
return false;
// This attribute is compatible.
return true;
if (!attributes.every(isValid)) {
// This attribute is valid as a structural attribute for this directive.
return structuralAttributes;