
1251 lines
44 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AbsoluteSourceSpan, ASTWithSource, BindingPipe, EmptyExpr, Interpolation, MethodCall, ParserError, TemplateBinding, VariableBinding} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/ast';
import {Lexer} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/lexer';
import {IvyParser, Parser, SplitInterpolation} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/parser';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
import {unparse, unparseWithSpan} from './utils/unparser';
import {validate} from './utils/validator';
describe('parser', () => {
describe('parseAction', () => {
it('should parse numbers', () => {
it('should parse strings', () => {
checkAction('\'1\'', '"1"');
it('should parse null', () => {
it('should parse undefined', () => {
it('should parse unary - and + expressions', () => {
checkAction('-1', '-1');
checkAction('+1', '+1');
checkAction(`-'1'`, `-"1"`);
checkAction(`+'1'`, `+"1"`);
it('should parse unary ! expressions', () => {
it('should parse postfix ! expression', () => {
it('should parse multiplicative expressions', () => {
checkAction('3*4/2%5', '3 * 4 / 2 % 5');
it('should parse additive expressions', () => {
checkAction('3 + 6 - 2');
it('should parse relational expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 < 3');
checkAction('2 > 3');
checkAction('2 <= 2');
checkAction('2 >= 2');
it('should parse equality expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 == 3');
checkAction('2 != 3');
it('should parse strict equality expressions', () => {
checkAction('2 === 3');
checkAction('2 !== 3');
it('should parse expressions', () => {
checkAction('true && true');
checkAction('true || false');
checkAction('null ?? 0');
checkAction('null ?? undefined ?? 0');
it('should parse grouped expressions', () => {
checkAction('(1 + 2) * 3', '1 + 2 * 3');
it('should ignore comments in expressions', () => {
checkAction('a //comment', 'a');
it('should retain // in string literals', () => {
checkAction(`""`, `""`);
it('should parse an empty string', () => {
describe('literals', () => {
it('should parse array', () => {
checkAction('[1, 2].length');
checkAction('[1, 2,]', '[1, 2]');
it('should parse map', () => {
checkAction('{a: 1, "b": 2}[2]');
it('should only allow identifier, string, or keyword as map key', () => {
expectActionError('{(:0}', 'expected identifier, keyword, or string');
expectActionError('{1234:0}', 'expected identifier, keyword, or string');
describe('member access', () => {
it('should parse field access', () => {
checkAction('this.a', 'a');
it('should only allow identifier or keyword as member names', () => {
checkActionWithError('x.', 'x.', 'identifier or keyword');
checkActionWithError('x.(', 'x.', 'identifier or keyword');
checkActionWithError('x. 1234', 'x.', 'identifier or keyword');
checkActionWithError('x."foo"', 'x.', 'identifier or keyword');
it('should parse safe field access', () => {
it('should parse incomplete safe field accesses', () => {
checkActionWithError('a?.a.', 'a?.a.', 'identifier or keyword');
checkActionWithError('a.a?.a.', 'a.a?.a.', 'identifier or keyword');
checkActionWithError('a.a?.a?. 1234', 'a.a?.a?.', 'identifier or keyword');
describe('property write', () => {
it('should parse property writes', () => {
checkAction('a.a = 1 + 2');
checkAction('this.a.a = 1 + 2', 'a.a = 1 + 2');
checkAction('a.a.a = 1 + 2');
describe('malformed property writes', () => {
it('should recover on empty rvalues', () => {
checkActionWithError('a.a = ', 'a.a = ', 'Unexpected end of expression');
it('should recover on incomplete rvalues', () => {
checkActionWithError('a.a = 1 + ', 'a.a = 1 + ', 'Unexpected end of expression');
it('should recover on missing properties', () => {
'a. = 1', 'a. = 1', 'Expected identifier for property access at column 2');
it('should error on writes after a property write', () => {
const ast = parseAction('a.a = 1 = 2');
expect(unparse(ast)).toEqual('a.a = 1');
expect(ast.errors[0].message).toContain('Unexpected token \'=\'');
describe('method calls', () => {
it('should parse method calls', () => {
checkAction('add(1, 2)');
checkAction('a.add(1, 2)');
checkAction('fn().add(1, 2)');
it('should parse an EmptyExpr with a correct span for a trailing empty argument', () => {
const ast = parseAction('fn(1, )').ast as MethodCall;
const sourceSpan = (ast.args[1] as EmptyExpr).sourceSpan;
expect([sourceSpan.start, sourceSpan.end]).toEqual([5, 6]);
describe('functional calls', () => {
it('should parse function calls', () => {
checkAction('fn()(1, 2)');
describe('keyed read', () => {
it('should parse keyed reads', () => {
checkAction('this.a["a"]', 'a["a"]');
describe('malformed keyed reads', () => {
it('should recover on missing keys', () => {
checkActionWithError('a[]', 'a[]', 'Key access cannot be empty');
it('should recover on incomplete expression keys', () => {
checkActionWithError('a[1 + ]', 'a[1 + ]', 'Unexpected token ]');
it('should recover on unterminated keys', () => {
'a[1 + 2', 'a[1 + 2]', 'Missing expected ] at the end of the expression');
it('should recover on incomplete and unterminated keys', () => {
'a[1 + ', 'a[1 + ]', 'Missing expected ] at the end of the expression');
describe('keyed write', () => {
it('should parse keyed writes', () => {
checkAction('a["a"] = 1 + 2');
checkAction('this.a["a"] = 1 + 2', 'a["a"] = 1 + 2');
checkAction('a.a["a"] = 1 + 2');
describe('malformed keyed writes', () => {
it('should recover on empty rvalues', () => {
checkActionWithError('a["a"] = ', 'a["a"] = ', 'Unexpected end of expression');
it('should recover on incomplete rvalues', () => {
checkActionWithError('a["a"] = 1 + ', 'a["a"] = 1 + ', 'Unexpected end of expression');
it('should recover on missing keys', () => {
checkActionWithError('a[] = 1', 'a[] = 1', 'Key access cannot be empty');
it('should recover on incomplete expression keys', () => {
checkActionWithError('a[1 + ] = 1', 'a[1 + ] = 1', 'Unexpected token ]');
it('should recover on unterminated keys', () => {
checkActionWithError('a[1 + 2 = 1', 'a[1 + 2] = 1', 'Missing expected ]');
it('should recover on incomplete and unterminated keys', () => {
const ast = parseAction('a[1 + = 1');
expect(unparse(ast)).toEqual('a[1 + ] = 1');
const errors = => e.message);
expect(errors[0]).toContain('Unexpected token =');
expect(errors[1]).toContain('Missing expected ]');
it('should error on writes after a keyed write', () => {
const ast = parseAction('a[1] = 1 = 2');
expect(unparse(ast)).toEqual('a[1] = 1');
expect(ast.errors[0].message).toContain('Unexpected token \'=\'');
describe('conditional', () => {
it('should parse ternary/conditional expressions', () => {
checkAction('7 == 3 + 4 ? 10 : 20');
checkAction('false ? 10 : 20');
it('should report incorrect ternary operator syntax', () => {
expectActionError('true?1', 'Conditional expression true?1 requires all 3 expressions');
describe('assignment', () => {
it('should support field assignments', () => {
checkAction('a = 12');
checkAction('a.a.a = 123');
checkAction('a = 123; b = 234;');
it('should report on safe field assignments', () => {
expectActionError('a?.a = 123', 'cannot be used in the assignment');
it('should support array updates', () => {
checkAction('a[0] = 200');
it('should error when using pipes', () => {
expectActionError('x|blah', 'Cannot have a pipe');
it('should store the source in the result', () => {
expect(parseAction('someExpr', 'someExpr'));
it('should store the passed-in location', () => {
expect(parseAction('someExpr', 'location').location).toBe('location');
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
expectActionError('{{a()}}', 'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should not report interpolation inside a string', () => {
describe('parse spans', () => {
it('should record property read span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('foo');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo', 'foo']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo', '[nameSpan] foo']);
it('should record accessed property read span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['', '']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['', '[nameSpan] bar']);
it('should record safe property read span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('foo?.bar');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo?.bar', 'foo?.bar']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo?.bar', '[nameSpan] bar']);
it('should record method call span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('foo()');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo()', 'foo()']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo()', '[nameSpan] foo']);
it('should record method call argument span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('foo(1 + 2)');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo(1 + 2)', '[argumentSpan] 1 + 2']);
it('should record accessed method call span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['', '']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['', '[nameSpan] bar']);
it('should record safe method call span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('foo?.bar()');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo?.bar()', 'foo?.bar()']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['foo?.bar()', '[nameSpan] bar']);
it('should record property write span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('a = b');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['a = b', 'a = b']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['a = b', '[nameSpan] a']);
it('should record accessed property write span', () => {
const ast = parseAction('a.b = c');
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['a.b = c', 'a.b = c']);
expect(unparseWithSpan(ast)).toContain(['a.b = c', '[nameSpan] b']);
it('should include parenthesis in spans', () => {
// When a LHS expression is parenthesized, the parenthesis on the left used to be
// excluded from the span. This test verifies that the parenthesis are properly included
// in the span for both LHS and RHS expressions.
expectSpan('(foo) && (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) || (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) == (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) === (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) != (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) !== (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) > (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) >= (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) < (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) <= (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) + (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) - (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) * (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) / (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) % (bar)');
expectSpan('(foo) | pipe');
expectSpan('(foo).bar = (baz)');
expectSpan('(foo | pipe) == false');
expectSpan('(((foo) && bar) || baz) === true');
function expectSpan(input: string) {
expect(unparseWithSpan(parseBinding(input))).toContain([jasmine.any(String), input]);
describe('general error handling', () => {
it('should report an unexpected token', () => {
expectActionError('[1,2] trac', 'Unexpected token \'trac\'');
it('should report reasonable error for unconsumed tokens', () => {
expectActionError(')', 'Unexpected token ) at column 1 in [)]');
it('should report a missing expected token', () => {
expectActionError('a(b', 'Missing expected ) at the end of the expression [a(b]');
describe('parseBinding', () => {
describe('pipes', () => {
it('should parse pipes', () => {
checkBinding('a(b | c)', 'a((b | c))');
checkBinding('a.b(c.d(e) | f)', 'a.b((c.d(e) | f))');
checkBinding('[1, 2, 3] | a', '([1, 2, 3] | a)');
checkBinding('{a: 1, "b": 2} | c', '({a: 1, "b": 2} | c)');
checkBinding('a[b] | c', '(a[b] | c)');
checkBinding('a?.b | c', '(a?.b | c)');
checkBinding('true | a', '(true | a)');
checkBinding('a | b:c | d', '((a | b:c) | d)');
checkBinding('a | b:(c | d)', '(a | b:(c | d))');
describe('should parse incomplete pipes', () => {
const cases: Array<[string, string, string, string]> = [
'should parse missing pipe names: end',
'a | b | ',
'((a | b) | )',
'Unexpected end of input, expected identifier or keyword',
'should parse missing pipe names: middle',
'a | | b',
'((a | ) | b)',
'Unexpected token |, expected identifier or keyword',
'should parse missing pipe names: start',
' | a | b',
'(( | a) | b)',
'Unexpected token |',
'should parse missing pipe args: end',
'a | b | c: ',
'((a | b) | c:)',
'Unexpected end of expression',
'should parse missing pipe args: middle',
'a | b: | c',
'((a | b:) | c)',
'Unexpected token |',
'should parse incomplete pipe args',
'a | b: (a | ) + | c',
'((a | b:(a | ) + ) | c)',
'Unexpected token |',
for (const [name, input, output, err] of cases) {
it(name, () => {
checkBinding(input, output);
expectBindingError(input, err);
it('should parse an incomplete pipe with a source span that includes trailing whitespace',
() => {
const bindingText = 'foo | ';
const binding = parseBinding(bindingText).ast as BindingPipe;
// The sourceSpan should include all characters of the input.
expect(rawSpan(binding.sourceSpan)).toEqual([0, bindingText.length]);
// The nameSpan should be positioned at the end of the input.
expect(rawSpan(binding.nameSpan)).toEqual([bindingText.length, bindingText.length]);
it('should only allow identifier or keyword as formatter names', () => {
expectBindingError('"Foo"|(', 'identifier or keyword');
expectBindingError('"Foo"|1234', 'identifier or keyword');
expectBindingError('"Foo"|"uppercase"', 'identifier or keyword');
it('should parse quoted expressions', () => {
checkBinding('a:b', 'a:b');
it('should not crash when prefix part is not tokenizable', () => {
checkBinding('"a:b"', '"a:b"');
it('should ignore whitespace around quote prefix', () => {
checkBinding(' a :b', 'a:b');
it('should refuse prefixes that are not single identifiers', () => {
expectBindingError('a + b:c', '');
expectBindingError('1:c', '');
it('should store the source in the result', () => {
it('should store the passed-in location', () => {
expect(parseBinding('someExpr', 'location').location).toBe('location');
it('should report chain expressions', () => {
expectError(parseBinding('1;2'), 'contain chained expression');
it('should report assignment', () => {
expectError(parseBinding('a=2'), 'contain assignments');
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
expectBindingError('{{a.b}}', 'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should not report interpolation inside a string', () => {
it('should parse conditional expression', () => {
checkBinding('a < b ? a : b');
it('should ignore comments in bindings', () => {
checkBinding('a //comment', 'a');
it('should retain // in string literals', () => {
checkBinding(`""`, `""`);
it('should retain // in : microsyntax', () => {
checkBinding('one:a//b', 'one:a//b');
describe('parseTemplateBindings', () => {
function humanize(bindings: TemplateBinding[]): Array<[string, string | null, boolean]> {
return => {
const key = binding.key.source;
const value = binding.value ? binding.value.source : null;
const keyIsVar = binding instanceof VariableBinding;
return [key, value, keyIsVar];
function humanizeSpans(
bindings: TemplateBinding[], attr: string): Array<[string, string, string | null]> {
return => {
const {sourceSpan, key, value} = binding;
const sourceStr = attr.substring(sourceSpan.start, sourceSpan.end);
const keyStr = attr.substring(key.span.start, key.span.end);
let valueStr = null;
if (value) {
const {start, end} = value instanceof ASTWithSource ? value.ast.sourceSpan : value.span;
valueStr = attr.substring(start, end);
return [sourceStr, keyStr, valueStr];
it('should parse key and value', () => {
const cases: Array<[string, string, string | null, boolean, string, string, string | null]> =
// expression, key, value, VariableBinding, source span, key span, value span
['*a=""', 'a', null, false, 'a="', 'a', null],
['*a="b"', 'a', 'b', false, 'a="b', 'a', 'b'],
['*a-b="c"', 'a-b', 'c', false, 'a-b="c', 'a-b', 'c'],
['*a="1+1"', 'a', '1+1', false, 'a="1+1', 'a', '1+1'],
for (const [attr, key, value, keyIsVar, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan] of cases) {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
[key, value, keyIsVar],
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
[sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan],
it('should variable declared via let', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*a="let b"');
// key, value, VariableBinding
['a', null, false],
['b', null, true],
it('should allow multiple pairs', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*a="1 b 2"');
// key, value, VariableBinding
['a', '1', false],
['aB', '2', false],
it('should allow space and colon as separators', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*a="1,b 2"');
// key, value, VariableBinding
['a', '1', false],
['aB', '2', false],
it('should store the templateUrl', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*a="1,b 2"', '/foo/bar.html');
// key, value, VariableBinding
['a', '1', false],
['aB', '2', false],
expect((bindings[0].value as ASTWithSource).location).toEqual('/foo/bar.html');
it('should support common usage of ngIf', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*ngIf="cond | pipe as foo, let x; ngIf as y"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngIf', 'cond | pipe', false],
['foo', 'ngIf', true],
['x', null, true],
['y', 'ngIf', true],
it('should support common usage of ngFor', () => {
let bindings: TemplateBinding[];
bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*ngFor="let person of people"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngFor', null, false],
['person', null, true],
['ngForOf', 'people', false],
bindings = parseTemplateBindings(
'*ngFor="let item; of items | slice:0:1 as collection, trackBy: func; index as i"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngFor', null, false],
['item', null, true],
['ngForOf', 'items | slice:0:1', false],
['collection', 'ngForOf', true],
['ngForTrackBy', 'func', false],
['i', 'index', true],
bindings = parseTemplateBindings(
'*ngFor="let item, of: [1,2,3] | pipe as items; let i=index, count as len"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngFor', null, false],
['item', null, true],
['ngForOf', '[1,2,3] | pipe', false],
['items', 'ngForOf', true],
['i', 'index', true],
['len', 'count', true],
it('should parse pipes', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="value|pipe "');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', 'value|pipe', false],
const {value} = bindings[0];
expect((value as ASTWithSource).ast).toBeAnInstanceOf(BindingPipe);
describe('"let" binding', () => {
it('should support single declaration', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="let i"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', null, false],
['i', null, true],
it('should support multiple declarations', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="let a; let b"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', null, false],
['a', null, true],
['b', null, true],
it('should support empty string assignment', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(`*key="let a=''; let b='';"`);
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', null, false],
['a', '', true],
['b', '', true],
it('should support key and value names with dash', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="let i-a = j-a,"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', null, false],
['i-a', 'j-a', true],
it('should support declarations with or without value assignment', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="let item; let i = k"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', null, false],
['item', null, true],
['i', 'k', true],
it('should support declaration before an expression', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*directive="let item in expr; let a = b"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['directive', null, false],
['item', null, true],
['directiveIn', 'expr', false],
['a', 'b', true],
describe('"as" binding', () => {
it('should support single declaration', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*ngIf="exp as local"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngIf', 'exp', false],
['local', 'ngIf', true],
it('should support declaration after an expression', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*ngFor="let item of items as iter; index as i"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['ngFor', null, false],
['item', null, true],
['ngForOf', 'items', false],
['iter', 'ngForOf', true],
['i', 'index', true],
it('should support key and value names with dash', () => {
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings('*key="foo, k-b as l-b;"');
// [ key, value, VariableBinding ]
['key', 'foo', false],
['l-b', 'k-b', true],
describe('source, key, value spans', () => {
it('should map empty expression', () => {
const attr = '*ngIf=""';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['ngIf="', 'ngIf', null],
it('should map variable declaration via "let"', () => {
const attr = '*key="let i"';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['key="', 'key', null], // source span stretches till next binding
['let i', 'i', null],
it('shoud map multiple variable declarations via "let"', () => {
const attr = '*key="let item; let i=index; let e=even;"';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['key="', 'key', null],
['let item; ', 'item', null],
['let i=index; ', 'i', 'index'],
['let e=even;', 'e', 'even'],
it('shoud map expression with pipe', () => {
const attr = '*ngIf="cond | pipe as foo, let x; ngIf as y"';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['ngIf="cond | pipe ', 'ngIf', 'cond | pipe'],
['ngIf="cond | pipe as foo, ', 'foo', 'ngIf'],
['let x; ', 'x', null],
['ngIf as y', 'y', 'ngIf'],
it('should report unexpected token when encountering interpolation', () => {
const attr = '*ngIf="name && {{name}}"';
'Parser Error: Unexpected token {, expected identifier, keyword, or string at column 10 in [name && {{name}}] in foo.html');
it('should map variable declaration via "as"', () => {
const attr =
'*ngFor="let item; of items | slice:0:1 as collection, trackBy: func; index as i"';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['ngFor="', 'ngFor', null],
['let item; ', 'item', null],
['of items | slice:0:1 ', 'of', 'items | slice:0:1'],
['of items | slice:0:1 as collection, ', 'collection', 'of'],
['trackBy: func; ', 'trackBy', 'func'],
['index as i', 'i', 'index'],
it('should map literal array', () => {
const attr = '*ngFor="let item, of: [1,2,3] | pipe as items; let i=index, count as len, "';
const bindings = parseTemplateBindings(attr);
expect(humanizeSpans(bindings, attr)).toEqual([
// source span, key span, value span
['ngFor="', 'ngFor', null],
['let item, ', 'item', null],
['of: [1,2,3] | pipe ', 'of', '[1,2,3] | pipe'],
['of: [1,2,3] | pipe as items; ', 'items', 'of'],
['let i=index, ', 'i', 'index'],
['count as len,', 'len', 'count'],
describe('parseInterpolation', () => {
it('should return null if no interpolation', () => {
it('should not parse malformed interpolations as strings', () => {
const ast = parseInterpolation('{{a}} {{example}<!--->}')!.ast as Interpolation;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['', ' {{example}<!--->}']);
it('should parse no prefix/suffix interpolation', () => {
const ast = parseInterpolation('{{a}}')!.ast as Interpolation;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['', '']);
it('should parse interpolation inside quotes', () => {
const ast = parseInterpolation('"{{a}}"')!.ast as Interpolation;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['"', '"']);
it('should parse interpolation with interpolation characters inside quotes', () => {
checkInterpolation('{{"{{a}}"}}', '{{ "{{a}}" }}');
checkInterpolation('{{"{{"}}', '{{ "{{" }}');
checkInterpolation('{{"}}"}}', '{{ "}}" }}');
checkInterpolation('{{"{"}}', '{{ "{" }}');
checkInterpolation('{{"}"}}', '{{ "}" }}');
it('should parse interpolation with escaped quotes', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{'It\\'s just Angular'}}`, `{{ "It's just Angular" }}`);
checkInterpolation(`{{'It\\'s {{ just Angular'}}`, `{{ "It's {{ just Angular" }}`);
checkInterpolation(`{{'It\\'s }} just Angular'}}`, `{{ "It's }} just Angular" }}`);
it('should parse interpolation with escaped backslashes', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{foo.split('\\\\')}}`, `{{ foo.split("\\") }}`);
checkInterpolation(`{{foo.split('\\\\\\\\')}}`, `{{ foo.split("\\\\") }}`);
checkInterpolation(`{{foo.split('\\\\\\\\\\\\')}}`, `{{ foo.split("\\\\\\") }}`);
it('should not parse interpolation with mismatching quotes', () => {
expect(parseInterpolation(`{{ "{{a}}' }}`)).toBeNull();
it('should parse prefix/suffix with multiple interpolation', () => {
const originalExp = 'before {{ a }} middle {{ b }} after';
const ast = parseInterpolation(originalExp)!.ast;
it('should report empty interpolation expressions', () => {
parseInterpolation('{{}}')!, 'Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings');
parseInterpolation('foo {{ }}')!,
'Parser Error: Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings');
it('should produce an empty expression ast for empty interpolations', () => {
const parsed = parseInterpolation('{{}}')!.ast as Interpolation;
it('should parse conditional expression', () => {
checkInterpolation('{{ a < b ? a : b }}');
it('should parse expression with newline characters', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ 'foo' +\n 'bar' +\r 'baz' }}`, `{{ "foo" + "bar" + "baz" }}`);
it('should support custom interpolation', () => {
const parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
const ast = parser.parseInterpolation('{% a %}', '', 0, {start: '{%', end: '%}'})!.ast as any;
expect(ast.strings).toEqual(['', '']);
describe('comments', () => {
it('should ignore comments in interpolation expressions', () => {
checkInterpolation('{{a //comment}}', '{{ a }}');
it('should retain // in single quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ '' }}`, `{{ "" }}`);
it('should retain // in double quote strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "" }}`, `{{ "" }}`);
it('should ignore comments after string literals', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "a//b" //comment }}`, `{{ "a//b" }}`);
it('should retain // in complex strings', () => {
`{{"//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" //comment}}`, `{{ "//a\'//b\`//c\`//d\'//e" }}`);
it('should retain // in nested, unterminated strings', () => {
checkInterpolation(`{{ "a\'b\`" //comment}}`, `{{ "a\'b\`" }}`);
it('should ignore quotes inside a comment', () => {
checkInterpolation(`"{{name // " }}"`, `"{{ name }}"`);
describe('parseSimpleBinding', () => {
it('should parse a field access', () => {
const p = parseSimpleBinding('name');
it('should report when encountering pipes', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBinding('a | somePipe')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should report when encountering interpolation', () => {
'Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected');
it('should not report interpolation inside a string', () => {
it('should report when encountering field write', () => {
expectError(validate(parseSimpleBinding('a = b')), 'Bindings cannot contain assignments');
describe('Ivy-only validations', () => {
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a conditional', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('(hasId | myPipe) ? "my-id" : ""')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a function call', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('getId(true, id | myPipe)')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a method call', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('idService.getId(true, id | myPipe)')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a safe method call', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('idService?.getId(true, id | myPipe)')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a property access', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('a[id | myPipe]')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a keyed read expression', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('a[id | myPipe].b')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a safe property read', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('(id | myPipe)?.id')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a non-null assertion', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('[id | myPipe]!')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a prefix not expression', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('!(id | myPipe)')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
it('should throw if a pipe is used inside a binary expression', () => {
validate(parseSimpleBindingIvy('(id | myPipe) === true')),
'Host binding expression cannot contain pipes');
describe('wrapLiteralPrimitive', () => {
it('should wrap a literal primitive', () => {
expect(unparse(validate(createParser().wrapLiteralPrimitive('foo', '', 0)))).toEqual('"foo"');
describe('error recovery', () => {
function recover(text: string, expected?: string) {
const expr = validate(parseAction(text));
expect(unparse(expr)).toEqual(expected || text);
it('should be able to recover from an extra paren', () => recover('((a)))', 'a'));
it('should be able to recover from an extra bracket', () => recover('[[a]]]', '[[a]]'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing )', () => recover('(a;b', 'a; b;'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing ]', () => recover('[a,b', '[a, b]'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing selector', () => recover('a.'));
it('should be able to recover from a missing selector in a array literal',
() => recover('[[a.], b, c]'));
describe('offsets', () => {
it('should retain the offsets of an interpolation', () => {
const interpolations = splitInterpolation('{{a}} {{b}} {{c}}')!;
expect(interpolations.offsets).toEqual([2, 9, 16]);
it('should retain the offsets into the expression AST of interpolations', () => {
const source = parseInterpolation('{{a}} {{b}} {{c}}')!;
const interpolation = source.ast as Interpolation;
expect( => e.span.start)).toEqual([2, 9, 16]);
function createParser() {
return new Parser(new Lexer());
function createIvyParser() {
return new IvyParser(new Lexer());
function parseAction(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseAction(text, location, offset);
function parseBinding(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseBinding(text, location, offset);
function parseTemplateBindings(attribute: string, templateUrl = 'foo.html'): TemplateBinding[] {
const result = _parseTemplateBindings(attribute, templateUrl);
return result.templateBindings;
function expectParseTemplateBindingsError(attribute: string, error: string) {
const result = _parseTemplateBindings(attribute, 'foo.html');
function _parseTemplateBindings(attribute: string, templateUrl: string) {
const match = attribute.match(/^\*(.+)="(.*)"$/);
expect(match).toBeTruthy(`failed to extract key and value from ${attribute}`);
const [_, key, value] = match!;
const absKeyOffset = 1; // skip the * prefix
const absValueOffset = attribute.indexOf('=') + '="'.length;
const parser = createParser();
return parser.parseTemplateBindings(key, value, templateUrl, absKeyOffset, absValueOffset);
function parseInterpolation(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource|
null {
return createParser().parseInterpolation(text, location, offset);
function splitInterpolation(text: string, location: any = null): SplitInterpolation|null {
return createParser().splitInterpolation(text, location);
function parseSimpleBinding(text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createParser().parseSimpleBinding(text, location, offset);
function parseSimpleBindingIvy(
text: string, location: any = null, offset: number = 0): ASTWithSource {
return createIvyParser().parseSimpleBinding(text, location, offset);
function checkInterpolation(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseInterpolation(exp);
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
if (ast === null) {
throw Error(`Failed to parse expression "${exp}"`);
function checkBinding(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseBinding(exp);
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
function checkAction(exp: string, expected?: string) {
const ast = parseAction(exp);
if (expected == null) expected = exp;
function expectError(ast: {errors: ParserError[]}, message: string) {
for (const error of ast.errors) {
if (error.message.indexOf(message) >= 0) {
const errMsgs = => err.message).join('\n');
throw Error(
`Expected an error containing "${message}" to be reported, but got the errors:\n` + errMsgs);
function expectActionError(text: string, message: string) {
expectError(validate(parseAction(text)), message);
function expectBindingError(text: string, message: string) {
expectError(validate(parseBinding(text)), message);
* Check that a malformed action parses to a recovered AST while emitting an error.
function checkActionWithError(text: string, expected: string, error: string) {
checkAction(text, expected);
expectActionError(text, error);
function rawSpan(span: AbsoluteSourceSpan): [number, number] {
return [span.start, span.end];