Pete Bacon Darwin 673ac2945c refactor(compiler): use options argument for parsers (#28055)
This commit consolidates the options that can modify the
parsing of text (e.g. HTML, Angular templates, CSS, i18n)
into an AST for further processing into a single `options`

This makes the code cleaner and more readable, but also
enables us to support further options to parsing without
triggering wide ranging changes to code that should not
be affected by these new options.  Specifically, it will let
us pass information about the placement of a template
that is being parsed in its containing file, which is essential
for accurate SourceMap processing.

PR Close #28055
2019-02-12 20:58:27 -08:00

341 lines
11 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as ml from '../../ml_parser/ast';
import {XmlParser} from '../../ml_parser/xml_parser';
import {digest} from '../digest';
import * as i18n from '../i18n_ast';
import {I18nError} from '../parse_util';
import {Serializer} from './serializer';
import * as xml from './xml_helper';
const _VERSION = '1.2';
const _XMLNS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2';
// TODO(vicb): make this a param (s/_/-/)
const _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG = 'en';
const _PLACEHOLDER_TAG = 'x';
const _MARKER_TAG = 'mrk';
const _FILE_TAG = 'file';
const _SOURCE_TAG = 'source';
const _SEGMENT_SOURCE_TAG = 'seg-source';
const _TARGET_TAG = 'target';
const _UNIT_TAG = 'trans-unit';
const _CONTEXT_GROUP_TAG = 'context-group';
const _CONTEXT_TAG = 'context';
export class Xliff extends Serializer {
write(messages: i18n.Message[], locale: string|null): string {
const visitor = new _WriteVisitor();
const transUnits: xml.Node[] = [];
messages.forEach(message => {
let contextTags: xml.Node[] = [];
message.sources.forEach((source: i18n.MessageSpan) => {
let contextGroupTag = new xml.Tag(_CONTEXT_GROUP_TAG, {purpose: 'location'});
new xml.CR(10),
new xml.Tag(
_CONTEXT_TAG, {'context-type': 'sourcefile'}, [new xml.Text(source.filePath)]),
new xml.CR(10), new xml.Tag(
_CONTEXT_TAG, {'context-type': 'linenumber'},
[new xml.Text(`${source.startLine}`)]),
new xml.CR(8));
contextTags.push(new xml.CR(8), contextGroupTag);
const transUnit = new xml.Tag(_UNIT_TAG, {id:, datatype: 'html'});
new xml.CR(8), new xml.Tag(_SOURCE_TAG, {}, visitor.serialize(message.nodes)),
if (message.description) {
new xml.CR(8),
new xml.Tag(
'note', {priority: '1', from: 'description'}, [new xml.Text(message.description)]));
if (message.meaning) {
new xml.CR(8),
new xml.Tag('note', {priority: '1', from: 'meaning'}, [new xml.Text(message.meaning)]));
transUnit.children.push(new xml.CR(6));
transUnits.push(new xml.CR(6), transUnit);
const body = new xml.Tag('body', {}, [...transUnits, new xml.CR(4)]);
const file = new xml.Tag(
'file', {
'source-language': locale || _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG,
datatype: 'plaintext',
original: 'ng2.template',
[new xml.CR(4), body, new xml.CR(2)]);
const xliff = new xml.Tag(
'xliff', {version: _VERSION, xmlns: _XMLNS}, [new xml.CR(2), file, new xml.CR()]);
return xml.serialize([
new xml.Declaration({version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8'}), new xml.CR(), xliff, new xml.CR()
load(content: string, url: string):
{locale: string, i18nNodesByMsgId: {[msgId: string]: i18n.Node[]}} {
// xliff to xml nodes
const xliffParser = new XliffParser();
const {locale, msgIdToHtml, errors} = xliffParser.parse(content, url);
// xml nodes to i18n nodes
const i18nNodesByMsgId: {[msgId: string]: i18n.Node[]} = {};
const converter = new XmlToI18n();
Object.keys(msgIdToHtml).forEach(msgId => {
const {i18nNodes, errors: e} = converter.convert(msgIdToHtml[msgId], url);
i18nNodesByMsgId[msgId] = i18nNodes;
if (errors.length) {
throw new Error(`xliff parse errors:\n${errors.join('\n')}`);
return {locale: locale !, i18nNodesByMsgId};
digest(message: i18n.Message): string { return digest(message); }
class _WriteVisitor implements i18n.Visitor {
visitText(text: i18n.Text, context?: any): xml.Node[] { return [new xml.Text(text.value)]; }
visitContainer(container: i18n.Container, context?: any): xml.Node[] {
const nodes: xml.Node[] = [];
container.children.forEach((node: i18n.Node) => nodes.push(...node.visit(this)));
return nodes;
visitIcu(icu: i18n.Icu, context?: any): xml.Node[] {
const nodes = [new xml.Text(`{${icu.expressionPlaceholder}, ${icu.type}, `)];
Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach((c: string) => {
nodes.push(new xml.Text(`${c} {`),[c].visit(this), new xml.Text(`} `));
nodes.push(new xml.Text(`}`));
return nodes;
visitTagPlaceholder(ph: i18n.TagPlaceholder, context?: any): xml.Node[] {
const ctype = getCtypeForTag(ph.tag);
if (ph.isVoid) {
// void tags have no children nor closing tags
return [new xml.Tag(
_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, {id: ph.startName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `<${ph.tag}/>`})];
const startTagPh =
new xml.Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, {id: ph.startName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `<${ph.tag}>`});
const closeTagPh =
new xml.Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, {id: ph.closeName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `</${ph.tag}>`});
return [startTagPh, ...this.serialize(ph.children), closeTagPh];
visitPlaceholder(ph: i18n.Placeholder, context?: any): xml.Node[] {
return [new xml.Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, {id:, 'equiv-text': `{{${ph.value}}}`})];
visitIcuPlaceholder(ph: i18n.IcuPlaceholder, context?: any): xml.Node[] {
const equivText =
`{${ph.value.expression}, ${ph.value.type}, ${Object.keys(ph.value.cases).map((value: string) => value + ' {...}').join(' ')}}`;
return [new xml.Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, {id:, 'equiv-text': equivText})];
serialize(nodes: i18n.Node[]): xml.Node[] {
return [].concat( => node.visit(this)));
// TODO(vicb): add error management (structure)
// Extract messages as xml nodes from the xliff file
class XliffParser implements ml.Visitor {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private _unitMlString !: string | null;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private _errors !: I18nError[];
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private _msgIdToHtml !: {[msgId: string]: string};
private _locale: string|null = null;
parse(xliff: string, url: string) {
this._unitMlString = null;
this._msgIdToHtml = {};
const xml = new XmlParser().parse(xliff, url);
this._errors = xml.errors;
ml.visitAll(this, xml.rootNodes, null);
return {
msgIdToHtml: this._msgIdToHtml,
errors: this._errors,
locale: this._locale,
visitElement(element: ml.Element, context: any): any {
switch ( {
case _UNIT_TAG:
this._unitMlString = null !;
const idAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
if (!idAttr) {
this._addError(element, `<${_UNIT_TAG}> misses the "id" attribute`);
} else {
const id = idAttr.value;
if (this._msgIdToHtml.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
this._addError(element, `Duplicated translations for msg ${id}`);
} else {
ml.visitAll(this, element.children, null);
if (typeof this._unitMlString === 'string') {
this._msgIdToHtml[id] = this._unitMlString;
} else {
this._addError(element, `Message ${id} misses a translation`);
// ignore those tags
const innerTextStart = element.startSourceSpan !.end.offset;
const innerTextEnd = element.endSourceSpan !.start.offset;
const content = element.startSourceSpan !.start.file.content;
const innerText = content.slice(innerTextStart, innerTextEnd);
this._unitMlString = innerText;
case _FILE_TAG:
const localeAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'target-language');
if (localeAttr) {
this._locale = localeAttr.value;
ml.visitAll(this, element.children, null);
// TODO(vicb): assert file structure, xliff version
// For now only recurse on unhandled nodes
ml.visitAll(this, element.children, null);
visitAttribute(attribute: ml.Attribute, context: any): any {}
visitText(text: ml.Text, context: any): any {}
visitComment(comment: ml.Comment, context: any): any {}
visitExpansion(expansion: ml.Expansion, context: any): any {}
visitExpansionCase(expansionCase: ml.ExpansionCase, context: any): any {}
private _addError(node: ml.Node, message: string): void {
this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan !, message));
// Convert ml nodes (xliff syntax) to i18n nodes
class XmlToI18n implements ml.Visitor {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
private _errors !: I18nError[];
convert(message: string, url: string) {
const xmlIcu = new XmlParser().parse(message, url, {tokenizeExpansionForms: true});
this._errors = xmlIcu.errors;
const i18nNodes = this._errors.length > 0 || xmlIcu.rootNodes.length == 0 ?
[] :
[].concat(, xmlIcu.rootNodes));
return {
i18nNodes: i18nNodes,
errors: this._errors,
visitText(text: ml.Text, context: any) { return new i18n.Text(text.value, text.sourceSpan !); }
visitElement(el: ml.Element, context: any): i18n.Placeholder|ml.Node[]|null {
if ( === _PLACEHOLDER_TAG) {
const nameAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
if (nameAttr) {
return new i18n.Placeholder('', nameAttr.value, el.sourceSpan !);
this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG}> misses the "id" attribute`);
return null;
if ( === _MARKER_TAG) {
return [].concat(, el.children));
this._addError(el, `Unexpected tag`);
return null;
visitExpansion(icu: ml.Expansion, context: any) {
const caseMap: {[value: string]: i18n.Node} = {};
ml.visitAll(this, icu.cases).forEach((c: any) => {
caseMap[c.value] = new i18n.Container(c.nodes, icu.sourceSpan);
return new i18n.Icu(icu.switchValue, icu.type, caseMap, icu.sourceSpan);
visitExpansionCase(icuCase: ml.ExpansionCase, context: any): any {
return {
value: icuCase.value,
nodes: ml.visitAll(this, icuCase.expression),
visitComment(comment: ml.Comment, context: any) {}
visitAttribute(attribute: ml.Attribute, context: any) {}
private _addError(node: ml.Node, message: string): void {
this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan !, message));
function getCtypeForTag(tag: string): string {
switch (tag.toLowerCase()) {
case 'br':
return 'lb';
case 'img':
return 'image';
return `x-${tag}`;