193 lines
5.4 KiB
193 lines
5.4 KiB
library facade.collection;
import 'dart:collection' show IterableBase, Iterator;
export 'dart:core' show Map, List, Set;
import 'dart:math' show max, min;
class MapIterator extends Iterator<List> {
final Iterator _iterator;
final Map _map;
MapIterator(Map map)
: _map = map,
_iterator = map.keys.iterator;
bool moveNext() => _iterator.moveNext();
List get current {
return _iterator.current != null
? [_iterator.current, _map[_iterator.current]]
: null;
class IterableMap extends IterableBase<List> {
final Map _map;
IterableMap(Map map) : _map = map;
Iterator<List> get iterator => new MapIterator(_map);
class MapWrapper {
static Map create() => {};
static Map clone(Map m) => new Map.from(m);
static Map createFromStringMap(Map m) => m;
static Map createFromPairs(List pairs) => pairs.fold({}, (m, p) {
m[p[0]] = p[1];
return m;
static get(Map m, k) => m[k];
static void set(Map m, k, v) {
m[k] = v;
static contains(Map m, k) => m.containsKey(k);
static forEach(Map m, fn(v, k)) {
m.forEach((k, v) => fn(v, k));
static int size(Map m) => m.length;
static void delete(Map m, k) {
static void clear(Map m) {
static void clearValues(Map m) {
for (var k in m.keys) {
m[k] = null;
static Iterable iterable(Map m) => new IterableMap(m);
static Iterable keys(Map m) => m.keys;
static Iterable values(Map m) => m.values;
class StringMapWrapper {
static Map create() => {};
static bool contains(Map map, key) => map.containsKey(key);
static get(Map map, key) => map[key];
static void set(Map map, key, value) {
map[key] = value;
static void delete(Map m, k) {
static void forEach(Map m, fn(v, k)) {
m.forEach((k, v) => fn(v, k));
static Map merge(Map a, Map b) {
var m = new Map.from(a);
if (b != null) {
b.forEach((k, v) => m[k] = v);
return m;
static bool isEmpty(Map m) => m.isEmpty;
class ListWrapper {
static List clone(Iterable l) => new List.from(l);
static List create() => new List();
static List createFixedSize(int size) => new List(size);
static get(List m, int k) => m[k];
static void set(List m, int k, v) {
m[k] = v;
static bool contains(List m, k) => m.contains(k);
static List map(list, fn(item)) => list.map(fn).toList();
static List filter(List list, bool fn(item)) => list.where(fn).toList();
static int indexOf(List list, value, [int startIndex = 0]) =>
list.indexOf(value, startIndex);
static int lastIndexOf(List list, value, [int startIndex = null]) =>
list.lastIndexOf(value, startIndex == null ? list.length : startIndex);
static find(List list, bool fn(item)) =>
list.firstWhere(fn, orElse: () => null);
static bool any(List list, bool fn(item)) => list.any(fn);
static void forEach(Iterable list, fn(item)) {
static reduce(List list, fn(a, b), init) {
return list.fold(init, fn);
static first(List list) => list.isEmpty ? null : list.first;
static last(List list) => list.isEmpty ? null : list.last;
static List reversed(List list) => list.reversed.toList();
static void push(List l, e) {
static List concat(List a, List b) {
return []
static bool isList(l) => l is List;
static void insert(List l, int index, value) {
l.insert(index, value);
static removeAt(List l, int index) => l.removeAt(index);
static void removeAll(List list, List items) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
static removeLast(List list) => list.removeLast();
static bool remove(List list, item) => list.remove(item);
static void clear(List l) {
static String join(List l, String s) => l.join(s);
static bool isEmpty(Iterable list) => list.isEmpty;
static void fill(List l, value, [int start = 0, int end]) {
l.fillRange(_startOffset(l, start), _endOffset(l, end), value);
static bool equals(List a, List b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
static List slice(List l, [int from = 0, int to]) {
return l.sublist(_startOffset(l, from), _endOffset(l, to));
static List splice(List l, int from, int length) {
from = _startOffset(l, from);
var to = from + length;
var sub = l.sublist(from, to);
l.removeRange(from, to);
return sub;
static void sort(List l, compareFn(a, b)) {
// JS splice, slice, fill functions can take start < 0 which indicates a position relative to
// the end of the list
static int _startOffset(List l, int start) {
int len = l.length;
return start = start < 0 ? max(len + start, 0) : min(start, len);
// JS splice, slice, fill functions can take end < 0 which indicates a position relative to
// the end of the list
static int _endOffset(List l, int end) {
int len = l.length;
if (end == null) return len;
return end < 0 ? max(len + end, 0) : min(end, len);
bool isListLikeIterable(obj) => obj is Iterable;
void iterateListLike(iter, fn(item)) {
assert(iter is Iterable);
for (var item in iter) {
class SetWrapper {
static Set createFromList(List l) => new Set.from(l);
static bool has(Set s, key) => s.contains(key);