Ward Bell de4903be56 chore: Angular 1 -> AngularJS / Angular 2 -> Angular (#3143)
* chore: Angular 1 -> AngularJS / Angular 2 -> Angular

* Jesus' tweaks
2017-01-26 12:26:11 +01:00

116 lines
3.9 KiB

'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node
import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor';
describe('AngularJS to Angular Quick Reference Tests', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
it('should display no poster images after bootstrap', function () {
it('should display proper movie data', function () {
// We check only a few samples
let expectedSamples: any[] = [
{row: 0, column: 0, element: 'img', attr: 'src', value: 'images/hero.png', contains: true},
{row: 0, column: 2, value: 'Celeritas'},
{row: 1, column: 3, matches: /Dec 1[678], 2015/}, // absorb timezone dif; we care about date format
{row: 1, column: 5, value: '$14.95'},
{row: 2, column: 4, value: 'PG-13'},
{row: 2, column: 7, value: '100%'},
{row: 2, column: 0, element: 'img', attr: 'src', value: 'images/ng-logo.png', contains: true},
// Go through the samples
let movieRows = getMovieRows();
for (let i = 0; i < expectedSamples.length; i++) {
let sample = expectedSamples[i];
let tableCell = movieRows.get(sample.row)
// Check the cell or its nested element
let elementToCheck = sample.element
? tableCell.element(by.tagName(sample.element))
: tableCell;
// Check element attribute or text
let valueToCheck = sample.attr
? elementToCheck.getAttribute(sample.attr)
: elementToCheck.getText();
// Test for equals/contains/match
if (sample.contains) {
} else if (sample.matches) {
} else {
it('should display images after Show Poster', function () {
testPosterButtonClick('Show Poster', true);
it('should hide images after Hide Poster', function () {
testPosterButtonClick('Hide Poster', false);
it('should display no movie when no favorite hero is specified', function () {
testFavoriteHero(null, 'Please enter your favorite hero.');
it('should display no movie for Magneta', function () {
testFavoriteHero('Magneta', 'No movie, sorry!');
it('should display a movie for Mr. Nice', function () {
testFavoriteHero('Mr. Nice', 'Excellent choice!');
function testImagesAreDisplayed(isDisplayed: boolean) {
let expectedMovieCount = 3;
let movieRows = getMovieRows();
for (let i = 0; i < expectedMovieCount; i++) {
let movieImage = movieRows.get(i).element(by.css('td > img'));
function testPosterButtonClick(expectedButtonText: string, isDisplayed: boolean) {
let posterButton = element(by.css('movie-list tr > th > button'));
posterButton.click().then(function () {
function getMovieRows() {
return element.all(by.css('movie-list tbody > tr'));
function testFavoriteHero(heroName: string, expectedLabel: string) {
let movieListComp = element(by.tagName('movie-list'));
let heroInput = movieListComp.element(by.tagName('input'));
let favoriteHeroLabel = movieListComp.element(by.tagName('h3'));
let resultLabel = movieListComp.element(by.css('span > p'));
heroInput.clear().then(function () {
heroInput.sendKeys(heroName || '');
if (heroName) {
} else {