JiaLiPassion 41667de778 fix(zone.js): add issue numbers of @types/jasmine to the test cases (#34625)
Some cases will still need to use `spy as any` cast, because `@types/jasmine` have some issues,
1. The issue jasmine doesn't handle optional method properties, https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/43486
2. The issue jasmine doesn't handle overload method correctly, https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/42455

PR Close #34625
2020-04-08 12:10:34 -07:00

161 lines
5.7 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {NgZone} from '@angular/core';
import {fakeAsync, inject, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it,} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal';
import {EventManager} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {HammerGestureConfig, HammerGesturesPlugin,} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/events/hammer_gestures';
describe('HammerGesturesPlugin', () => {
let plugin: HammerGesturesPlugin;
let fakeConsole: any;
if (isNode) return;
beforeEach(() => {
fakeConsole = {warn: jasmine.createSpy('console.warn')};
describe('with no custom loader', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
plugin = new HammerGesturesPlugin(document, new HammerGestureConfig(), fakeConsole);
it('should implement addGlobalEventListener', () => {
spyOn(plugin, 'addEventListener').and.callFake(() => () => {});
expect(() => {
plugin.addGlobalEventListener('document', 'swipe', () => {});
it('should warn user and do nothing when Hammer.js not loaded', () => {
`The "swipe" event cannot be bound because Hammer.JS is not ` +
`loaded and no custom loader has been specified.`);
describe('with a custom loader', () => {
// Use a fake custom loader for tests, with helper functions to resolve or reject.
let loader: () => Promise<void>;
let resolveLoader: () => void;
let failLoader: () => void;
// Arbitrary element and listener for testing.
let someElement: HTMLDivElement;
let someListener: () => void;
// Keep track of whatever value is in `window.Hammer` before the test so it can be
// restored afterwards so that this test doesn't care whether Hammer is actually loaded.
let originalHammerGlobal: any;
// Fake Hammer instance ("mc") used to test the underlying event registration.
let fakeHammerInstance: {on: () => void, off: () => void};
// Inject the NgZone so that we can make it available to the plugin through a fake
// EventManager.
let ngZone: NgZone;
beforeEach(inject([NgZone], (z: NgZone) => {
ngZone = z;
beforeEach(() => {
originalHammerGlobal = (window as any).Hammer;
(window as any).Hammer = undefined;
fakeHammerInstance = {
on: jasmine.createSpy('mc.on'),
off: jasmine.createSpy('mc.off'),
loader = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolveLoader = resolve;
failLoader = reject;
// Make the hammer config return a fake hammer instance
const hammerConfig = new HammerGestureConfig();
spyOn(hammerConfig, 'buildHammer').and.returnValue(fakeHammerInstance);
plugin = new HammerGesturesPlugin(document, hammerConfig, fakeConsole, loader);
// Use a fake EventManager that has access to the NgZone.
plugin.manager = {getZone: () => ngZone} as EventManager;
someElement = document.createElement('div');
someListener = () => {};
afterEach(() => {
(window as any).Hammer = originalHammerGlobal;
it('should not log a warning when HammerJS is not loaded', () => {
plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', () => {});
it('should defer registering an event until Hammer is loaded', fakeAsync(() => {
plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', someListener);
(window as any).Hammer = {};
expect(fakeHammerInstance.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith('swipe', jasmine.any(Function));
it('should cancel registration if an event is removed before being added', fakeAsync(() => {
const deregister = plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', someListener);
(window as any).Hammer = {};
it('should remove a listener after Hammer is loaded', fakeAsync(() => {
const removeListener = plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', someListener);
(window as any).Hammer = {};
expect(fakeHammerInstance.off).toHaveBeenCalledWith('swipe', jasmine.any(Function));
it('should log a warning when the loader fails', fakeAsync(() => {
plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', () => {});
`The "swipe" event cannot be bound because the custom Hammer.JS loader failed.`);
it('should load a warning if the loader resolves and Hammer is not present', fakeAsync(() => {
plugin.addEventListener(someElement, 'swipe', () => {});
`The custom HAMMER_LOADER completed, but Hammer.JS is not present.`);