Alex Rickabaugh 5103d908c8 perf(compiler-cli): fix regressions in incremental program reuse (#37641)
Commit 4213e8d5 introduced shim reference tagging into the compiler, and
changed how the `TypeCheckProgramHost` worked under the hood during the
creation of a template type-checking program. This work enabled a more
incremental flow for template type-checking, but unintentionally introduced
several regressions in performance, caused by poor incrementality during
`ts.Program` creation.

1. The `TypeCheckProgramHost` was made to rely on the `ts.CompilerHost` to
   retrieve instances of `ts.SourceFile`s from the original program. If the
   host does not return the original instance of such files, but instead
   creates new instances, this has two negative effects: it incurs
   additional parsing time, and it interferes with TypeScript's ability to
   reuse information about such files.

2. During the incremental creation of a `ts.Program`, TypeScript compares
   the `referencedFiles` of `ts.SourceFile` instances from the old program
   with those in the new program. If these arrays differ, TypeScript cannot
   fully reuse the old program. The implementation of reference tagging
   introduced in 4213e8d5 restores the original `referencedFiles` array
   after a `ts.Program` is created, which means that future incremental
   operations involving that program will always fail this comparison,
   effectively limiting the incrementality TypeScript can achieve.

Problem 1 exacerbates problem 2: if a new `ts.SourceFile` is created by the
host after shim generation has been disabled, it will have an untagged
`referencedFiles` array even if the original file's `referencedFiles` was
not restored, triggering problem 2 when creating the template type-checking

To fix these issues, `referencedFiles` arrays are now restored on the old
`ts.Program` prior to the creation of a new incremental program. This allows
TypeScript to get the most out of reusing the old program's data.

Additionally, the `TypeCheckProgramHost` now uses the original `ts.Program`
to retrieve original instances of `ts.SourceFile`s where possible,
preventing issues when a host would otherwise return fresh instances.

Together, these fixes ensure that program reuse is as incremental as
possible, and tests have been added to verify this for certain scenarios.

An optimization was further added to prevent the creation of a type-checking
`ts.Program` in the first place if no type-checking is necessary.

PR Close #37641
2020-06-25 14:12:20 -07:00

361 lines
12 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CustomTransformers, defaultGatherDiagnostics, Program} from '@angular/compiler-cli';
import * as api from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/transformers/api';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {createCompilerHost, createProgram} from '../../index';
import {main, mainDiagnosticsForTest, readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration} from '../../src/main';
import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, getFileSystem, NgtscCompilerHost} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {Folder, MockFileSystem} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing';
import {IndexedComponent} from '../../src/ngtsc/indexer';
import {NgtscProgram} from '../../src/ngtsc/program';
import {LazyRoute} from '../../src/ngtsc/routing';
import {setWrapHostForTest} from '../../src/transformers/compiler_host';
* Manages a temporary testing directory structure and environment for testing ngtsc by feeding it
* TypeScript code.
export class NgtscTestEnvironment {
private multiCompileHostExt: MultiCompileHostExt|null = null;
private oldProgram: Program|null = null;
private changedResources: Set<string>|null = null;
private constructor(
private fs: FileSystem, readonly outDir: AbsoluteFsPath, readonly basePath: AbsoluteFsPath) {}
* Set up a new testing environment.
static setup(files?: Folder, workingDir: AbsoluteFsPath = absoluteFrom('/')):
NgtscTestEnvironment {
const fs = getFileSystem();
if (files !== undefined && fs instanceof MockFileSystem) {
const host = new AugmentedCompilerHost(fs);
const env = new NgtscTestEnvironment(fs, fs.resolve('/built'), workingDir);
env.write(absoluteFrom('/tsconfig-base.json'), `{
"compilerOptions": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noEmitOnError": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"outDir": "built",
"rootDir": ".",
"baseUrl": ".",
"allowJs": true,
"declaration": true,
"target": "es5",
"newLine": "lf",
"module": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"lib": ["es6", "dom"],
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"]
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": true,
"ivyTemplateTypeCheck": false
"exclude": [
return env;
assertExists(fileName: string) {
if (!this.fs.exists(this.fs.resolve(this.outDir, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${fileName} to be emitted (outDir: ${this.outDir})`);
assertDoesNotExist(fileName: string) {
if (this.fs.exists(this.fs.resolve(this.outDir, fileName))) {
throw new Error(`Did not expect ${fileName} to be emitted (outDir: ${this.outDir})`);
getContents(fileName: string): string {
const modulePath = this.fs.resolve(this.outDir, fileName);
return this.fs.readFile(modulePath);
enableMultipleCompilations(): void {
this.changedResources = new Set();
this.multiCompileHostExt = new MultiCompileHostExt(this.fs);
* Installs a compiler host that allows for asynchronous reading of resources by implementing the
* `CompilerHost.readResource` method. Note that only asynchronous compilations are affected, as
* synchronous compilations do not use the asynchronous resource loader.
enablePreloading(): void {
setWrapHostForTest(makeWrapHost(new ResourceLoadingCompileHost(this.fs)));
flushWrittenFileTracking(): void {
if (this.multiCompileHostExt === null) {
throw new Error(`Not tracking written files - call enableMultipleCompilations()`);
getTsProgram(): ts.Program {
if (this.oldProgram === null) {
throw new Error('No ts.Program has been created yet.');
return this.oldProgram.getTsProgram();
getReuseTsProgram(): ts.Program {
if (this.oldProgram === null) {
throw new Error('No ts.Program has been created yet.');
return (this.oldProgram as NgtscProgram).getReuseTsProgram();
* Older versions of the CLI do not provide the `CompilerHost.getModifiedResourceFiles()` method.
* This results in the `changedResources` set being `null`.
simulateLegacyCLICompilerHost() {
this.changedResources = null;
getFilesWrittenSinceLastFlush(): Set<string> {
if (this.multiCompileHostExt === null) {
throw new Error(`Not tracking written files - call enableMultipleCompilations()`);
const writtenFiles = new Set<string>();
this.multiCompileHostExt.getFilesWrittenSinceLastFlush().forEach(rawFile => {
if (rawFile.startsWith(this.outDir)) {
return writtenFiles;
write(fileName: string, content: string) {
const absFilePath = this.fs.resolve(this.basePath, fileName);
if (this.multiCompileHostExt !== null) {
this.fs.writeFile(absFilePath, content);
invalidateCachedFile(fileName: string): void {
const absFilePath = this.fs.resolve(this.basePath, fileName);
if (this.multiCompileHostExt === null) {
throw new Error(`Not caching files - call enableMultipleCompilations()`);
extraOpts: {[key: string]: string|boolean|null} = {}, extraRootDirs?: string[],
files?: string[]): void {
const tsconfig: {[key: string]: any} = {
extends: './tsconfig-base.json',
angularCompilerOptions: {...extraOpts, enableIvy: true},
if (files !== undefined) {
tsconfig['files'] = files;
if (extraRootDirs !== undefined) {
tsconfig.compilerOptions = {
rootDirs: ['.', ...extraRootDirs],
this.write('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify(tsconfig, null, 2));
if (extraOpts['_useHostForImportGeneration'] === true) {
setWrapHostForTest(makeWrapHost(new FileNameToModuleNameHost(this.fs)));
* Run the compiler to completion, and assert that no errors occurred.
driveMain(customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): void {
const errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('consoleError').and.callFake(console.error);
let reuseProgram: {program: Program|undefined}|undefined = undefined;
if (this.multiCompileHostExt !== null) {
reuseProgram = {
program: this.oldProgram || undefined,
const exitCode = main(
['-p', this.basePath], errorSpy, undefined, customTransformers, reuseProgram,
if (this.multiCompileHostExt !== null) {
this.oldProgram = reuseProgram!.program!;
* Run the compiler to completion, and return any `ts.Diagnostic` errors that may have occurred.
driveDiagnostics(): ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic> {
// ngtsc only produces ts.Diagnostic messages.
let reuseProgram: {program: Program|undefined}|undefined = undefined;
if (this.multiCompileHostExt !== null) {
reuseProgram = {
program: this.oldProgram || undefined,
const diags = mainDiagnosticsForTest(
['-p', this.basePath], undefined, reuseProgram, this.changedResources);
if (this.multiCompileHostExt !== null) {
this.oldProgram = reuseProgram!.program!;
// In ngtsc, only `ts.Diagnostic`s are produced.
return diags as ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic>;
async driveDiagnosticsAsync(): Promise<ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic>> {
const {rootNames, options} = readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(['-p', this.basePath]);
const host = createCompilerHost({options});
const program = createProgram({rootNames, host, options});
await program.loadNgStructureAsync();
// ngtsc only produces ts.Diagnostic messages.
return defaultGatherDiagnostics(program as api.Program) as ts.Diagnostic[];
driveRoutes(entryPoint?: string): LazyRoute[] {
const {rootNames, options} = readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(['-p', this.basePath]);
const host = createCompilerHost({options});
const program = createProgram({rootNames, host, options});
return program.listLazyRoutes(entryPoint);
driveIndexer(): Map<ts.Declaration, IndexedComponent> {
const {rootNames, options} = readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(['-p', this.basePath]);
const host = createCompilerHost({options});
const program = createProgram({rootNames, host, options});
return (program as NgtscProgram).getIndexedComponents();
class AugmentedCompilerHost extends NgtscCompilerHost {
delegate!: ts.CompilerHost;
const ROOT_PREFIX = 'root/';
class FileNameToModuleNameHost extends AugmentedCompilerHost {
fileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath: string): string {
const relativeFilePath = this.fs.relative(this.fs.pwd(), this.fs.resolve(importedFilePath));
const rootedPath = this.fs.join('root', relativeFilePath);
return rootedPath.replace(/(\.d)?.ts$/, '');
moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[]|undefined,
redirectedReference: ts.ResolvedProjectReference|undefined,
options: ts.CompilerOptions): (ts.ResolvedModule|undefined)[] {
return => {
if (moduleName.startsWith(ROOT_PREFIX)) {
// Strip the artificially added root prefix.
moduleName = '/' + moduleName.substr(ROOT_PREFIX.length);
return ts
moduleName, containingFile, options, this, /* cache */ undefined, redirectedReference)
class MultiCompileHostExt extends AugmentedCompilerHost implements Partial<ts.CompilerHost> {
private cache = new Map<string, ts.SourceFile>();
private writtenFiles = new Set<string>();
fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void,
shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): ts.SourceFile|undefined {
if (this.cache.has(fileName)) {
return this.cache.get(fileName)!;
const sf = super.getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion);
if (sf !== undefined) {
this.cache.set(sf.fileName, sf);
return sf;
flushWrittenFileTracking(): void {
fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError: ((message: string) => void)|undefined,
sourceFiles?: ReadonlyArray<ts.SourceFile>): void {
super.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
getFilesWrittenSinceLastFlush(): Set<string> {
return this.writtenFiles;
invalidate(fileName: string): void {
class ResourceLoadingCompileHost extends AugmentedCompilerHost implements api.CompilerHost {
readResource(fileName: string): Promise<string>|string {
const resource = this.readFile(fileName);
if (resource === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Resource ${fileName} not found`);
return resource;
function makeWrapHost(wrapped: AugmentedCompilerHost): (host: ts.CompilerHost) => ts.CompilerHost {
return (delegate) => {
wrapped.delegate = delegate;
return new Proxy(delegate, {
get: (target: ts.CompilerHost, name: string): any => {
if ((wrapped as any)[name] !== undefined) {
return (wrapped as any)[name]!.bind(wrapped);
return (target as any)[name];