NOTE: This change must be reverted with previous deletes so that it code remains in build-able state. This change deletes old styling code and replaces it with a simplified styling algorithm. The mental model for the new algorithm is: - Create a linked list of styling bindings in the order of priority. All styling bindings ere executed in compiled order and than a linked list of bindings is created in priority order. - Flush the style bindings at the end of `advance()` instruction. This implies that there are two flush events. One at the end of template `advance` instruction in the template. Second one at the end of `hostBindings` `advance` instruction when processing host bindings (if any). - Each binding instructions effectively updates the string to represent the string at that location. Because most of the bindings are additive, this is a cheap strategy in most cases. In rare cases the strategy requires removing tokens from the styling up to this point. (We expect that to be rare case)S Because, the bindings are presorted in the order of priority, it is safe to resume the processing of the concatenated string from the last change binding. PR Close #34616
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export declare const APP_BASE_HREF: InjectionToken<string>;
export declare class AsyncPipe implements OnDestroy, PipeTransform {
constructor(_ref: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngOnDestroy(): void;
transform<T>(obj: Observable<T> | null | undefined): T | null;
transform<T>(obj: Promise<T> | null | undefined): T | null;
transform<T>(obj: undefined): undefined;
transform<T>(obj: null): null;
export declare class CommonModule {
export declare class CurrencyPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string, _defaultCurrencyCode?: string);
transform(value: any, currencyCode?: string, display?: 'code' | 'symbol' | 'symbol-narrow' | string | boolean, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
export declare class DatePipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(locale: string);
transform(value: any, format?: string, timezone?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
export declare class DecimalPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
export declare const DOCUMENT: InjectionToken<Document>;
export declare function formatCurrency(value: number, locale: string, currency: string, currencyCode?: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
export declare function formatDate(value: string | number | Date, format: string, locale: string, timezone?: string): string;
export declare function formatNumber(value: number, locale: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
export declare function formatPercent(value: number, locale: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
export declare enum FormatWidth {
Short = 0,
Medium = 1,
Long = 2,
Full = 3
export declare enum FormStyle {
Format = 0,
Standalone = 1
export declare function getCurrencySymbol(code: string, format: 'wide' | 'narrow', locale?: string): string;
export declare function getLocaleCurrencyCode(locale: string): string | null;
export declare function getLocaleCurrencyName(locale: string): string | null;
export declare function getLocaleCurrencySymbol(locale: string): string | null;
export declare function getLocaleDateFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleDayNames(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleDayPeriods(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): [string, string];
export declare function getLocaleDirection(locale: string): 'ltr' | 'rtl';
export declare function getLocaleEraNames(locale: string, width: TranslationWidth): [string, string];
export declare function getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules(locale: string): (Time | [Time, Time])[];
export declare function getLocaleExtraDayPeriods(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek(locale: string): WeekDay;
export declare function getLocaleId(locale: string): string;
export declare function getLocaleMonthNames(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleNumberFormat(locale: string, type: NumberFormatStyle): string;
export declare function getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale: string, symbol: NumberSymbol): string;
export declare const getLocalePluralCase: (locale: string) => ((value: number) => Plural);
export declare function getLocaleTimeFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleWeekEndRange(locale: string): [WeekDay, WeekDay];
export declare function getNumberOfCurrencyDigits(code: string): number;
export declare class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, _baseHref?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class I18nPluralPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
transform(value: number, pluralMap: {
[count: string]: string;
}, locale?: string): string;
export declare class I18nSelectPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string | null | undefined, mapping: {
[key: string]: string;
}): string;
export declare function isPlatformBrowser(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformServer(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformWorkerApp(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformWorkerUi(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare class JsonPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any): string;
export interface KeyValue<K, V> {
key: K;
value: V;
export declare class KeyValuePipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(differs: KeyValueDiffers);
transform<K, V>(input: null, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<K, V>, b: KeyValue<K, V>) => number): null;
transform<V>(input: {
[key: string]: V;
} | Map<string, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<string, V>, b: KeyValue<string, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<string, V>>;
transform<V>(input: {
[key: number]: V;
} | Map<number, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<number, V>, b: KeyValue<number, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<number, V>>;
transform<K, V>(input: Map<K, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<K, V>, b: KeyValue<K, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<K, V>>;
export declare class Location {
constructor(platformStrategy: LocationStrategy, platformLocation: PlatformLocation);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getState(): unknown;
go(path: string, query?: string, state?: any): void;
isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: string, query?: string): boolean;
normalize(url: string): string;
onUrlChange(fn: (url: string, state: unknown) => void): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string;
replaceState(path: string, query?: string, state?: any): void;
subscribe(onNext: (value: PopStateEvent) => void, onThrow?: ((exception: any) => void) | null, onReturn?: (() => void) | null): SubscriptionLike;
static joinWithSlash: (start: string, end: string) => string;
static normalizeQueryParams: (params: string) => string;
static stripTrailingSlash: (url: string) => string;
export declare const LOCATION_INITIALIZED: InjectionToken<Promise<any>>;
export interface LocationChangeEvent {
state: any;
type: string;
export interface LocationChangeListener {
(event: LocationChangeEvent): any;
export declare abstract class LocationStrategy {
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHref(): string;
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
abstract prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class LowerCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
export declare class NgClass implements DoCheck {
set klass(value: string);
set ngClass(value: string | string[] | Set<string> | {
[klass: string]: any;
constructor(_iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers: KeyValueDiffers, _ngEl: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer2);
applyChanges(): void;
ngDoCheck(): void;
setClass(value: string): void;
setNgClass(value: any): void;
export declare class NgComponentOutlet implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
ngComponentOutlet: Type<any>;
ngComponentOutletContent: any[][];
ngComponentOutletInjector: Injector;
ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory: NgModuleFactory<any>;
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
export declare class NgForOf<T, U extends NgIterable<T> = NgIterable<T>> implements DoCheck {
set ngForOf(ngForOf: (U & NgIterable<T>) | undefined | null);
set ngForTemplate(value: TemplateRef<NgForOfContext<T, U>>);
get ngForTrackBy(): TrackByFunction<T>;
set ngForTrackBy(fn: TrackByFunction<T>);
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _template: TemplateRef<NgForOfContext<T, U>>, _differs: IterableDiffers);
ngDoCheck(): void;
static ngTemplateContextGuard<T, U extends NgIterable<T>>(dir: NgForOf<T, U>, ctx: any): ctx is NgForOfContext<T, U>;
export declare class NgForOfContext<T, U extends NgIterable<T> = NgIterable<T>> {
$implicit: T;
count: number;
get even(): boolean;
get first(): boolean;
index: number;
get last(): boolean;
ngForOf: U;
get odd(): boolean;
constructor($implicit: T, ngForOf: U, index: number, count: number);
export declare class NgIf<T = unknown> {
set ngIf(condition: T);
set ngIfElse(templateRef: TemplateRef<NgIfContext<T>> | null);
set ngIfThen(templateRef: TemplateRef<NgIfContext<T>> | null);
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<NgIfContext<T>>);
static ngTemplateGuard_ngIf: 'binding';
static ngTemplateContextGuard<T>(dir: NgIf<T>, ctx: any): ctx is NgIfContext<T>;
export declare class NgIfContext<T = unknown> {
$implicit: T;
ngIf: T;
export declare class NgLocaleLocalization extends NgLocalization {
protected locale: string;
constructor(locale: string);
getPluralCategory(value: any, locale?: string): string;
export declare abstract class NgLocalization {
abstract getPluralCategory(value: any, locale?: string): string;
export declare class NgPlural {
set ngPlural(value: number);
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView): void;
export declare class NgPluralCase {
value: string;
constructor(value: string, template: TemplateRef<Object>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, ngPlural: NgPlural);
export declare class NgStyle implements DoCheck {
set ngStyle(values: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null);
constructor(_ngEl: ElementRef, _differs: KeyValueDiffers, _renderer: Renderer2);
applyChanges(): void;
ngDoCheck(): void;
setNgStyle(value: any): void;
export declare class NgSwitch {
set ngSwitch(newValue: any);
export declare class NgSwitchCase implements DoCheck {
ngSwitchCase: any;
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
ngDoCheck(): void;
export declare class NgSwitchDefault {
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
export declare class NgTemplateOutlet implements OnChanges {
ngTemplateOutlet: TemplateRef<any> | null;
ngTemplateOutletContext: Object | null;
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
export declare enum NumberFormatStyle {
Decimal = 0,
Percent = 1,
Currency = 2,
Scientific = 3
export declare enum NumberSymbol {
Decimal = 0,
Group = 1,
List = 2,
PercentSign = 3,
PlusSign = 4,
MinusSign = 5,
Exponential = 6,
SuperscriptingExponent = 7,
PerMille = 8,
Infinity = 9,
NaN = 10,
TimeSeparator = 11,
CurrencyDecimal = 12,
CurrencyGroup = 13
export declare class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, href?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class PercentPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
export declare abstract class PlatformLocation {
abstract get hash(): string;
abstract get hostname(): string;
abstract get href(): string;
abstract get pathname(): string;
abstract get port(): string;
abstract get protocol(): string;
abstract get search(): string;
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string;
abstract getState(): unknown;
abstract onHashChange(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
export declare enum Plural {
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
Two = 2,
Few = 3,
Many = 4,
Other = 5
export interface PopStateEvent {
pop?: boolean;
state?: any;
type?: string;
url?: string;
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, localeId?: string | any, extraData?: any): void;
export declare class SlicePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform<T>(value: ReadonlyArray<T>, start: number, end?: number): Array<T>;
transform(value: string, start: number, end?: number): string;
transform(value: null, start: number, end?: number): null;
transform(value: undefined, start: number, end?: number): undefined;
export declare type Time = {
hours: number;
minutes: number;
export declare class TitleCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
export declare enum TranslationWidth {
Narrow = 0,
Abbreviated = 1,
Wide = 2,
Short = 3
export declare class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
export declare const VERSION: Version;
export declare abstract class ViewportScroller {
abstract getScrollPosition(): [number, number];
abstract scrollToAnchor(anchor: string): void;
abstract scrollToPosition(position: [number, number]): void;
abstract setHistoryScrollRestoration(scrollRestoration: 'auto' | 'manual'): void;
abstract setOffset(offset: [number, number] | (() => [number, number])): void;
static ɵprov: never;
export declare enum WeekDay {
Sunday = 0,
Monday = 1,
Tuesday = 2,
Wednesday = 3,
Thursday = 4,
Friday = 5,
Saturday = 6