
149 lines
5.2 KiB

load("//dev-infra/benchmark/ng_rollup_bundle:ng_rollup_bundle.bzl", "ng_rollup_bundle")
load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ng_module")
load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_devserver", "ts_library")
load(":benchmark_test.bzl", "benchmark_test")
def copy_default_file(origin, destination):
Copies a file from ./defaults to the destination.
origin: The name of a file in ./defaults to be copied.
destination: Where the original file will be clopied to.
name = "copy_default_" + origin + "_file_genrule",
srcs = ["//dev-infra/benchmark/component_benchmark/defaults:" + origin],
outs = [destination],
cmd = "cat $(SRCS) >> $@",
def component_benchmark(
ng_assets = [],
assets = None,
styles = None,
entry_point = None,
entry_point_deps = [
Runs a benchmark test against the given angular app using the given driver.
This rule was created with the intention of reducing the amount of
duplicate/boilderplate code, while also allowing you to be as verbose with
your app as you'd like. The goal being that if you just want to test a
simple component, the only thing you'd need to provide are the component
(via ng_srcs) and driver.
(assets/styles): The default index.html imports a stylesheet named
"styles.css". This allows the use of the default index.html with a custom
stylesheet through the styles arg by providing either a styles.css in the
prefix directory or by providing a css binary named styles.css.
(assets): The default index.html expects that the root selector for
the benchmark app is "app-root".
(entry_point): The default entry_point expects a file named "app.module" to export
the root NgModule for the benchmark application. It also expects that the
root NgModule is named "AppModule".
TIP: The server is named `name + "_server"` so that you can view/debug the
name: The name of the benchmark_test to be run
prefix: The relative path to the root directory of the benchmark app
driver: The ts driver for running the benchmark
driver_deps: Driver's dependencies
ng_srcs: All of the ts srcs for the angular app
ng_deps: Dependencies for the angular app
ng_assets: The static assets for the angular app
assets: Static files
styles: Stylesheets
entry_point: Main entry point for the angular app
entry_point_deps: Entry point's dependencies
app_lib = name + "_app_lib"
app_main = name + "_app_main"
benchmark_driver = name + "_driver"
server = name + "_server"
# If the user doesn't provide assets, entry_point, or styles, we use a
# default version.
# Note that we copy the default files to the same directory as what is used
# by the app for three reasons:
# 1. To avoid having the entry point be defined in a different package from
# where this macro is called.
# 2. So that we can use relative paths for imports in entry point.
# 3. To make using default static files as seamless as possible.
if not entry_point:
entry_point = prefix + "default_index.ts"
copy_default_file("index.ts", entry_point)
if not assets:
html = prefix + "index.html"
assets = [html]
copy_default_file("index.html", html)
if not styles:
css = prefix + "styles.css"
styles = [css]
copy_default_file("styles.css", css)
# Bootstraps the application and creates
# additional files to be imported by the entry_point file.
name = app_lib,
srcs = ng_srcs,
assets = ng_assets,
# Creates ngFactory and ngSummary to be imported by the app's entry point.
generate_ve_shims = True,
deps = ng_deps,
tsconfig = "//dev-infra/benchmark/component_benchmark:tsconfig-e2e.json",
# Bundle the application (needed by ts_devserver).
name = app_main,
entry_point = entry_point,
deps = [":" + app_lib] + entry_point_deps,
# The ts_library for the driver that runs tests against the benchmark app.
name = benchmark_driver,
tsconfig = "//dev-infra/benchmark/component_benchmark:tsconfig-e2e.json",
testonly = True,
srcs = [driver],
deps = driver_deps,
# The server for our application.
name = server,
bootstrap = ["//packages/zone.js/bundles:zone.umd.js"],
port = 4200,
static_files = assets + styles,
deps = [":" + app_main + ".min_debug.js"],
additional_root_paths = ["//dev-infra/benchmark/component_benchmark/defaults"],
serving_path = "/app_bundle.js",
# Runs a protractor test that's set up to use @angular/benchpress.
name = name,
server = ":" + server,
deps = [":" + benchmark_driver],