Both `ReferenceSymbol` and `VariableSymbol` have two locations of interest to an external consumer. 1. The location for the initializers of the local TCB variables allow consumers to query the TypeScript Language Service for information about the initialized type of the variable. 2. The location of the local variable itself (i.e. `_t1`) allows consumers to query the TypeScript LS for references to that variable from within the template. PR Close #39715
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AST, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstTextAttribute} from '@angular/compiler';
import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core';
import {isExternalResource} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/metadata';
import {DirectiveSymbol, DomBindingSymbol, ElementSymbol, ShimLocation, Symbol, SymbolKind, TemplateSymbol} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getTargetAtPosition} from './template_target';
import {findTightestNode, getParentClassDeclaration} from './ts_utils';
import {flatMap, getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute, getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag, getTemplateInfoAtPosition, getTextSpanOfNode, isDollarEvent, isTypeScriptFile, TemplateInfo, toTextSpan} from './utils';
interface DefinitionMeta {
node: AST|TmplAstNode;
parent: AST|TmplAstNode|null;
symbol: Symbol;
interface HasShimLocation {
shimLocation: ShimLocation;
export class DefinitionBuilder {
constructor(private readonly tsLS: ts.LanguageService, private readonly compiler: NgCompiler) {}
getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName: string, position: number): ts.DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan
|undefined {
const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, this.compiler);
if (templateInfo === undefined) {
// We were unable to get a template at the given position. If we are in a TS file, instead
// attempt to get an Angular definition at the location inside a TS file (examples of this
// would be templateUrl or a url in styleUrls).
if (!isTypeScriptFile(fileName)) {
return getDefinitionForExpressionAtPosition(fileName, position, this.compiler);
const definitionMeta = this.getDefinitionMetaAtPosition(templateInfo, position);
// The `$event` of event handlers would point to the $event parameter in the shim file, as in
// `_outputHelper(_t3["x"]).subscribe(function ($event): any { $event }) ;`
// If we wanted to return something for this, it would be more appropriate for something like
// `getTypeDefinition`.
if (definitionMeta === undefined || isDollarEvent(definitionMeta.node)) {
return undefined;
const definitions = this.getDefinitionsForSymbol({...definitionMeta, ...templateInfo});
return {definitions, textSpan: getTextSpanOfNode(definitionMeta.node)};
private getDefinitionsForSymbol({symbol, node, parent, component}: DefinitionMeta&
TemplateInfo): readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[]|undefined {
switch (symbol.kind) {
case SymbolKind.Directive:
case SymbolKind.Element:
case SymbolKind.Template:
case SymbolKind.DomBinding:
// Though it is generally more appropriate for the above symbol definitions to be
// associated with "type definitions" since the location in the template is the
// actual definition location, the better user experience would be to allow
// LS users to "go to definition" on an item in the template that maps to a class and be
// taken to the directive or HTML class.
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance(symbol, node);
case SymbolKind.Output:
case SymbolKind.Input: {
const bindingDefs = this.getDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbol.bindings);
// Also attempt to get directive matches for the input name. If there is a directive that
// has the input name as part of the selector, we want to return that as well.
const directiveDefs = this.getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode(node, parent, component);
return [...bindingDefs, ...directiveDefs];
case SymbolKind.Variable:
case SymbolKind.Reference: {
const definitions: ts.DefinitionInfo[] = [];
if (symbol.declaration !== node) {
containerName: '',
containerKind: ts.ScriptElementKind.unknown,
kind: ts.ScriptElementKind.variableElement,
textSpan: getTextSpanOfNode(symbol.declaration),
contextSpan: toTextSpan(symbol.declaration.sourceSpan),
fileName: symbol.declaration.sourceSpan.start.file.url,
if (symbol.kind === SymbolKind.Variable) {
...this.getDefinitionsForSymbols({shimLocation: symbol.initializerLocation}));
return definitions;
case SymbolKind.Expression: {
return this.getDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol);
private getDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbols: HasShimLocation[]): ts.DefinitionInfo[] {
return flatMap(symbols, ({shimLocation}) => {
const {shimPath, positionInShimFile} = shimLocation;
return this.tsLS.getDefinitionAtPosition(shimPath, positionInShimFile) ?? [];
getTypeDefinitionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number):
readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[]|undefined {
const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, this.compiler);
if (templateInfo === undefined) {
const definitionMeta = this.getDefinitionMetaAtPosition(templateInfo, position);
if (definitionMeta === undefined) {
return undefined;
const {symbol, node} = definitionMeta;
switch (symbol.kind) {
case SymbolKind.Directive:
case SymbolKind.DomBinding:
case SymbolKind.Element:
case SymbolKind.Template:
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance(symbol, node);
case SymbolKind.Output:
case SymbolKind.Input: {
const bindingDefs = this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbol.bindings);
// Also attempt to get directive matches for the input name. If there is a directive that
// has the input name as part of the selector, we want to return that as well.
const directiveDefs = this.getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode(
node, definitionMeta.parent, templateInfo.component);
return [...bindingDefs, ...directiveDefs];
case SymbolKind.Reference:
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols({shimLocation: symbol.targetLocation});
case SymbolKind.Expression:
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol);
case SymbolKind.Variable:
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols({shimLocation: symbol.initializerLocation});
private getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance(
symbol: TemplateSymbol|ElementSymbol|DomBindingSymbol|DirectiveSymbol,
node: AST|TmplAstNode): ts.DefinitionInfo[] {
switch (symbol.kind) {
case SymbolKind.Template: {
const matches = getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag(symbol.templateNode, symbol.directives);
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches);
case SymbolKind.Element: {
const matches = getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag(symbol.templateNode, symbol.directives);
// If one of the directive matches is a component, we should not include the native element
// in the results because it is replaced by the component.
return Array.from(matches).some(dir => dir.isComponent) ?
this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches) :
this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches, symbol);
case SymbolKind.DomBinding: {
if (!(node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute)) {
return [];
const dirs = getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute(
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...dirs);
case SymbolKind.Directive:
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol);
private getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode(
node: TmplAstNode|AST, parent: TmplAstNode|AST|null, component: ts.ClassDeclaration) {
if (!(node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) && !(node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) &&
!(node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent)) {
return [];
if (parent === null ||
!(parent instanceof TmplAstTemplate || parent instanceof TmplAstElement)) {
return [];
const templateOrElementSymbol =
this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getSymbolOfNode(parent, component);
if (templateOrElementSymbol === null ||
(templateOrElementSymbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Template &&
templateOrElementSymbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Element)) {
return [];
const dirs =
getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute(, parent, templateOrElementSymbol.directives);
return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...dirs);
private getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbols: HasShimLocation[]): ts.DefinitionInfo[] {
return flatMap(symbols, ({shimLocation}) => {
const {shimPath, positionInShimFile} = shimLocation;
return this.tsLS.getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(shimPath, positionInShimFile) ?? [];
private getDefinitionMetaAtPosition({template, component}: TemplateInfo, position: number):
DefinitionMeta|undefined {
const target = getTargetAtPosition(template, position);
if (target === null) {
return undefined;
const {node, parent} = target;
const symbol = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getSymbolOfNode(node, component);
if (symbol === null) {
return undefined;
return {node, parent, symbol};
* Gets an Angular-specific definition in a TypeScript source file.
function getDefinitionForExpressionAtPosition(
fileName: string, position: number, compiler: NgCompiler): ts.DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan|
undefined {
const sf = compiler.getNextProgram().getSourceFile(fileName);
if (sf === undefined) {
const expression = findTightestNode(sf, position);
if (expression === undefined) {
const classDeclaration = getParentClassDeclaration(expression);
if (classDeclaration === undefined) {
const componentResources = compiler.getComponentResources(classDeclaration);
if (componentResources === null) {
const allResources = [...componentResources.styles, componentResources.template];
const resourceForExpression = allResources.find(resource => resource.expression === expression);
if (resourceForExpression === undefined || !isExternalResource(resourceForExpression)) {
const templateDefinitions: ts.DefinitionInfo[] = [{
kind: ts.ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName,
name: resourceForExpression.path,
containerKind: ts.ScriptElementKind.unknown,
containerName: '',
// Reading the template is expensive, so don't provide a preview.
// TODO(ayazhafiz): Consider providing an actual span:
// 1. We're likely to read the template anyway
// 2. We could show just the first 100 chars or so
textSpan: {start: 0, length: 0},
fileName: resourceForExpression.path,
return {
definitions: templateDefinitions,
textSpan: {
// Exclude opening and closing quotes in the url span.
start: expression.getStart() + 1,
length: expression.getWidth() - 2,