uber5001 c4e10ea9ac chore(benchpress): add browserify bundling
Use browserify to bundle benchpress and its dependencies.
2015-06-29 10:29:59 -07:00

89 lines
3.0 KiB

var gulp = require('gulp');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var insert = require('gulp-insert');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var path = require('path');
module.exports.bundle = function(buildConfig, moduleName, outputFile, outputConfig,
sfx) {
var sfx = sfx || false;
// loading it earlier interfers with custom traceur.
var Builder = require('systemjs-builder');
var builder = new Builder();
if (sfx) {
return builder.buildSFX(moduleName, outputFile, outputConfig);
} else {
return, outputFile, outputConfig);
module.exports.modify = function(srcs, concatName) {
return gulp.src(srcs)
.pipe(replace('sourceMappingURL', 'sourceMappingURLDisabled')) // TODO: add concat for sourceMaps
module.exports.benchpressBundle = function(entries, packageJsonPath, includes, excludes, ignore, dest, cb) {
we need a script in dist/js/cjs so we
can find node modules the same way benchpress does.
This allows us to extract the LICENSE files from each
module included in the bundle, through:
var helperScript = 'module.exports = function(moduleName){return require.resolve(moduleName)}';
var helperPath = path.resolve('./dist/js/cjs/_module_resolver.js');
fs.writeFileSync(helperPath, helperScript);
var helper = require(helperPath);
var b = browserify({
entries: entries,
builtins: [],
insertGlobalVars: ['__filename','__dirname'],
detectGlobals: false
for (var i = 0; i < excludes.length; i++) {
var packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath));
for (var dep in packageJson.dependencies) {
//remove deps from package that we want to include in the bundle
if (includes.indexOf(dep) > -1) {
delete packageJson.dependencies[dep];
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < ignore.length; i++) {
fs.writeFileSync(dest + '/package.json', JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, ' '));
b.bundle(function(err, buf) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var contents = buf.toString();
var licenses = "/*\n";
//for packaged dependencies, the license must also be included
for (var i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) {
var licensePath = helper(includes[i] + "/LICENSE");
var licenseContent = fs.readFileSync(licensePath);
licenses += "======================== BEGIN LICENSE FOR BUNDLED MODULE: " + includes[i] + " ========================\n";
licenses += licenseContent;
licenses += "======================== END LICENSE FOR BUNDLED MODULE: " + includes[i] + " ========================\n";
licenses += "*/\n";
contents = licenses + contents;
contents += 'module.exports = global.__benchpressExports;\n';
fs.writeFileSync(dest + '/index.js', contents);