Tobias Bosch 50abca4583 refactor(compiler): don’t rely on global reflector ()
Using the global reflector made it impossible
to compile multiple programs at the same time.
2017-05-23 10:41:23 -06:00

365 lines
12 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {AstPath} from '../ast_path';
import {CompileDirectiveSummary, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {AST} from '../expression_parser/ast';
import {LifecycleHooks} from '../lifecycle_reflector';
import {ParseSourceSpan} from '../parse_util';
* An Abstract Syntax Tree node representing part of a parsed Angular template.
export interface TemplateAst {
* The source span from which this node was parsed.
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan;
* Visit this node and possibly transform it.
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any;
* A segment of text within the template.
export class TextAst implements TemplateAst {
public value: string, public ngContentIndex: number, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any { return visitor.visitText(this, context); }
* A bound expression within the text of a template.
export class BoundTextAst implements TemplateAst {
public value: AST, public ngContentIndex: number, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitBoundText(this, context);
* A plain attribute on an element.
export class AttrAst implements TemplateAst {
constructor(public name: string, public value: string, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any { return visitor.visitAttr(this, context); }
* A binding for an element property (e.g. `[property]="expression"`) or an animation trigger (e.g.
* `[@trigger]="stateExp"`)
export class BoundElementPropertyAst implements TemplateAst {
public name: string, public type: PropertyBindingType,
public securityContext: SecurityContext, public value: AST, public unit: string|null,
public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitElementProperty(this, context);
get isAnimation(): boolean { return this.type === PropertyBindingType.Animation; }
* A binding for an element event (e.g. `(event)="handler()"`) or an animation trigger event (e.g.
* `(@trigger.phase)="callback($event)"`).
export class BoundEventAst implements TemplateAst {
static calcFullName(name: string, target: string|null, phase: string|null): string {
if (target) {
return `${target}:${name}`;
} else if (phase) {
return `@${name}.${phase}`;
} else {
return name;
public name: string, public target: string|null, public phase: string|null,
public handler: AST, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitEvent(this, context);
get fullName() { return BoundEventAst.calcFullName(,, this.phase); }
get isAnimation(): boolean { return !!this.phase; }
* A reference declaration on an element (e.g. `let someName="expression"`).
export class ReferenceAst implements TemplateAst {
public name: string, public value: CompileTokenMetadata, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitReference(this, context);
* A variable declaration on a <ng-template> (e.g. `var-someName="someLocalName"`).
export class VariableAst implements TemplateAst {
constructor(public name: string, public value: string, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitVariable(this, context);
* An element declaration in a template.
export class ElementAst implements TemplateAst {
public name: string, public attrs: AttrAst[], public inputs: BoundElementPropertyAst[],
public outputs: BoundEventAst[], public references: ReferenceAst[],
public directives: DirectiveAst[], public providers: ProviderAst[],
public hasViewContainer: boolean, public queryMatches: QueryMatch[],
public children: TemplateAst[], public ngContentIndex: number|null,
public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan, public endSourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan|null) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitElement(this, context);
* A `<ng-template>` element included in an Angular template.
export class EmbeddedTemplateAst implements TemplateAst {
public attrs: AttrAst[], public outputs: BoundEventAst[], public references: ReferenceAst[],
public variables: VariableAst[], public directives: DirectiveAst[],
public providers: ProviderAst[], public hasViewContainer: boolean,
public queryMatches: QueryMatch[], public children: TemplateAst[],
public ngContentIndex: number, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitEmbeddedTemplate(this, context);
* A directive property with a bound value (e.g. `*ngIf="condition").
export class BoundDirectivePropertyAst implements TemplateAst {
public directiveName: string, public templateName: string, public value: AST,
public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitDirectiveProperty(this, context);
* A directive declared on an element.
export class DirectiveAst implements TemplateAst {
public directive: CompileDirectiveSummary, public inputs: BoundDirectivePropertyAst[],
public hostProperties: BoundElementPropertyAst[], public hostEvents: BoundEventAst[],
public contentQueryStartId: number, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitDirective(this, context);
* A provider declared on an element
export class ProviderAst implements TemplateAst {
public token: CompileTokenMetadata, public multiProvider: boolean, public eager: boolean,
public providers: CompileProviderMetadata[], public providerType: ProviderAstType,
public lifecycleHooks: LifecycleHooks[], public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
// No visit method in the visitor for now...
return null;
export enum ProviderAstType {
* Position where content is to be projected (instance of `<ng-content>` in a template).
export class NgContentAst implements TemplateAst {
public index: number, public ngContentIndex: number, public sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan) {}
visit(visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, context: any): any {
return visitor.visitNgContent(this, context);
* Enumeration of types of property bindings.
export enum PropertyBindingType {
* A normal binding to a property (e.g. `[property]="expression"`).
* A binding to an element attribute (e.g. `[]="expression"`).
* A binding to a CSS class (e.g. `[]="condition"`).
* A binding to a style rule (e.g. `[style.rule]="expression"`).
* A binding to an animation reference (e.g. `[animate.key]="expression"`).
export interface QueryMatch {
queryId: number;
value: CompileTokenMetadata;
* A visitor for {@link TemplateAst} trees that will process each node.
export interface TemplateAstVisitor {
// Returning a truthy value from `visit()` will prevent `templateVisitAll()` from the call to
// the typed method and result returned will become the result included in `visitAll()`s
// result array.
visit?(ast: TemplateAst, context: any): any;
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst, context: any): any;
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any;
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any;
visitReference(ast: ReferenceAst, context: any): any;
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst, context: any): any;
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst, context: any): any;
visitElementProperty(ast: BoundElementPropertyAst, context: any): any;
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst, context: any): any;
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst, context: any): any;
visitText(ast: TextAst, context: any): any;
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any;
visitDirectiveProperty(ast: BoundDirectivePropertyAst, context: any): any;
* A visitor that accepts each node but doesn't do anything. It is intended to be used
* as the base class for a visitor that is only interested in a subset of the node types.
export class NullTemplateVisitor implements TemplateAstVisitor {
visitNgContent(ast: NgContentAst, context: any): void {}
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): void {}
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): void {}
visitReference(ast: ReferenceAst, context: any): void {}
visitVariable(ast: VariableAst, context: any): void {}
visitEvent(ast: BoundEventAst, context: any): void {}
visitElementProperty(ast: BoundElementPropertyAst, context: any): void {}
visitAttr(ast: AttrAst, context: any): void {}
visitBoundText(ast: BoundTextAst, context: any): void {}
visitText(ast: TextAst, context: any): void {}
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): void {}
visitDirectiveProperty(ast: BoundDirectivePropertyAst, context: any): void {}
* Base class that can be used to build a visitor that visits each node
* in an template ast recursively.
export class RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor extends NullTemplateVisitor implements TemplateAstVisitor {
constructor() { super(); }
// Nodes with children
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast: EmbeddedTemplateAst, context: any): any {
return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
visitElement(ast: ElementAst, context: any): any {
return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
visitDirective(ast: DirectiveAst, context: any): any {
return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
protected visitChildren<T extends TemplateAst>(
context: any,
cb: (visit: (<V extends TemplateAst>(children: V[]|undefined) => void)) => void) {
let results: any[][] = [];
let t = this;
function visit<T extends TemplateAst>(children: T[] | undefined) {
if (children && children.length) results.push(templateVisitAll(t, children, context));
return [].concat.apply([], results);
* Visit every node in a list of {@link TemplateAst}s with the given {@link TemplateAstVisitor}.
export function templateVisitAll(
visitor: TemplateAstVisitor, asts: TemplateAst[], context: any = null): any[] {
const result: any[] = [];
const visit = visitor.visit ?
(ast: TemplateAst) => visitor.visit !(ast, context) || ast.visit(visitor, context) :
(ast: TemplateAst) => ast.visit(visitor, context);
asts.forEach(ast => {
const astResult = visit(ast);
if (astResult) {
return result;
export type TemplateAstPath = AstPath<TemplateAst>;