Updates the `material-unit-tests` job to the latest commit on the components repository. 097f4335a4e0b6e6b579829ae3a9cffce6292d2b. This commit ensures that the postinstall script does not run NGC on schematic code from `@angular/core`. Running NGC on the generated schematic code can cause unexpected issues as some migrations import types directly from `@angular/compiler-cli` while the entry-point is not usable in all cases. See: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/29220. PR Close #31650
793 lines
33 KiB
793 lines
33 KiB
# Configuration file for https://circleci.com/gh/angular/angular
# Note: YAML anchors allow an object to be re-used, reducing duplication.
# The ampersand declares an alias for an object, then later the `<<: *name`
# syntax dereferences it.
# See http://blog.daemonl.com/2016/02/yaml.html
# To validate changes, use an online parser, eg.
# http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/
# Note that the browser docker image comes with Chrome and Firefox preinstalled. This is just
# needed for jobs that run tests without Bazel. Bazel runs tests with browsers that will be
# fetched by the Webtesting rules. Therefore for jobs that run tests with Bazel, we don't need a
# docker image with browsers pre-installed.
# **NOTE 1**: If you change the version of the `*-browsers` docker image, make sure the
# `CI_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG` env var (in `.circleci/env.sh`) points to a ChromeDriver
# version that is compatible with the Chrome version in the image.
# **NOTE 2**: If you change the version of the docker images, also change the `cache_key` suffix.
var_1: &default_docker_image circleci/node:10.16
var_2: &browsers_docker_image circleci/node:10.16-browsers
# We don't want to include the current branch name in the cache key because that would prevent
# PRs from being able to restore the cache since the branch names are always different for PRs.
# The cache key should only consist of dynamic values that change whenever something in the
# cache changes. For example:
# 1) yarn lock file changes --> cached "node_modules" are different.
# 2) bazel repository definitions change --> cached bazel repositories are different.
# **NOTE 1 **: If you change the cache key prefix, also sync the restore_cache fallback to match.
# **NOTE 2 **: Keep the static part of the cache key as prefix to enable correct fallbacks.
# See https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/caching/#restoring-cache for how prefixes work in CircleCI.
var_3: &cache_key v3-angular-node-10.16-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
# Initializes the CI environment by setting up common environment variables.
var_4: &init_environment
name: Initializing environment (setting up variables, overwriting Yarn)
# Overwrite the yarn installed in the docker container with our own version.
command: |
ourYarn=$(realpath ./third_party/github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/v1.13.0/bin/yarn.js)
sudo chmod a+x $ourYarn
sudo ln -fs $ourYarn /usr/local/bin/yarn
echo "Yarn version: $(yarn --version)"
# Add GitHub to known hosts.
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo 'github.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ==' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# use git+ssh instead of https
git config --global url."ssh://git@github.com".insteadOf "https://github.com" || true
git config --global gc.auto 0 || true
var_5: &setup_bazel_remote_execution
name: "Setup bazel RBE remote execution"
command: |
# We need ensure that the same default digest is used for encoding and decoding
# with openssl. Openssl versions might have different default digests which can
# cause decryption failures based on the openssl version. https://stackoverflow.com/a/39641378/4317734
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci/gcp_token -md md5 -k "$CI_REPO_NAME" -out /home/circleci/.gcp_credentials
echo "export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/home/circleci/.gcp_credentials" >> $BASH_ENV
./.circleci/setup-rbe.sh .bazelrc.user
# Settings common to each job
var_6: &job_defaults
working_directory: ~/ng
- image: *default_docker_image
# After checkout, rebase on top of target branch.
var_7: &post_checkout
name: Rebase PR on target branch
command: >
if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]]; then
# User is required for rebase.
git config user.name "angular-ci"
git config user.email "angular-ci"
# Rebase PR on top of target branch.
node tools/rebase-pr.js angular/angular ${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}
echo "This build is not over a PR, nothing to do."
var_8: &yarn_install
name: Running Yarn install
command: |
# Yarn's requests sometimes take more than 10mins to complete.
# Print something to stdout, to prevent CircleCI from failing due to not output.
while true; do sleep 60; echo "[`date`] Keeping alive..."; done &
yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
var_9: &setup_circleci_bazel_config
name: Setting up CircleCI bazel configuration
command: sudo cp .circleci/bazel.rc /etc/bazel.bazelrc
var_10: &restore_cache
- *cache_key
# This fallback should be the cache_key without variables.
- v3-angular-node-10.16-
# Branch filter that can be specified for jobs that should only run on publish branches
# (e.g. master or the patch branch)
var_11: &publish_branches_filter
- master
# e.g. 7.0.x, 7.1.x, etc.
- /\d+\.\d+\.x/
# Workspace initially persisted by the `install` job, and then enhanced by `test_aio` and
# `build-npm-packages`.
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/workflows/#using-workspaces-to-share-data-among-jobs
# https://circleci.com/blog/deep-diving-into-circleci-workspaces/
var_12: &attach_workspace
at: ~/
var_13: ¬ify_caretaker_on_fail
when: on_fail
name: Notify caretaker about failure
# `$SLACK_CARETAKER_WEBHOOK_URL` is a secret env var defined in CircleCI project settings.
# The URL comes from https://angular-team.slack.com/apps/A0F7VRE7N-circleci.
command: |
notificationJson="{\"text\":\":x: \`$CIRCLE_JOB\` job for $CIRCLE_BRANCH branch failed on build $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM: $CIRCLE_BUILD_URL :scream:\"}"
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$notificationJson" $SLACK_CARETAKER_WEBHOOK_URL
var_14: ¬ify_dev_infra_on_fail
when: on_fail
name: Notify dev-infra about failure
# `$SLACK_DEV_INFRA_CI_FAILURES_WEBHOOK_URL` is a secret env var defined in CircleCI project settings.
# The URL comes from https://angular-team.slack.com/apps/A0F7VRE7N-circleci.
command: |
notificationJson="{\"text\":\":x: \`$CIRCLE_JOB\` job for $CIRCLE_BRANCH branch failed on build $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM: $CIRCLE_BUILD_URL :scream:\"}"
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$notificationJson" $SLACK_DEV_INFRA_CI_FAILURES_WEBHOOK_URL
# Cache key for the Material unit tests job. **Note** when updating the SHA in the cache keys,
# also update the SHA for the "MATERIAL_REPO_COMMIT" environment variable.
var_15: &material_unit_tests_cache_key v4-angular-material-097f4335a4e0b6e6b579829ae3a9cffce6292d2b
var_16: &material_unit_tests_cache_key_short v4-angular-material
version: 2
<<: *job_defaults
- checkout
- *post_checkout
# This cache is saved in the build-npm-packages so that Bazel cache is also included.
- *restore_cache
- *init_environment
- *yarn_install
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Make the bazel directories and add a file to them if they don't exist already so that
# persist_to_workspace does not fail.
- run: |
if [ ! -d ~/bazel_repository_cache ]; then
mkdir ~/bazel_repository_cache
touch ~/bazel_repository_cache/MARKER
# Persist any changes at this point to be reused by further jobs.
# **NOTE 1 **: Folders persisted here should be kept in sync with `var_13: &attach_workspace`.
# **NOTE 2 **: To add new content to the workspace, always persist on the same root.
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ~/
- ./ng
- ./bazel_repository_cache
<<: *job_defaults
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run: 'yarn bazel:format -mode=check ||
(echo "BUILD files not formatted. Please run ''yarn bazel:format''" ; exit 1)'
# Run the skylark linter to check our Bazel rules
- run: 'yarn bazel:lint ||
(echo -e "\n.bzl files have lint errors. Please run ''yarn bazel:lint-fix''"; exit 1)'
- run: yarn gulp lint
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- *setup_circleci_bazel_config
# Setup remote execution and run RBE-compatible tests.
- *setup_bazel_remote_execution
- run: yarn bazel test //... --build_tag_filters=-ivy-only --test_tag_filters=-ivy-only
- run: mkdir ~/testlogs
- run: cp -Lr dist/testlogs/* ~/testlogs
- store_test_results:
# Bazel always writes test.xml files under this directory
path: ~/testlogs
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/testlogs
# Temporary job to test what will happen when we flip the Ivy flag to true
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- *setup_circleci_bazel_config
- *setup_bazel_remote_execution
# We need to explicitly specify the --symlink_prefix option because otherwise we would
# not be able to easily find the output bin directory when uploading artifacts for size
# measurements.
- run: yarn test-ivy-aot //... --symlink_prefix=dist/
# Publish bundle artifacts which will be used to calculate the size change. **Note**: Make
# sure that the size plugin from the Angular robot fetches the artifacts from this CircleCI
# job (see .github/angular-robot.yml). Additionally any artifacts need to be stored with the
# following path format: "{projectName}/{context}/{fileName}". This format is necessary
# because otherwise the bot is not able to pick up the artifacts from CircleCI. See:
# https://github.com/angular/github-robot/blob/master/functions/src/plugins/size.ts#L392-L394
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/hello_world/bundle.min.js
destination: core/hello_world/bundle
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/todo/bundle.min.js
destination: core/todo/bundle
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/hello_world/bundle.min.js.br
destination: core/hello_world/bundle.br
- store_artifacts:
path: dist/bin/packages/core/test/bundling/todo/bundle.min.js.br
destination: core/todo/bundle.br
# This job is currently a PoC for running tests on SauceLabs via bazel. It runs a subset of the
# tests in `legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs` (see
# [BUILD.bazel](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/ef44f51d5/BUILD.bazel#L66-L92)).
# NOTE: This is currently limited to master builds only. See the `default_workflow` configuration.
<<: *job_defaults
# In order to avoid the bottleneck of having a slow host machine, we acquire a better
# container for this job. This is necessary because we launch a lot of browsers concurrently
# and therefore the tunnel and Karma need to process a lot of file requests and tests.
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- *setup_circleci_bazel_config
- run:
name: Preparing environment for running tests on Saucelabs.
command: setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel
command: ./scripts/saucelabs/start-tunnel.sh
background: true
# Waits for the Saucelabs tunnel to be ready. This ensures that we don't run tests
# too early without Saucelabs not being ready.
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/wait-for-tunnel.sh
# All web tests are contained within a single //:test_web_all target for Saucelabs
# as running each set of tests as a separate target will attempt to acquire too
# many browsers on Saucelabs (7 per target currently) and some tests will always
# fail to acquire browsers. For example:
# 14 02 2019 19:52:33.170:WARN [launcher]: chrome beta on SauceLabs have not captured in 180000 ms, killing.
# //packages/forms/test:web_test_sauce TIMEOUT in 315.0s
- run: yarn bazel test --config=saucelabs //:test_web_all
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/stop-tunnel.sh
- *notify_dev_infra_on_fail
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the AIO tests and the PWA score test depend on Chrome being available.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Build aio
- run: yarn --cwd aio build --progress=false
# Lint the code
- run: yarn --cwd aio lint
# Run unit tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test --progress=false --watch=false
# Run e2e tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio e2e --configuration=ci
# Run PWA-score tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-pwa-score-localhost $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# Run accessibility tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-a11y-score-localhost
# Check the bundle sizes.
- run: yarn --cwd aio payload-size
# Run unit tests for Firebase redirects
- run: yarn --cwd aio redirects-test
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because before deploying the deploy-production script runs the PWA score tests.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Deploy angular.io to production (if necessary)
- run: setPublicVar_CI_STABLE_BRANCH
- run: yarn --cwd aio deploy-production
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the AIO tests and the PWA score test depend on Chrome being available.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Build aio (with local Angular packages)
- run: yarn --cwd aio build-local-ci
# Run unit tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test --progress=false --watch=false
# Run e2e tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio e2e --configuration=ci
# Run PWA-score tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-pwa-score-localhost $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# Check the bundle sizes.
- run: yarn --cwd aio payload-size aio-local
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the AIO tests and the PWA score test depend on Chrome being available.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Build aio with Ivy (using local Angular packages)
- run: yarn --cwd aio build-with-ivy-ci
# Run unit tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test --progress=false --watch=false
# Run e2e tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio e2e --configuration=ci
# Run PWA-score tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio test-pwa-score-localhost $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# Check the bundle sizes.
- run: yarn --cwd aio payload-size aio-local-ivy
<<: *job_defaults
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Install
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- run: yarn --cwd aio extract-cli-command-docs
# Run tools tests
- run: yarn --cwd aio tools-test
- run: ./aio/aio-builds-setup/scripts/test.sh
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the example e2e tests depend on Chrome.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
parallelism: 4
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Install aio
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Run examples tests. The "CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX" will be set if "parallelism" is enabled.
# Since the parallelism is set to "3", there will be three parallel CircleCI containers
# with either "0", "1" or "2" as node index. This can be passed to the "--shard" argument.
- run: yarn --cwd aio example-e2e --setup --local --cliSpecsConcurrency=5 --shard=${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the example e2e tests depend on Chrome.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
resource_class: xlarge
# We increase the parallelism here to five while the "test_docs_examples" job runs with
# a parallelism of four. This is necessary because this job also need to run NGCC which
# takes up more time and we don't want these jobs to impact the overall CI turnaround.
parallelism: 5
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Install aio
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Rename the Ivy packages dist folder to "dist/packages-dist" as the AIO
# package installer picks up the locally built packages from that location.
# *Note*: We could also adjust the packages installer, but given we won't have
# two different folders of Angular distributions in the future, we should keep
# the packages installer unchanged.
- run: mv dist/packages-dist-ivy-aot dist/packages-dist
# Run examples tests with ivy. The "CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX" will be set if "parallelism" is enabled.
# Since the parallelism is set to "3", there will be three parallel CircleCI containers
# with either "0", "1" or "2" as node index. This can be passed to the "--shard" argument.
- run: yarn --cwd aio example-e2e --setup --local --ivy --cliSpecsConcurrency=5 --shard=${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}
# This job should only be run on PR builds, where `CI_PULL_REQUEST` is not `false`.
<<: *job_defaults
AIO_SNAPSHOT_ARTIFACT_PATH: &aio_preview_artifact_path 'aio/tmp/snapshot.tgz'
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run: ./aio/scripts/build-artifacts.sh $AIO_SNAPSHOT_ARTIFACT_PATH $CI_PULL_REQUEST $CI_COMMIT
- store_artifacts:
path: *aio_preview_artifact_path
# The `destination` needs to be kept in synch with the value of
# `AIO_ARTIFACT_PATH` in `aio/aio-builds-setup/Dockerfile`
destination: aio/dist/aio-snapshot.tgz
- run: node ./aio/scripts/create-preview $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM
# This job should only be run on PR builds, where `CI_PULL_REQUEST` is not `false`.
<<: *job_defaults
# Needed because the test-preview script runs e2e tests and the PWA score test with Chrome.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run: yarn --cwd aio install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- run:
name: Wait for preview and run tests
command: node aio/scripts/test-preview.js $CI_PULL_REQUEST $CI_COMMIT $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
# The `build-npm-packages` tasks exist for backwards-compatibility with old scripts and
# tests that rely on the pre-Bazel `dist/packages-dist` output structure (build.sh).
# Having multiple jobs that independently build in this manner duplicates some work; we build
# the bazel packages more than once. Even though we have a remote cache, these jobs will
# typically run in parallel so up-to-date outputs will not be available at the time the build
# starts.
# Build the view engine npm packages. No new jobs should depend on this.
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- *setup_circleci_bazel_config
- *setup_bazel_remote_execution
- run: scripts/build-packages-dist.sh
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ~/
- ng/dist/packages-dist
# Save dependencies and bazel repository cache to use on subsequent runs.
- save_cache:
key: *cache_key
- "node_modules"
- "aio/node_modules"
- "~/bazel_repository_cache"
# Build the ivy npm packages.
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- *setup_circleci_bazel_config
- *setup_bazel_remote_execution
- run: scripts/build-ivy-npm-packages.sh
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ~/
- ng/dist/packages-dist-ivy-aot
# We run the integration tests outside of Bazel for now.
# They are a separate workflow job so that they can be easily re-run.
# When the tests are ported to bazel test targets, they should move to the "test"
# job above, as part of the bazel test command. That has flaky_test_attempts so the
# need to re-run manually should be alleviated.
# See comments inside the integration/run_tests.sh script.
<<: *job_defaults
parallelism: 4
# Needed because the integration tests expect Chrome to be installed (e.g cli-hello-world)
- image: *browsers_docker_image
# Note: we run Bazel in one of the integration tests, and it can consume >2G
# of memory. Together with the system under test, this can exhaust the RAM
# on a 4G worker so we use a larger machine here too.
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Runs the integration tests in parallel across multiple CircleCI container instances. The
# amount of container nodes for this job is controlled by the "parallelism" option.
- run: ./integration/run_tests.sh ${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX} ${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}
# This job updates the content of repos like github.com/angular/core-builds
# for every green build on angular/angular.
<<: *job_defaults
# See below - ideally this job should not trigger for non-upstream builds.
# But since it does, we have to check this condition.
- run:
name: Skip this job for Pull Requests and Fork builds
# Note: Using `CIRCLE_*` env variables (instead of those defined in `env.sh` so that this
# step can be run before `init_environment`.
command: >
if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]] ||
[[ "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME" != "angular" ]] ||
[[ "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME" != "angular" ]]; then
circleci step halt
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# CircleCI has a config setting to force SSH for all github connections
# This is not compatible with our mechanism of using a Personal Access Token
# Clear the global setting
- run: git config --global --unset "url.ssh://git@github.com.insteadof"
- run:
name: Decrypt github credentials
# We need ensure that the same default digest is used for encoding and decoding with
# openssl. Openssl versions might have different default digests which can cause
# decryption failures based on the installed openssl version. https://stackoverflow.com/a/39641378/4317734
command: 'openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci/github_token -md md5 -k "${KEY}" -out ~/.git_credentials'
- run: ./scripts/ci/publish-build-artifacts.sh
<<: *job_defaults
# This job needs Chrome to be globally installed because the tests run with Protractor
# which does not load the browser through the Bazel webtesting rules.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run: setPublicVar_CI_STABLE_BRANCH
- run:
name: Check out `aio/` from the stable branch
command: |
git fetch origin $CI_STABLE_BRANCH
git checkout --force origin/$CI_STABLE_BRANCH -- aio/
- run:
name: Run tests against https://angular.io/
command: ./aio/scripts/test-production.sh https://angular.io/ $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
- *notify_caretaker_on_fail
- *notify_dev_infra_on_fail
<<: *job_defaults
# This job needs Chrome to be globally installed because the tests run with Protractor
# which does not load the browser through the Bazel webtesting rules.
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run:
name: Run tests against https://next.angular.io/
command: ./aio/scripts/test-production.sh https://next.angular.io/ $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
- *notify_caretaker_on_fail
- *notify_dev_infra_on_fail
<<: *job_defaults
# In order to avoid the bottleneck of having a slow host machine, we acquire a better
# container for this job. This is necessary because we launch a lot of browsers concurrently
# and therefore the tunnel and Karma need to process a lot of file requests and tests.
resource_class: xlarge
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run:
name: Preparing environment for running tests on Saucelabs.
command: |
setPublicVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS $(node -e 'console.log(require("./browser-providers.conf").sauceAliases.CI_REQUIRED.join(","))')
setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel
command: ./scripts/saucelabs/start-tunnel.sh
background: true
- run: yarn tsc -p packages
- run: yarn tsc -p modules
# Waits for the Saucelabs tunnel to be ready. This ensures that we don't run tests
# too early without Saucelabs not being ready.
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/wait-for-tunnel.sh
- run: yarn karma start ./karma-js.conf.js --single-run --browsers=${KARMA_JS_BROWSERS}
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/stop-tunnel.sh
<<: *job_defaults
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
- run: yarn gulp check-cycle
# TODO: disabled because the Bazel packages-dist does not seem to have map files for
# the ESM5/ES2015 output. See: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/27966
# - run: yarn gulp source-map-test
# Job to run unit tests from angular/material2. Needs a browser since all
# component unit tests assume they're running in the browser environment.
<<: *job_defaults
resource_class: xlarge
- image: *browsers_docker_image
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Although RBE is configured below for the Material repo, also setup RBE in the Angular repo
# to provision Angular's GCP token into the environment variables.
- *setup_bazel_remote_execution
# Restore the cache before cloning the repository because the clone script re-uses
# the restored repository if present. This reduces the amount of times the components
# repository needs to be cloned (this is slow and increases based on commits in the repo).
- restore_cache:
- *material_unit_tests_cache_key
- *material_unit_tests_cache_key_short
- run:
name: "Fetching Material repository"
command: ./scripts/ci/clone_angular_material_repo.sh
- run:
# Run yarn install to fetch the Bazel binaries as used in the Material repo.
name: Installing Material dependencies.
command: yarn --cwd ${MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR} install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- save_cache:
key: *material_unit_tests_cache_key
# Material directory must be kept in sync with the `$MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR` env variable.
# It needs to be hardcoded here, because env variables interpolation is not supported.
- "/tmp/material2"
- run:
name: "Setup Bazel RBE remote execution in Material repo"
command: |
./.circleci/setup-rbe.sh "${MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR}/.bazelrc.user"
- run:
name: "Running Material unit tests"
command: ./scripts/ci/run_angular_material_unit_tests.sh
<<: *job_defaults
- *attach_workspace
- *init_environment
# Install
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Run zone.js tools tests
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js promisetest
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js promisefinallytest
- run: yarn bazel build //packages/zone.js:npm_package &&
cp dist/bin/packages/zone.js/npm_package/dist/zone-mix.js ./packages/zone.js/test/extra/ &&
cp dist/bin/packages/zone.js/npm_package/dist/zone-patch-electron.js ./packages/zone.js/test/extra/ &&
yarn --cwd packages/zone.js electrontest
version: 2
- setup
- lint:
- setup
- test:
- setup
- test_ivy_aot:
- setup
- build-npm-packages:
- setup
- build-ivy-npm-packages:
- setup
- legacy-misc-tests:
- build-npm-packages
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs:
- setup
- test_saucelabs_bazel:
- setup
# This job is currently a PoC and a subset of `legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs`. Running on
# master only to avoid wasting resources.
# TODO: Run this job on all branches (including PRs) as soon as it is not a PoC.
only: master
- test_aio:
- setup
- deploy_aio:
- test_aio
- test_aio_local:
- build-npm-packages
- test_aio_local_ivy:
- build-npm-packages
- test_aio_tools:
- build-npm-packages
- test_docs_examples:
- build-npm-packages
- test_docs_examples_ivy:
- build-ivy-npm-packages
- aio_preview:
- setup
# Only run on PR builds. (There can be no previews for non-PR builds.)
only: /pull\/\d+/
- test_aio_preview:
- aio_preview
- integration_test:
- build-npm-packages
- publish_snapshot:
# Note: no filters on this job because we want it to run for all upstream branches
# We'd really like to filter out pull requests here, but not yet available:
# https://discuss.circleci.com/t/workflows-pull-request-filter/14396/4
# Instead, the job just exits immediately at the first step.
# Only publish if tests and integration tests pass
- test
- test_ivy_aot
- integration_test
# Only publish if `aio`/`docs` tests using the locally built Angular packages pass
- test_aio_local
- test_aio_local_ivy
- test_docs_examples
- test_docs_examples_ivy
# Get the artifacts to publish from the build-packages-dist job
# since the publishing script expects the legacy outputs layout.
- build-npm-packages
- build-ivy-npm-packages
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs
- legacy-misc-tests
- material-unit-tests:
- build-ivy-npm-packages
- test_zonejs:
- setup
- setup
- aio_monitoring_stable:
- setup
- aio_monitoring_next:
- setup
- schedule:
# Runs AIO monitoring jobs at 10:00AM every day.
cron: "0 10 * * *"
- master
# - don't build the g3 branch
# - verify that we are bootstrapping with the right yarn version coming from the docker image
# - check local chrome version pulled from docker image
# - remove /tools/ngcontainer