Paul Gschwendtner aa847cb014 build: run browsers tests on chromium locally ()
Previously we added a browser target for `firefox` into the
dev-infra package. It looks like as part of this change, we
accidentally switched the local web testing target to `firefox`.

Web tests are not commonly run locally as we use Domino and
NodeJS tests for primary development. Sometimes though we intend
to run tests in a browser. This would currently work with Firefox
but not on Windows (as Firefox is a noop there in Bazel).

This commit switches the primary browser back to `chromium`. Also
Firefox has been added as a second browser to web testing targets.

This allows us to reduce browsers in the legacy Saucelabs job. i.e.
not running Chrome and Firefox there. This should increase stability
and speed up the legacy job (+ reduced rate limit for Saucelabs).

PR Close 
2020-08-13 09:37:02 -07:00

482 lines
18 KiB

"""Re-export of some bazel rules with repository-wide defaults."""
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", _nodejs_binary = "nodejs_binary", _pkg_npm = "pkg_npm")
load("@npm_bazel_jasmine//:index.bzl", _jasmine_node_test = "jasmine_node_test")
load("@npm_bazel_karma//:index.bzl", _karma_web_test = "karma_web_test", _karma_web_test_suite = "karma_web_test_suite")
load("@npm_bazel_rollup//:index.bzl", _rollup_bundle = "rollup_bundle")
load("@npm_bazel_terser//:index.bzl", "terser_minified")
load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", _ts_devserver = "ts_devserver", _ts_library = "ts_library")
load("@npm_bazel_protractor//:index.bzl", _protractor_web_test_suite = "protractor_web_test_suite")
load("@npm//typescript:index.bzl", "tsc")
load("//packages/bazel:index.bzl", _ng_module = "ng_module", _ng_package = "ng_package")
load("//dev-infra/benchmark/ng_rollup_bundle:ng_rollup_bundle.bzl", _ng_rollup_bundle = "ng_rollup_bundle")
load("//tools:ng_benchmark.bzl", _ng_benchmark = "ng_benchmark")
load("//tools/ts-api-guardian:index.bzl", _ts_api_guardian_test = "ts_api_guardian_test", _ts_api_guardian_test_npm_package = "ts_api_guardian_test_npm_package")
_DEFAULT_TSCONFIG_TEST = "//packages:tsconfig-test"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_API_EXTRACTOR = "//packages/bazel/src/api-extractor:api_extractor"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_COMPILER = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_XI18N = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped:xi18n"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_PACKAGER = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:packager"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFALUT_TERSER_CONFIG_FILE = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:terser_config.default.json"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_ROLLUP_CONFIG_TMPL = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:rollup.config.js"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_ROLLUP = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:rollup_for_ng_package"
# Packages which are versioned together on npm
ANGULAR_SCOPED_PACKAGES = ["@angular/%s" % p for p in [
# core should be the first package because it's the main package in the group
# this is significant for Angular CLI and "ng update" specifically, @angular/core
# is considered the identifier of the group by these tools.
# Current plan for Angular v8 is to not include @angular/http in ng update
# "http",
]""" % ",\n ".join(["\"%s\"" % s for s in ANGULAR_SCOPED_PACKAGES]),
def _default_module_name(testonly):
""" Provide better defaults for package names.
e.g. rather than angular/packages/core/testing we want @angular/core/testing
TODO(alexeagle): we ought to supply a default module name for every library in the repo.
But we short-circuit below in cases that are currently not working.
pkg = native.package_name()
if testonly:
# Some tests currently rely on the long-form package names
return None
if pkg.startswith("packages/bazel"):
# Avoid infinite recursion in the ViewEngine compiler. Error looks like:
# Compiling Angular templates (ngc) //packages/bazel/test/ngc-wrapped/empty:empty failed (Exit 1)
# : RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
# at normalizeString (path.js:57:25)
# at Object.normalize (path.js:1132:12)
# at Object.join (path.js:1167:18)
# at resolveModule (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:582:50)
# at MetadataBundler.exportAll (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:119:42)
# at MetadataBundler.exportAll (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:121:52)
return None
if pkg.startswith("packages/"):
return "@angular/" + pkg[len("packages/"):]
return None
def ts_devserver(**kwargs):
"""Default values for ts_devserver"""
serving_path = kwargs.pop("serving_path", "/app_bundle.js")
serving_path = serving_path,
def ts_library(name, tsconfig = None, testonly = False, deps = [], module_name = None, **kwargs):
"""Default values for ts_library"""
deps = deps + ["@npm//tslib"]
if testonly:
# Match the types[] in //packages:tsconfig-test.json
if not tsconfig and testonly:
if not module_name:
module_name = _default_module_name(testonly)
name = name,
tsconfig = tsconfig,
testonly = testonly,
deps = deps,
module_name = module_name,
# Select the es5 .js output of the ts_library for use in downstream boostrap targets
# with `output_group = "es5_sources"`. This exposes an internal detail of ts_library
# that is not ideal.
# TODO(gregmagolan): clean this up by using tsc() in these cases rather than ts_library
name = "%s_es5" % name,
srcs = [":%s" % name],
testonly = testonly,
output_group = "es5_sources",
def ng_module(name, tsconfig = None, entry_point = None, testonly = False, deps = [], module_name = None, bundle_dts = True, **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_module"""
deps = deps + ["@npm//tslib"]
if testonly:
# Match the types[] in //packages:tsconfig-test.json
if not tsconfig and testonly:
if not module_name:
module_name = _default_module_name(testonly)
if not entry_point:
entry_point = "public_api.ts"
name = name,
flat_module_out_file = name,
tsconfig = tsconfig,
entry_point = entry_point,
testonly = testonly,
bundle_dts = bundle_dts,
deps = deps,
module_name = module_name,
def ng_package(name, readme_md = None, license_banner = None, deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_package"""
if not readme_md:
readme_md = "//"
if not license_banner:
license_banner = "//packages:license-banner.txt"
deps = deps + [
visibility = kwargs.pop("visibility", None)
name = name,
deps = deps,
readme_md = readme_md,
license_banner = license_banner,
visibility = visibility,
name = name + "_archive",
srcs = [":%s" % name],
extension = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "./%s" % name,
# should not be built unless it is a dependency of another rule
tags = ["manual"],
visibility = visibility,
def pkg_npm(name, substitutions = {}, **kwargs):
"""Default values for pkg_npm"""
visibility = kwargs.pop("visibility", None)
name = name,
substitutions = dict(substitutions, **PKG_GROUP_REPLACEMENTS),
visibility = visibility,
name = name + "_archive",
srcs = [":%s" % name],
extension = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "./%s" % name,
# should not be built unless it is a dependency of another rule
tags = ["manual"],
visibility = visibility,
def karma_web_test_suite(name, **kwargs):
"""Default values for karma_web_test_suite"""
# Default value for bootstrap
bootstrap = kwargs.pop("bootstrap", [
# Add common deps
deps = kwargs.pop("deps", []) + [
# Add common runtime deps
runtime_deps = kwargs.pop("runtime_deps", []) + [
data = kwargs.pop("data", [])
tags = kwargs.pop("tags", [])
name = name,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
bootstrap = bootstrap,
deps = deps,
browsers = [
data = data,
tags = tags,
# Add a saucelabs target for these karma tests
name = "saucelabs_%s" % name,
# Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
# Saucelabs browsers keep running. Ultimately resulting in failing tests and browsers
# unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
# Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
timeout = "long",
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
bootstrap = bootstrap,
config_file = "//:karma-js.conf.js",
deps = deps,
data = data + [
karma = "//tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs",
tags = tags + [
configuration_env_vars = ["KARMA_WEB_TEST_MODE"],
def protractor_web_test_suite(**kwargs):
"""Default values for protractor_web_test_suite"""
browsers = ["//dev-infra/browsers/chromium:chromium"],
def ng_benchmark(**kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_benchmark"""
def nodejs_binary(data = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for nodejs_binary"""
configuration_env_vars = ["angular_ivy_enabled"],
data = data + ["@npm//source-map-support"],
def jasmine_node_test(bootstrap = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for jasmine_node_test
bootstrap: A list of labels of scripts to run before the entry_point.
The labels can either be individual files or a filegroup that contain a single
The label is automatically added to the deps of jasmine_node_test.
If the label ends in `_es5` which by convention selects the es5 outputs
of a ts_library rule, then corresponding ts_library target sans `_es5`
is also added to the deps of jasmine_node_test.
For example with,
name = "test",
bootstrap = ["//tools/testing:node_es5"],
deps = [":test_lib"],
the `//tools/testing:node` target will automatically get added to deps
by this macro. This removes the need for duplicate deps on the
target and makes the usage of this rule less verbose."""
# Very common dependencies for tests
deps = kwargs.pop("deps", []) + [
configuration_env_vars = kwargs.pop("configuration_env_vars", []) + [
templated_args = kwargs.pop("templated_args", [])
for label in bootstrap:
deps += [label]
templated_args += ["--node_options=--require=$$(rlocation $(rootpath %s))" % label]
if label.endswith("_es5"):
# If this label is a filegroup derived from a ts_library then automatically
# add the ts_library target (which is the label sans `_es5`) to deps so we pull
# in all of its transitive deps. This removes the need for duplicate deps on the
# target and makes the usage of this rule less verbose.
deps += [label[:-4]]
deps = deps,
configuration_env_vars = configuration_env_vars,
templated_args = templated_args,
def ng_rollup_bundle(deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_rollup_bundle"""
deps = deps + [
deps = deps,
def rollup_bundle(name, testonly = False, sourcemap = "true", **kwargs):
"""A drop in replacement for the rules nodejs [legacy rollup_bundle].
Runs [rollup_bundle], [terser_minified] and [babel] for downleveling to es5
to produce a number of output bundles.
es2015 iife : "%{name}.es2015.js"
es2015 iife minified : "%{name}.min.es2015.js"
es2015 iife minified (debug) : "%{name}.min_debug.es2015.js"
es5 iife : "%{name}.js"
es5 iife minified : "%{name}.min.js"
es5 iife minified (debug) : "%{name}.min_debug.js"
es5 umd : "%{name}.es5umd.js"
es5 umd minified : "%{name}.min.es5umd.js"
es2015 umd : "%{name}.umd.js"
es2015 umd minified : "%{name}.min.umd.js"
"" files are also produced for each bundle.
[legacy rollup_bundle]:
# Common arguments for all terser_minified targets
common_terser_args = {
"args": ["--comments"],
"sourcemap": False,
# es2015
_rollup_bundle(name = name + ".es2015", testonly = testonly, format = "iife", sourcemap = sourcemap, **kwargs)
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.es2015", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es2015", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.es2015.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.es2015"])
terser_minified(name = name + ".min_debug.es2015", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es2015", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min_debug.es2015.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min_debug.es2015"])
# es5
name = name,
testonly = testonly,
outs = [
name + ".js",
args = [
"$(execpath :%s.es2015.js)" % name,
"$(execpath :%s.js)" % name,
data = [
name + ".es2015.js",
terser_minified(name = name + ".min", testonly = testonly, src = name + "", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min"])
terser_minified(name = name + ".min_debug", testonly = testonly, src = name + "", debug = True, **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min_debug.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min_debug"])
# umd
_rollup_bundle(name = name + ".umd", testonly = testonly, format = "umd", sourcemap = sourcemap, **kwargs)
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.umd", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".umd", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.umd.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.umd"])
name = name + ".es5umd",
testonly = testonly,
outs = [
name + ".es5umd.js",
args = [
"$(execpath :%s.umd.js)" % name,
"$(execpath :%s.es5umd.js)" % name,
data = [
name + ".umd.js",
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.es5umd", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es5umd", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.es5umd.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.es5umd"])
def ts_api_guardian_test(**kwargs):
tags = [
def ts_api_guardian_test_npm_package(**kwargs):
tags = [