Tobias Bosch f386cb4ba9 Fix benchpress for newest protractor and selenium (#11451)
* chore: update protractor and selenium-webdriver packages

As `karma-jasmine` has a peer dependency on `jasmine-core@2.3`, but `jasmine` and `protractor` are using `jasmine-core@2.4` we need to add `jasmine-core@2.3` explicitly. Previously, the peer dependency was
satisfied by accident because npm deduped the dependency
for `jasmine-core@2.3` as top level dependency.

Note that the shrink-wrap files changes quite a bit because
of the deduping mechanism of npm.

* fix(benchpress): make it work with latest protractor and seleniuv-webdriver

* fix(e2e_tests): make them work with latest protractor
2016-09-09 10:37:47 -07:00

88 lines
2.5 KiB

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