2016-06-09 17:00:15 -07:00

377 lines
13 KiB

import {AnimationEntryMetadata, ChangeDetectorRef, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, ComponentResolver, DebugElement, ElementRef, Injectable, Injector, NgZone, NgZoneError, OpaqueToken, ViewMetadata, getDebugNode} from '@angular/core';
import {tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {DirectiveResolver, ViewResolver} from '../index';
import {ObservableWrapper, PromiseCompleter, PromiseWrapper} from '../src/facade/async';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from '../src/facade/collection';
import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions';
import {IS_DART, Type, isBlank, isPresent, scheduleMicroTask} from '../src/facade/lang';
* An abstract class for inserting the root test component element in a platform independent way.
export class TestComponentRenderer {
insertRootElement(rootElementId: string) {}
export var ComponentFixtureAutoDetect = new OpaqueToken('ComponentFixtureAutoDetect');
export var ComponentFixtureNoNgZone = new OpaqueToken('ComponentFixtureNoNgZone');
* Fixture for debugging and testing a component.
export class ComponentFixture<T> {
* The DebugElement associated with the root element of this component.
debugElement: DebugElement;
* The instance of the root component class.
componentInstance: any;
* The native element at the root of the component.
nativeElement: any;
* The ElementRef for the element at the root of the component.
elementRef: ElementRef;
* The ComponentRef for the component
componentRef: ComponentRef<T>;
* The ChangeDetectorRef for the component
changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef;
* The NgZone in which this component was instantiated.
ngZone: NgZone;
private _autoDetect: boolean;
private _isStable: boolean = true;
private _completer: PromiseCompleter<any> = null;
private _onUnstableSubscription: any /** TODO #9100 */ = null;
private _onStableSubscription: any /** TODO #9100 */ = null;
private _onMicrotaskEmptySubscription: any /** TODO #9100 */ = null;
private _onErrorSubscription: any /** TODO #9100 */ = null;
constructor(componentRef: ComponentRef<T>, ngZone: NgZone, autoDetect: boolean) {
this.changeDetectorRef = componentRef.changeDetectorRef;
this.elementRef = componentRef.location;
this.debugElement = <DebugElement>getDebugNode(this.elementRef.nativeElement);
this.componentInstance = componentRef.instance;
this.nativeElement = this.elementRef.nativeElement;
this.componentRef = componentRef;
this.ngZone = ngZone;
this._autoDetect = autoDetect;
if (ngZone != null) {
this._onUnstableSubscription =
ObservableWrapper.subscribe(ngZone.onUnstable, (_) => { this._isStable = false; });
this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription =
ObservableWrapper.subscribe(ngZone.onMicrotaskEmpty, (_) => {
if (this._autoDetect) {
// Do a change detection run with checkNoChanges set to true to check
// there are no changes on the second run.
this._onStableSubscription = ObservableWrapper.subscribe(ngZone.onStable, (_) => {
this._isStable = true;
// Check whether there are no pending macrotasks in a microtask so that ngZone gets a chance
// to update the state of pending macrotasks.
scheduleMicroTask(() => {
if (!this.ngZone.hasPendingMacrotasks) {
if (this._completer != null) {
this._completer = null;
this._onErrorSubscription = ObservableWrapper.subscribe(
ngZone.onError, (error: NgZoneError) => { throw error.error; });
private _tick(checkNoChanges: boolean) {
if (checkNoChanges) {
* Trigger a change detection cycle for the component.
detectChanges(checkNoChanges: boolean = true): void {
if (this.ngZone != null) {
// Run the change detection inside the NgZone so that any async tasks as part of the change
// detection are captured by the zone and can be waited for in isStable. => { this._tick(checkNoChanges); });
} else {
// Running without zone. Just do the change detection.
* Do a change detection run to make sure there were no changes.
checkNoChanges(): void { this.changeDetectorRef.checkNoChanges(); }
* Set whether the fixture should autodetect changes.
* Also runs detectChanges once so that any existing change is detected.
autoDetectChanges(autoDetect: boolean = true) {
if (this.ngZone == null) {
throw new BaseException('Cannot call autoDetectChanges when ComponentFixtureNoNgZone is set');
this._autoDetect = autoDetect;
* Return whether the fixture is currently stable or has async tasks that have not been completed
* yet.
isStable(): boolean { return this._isStable && !this.ngZone.hasPendingMacrotasks; }
* Get a promise that resolves when the fixture is stable.
* This can be used to resume testing after events have triggered asynchronous activity or
* asynchronous change detection.
whenStable(): Promise<any> {
if (this.isStable()) {
return PromiseWrapper.resolve(false);
} else if (this._completer !== null) {
return this._completer.promise;
} else {
this._completer = new PromiseCompleter<any>();
return this._completer.promise;
* Trigger component destruction.
destroy(): void {
if (this._onUnstableSubscription != null) {
this._onUnstableSubscription = null;
if (this._onStableSubscription != null) {
this._onStableSubscription = null;
if (this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription != null) {
this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription = null;
if (this._onErrorSubscription != null) {
this._onErrorSubscription = null;
var _nextRootElementId = 0;
* Builds a ComponentFixture for use in component level tests.
export class TestComponentBuilder {
/** @internal */
_bindingsOverrides = new Map<Type, any[]>();
/** @internal */
_directiveOverrides = new Map<Type, Map<Type, Type>>();
/** @internal */
_templateOverrides = new Map<Type, string>();
/** @internal */
_animationOverrides = new Map<Type, AnimationEntryMetadata[]>();
/** @internal */
_viewBindingsOverrides = new Map<Type, any[]>();
/** @internal */
_viewOverrides = new Map<Type, ViewMetadata>();
constructor(private _injector: Injector) {}
/** @internal */
_clone(): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = new TestComponentBuilder(this._injector);
clone._viewOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._viewOverrides);
clone._directiveOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._directiveOverrides);
clone._templateOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._templateOverrides);
clone._bindingsOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._bindingsOverrides);
clone._viewBindingsOverrides = MapWrapper.clone(this._viewBindingsOverrides);
return clone;
* Overrides only the html of a {@link ComponentMetadata}.
* All the other properties of the component's {@link ViewMetadata} are preserved.
overrideTemplate(componentType: Type, template: string): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = this._clone();
clone._templateOverrides.set(componentType, template);
return clone;
overrideAnimations(componentType: Type, animations: AnimationEntryMetadata[]):
TestComponentBuilder {
var clone = this._clone();
clone._animationOverrides.set(componentType, animations);
return clone;
* Overrides a component's {@link ViewMetadata}.
overrideView(componentType: Type, view: ViewMetadata): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = this._clone();
clone._viewOverrides.set(componentType, view);
return clone;
* Overrides the directives from the component {@link ViewMetadata}.
overrideDirective(componentType: Type, from: Type, to: Type): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = this._clone();
let overridesForComponent = clone._directiveOverrides.get(componentType);
if (!isPresent(overridesForComponent)) {
clone._directiveOverrides.set(componentType, new Map<Type, Type>());
overridesForComponent = clone._directiveOverrides.get(componentType);
overridesForComponent.set(from, to);
return clone;
* Overrides one or more injectables configured via `providers` metadata property of a directive
* or
* component.
* Very useful when certain providers need to be mocked out.
* The providers specified via this method are appended to the existing `providers` causing the
* duplicated providers to
* be overridden.
overrideProviders(type: Type, providers: any[]): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = this._clone();
clone._bindingsOverrides.set(type, providers);
return clone;
* @deprecated
overrideBindings(type: Type, providers: any[]): TestComponentBuilder {
return this.overrideProviders(type, providers);
* Overrides one or more injectables configured via `providers` metadata property of a directive
* or
* component.
* Very useful when certain providers need to be mocked out.
* The providers specified via this method are appended to the existing `providers` causing the
* duplicated providers to
* be overridden.
overrideViewProviders(type: Type, providers: any[]): TestComponentBuilder {
let clone = this._clone();
clone._viewBindingsOverrides.set(type, providers);
return clone;
* @deprecated
overrideViewBindings(type: Type, providers: any[]): TestComponentBuilder {
return this.overrideViewProviders(type, providers);
private _create<C>(ngZone: NgZone, componentFactory: ComponentFactory<C>): ComponentFixture<C> {
let rootElId = `root${_nextRootElementId++}`;
var testComponentRenderer: TestComponentRenderer = this._injector.get(TestComponentRenderer);
var componentRef = componentFactory.create(this._injector, [], `#${rootElId}`);
let autoDetect: boolean = this._injector.get(ComponentFixtureAutoDetect, false);
return new ComponentFixture<any /*C*/>(componentRef, ngZone, autoDetect);
* Builds and returns a ComponentFixture.
createAsync(rootComponentType: Type): Promise<ComponentFixture<any>> {
let noNgZone = IS_DART || this._injector.get(ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, false);
let ngZone: NgZone = noNgZone ? null : this._injector.get(NgZone, null);
let initComponent = () => {
let mockDirectiveResolver = this._injector.get(DirectiveResolver);
let mockViewResolver = this._injector.get(ViewResolver);
this._viewOverrides.forEach((view, type) => mockViewResolver.setView(type, view));
(template, type) => mockViewResolver.setInlineTemplate(type, template));
(animationsEntry, type) => mockViewResolver.setAnimations(type, animationsEntry));
this._directiveOverrides.forEach((overrides, component) => {
(to, from) => { mockViewResolver.overrideViewDirective(component, from, to); });
(bindings, type) => mockDirectiveResolver.setProvidersOverride(type, bindings));
(bindings, type) => mockDirectiveResolver.setViewProvidersOverride(type, bindings));
let promise: Promise<ComponentFactory<any>> =
return promise.then(componentFactory => this._create(ngZone, componentFactory));
return ngZone == null ? initComponent() :;
createFakeAsync(rootComponentType: Type): ComponentFixture<any> {
let result: any /** TODO #9100 */;
let error: any /** TODO #9100 */;
this.createAsync(rootComponentType), (_result) => { result = _result; },
(_error) => { error = _error; });
if (isPresent(error)) {
throw error;
return result;
createSync<C>(componentFactory: ComponentFactory<C>): ComponentFixture<C> {
let noNgZone = IS_DART || this._injector.get(ComponentFixtureNoNgZone, false);
let ngZone: NgZone = noNgZone ? null : this._injector.get(NgZone, null);
let initComponent = () => this._create(ngZone, componentFactory);
return ngZone == null ? initComponent() :;