
188 lines
6.0 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @fileoverview
* @suppress {globalThis}
const NEWLINE = '\n';
const IGNORE_FRAMES: {[k: string]: true} = {};
const creationTrace = '__creationTrace__';
const SEP_TAG = '__SEP_TAG__';
let sepTemplate: string = SEP_TAG + '@[native]';
class LongStackTrace {
error: Error = getStacktrace();
timestamp: Date = new Date();
function getStacktraceWithUncaughtError(): Error {
return new Error(ERROR_TAG);
function getStacktraceWithCaughtError(): Error {
try {
throw getStacktraceWithUncaughtError();
} catch (err) {
return err;
// Some implementations of exception handling don't create a stack trace if the exception
// isn't thrown, however it's faster not to actually throw the exception.
const error = getStacktraceWithUncaughtError();
const caughtError = getStacktraceWithCaughtError();
const getStacktrace = error.stack ?
getStacktraceWithUncaughtError :
(caughtError.stack ? getStacktraceWithCaughtError : getStacktraceWithUncaughtError);
function getFrames(error: Error): string[] {
return error.stack ? error.stack.split(NEWLINE) : [];
function addErrorStack(lines: string[], error: Error): void {
let trace: string[] = getFrames(error);
for (let i = 0; i < trace.length; i++) {
const frame = trace[i];
// Filter out the Frames which are part of stack capturing.
if (!IGNORE_FRAMES.hasOwnProperty(frame)) {
function renderLongStackTrace(frames: LongStackTrace[], stack?: string): string {
const longTrace: string[] = [stack ? stack.trim() : ''];
if (frames) {
let timestamp = new Date().getTime();
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
const traceFrames: LongStackTrace = frames[i];
const lastTime = traceFrames.timestamp;
let separator =
`____________________Elapsed ${timestamp - lastTime.getTime()} ms; At: ${lastTime}`;
separator = separator.replace(/[^\w\d]/g, '_');
longTrace.push(sepTemplate.replace(SEP_TAG, separator));
addErrorStack(longTrace, traceFrames.error);
timestamp = lastTime.getTime();
return longTrace.join(NEWLINE);
// if Error.stackTraceLimit is 0, means stack trace
// is disabled, so we don't need to generate long stack trace
// this will improve performance in some test(some test will
// set stackTraceLimit to 0,
function stackTracesEnabled(): boolean {
// Cast through any since this property only exists on Error in the nodejs
// typings.
return (Error as any).stackTraceLimit > 0;
type LongStackTraceZoneSpec = ZoneSpec&{longStackTraceLimit: number};
(Zone as any)['longStackTraceZoneSpec'] = <LongStackTraceZoneSpec>{
name: 'long-stack-trace',
longStackTraceLimit: 10, // Max number of task to keep the stack trace for.
// add a getLongStackTrace method in spec to
// handle handled reject promise error.
getLongStackTrace: function(error: Error): string |
undefined {
if (!error) {
return undefined;
const trace = (error as any)[(Zone as any).__symbol__('currentTaskTrace')];
if (!trace) {
return error.stack;
return renderLongStackTrace(trace, error.stack);
onScheduleTask: function(
parentZoneDelegate: ZoneDelegate, currentZone: Zone, targetZone: Zone, task: Task): any {
if (stackTracesEnabled()) {
const currentTask = Zone.currentTask;
let trace = currentTask && && ( as any)[creationTrace] || [];
trace = [new LongStackTrace()].concat(trace);
if (trace.length > this.longStackTraceLimit) {
trace.length = this.longStackTraceLimit;
if (! = {};
if (task.type === 'eventTask') {
// Fix issue,
// For event task of browser, by default, all task will share a
// singleton instance of data object, we should create a new one here
// The cast to `any` is required to workaround a closure bug which wrongly applies
// URL sanitization rules to .data access.
( as any) = {...( as any)};
( as any)[creationTrace] = trace;
return parentZoneDelegate.scheduleTask(targetZone, task);
onHandleError: function(
parentZoneDelegate: ZoneDelegate, currentZone: Zone, targetZone: Zone, error: any): boolean {
if (stackTracesEnabled()) {
const parentTask = Zone.currentTask || error.task;
if (error instanceof Error && parentTask) {
const longStack =
renderLongStackTrace( &&[creationTrace], error.stack);
try {
error.stack = (error as any).longStack = longStack;
} catch (err) {
return parentZoneDelegate.handleError(targetZone, error);
function captureStackTraces(stackTraces: string[][], count: number): void {
if (count > 0) {
stackTraces.push(getFrames((new LongStackTrace()).error));
captureStackTraces(stackTraces, count - 1);
function computeIgnoreFrames() {
if (!stackTracesEnabled()) {
const frames: string[][] = [];
captureStackTraces(frames, 2);
const frames1 = frames[0];
const frames2 = frames[1];
for (let i = 0; i < frames1.length; i++) {
const frame1 = frames1[i];
if (frame1.indexOf(ERROR_TAG) == -1) {
let match = frame1.match(/^\s*at\s+/);
if (match) {
sepTemplate = match[0] + SEP_TAG + ' (http://localhost)';
for (let i = 0; i < frames1.length; i++) {
const frame1 = frames1[i];
const frame2 = frames2[i];
if (frame1 === frame2) {
IGNORE_FRAMES[frame1] = true;
} else {