
154 lines
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export interface IModule {
config(fn: any): IModule;
directive(selector: string, factory: any): IModule;
component(selector: string, component: IComponent): IModule;
controller(name: string, type: any): IModule;
factory(key: string, factoryFn: any): IModule;
value(key: string, value: any): IModule;
run(a: any): void;
export interface ICompileService {
(element: Element | NodeList | string, transclude?: Function): ILinkFn;
export interface ILinkFn {
(scope: IScope, cloneAttachFn?: Function, options?: ILinkFnOptions): void;
export interface ILinkFnOptions {
parentBoundTranscludeFn?: Function;
transcludeControllers?: {[key: string]: any};
futureParentElement?: Node;
export interface IRootScopeService {
$new(isolate?: boolean): IScope;
$id: string;
$watch(expr: any, fn?: (a1?: any, a2?: any) => void): Function;
$destroy(): any;
$apply(): any;
$apply(exp: string): any;
$apply(exp: Function): any;
$$childTail: IScope;
$$childHead: IScope;
$$nextSibling: IScope;
export interface IScope extends IRootScopeService {}
export interface IAngularBootstrapConfig {}
export interface IDirective {
compile?: IDirectiveCompileFn;
controller?: any;
controllerAs?: string;
bindToController?: boolean | Object;
link?: IDirectiveLinkFn | IDirectivePrePost;
name?: string;
priority?: number;
replace?: boolean;
require?: any;
restrict?: string;
scope?: any;
template?: any;
templateUrl?: any;
terminal?: boolean;
transclude?: any;
export interface IDirectiveCompileFn {
(templateElement: IAugmentedJQuery, templateAttributes: IAttributes,
transclude: ITranscludeFunction): IDirectivePrePost;
export interface IDirectivePrePost {
pre?: IDirectiveLinkFn;
post?: IDirectiveLinkFn;
export interface IDirectiveLinkFn {
(scope: IScope, instanceElement: IAugmentedJQuery, instanceAttributes: IAttributes,
controller: any, transclude: ITranscludeFunction): void;
export interface IComponent {
bindings?: Object;
controller?: any;
controllerAs?: string;
require?: any;
template?: any;
templateUrl?: any;
transclude?: any;
export interface IAttributes { $observe(attr: string, fn: (v: string) => void): void; }
export interface ITranscludeFunction {
// If the scope is provided, then the cloneAttachFn must be as well.
(scope: IScope, cloneAttachFn: ICloneAttachFunction): IAugmentedJQuery;
// If one argument is provided, then it's assumed to be the cloneAttachFn.
(cloneAttachFn?: ICloneAttachFunction): IAugmentedJQuery;
export interface ICloneAttachFunction {
// Let's hint but not force cloneAttachFn's signature
(clonedElement?: IAugmentedJQuery, scope?: IScope): any;
export interface IAugmentedJQuery {
bind(name: string, fn: () => void): void;
data(name: string, value?: any): any;
inheritedData(name: string, value?: any): any;
contents(): IAugmentedJQuery;
parent(): IAugmentedJQuery;
length: number;
[index: number]: Node;
export interface IParseService { (expression: string): ICompiledExpression; }
export interface ICompiledExpression { assign(context: any, value: any): any; }
export interface IHttpBackendService {
(method: string, url: string, post?: any, callback?: Function, headers?: any, timeout?: number,
withCredentials?: boolean): void;
export interface ICacheObject {
put<T>(key: string, value?: T): T;
get(key: string): any;
export interface ITemplateCacheService extends ICacheObject {}
export interface IControllerService {
(controllerConstructor: Function, locals?: any, later?: any, ident?: any): any;
(controllerName: string, locals?: any): any;
export interface IInjectorService { get(key: string): any; }
export interface ITestabilityService {
findBindings(element: Element, expression: string, opt_exactMatch?: boolean): Element[];
findModels(element: Element, expression: string, opt_exactMatch?: boolean): Element[];
getLocation(): string;
setLocation(url: string): void;
whenStable(callback: Function): void;
function noNg() {
throw new Error('AngularJS v1.x is not loaded!');
var angular:
bootstrap: (e: Element, modules: string[], config: IAngularBootstrapConfig) => void,
module: (prefix: string, dependencies?: string[]) => IModule,
element: (e: Element) => IAugmentedJQuery,
version: {major: number}, resumeBootstrap?: () => void,
getTestability: (e: Element) => ITestabilityService
} = <any>{
bootstrap: noNg,
module: noNg,
element: noNg,
version: noNg,
resumeBootstrap: noNg,
getTestability: noNg
try {
if (window.hasOwnProperty('angular')) {
angular = (<any>window).angular;
} catch (e) {
// ignore in CJS mode.
export var bootstrap = angular.bootstrap;
export var module = angular.module;
export var element = angular.element;
export var version = angular.version;
export var resumeBootstrap = angular.resumeBootstrap;
export var getTestability = angular.getTestability;