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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {isDevMode} from '../util/is_dev_mode';
import {_sanitizeUrl} from './url_sanitizer';
* Regular expression for safe style values.
* Quotes (" and ') are allowed, but a check must be done elsewhere to ensure they're balanced.
* ',' allows multiple values to be assigned to the same property (e.g. background-attachment or
* font-family) and hence could allow multiple values to get injected, but that should pose no risk
* of XSS.
* The function expression checks only for XSS safety, not for CSS validity.
* This regular expression was taken from the Closure sanitization library, and augmented for
* transformation values.
const VALUES = '[-,."\'%_!# a-zA-Z0-9]+';
const TRANSFORMATION_FNS = '(?:matrix|translate|scale|rotate|skew|perspective)(?:X|Y|Z|3d)?';
const COLOR_FNS = '(?:rgb|hsl)a?';
const GRADIENTS = '(?:repeating-)?(?:linear|radial)-gradient';
const CSS3_FNS = '(?:calc|attr)';
const FN_ARGS = '\\([-0-9.%, #a-zA-Z]+\\)';
const SAFE_STYLE_VALUE = new RegExp(
`^(${VALUES}|` +
* Matches a `url(...)` value with an arbitrary argument as long as it does
* not contain parentheses.
* The URL value still needs to be sanitized separately.
* `url(...)` values are a very common use case, e.g. for `background-image`. With carefully crafted
* CSS style rules, it is possible to construct an information leak with `url` values in CSS, e.g.
* by observing whether scroll bars are displayed, or character ranges used by a font face
* definition.
* Angular only allows binding CSS values (as opposed to entire CSS rules), so it is unlikely that
* binding a URL value without further cooperation from the page will cause an information leak, and
* if so, it is just a leak, not a full blown XSS vulnerability.
* Given the common use case, low likelihood of attack vector, and low impact of an attack, this
* code is permissive and allows URLs that sanitize otherwise.
const URL_RE = /^url\(([^)]+)\)$/;
* Checks that quotes (" and ') are properly balanced inside a string. Assumes
* that neither escape (\) nor any other character that could result in
* breaking out of a string parsing context are allowed;
* see
* This code was taken from the Closure sanitization library.
function hasBalancedQuotes(value: string) {
let outsideSingle = true;
let outsideDouble = true;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const c = value.charAt(i);
if (c === '\'' && outsideDouble) {
outsideSingle = !outsideSingle;
} else if (c === '"' && outsideSingle) {
outsideDouble = !outsideDouble;
return outsideSingle && outsideDouble;
* Sanitizes the given untrusted CSS style property value (i.e. not an entire object, just a single
* value) and returns a value that is safe to use in a browser environment.
export function _sanitizeStyle(value: string): string {
value = String(value).trim(); // Make sure it's actually a string.
if (!value) return '';
// Single url(...) values are supported, but only for URLs that sanitize cleanly. See above for
// reasoning behind this.
const urlMatch = value.match(URL_RE);
if ((urlMatch && _sanitizeUrl(urlMatch[1]) === urlMatch[1]) ||
value.match(SAFE_STYLE_VALUE) && hasBalancedQuotes(value)) {
return value; // Safe style values.
if (isDevMode()) {
`WARNING: sanitizing unsafe style value ${value} (see`);
return 'unsafe';
* A series of flags to instruct a style sanitizer to either validate
* or sanitize a value.
* Because sanitization is dependent on the style property (i.e. style
* sanitization for `width` is much different than for `background-image`)
* the sanitization function (e.g. `StyleSanitizerFn`) needs to check a
* property value first before it actually sanitizes any values.
* This enum exist to allow a style sanitization function to either only
* do validation (check the property to see whether a value will be
* sanitized or not) or to sanitize the value (or both).
* @publicApi
export const enum StyleSanitizeMode {
/** Just check to see if the property is required to be sanitized or not */
ValidateProperty = 0b01,
/** Skip checking the property; just sanitize the value */
SanitizeOnly = 0b10,
/** Check the property and (if true) then sanitize the value */
ValidateAndSanitize = 0b11,
* Used to intercept and sanitize style values before they are written to the renderer.
* This function is designed to be called in two modes. When a value is not provided
* then the function will return a boolean whether a property will be sanitized later.
* If a value is provided then the sanitized version of that will be returned.
export interface StyleSanitizeFn {
(prop: string, value: string|null, mode?: StyleSanitizeMode): any;