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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ParseSpan, TmplAstBoundEvent} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as e from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/ast'; // e for expression AST
import * as t from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast'; // t for template AST
import {isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue, isWithin, isWithinKeyValue} from './utils';
* Contextual information for a target position within the template.
export interface TemplateTarget {
* Target position within the template.
position: number;
* The template (or AST expression) node or nodes closest to the search position.
context: TargetContext;
* The `t.Template` which contains the found node or expression (or `null` if in the root
* template).
template: t.Template|null;
* The immediate parent node of the targeted node.
parent: t.Node|e.AST|null;
* A node or nodes targeted at a given position in the template, including potential contextual
* information about the specific aspect of the node being referenced.
* Some nodes have multiple interior contexts. For example, `t.Element` nodes have both a tag name
* as well as a body, and a given position definitively points to one or the other. `TargetNode`
* captures the node itself, as well as this additional contextual disambiguation.
export type TargetContext = SingleNodeTarget|MultiNodeTarget;
/** Contexts which logically target only a single node in the template AST. */
export type SingleNodeTarget = RawExpression|RawTemplateNode|ElementInBodyContext|
* Contexts which logically target multiple nodes in the template AST, which cannot be
* disambiguated given a single position because they are all equally relavent. For example, in the
* banana-in-a-box syntax `[(ngModel)]="formValues.person"`, the position in the template for the
* key `ngModel` refers to both the bound event `ngModelChange` and the input `ngModel`.
export type MultiNodeTarget = TwoWayBindingContext;
* Differentiates the various kinds of `TargetNode`s.
export enum TargetNodeKind {
* An `e.AST` expression that's targeted at a given position, with no additional context.
export interface RawExpression {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawExpression;
node: e.AST;
* A `t.Node` template node that's targeted at a given position, with no additional context.
export interface RawTemplateNode {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawTemplateNode;
node: t.Node;
* A `t.Element` (or `t.Template`) element node that's targeted, where the given position is within
* the tag name.
export interface ElementInTagContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext;
node: t.Element|t.Template;
* A `t.Element` (or `t.Template`) element node that's targeted, where the given position is within
* the element body.
export interface ElementInBodyContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext;
node: t.Element|t.Template;
export interface AttributeInKeyContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext;
node: t.TextAttribute|t.BoundAttribute|t.BoundEvent;
export interface AttributeInValueContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext;
node: t.TextAttribute|t.BoundAttribute|t.BoundEvent;
* A `t.BoundAttribute` and `t.BoundEvent` pair that are targeted, where the given position is
* within the key span of both.
export interface TwoWayBindingContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext;
nodes: [t.BoundAttribute, t.BoundEvent];
* This special marker is added to the path when the cursor is within the sourceSpan but not the key
* or value span of a node with key/value spans.
const OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER = new e.AST(new ParseSpan(-1, -1), new e.AbsoluteSourceSpan(-1, -1));
* Return the template AST node or expression AST node that most accurately
* represents the node at the specified cursor `position`.
* @param template AST tree of the template
* @param position target cursor position
export function getTargetAtPosition(template: t.Node[], position: number): TemplateTarget|null {
const path = TemplateTargetVisitor.visitTemplate(template, position);
if (path.length === 0) {
return null;
const candidate = path[path.length - 1];
// Walk up the result nodes to find the nearest `t.Template` which contains the targeted node.
let context: t.Template|null = null;
for (let i = path.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = path[i];
if (node instanceof t.Template) {
context = node;
// Given the candidate node, determine the full targeted context.
let nodeInContext: TargetContext;
if (candidate instanceof e.AST) {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawExpression,
node: candidate,
} else if (candidate instanceof t.Element) {
// Elements have two contexts: the tag context (position is within the element tag) or the
// element body context (position is outside of the tag name, but still in the element).
// Calculate the end of the element tag name. Any position beyond this is in the element body.
const tagEndPos =
candidate.sourceSpan.start.offset + 1 /* '<' element open */ +;
if (position > tagEndPos) {
// Position is within the element body
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext,
node: candidate,
} else if (
(candidate instanceof t.BoundAttribute || candidate instanceof t.BoundEvent ||
candidate instanceof t.TextAttribute) &&
candidate.keySpan !== undefined) {
const previousCandidate = path[path.length - 2];
if (candidate instanceof t.BoundEvent && previousCandidate instanceof t.BoundAttribute && === + 'Change') {
const boundAttribute: t.BoundAttribute = previousCandidate;
const boundEvent: t.BoundEvent = candidate;
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext,
nodes: [boundAttribute, boundEvent],
} else if (isWithin(position, candidate.keySpan)) {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawTemplateNode,
node: candidate,
let parent: t.Node|e.AST|null = null;
if (nodeInContext.kind === TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext && path.length >= 3) {
parent = path[path.length - 3];
} else if (path.length >= 2) {
parent = path[path.length - 2];
return {position, context: nodeInContext, template: context, parent};
* Visitor which, given a position and a template, identifies the node within the template at that
* position, as well as records the path of increasingly nested nodes that were traversed to reach
* that position.
class TemplateTargetVisitor implements t.Visitor {
// We need to keep a path instead of the last node because we might need more
// context for the last node, for example what is the parent node?
readonly path: Array<t.Node|e.AST> = [];
static visitTemplate(template: t.Node[], position: number): Array<t.Node|e.AST> {
const visitor = new TemplateTargetVisitor(position);
const {path} = visitor;
const strictPath = path.filter(v => v !== OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER);
const candidate = strictPath[strictPath.length - 1];
const matchedASourceSpanButNotAKvSpan = path.some(v => v === OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER);
if (matchedASourceSpanButNotAKvSpan &&
(candidate instanceof t.Template || candidate instanceof t.Element)) {
// Template nodes with key and value spans are always defined on a `t.Template` or
// `t.Element`. If we found a node on a template with a `sourceSpan` that includes the cursor,
// it is possible that we are outside the k/v spans (i.e. in-between them). If this is the
// case and we do not have any other candidate matches on the `t.Element` or `t.Template`, we
// want to return no results. Otherwise, the `t.Element`/`t.Template` result is incorrect for
// that cursor position.
return [];
return strictPath;
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
private constructor(private readonly position: number) {}
visit(node: t.Node) {
const {start, end} = getSpanIncludingEndTag(node);
if (!isWithin(this.position, {start, end})) {
const last: t.Node|e.AST|undefined = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
const withinKeySpanOfLastNode =
last && isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(last) && isWithin(this.position, last.keySpan);
const withinKeySpanOfCurrentNode =
isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(node) && isWithin(this.position, node.keySpan);
if (withinKeySpanOfLastNode && !withinKeySpanOfCurrentNode) {
// We've already identified that we are within a `keySpan` of a node.
// Unless we are _also_ in the `keySpan` of the current node (happens with two way bindings),
// we should stop processing nodes at this point to prevent matching any other nodes. This can
// happen when the end span of a different node touches the start of the keySpan for the
// candidate node. Because our `isWithin` logic is inclusive on both ends, we can match both
// nodes.
if (isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(node) && !isWithinKeyValue(this.position, node)) {
// If cursor is within source span but not within key span or value span,
// do not return the node.
} else {
visitElement(element: t.Element) {
visitTemplate(template: t.Template) {
visitElementOrTemplate(element: t.Template|t.Element) {
if (element instanceof t.Template) {
if (element instanceof t.Template) {
// If we get here and have not found a candidate node on the element itself, proceed with
// looking for a more specific node on the element children.
if (this.path[this.path.length - 1] !== element) {
visitContent(content: t.Content) {
t.visitAll(this, content.attributes);
visitVariable(variable: t.Variable) {
// Variable has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitReference(reference: t.Reference) {
// Reference has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitTextAttribute(attribute: t.TextAttribute) {
// Text attribute has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: t.BoundAttribute) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(attribute.value, this.path);
visitBoundEvent(event: t.BoundEvent) {
// An event binding with no value (e.g. `(event|)`) parses to a `BoundEvent` with a
// `LiteralPrimitive` handler with value `'ERROR'`, as opposed to a property binding with no
// value which has an `EmptyExpr` as its value. This is a synthetic node created by the binding
// parser, and is not suitable to use for Language Service analysis. Skip it.
// TODO(alxhub): modify the parser to generate an `EmptyExpr` instead.
let handler: e.AST = event.handler;
if (handler instanceof e.ASTWithSource) {
handler = handler.ast;
if (handler instanceof e.LiteralPrimitive && handler.value === 'ERROR') {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(event.handler, this.path);
visitText(text: t.Text) {
// Text has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundText(text: t.BoundText) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(text.value, this.path);
visitIcu(icu: t.Icu) {
for (const boundText of Object.values(icu.vars)) {
for (const boundTextOrText of Object.values(icu.placeholders)) {
visitAll(nodes: t.Node[]) {
for (const node of nodes) {
class ExpressionVisitor extends e.RecursiveAstVisitor {
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
constructor(private readonly position: number) {
visit(node: e.AST, path: Array<t.Node|e.AST>) {
if (node instanceof e.ASTWithSource) {
// In order to reduce noise, do not include `ASTWithSource` in the path.
// For the purpose of source spans, there is no difference between
// `ASTWithSource` and and underlying node that it wraps.
node = node.ast;
// The third condition is to account for the implicit receiver, which should
// not be visited.
if (isWithin(this.position, node.sourceSpan) && !(node instanceof e.ImplicitReceiver)) {
node.visit(this, path);
function getSpanIncludingEndTag(ast: t.Node) {
const result = {
start: ast.sourceSpan.start.offset,
end: ast.sourceSpan.end.offset,
// For Element and Template node, sourceSpan.end is the end of the opening
// tag. For the purpose of language service, we need to actually recognize
// the end of the closing tag. Otherwise, for situation like
// <my-component></my-comp¦onent> where the cursor is in the closing tag
// we will not be able to return any information.
if ((ast instanceof t.Element || ast instanceof t.Template) && ast.endSourceSpan) {
result.end = ast.endSourceSpan.end.offset;
return result;