
435 lines
18 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AbsoluteSourceSpan, AST, ParseSourceSpan, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstNode} from '@angular/compiler';
import {CompilerOptions, ConfigurationHost, readConfiguration} from '@angular/compiler-cli';
import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core';
import {ErrorCode, ngErrorCode} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics';
import {absoluteFrom, absoluteFromSourceFile, AbsoluteFsPath} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {isNamedClassDeclaration} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection';
import {TypeCheckShimGenerator} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck';
import {OptimizeFor, TypeCheckingProgramStrategy} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import {findFirstMatchingNode} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/src/comments';
import * as ts from 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary';
import {GetComponentLocationsForTemplateResponse, GetTcbResponse} from '../api';
import {LanguageServiceAdapter, LSParseConfigHost} from './adapters';
import {CompilerFactory} from './compiler_factory';
import {CompletionBuilder, CompletionNodeContext} from './completions';
import {DefinitionBuilder} from './definitions';
import {QuickInfoBuilder} from './quick_info';
import {ReferencesAndRenameBuilder} from './references';
import {getTargetAtPosition, TargetContext, TargetNodeKind} from './template_target';
import {getTemplateInfoAtPosition, isTypeScriptFile} from './utils';
export class LanguageService {
private options: CompilerOptions;
readonly compilerFactory: CompilerFactory;
private readonly strategy: TypeCheckingProgramStrategy;
private readonly adapter: LanguageServiceAdapter;
private readonly parseConfigHost: LSParseConfigHost;
private readonly project: ts.server.Project, private readonly tsLS: ts.LanguageService) {
this.parseConfigHost = new LSParseConfigHost(;
this.options = parseNgCompilerOptions(project, this.parseConfigHost);
logCompilerOptions(project, this.options);
this.strategy = createTypeCheckingProgramStrategy(project);
this.adapter = new LanguageServiceAdapter(project);
this.compilerFactory = new CompilerFactory(this.adapter, this.strategy, this.options);
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions {
return this.options;
getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName: string): ts.Diagnostic[] {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const ttc = compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
const diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
if (isTypeScriptFile(fileName)) {
const program = compiler.getNextProgram();
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(fileName);
if (sourceFile) {
diagnostics.push(...compiler.getDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, OptimizeFor.SingleFile));
} else {
const components = compiler.getComponentsWithTemplateFile(fileName);
for (const component of components) {
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(component)) {
return diagnostics;
getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName: string, position: number): ts.DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan
|undefined {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const results =
new DefinitionBuilder(this.tsLS, compiler).getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName, position);
return results;
getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number):
readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[]|undefined {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const results =
new DefinitionBuilder(this.tsLS, compiler).getTypeDefinitionsAtPosition(fileName, position);
return results;
getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ts.QuickInfo|undefined {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, compiler);
if (templateInfo === undefined) {
return undefined;
const positionDetails = getTargetAtPosition(templateInfo.template, position);
if (positionDetails === null) {
return undefined;
// Because we can only show 1 quick info, just use the bound attribute if the target is a two
// way binding. We may consider concatenating additional display parts from the other target
// nodes or representing the two way binding in some other manner in the future.
const node = positionDetails.context.kind === TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext ?
positionDetails.context.nodes[0] :
const results = new QuickInfoBuilder(this.tsLS, compiler, templateInfo.component, node).get();
return results;
getReferencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ts.ReferenceEntry[]|undefined {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const results = new ReferencesAndRenameBuilder(this.strategy, this.tsLS, compiler)
.getReferencesAtPosition(fileName, position);
return results;
getRenameInfo(fileName: string, position: number): ts.RenameInfo {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const renameInfo = new ReferencesAndRenameBuilder(this.strategy, this.tsLS, compiler)
.getRenameInfo(absoluteFrom(fileName), position);
if (!renameInfo.canRename) {
return renameInfo;
const quickInfo = this.getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position) ??
this.tsLS.getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position);
const kind = quickInfo?.kind ?? ts.ScriptElementKind.unknown;
const kindModifiers = quickInfo?.kindModifiers ?? ts.ScriptElementKind.unknown;
return {...renameInfo, kind, kindModifiers};
findRenameLocations(fileName: string, position: number): readonly ts.RenameLocation[]|undefined {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const results = new ReferencesAndRenameBuilder(this.strategy, this.tsLS, compiler)
.findRenameLocations(fileName, position);
return results;
private getCompletionBuilder(fileName: string, position: number):
CompletionBuilder<TmplAstNode|AST>|null {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, compiler);
if (templateInfo === undefined) {
return null;
const positionDetails = getTargetAtPosition(templateInfo.template, position);
if (positionDetails === null) {
return null;
// For two-way bindings, we actually only need to be concerned with the bound attribute because
// the bindings in the template are written with the attribute name, not the event name.
const node = positionDetails.context.kind === TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext ?
positionDetails.context.nodes[0] :
return new CompletionBuilder(
this.tsLS, compiler, templateInfo.component, node,
nodeContextFromTarget(positionDetails.context), positionDetails.parent,
fileName: string, position: number, options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|undefined):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const builder = this.getCompletionBuilder(fileName, position);
if (builder === null) {
return undefined;
const result = builder.getCompletionsAtPosition(options);
return result;
fileName: string, position: number, entryName: string,
formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
const builder = this.getCompletionBuilder(fileName, position);
if (builder === null) {
return undefined;
const result = builder.getCompletionEntryDetails(entryName, formatOptions, preferences);
return result;
getCompletionEntrySymbol(fileName: string, position: number, entryName: string): ts.Symbol
|undefined {
const builder = this.getCompletionBuilder(fileName, position);
if (builder === null) {
return undefined;
const result = builder.getCompletionEntrySymbol(entryName);
return result;
getComponentLocationsForTemplate(fileName: string): GetComponentLocationsForTemplateResponse {
return this.withCompiler<GetComponentLocationsForTemplateResponse>((compiler) => {
const components = compiler.getComponentsWithTemplateFile(fileName);
const componentDeclarationLocations: ts.DocumentSpan[] =
Array.from(components.values()).map(c => {
let contextSpan: ts.TextSpan|undefined = undefined;
let textSpan: ts.TextSpan;
if (isNamedClassDeclaration(c)) {
textSpan = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(,;
contextSpan = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(c.getStart(), c.getEnd());
} else {
textSpan = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(c.getStart(), c.getEnd());
return {
fileName: c.getSourceFile().fileName,
return componentDeclarationLocations;
getTcb(fileName: string, position: number): GetTcbResponse {
return this.withCompiler<GetTcbResponse>(compiler => {
const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, compiler);
if (templateInfo === undefined) {
return undefined;
const tcb = compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getTypeCheckBlock(templateInfo.component);
if (tcb === null) {
return undefined;
const sf = tcb.getSourceFile();
let selections: ts.TextSpan[] = [];
const target = getTargetAtPosition(templateInfo.template, position);
if (target !== null) {
let selectionSpans: Array<ParseSourceSpan|AbsoluteSourceSpan>;
if ('nodes' in target.context) {
selectionSpans = => n.sourceSpan);
} else {
selectionSpans = [target.context.node.sourceSpan];
const selectionNodes: ts.Node[] =
.map(s => findFirstMatchingNode(tcb, {
withSpan: s,
filter: (node: ts.Node): node is ts.Node => true,
.filter((n): n is ts.Node => n !== null);
selections = => {
return {
start: n.getStart(sf),
length: n.getEnd() - n.getStart(sf),
return {
fileName: sf.fileName,
content: sf.getFullText(),
private withCompiler<T>(p: (compiler: NgCompiler) => T): T {
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
const result = p(compiler);
return result;
getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics(): ts.Diagnostic[] {
const project = this.project;
if (!(project instanceof ts.server.ConfiguredProject)) {
return [];
const diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
const configSourceFile = ts.readJsonConfigFile(
project.getConfigFilePath(), (path: string) => project.readFile(path));
if (!this.options.strictTemplates && !this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck) {
messageText: 'Some language features are not available. ' +
'To access all features, enable `strictTemplates` in `angularCompilerOptions`.',
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Suggestion,
code: ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SUGGEST_STRICT_TEMPLATES),
file: configSourceFile,
start: undefined,
length: undefined,
const compiler = this.compilerFactory.getOrCreate();
return diagnostics;
private watchConfigFile(project: ts.server.Project) {
// TODO: Check the case when the project is disposed. An InferredProject
// could be disposed when a tsconfig.json is added to the workspace,
// in which case it becomes a ConfiguredProject (or vice-versa).
// We need to make sure that the FileWatcher is closed.
if (!(project instanceof ts.server.ConfiguredProject)) {
const {host} = project.projectService;
project.getConfigFilePath(), (fileName: string, eventKind: ts.FileWatcherEventKind) => {
project.log(`Config file changed: ${fileName}`);
if (eventKind === ts.FileWatcherEventKind.Changed) {
this.options = parseNgCompilerOptions(project, this.parseConfigHost);
logCompilerOptions(project, this.options);
function logCompilerOptions(project: ts.server.Project, options: CompilerOptions) {
const {logger} = project.projectService;
const projectName = project.getProjectName();`Angular compiler options for ${projectName}: ` + JSON.stringify(options, null, 2));
function parseNgCompilerOptions(
project: ts.server.Project, host: ConfigurationHost): CompilerOptions {
if (!(project instanceof ts.server.ConfiguredProject)) {
return {};
const {options, errors} =
readConfiguration(project.getConfigFilePath(), /* existingOptions */ undefined, host);
if (errors.length > 0) {
// Projects loaded into the Language Service often include test files which are not part of the
// app's main compilation unit, and these test files often include inline NgModules that declare
// components from the app. These declarations conflict with the main declarations of such
// components in the app's NgModules. This conflict is not normally present during regular
// compilation because the app and the tests are part of separate compilation units.
// As a temporary mitigation of this problem, we instruct the compiler to ignore classes which
// are not exported. In many cases, this ensures the test NgModules are ignored by the compiler
// and only the real component declaration is used.
options.compileNonExportedClasses = false;
return options;
function createTypeCheckingProgramStrategy(project: ts.server.Project):
TypeCheckingProgramStrategy {
return {
supportsInlineOperations: false,
shimPathForComponent(component: ts.ClassDeclaration): AbsoluteFsPath {
return TypeCheckShimGenerator.shimFor(absoluteFromSourceFile(component.getSourceFile()));
getProgram(): ts.Program {
const program = project.getLanguageService().getProgram();
if (!program) {
throw new Error('Language service does not have a program!');
return program;
updateFiles(contents: Map<AbsoluteFsPath, string>) {
for (const [fileName, newText] of contents) {
const scriptInfo = getOrCreateTypeCheckScriptInfo(project, fileName);
const snapshot = scriptInfo.getSnapshot();
const length = snapshot.getLength();
scriptInfo.editContent(0, length, newText);
function getOrCreateTypeCheckScriptInfo(
project: ts.server.Project, tcf: string): ts.server.ScriptInfo {
// First check if there is already a ScriptInfo for the tcf
const {projectService} = project;
let scriptInfo = projectService.getScriptInfo(tcf);
if (!scriptInfo) {
// ScriptInfo needs to be opened by client to be able to set its user-defined
// content. We must also provide file content, otherwise the service will
// attempt to fetch the content from disk and fail.
scriptInfo = projectService.getOrCreateScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(
true, // openedByClient
'', // fileContent
// script info added by plugins should be marked as external, see
ts.ScriptKind.External, // scriptKind
if (!scriptInfo) {
throw new Error(`Failed to create script info for ${tcf}`);
// Add ScriptInfo to project if it's missing. A ScriptInfo needs to be part of
// the project so that it becomes part of the program.
if (!project.containsScriptInfo(scriptInfo)) {
return scriptInfo;
function nodeContextFromTarget(target: TargetContext): CompletionNodeContext {
switch (target.kind) {
case TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementTag;
case TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext:
// Completions in element bodies are for new attributes.
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey;
case TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding;
case TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey;
case TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext:
if (target.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
return CompletionNodeContext.EventValue;
} else {
return CompletionNodeContext.None;
// No special context is available.
return CompletionNodeContext.None;