
744 lines
20 KiB

<html lang="en"><head></head><body><form id="mainForm" method="post" action="" target="_self"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/app.component.ts]" value="import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<label><input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; [checked]=&quot;showHeroes&quot; (change)=&quot;showHeroes=!showHeroes&quot;>Heroes</label>
<label><input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; [checked]=&quot;showVillains&quot; (change)=&quot;showVillains=!showVillains&quot;>Villains</label>
<label><input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; [checked]=&quot;showCars&quot; (change)=&quot;showCars=!showCars&quot;>Cars</label>
<h1>Hierarchical Dependency Injection</h1>
<heroes-list *ngIf=&quot;showHeroes&quot;></heroes-list>
<villains-list *ngIf=&quot;showVillains&quot;></villains-list>
<my-cars *ngIf=&quot;showCars&quot;></my-cars>
export class AppComponent {
showCars = true;
showHeroes = true;
showVillains = true;
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/app.module.ts]" value="import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HeroTaxReturnComponent } from './hero-tax-return.component';
import { HeroesListComponent } from './heroes-list.component';
import { HeroesService } from './heroes.service';
import { VillainsListComponent } from './villains-list.component';
import { carComponents, carServices } from './car.components';
imports: [
providers: [
declarations: [
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/car.components.ts]" value="import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {
CarService, CarService2, CarService3,
EngineService, EngineService2, TiresService
} from './';
////////// CCarComponent ////////////
selector: 'c-car',
template: `<div>C: {{description}}</div>`,
providers: [
{ provide: CarService, useClass: CarService3 }
export class CCarComponent {
description: string;
constructor(carService: CarService) {
this.description = `${carService.getCar().description} (${})`;
////////// BCarComponent ////////////
selector: 'b-car',
template: `
<div>B: {{description}}</div>
providers: [
{ provide: CarService, useClass: CarService2 },
{ provide: EngineService, useClass: EngineService2 }
export class BCarComponent {
description: string;
constructor(carService: CarService) {
this.description = `${carService.getCar().description} (${})`;
////////// ACarComponent ////////////
selector: 'a-car',
template: `
<div>A: {{description}}</div>
export class ACarComponent {
description: string;
constructor(carService: CarService) {
this.description = `${carService.getCar().description} (${})`;
////////// CarsComponent ////////////
selector: 'my-cars',
template: `
export class CarsComponent { }
export const carComponents = [
ACarComponent, BCarComponent, CCarComponent
// generic car-related services
export const carServices = [
CarService, EngineService, TiresService
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/]" value="import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
/// Model ///
export class Car {
name = 'Avocado Motors';
constructor(public engine: Engine, public tires: Tires) { }
get description() {
return `${} car with ` +
`${this.engine.cylinders} cylinders and ${} tires.`;
export class Engine {
cylinders = 4;
export class Tires {
make = 'Flintstone';
model = 'Square';
//// Engine services ///
export class EngineService {
id = 'E1';
getEngine() { return new Engine(); }
export class EngineService2 {
id = 'E2';
getEngine() {
const eng = new Engine();
eng.cylinders = 8;
return eng;
//// Tire services ///
export class TiresService {
id = 'T1';
getTires() { return new Tires(); }
/// Car Services ///
export class CarService {
id = 'C1';
protected engineService: EngineService,
protected tiresService: TiresService) { }
getCar() {
return new Car(
get name() {
return `${}-${}-${}`;
export class CarService2 extends CarService {
id = 'C2';
protected engineService: EngineService,
protected tiresService: TiresService) {
super(engineService, tiresService);
getCar() {
const car = super.getCar(); = 'BamBam Motors, BroVan 2000';
return car;
export class CarService3 extends CarService2 {
id = 'C3';
protected engineService: EngineService,
protected tiresService: TiresService) {
super(engineService, tiresService);
getCar() {
const car = super.getCar(); = 'Chizzamm Motors, Calico UltraMax Supreme';
return car;
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/hero-tax-return.component.ts]" value="import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
import { HeroTaxReturnService } from './hero-tax-return.service';
selector: 'hero-tax-return',
templateUrl: './hero-tax-return.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './hero-tax-return.component.css' ],
providers: [ HeroTaxReturnService ]
export class HeroTaxReturnComponent {
message = '';
@Output() close = new EventEmitter<void>();
get taxReturn(): HeroTaxReturn {
return this.heroTaxReturnService.taxReturn;
set taxReturn (htr: HeroTaxReturn) {
this.heroTaxReturnService.taxReturn = htr;
constructor(private heroTaxReturnService: HeroTaxReturnService ) { }
onCanceled() {
onClose() { this.close.emit(); };
onSaved() {
flashMessage(msg: string) {
this.message = msg;
setTimeout(() => this.message = '', 500);
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/hero-tax-return.service.ts]" value="import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
import { HeroesService } from './heroes.service';
export class HeroTaxReturnService {
private currentTaxReturn: HeroTaxReturn;
private originalTaxReturn: HeroTaxReturn;
constructor(private heroService: HeroesService) { }
set taxReturn (htr: HeroTaxReturn) {
this.originalTaxReturn = htr;
this.currentTaxReturn = htr.clone();
get taxReturn (): HeroTaxReturn {
return this.currentTaxReturn;
restoreTaxReturn() {
this.taxReturn = this.originalTaxReturn;
saveTaxReturn() {
this.taxReturn = this.currentTaxReturn;
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/hero.ts]" value="
export class Hero {
id: number;
name: string;
tid: string; // tax id
//// HeroTaxReturn ////
let nextId = 100;
export class HeroTaxReturn {
public id = nextId++,
public hero: Hero,
public income = 0 ) {
if (id === 0) { id = nextId++; }
get name() { return; }
get tax() { return this.income ? .10 * this.income : 0; }
get tid() { return this.hero.tid; }
toString() {
return `${}`;
clone() {
return new HeroTaxReturn(, this.hero, this.income);
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/heroes-list.component.ts]" value="import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Hero, HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
import { HeroesService } from './heroes.service';
selector: 'heroes-list',
template: `
<h3>Hero Tax Returns</h3>
<li *ngFor=&quot;let hero of heroes | async&quot;
*ngFor=&quot;let selected of selectedTaxReturns; let i = index&quot;
styles: [ 'li {cursor: pointer;}' ]
export class HeroesListComponent {
heroes: Observable<Hero[]>;
selectedTaxReturns: HeroTaxReturn[] = [];
constructor(private heroesService: HeroesService) {
this.heroes = heroesService.getHeroes();
showTaxReturn(hero: Hero) {
.subscribe(htr => {
// show if not currently shown
if (!this.selectedTaxReturns.find(tr => === {
closeTaxReturn(ix: number) {
this.selectedTaxReturns.splice(ix, 1);
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/heroes.service.ts]" value="import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Observer } from 'rxjs/Observer';
import { Hero, HeroTaxReturn } from './hero';
export class HeroesService {
heroes: Hero[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'RubberMan', tid: '082-27-5678'},
{ id: 2, name: 'Tornado', tid: '099-42-4321'}
heroTaxReturns: HeroTaxReturn[] = [
new HeroTaxReturn(10, this.heroes[0], 35000),
new HeroTaxReturn(20, this.heroes[1], 1250000)
getHeroes(): Observable<Hero[]> {
return new Observable<Hero[]>((observer: Observer<Hero[]>) => {;
getTaxReturn(hero: Hero): Observable<HeroTaxReturn> {
return new Observable<HeroTaxReturn>((observer: Observer<HeroTaxReturn>) => {
const htr = this.heroTaxReturns.find(t => ===; || new HeroTaxReturn(0, hero));
saveTaxReturn(heroTaxReturn: HeroTaxReturn): Observable<HeroTaxReturn> {
return new Observable<HeroTaxReturn>((observer: Observer<HeroTaxReturn>) => {
const htr = this.heroTaxReturns.find(t => ===;
if (htr) {
heroTaxReturn = Object.assign(htr, heroTaxReturn); // demo: mutate
} else {
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/villains-list.component.ts]" value="import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Villain, VillainsService } from './villains.service';
selector: 'villains-list',
templateUrl: './villains-list.component.html',
providers: [ VillainsService ]
export class VillainsListComponent {
villaines: Observable<Villain[]>;
constructor(private villainesService: VillainsService) {
this.villaines = villainesService.getVillains();
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/villains.service.ts]" value="import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
export interface Villain { id: number; name: string; }
export class VillainsService {
villains: Villain[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Dr. Evil'},
{ id: 2, name: 'Moriarty'}
getVillains() {
return of(this.villains);
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[main.ts]" value="import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/hero-tax-return.component.css]" value=".tax-return { border: thin dashed green; margin: 1em; padding: 1em; width: 18em; position: relative }
#name { font-weight: bold;}
#tid { float: right; }
input { font-size: 100%; padding-left: 2px; width: 6em; }
input.num { text-align: right; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 4px; width: 4em;}
fieldset { border: 0 none;}
.msg {
color: white;
font-size: 150%;
position: absolute;
/*opacity: 0.3;*/
left: 2px;
top: 3em;
width: 98%;
background-color: green;
text-align: center;
.msg.canceled {
color: white;
background-color: red;
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that
can be found in the LICENSE file at
*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[styles.css]" value="/* Master Styles */
h1 {
color: #369;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 250%;
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font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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nav a:hover {
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nav {
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.items li:hover {
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/* everywhere else */
* {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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*/"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/hero-tax-return.component.html]" value="<div class=&quot;tax-return&quot;>
<div class=&quot;msg&quot; [class.canceled]=&quot;message==='Canceled'&quot;>{{message}}</div>
<span id=name>{{}}</span>
<label id=tid>TID: {{taxReturn.tid}}</label>
Income: <input [(ngModel)]=&quot;taxReturn.income&quot; class=&quot;num&quot;>
<label>Tax: {{}}</label>
<button (click)=&quot;onSaved()&quot;>Save</button>
<button (click)=&quot;onCanceled()&quot;>Cancel</button>
<button (click)=&quot;onClose()&quot;>Close</button>
Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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can be found in the LICENSE file at
-->"><input type="hidden" name="files[app/villains-list.component.html]" value="<div>
<li *ngFor=&quot;let villain of villaines | async&quot;>{{}}</li>
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can be found in the LICENSE file at
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