Much of the formatting was hardcoded and copied from the old jade files. This gives us a clean start. Also, more use has been made of include files to make the templates easier to understand and manage.
This folder contains the dgeni templates that are used to generate the API docs
Generally there is a template for each docType. Templates can extend and/or include other templates. Templates can also import macros from other template files.
Template inheritance
When extending a template, parent must declare blocks that can be overridden by the child. The template extension hierarchy looks like this (with declared blocks in parentheses):
- layout/base.template.html (base)
- module.template.html
- layout/api-base.template.html (jumpNav, jumpNavLinks, whatItDoes, infoBar, securityConsiderations, deprecationNotes, howToUse, details)
- class.template.html
- directive.template.html
- enum.template.html
- var.template.html
- const.template.html
- let.template.html
- decorator.template.html
- function.template.html
- interface.template.html
- type-alias.template.html
- pipe.template.html
- class.template.html
Doc Properties
It is useful to know what properties are available on each doc type when working with the templates. Here is an overview:
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- members
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- members
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- members
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- members
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented
- docType
- name
- id
- moduleDoc
- path
- description
- notYetDocumented