Alex Eagle d9648887b8 fix(metadata): Do not attach module names to metadata.
The filename contains the module name as resolved by users, so the top-level module name is uneeded.
Module names on references are replaced by capturing the import syntax from the module.
This allows readers of the metadata to do the module resolution themselves.

Fixes #8225
Fixes #8082

Closes #8256
2016-04-28 01:58:13 +00:00

390 lines
14 KiB

/// <reference path="../typings/node/node.d.ts" />
import fs = require('fs');
import fse = require('fs-extra');
import path = require('path');
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {wrapDiffingPlugin, DiffingBroccoliPlugin, DiffResult} from './diffing-broccoli-plugin';
import {MetadataCollector} from '../metadata';
type FileRegistry = ts.Map<{version: number}>;
const FS_OPTS = {
encoding: 'utf-8'
// Sub-directory where the @internal typing files (.d.ts) are stored
export const INTERNAL_TYPINGS_PATH: string = 'internal_typings';
// Monkey patch the TS compiler to be able to re-emit files with @internal symbols
let tsEmitInternal: boolean = false;
const originalEmitFiles: Function = (<any>ts).emitFiles;
(<any>ts).emitFiles = function(resolver: any, host: any, targetSourceFile: any): any {
if (tsEmitInternal) {
const orignalgetCompilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions;
host.getCompilerOptions = () => {
let options = clone(;
options.stripInternal = false;
options.outDir = `${options.outDir}/${INTERNAL_TYPINGS_PATH}`;
return options;
return originalEmitFiles(resolver, host, targetSourceFile);
* Broccoli plugin that implements incremental Typescript compiler.
* It instantiates a typescript compiler instance that keeps all the state about the project and
* can re-emit only the files that actually changed.
* Limitations: only files that map directly to the changed source file via naming conventions are
* re-emitted. This primarily affects code that uses `const enum`s, because changing the enum value
* requires global emit, which can affect many files.
class DiffingTSCompiler implements DiffingBroccoliPlugin {
private tsOpts: ts.CompilerOptions;
private fileRegistry: FileRegistry = Object.create(null);
private rootFilePaths: string[];
private tsServiceHost: ts.LanguageServiceHost;
private tsService: ts.LanguageService;
private metadataCollector: MetadataCollector;
private firstRun: boolean = true;
private previousRunFailed: boolean = false;
// Whether to generate the @internal typing files (they are only generated when `stripInternal` is
// true)
private genInternalTypings: boolean = false;
static includeExtensions = ['.ts'];
constructor(public inputPath: string, public cachePath: string, public options) {
if (options.rootFilePaths) {
this.rootFilePaths = options.rootFilePaths.splice(0);
delete options.rootFilePaths;
} else {
this.rootFilePaths = [];
if (options.internalTypings) {
this.genInternalTypings = true;
delete options.internalTypings;
// the conversion is a bit awkward, see
// in 1.8 use convertCompilerOptionsFromJson
this.tsOpts =
ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent({compilerOptions: options, files: []}, null, null).options;
if ((<any>this.tsOpts).stripInternal === false) {
// @internal are included in the generated .d.ts, do not generate them separately
this.genInternalTypings = false;
this.tsOpts.rootDir = inputPath;
this.tsOpts.outDir = this.cachePath;
this.tsServiceHost = new CustomLanguageServiceHost(this.tsOpts, this.rootFilePaths,
this.fileRegistry, this.inputPath);
this.tsService = ts.createLanguageService(this.tsServiceHost, ts.createDocumentRegistry());
this.metadataCollector = new MetadataCollector();
rebuild(treeDiff: DiffResult) {
let pathsToEmit = [];
let pathsWithErrors = [];
let errorMessages = [];
.forEach((tsFilePath) => {
if (!this.fileRegistry[tsFilePath]) {
this.fileRegistry[tsFilePath] = {version: 0};
} else {
pathsToEmit.push(path.join(this.inputPath, tsFilePath));
treeDiff.removedPaths.forEach((tsFilePath) => {
console.log('removing outputs for', tsFilePath);
this.rootFilePaths.splice(this.rootFilePaths.indexOf(tsFilePath), 1);
this.fileRegistry[tsFilePath] = null;
if (this.firstRun) {
this.firstRun = false;
} else {
let program = this.tsService.getProgram();
let typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
tsEmitInternal = false;
pathsToEmit.forEach((tsFilePath) => {
let output = this.tsService.getEmitOutput(tsFilePath);
if (output.emitSkipped) {
let errorFound = this.collectErrors(tsFilePath);
if (errorFound) {
} else {
output.outputFiles.forEach(o => {
let destDirPath = path.dirname(;
fs.writeFileSync(, this.fixSourceMapSources(o.text), FS_OPTS);
if (endsWith(, '.d.ts')) {
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(tsFilePath);
this.emitMetadata(, sourceFile, typeChecker);
if (pathsWithErrors.length) {
this.previousRunFailed = true;
var error =
new Error('Typescript found the following errors:\n' + errorMessages.join('\n'));
error['showStack'] = false;
throw error;
} else if (this.previousRunFailed) {
} else if (this.genInternalTypings) {
// serialize the .d.ts files containing @internal symbols
tsEmitInternal = true;
pathsToEmit.forEach((tsFilePath) => {
let output = this.tsService.getEmitOutput(tsFilePath);
if (!output.emitSkipped) {
output.outputFiles.forEach(o => {
if (endsWith(, '.d.ts')) {
let destDirPath = path.dirname(;
fs.writeFileSync(, this.fixSourceMapSources(o.text), FS_OPTS);
tsEmitInternal = false;
private collectErrors(tsFilePath): String {
let allDiagnostics = this.tsService.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics()
let errors = [];
allDiagnostics.forEach(diagnostic => {
let message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n");
if (diagnostic.file) {
let {line, character} = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start);
errors.push(` ${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
} else {
errors.push(` Error: ${message}`);
if (errors.length) {
return errors.join('\n');
private doFullBuild() {
let program = this.tsService.getProgram();
let typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
let diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
tsEmitInternal = false;
let emitResult = program.emit(undefined, (absoluteFilePath, fileContent) => {
fs.writeFileSync(absoluteFilePath, this.fixSourceMapSources(fileContent), FS_OPTS);
if (endsWith(absoluteFilePath, '.d.ts')) {
// TODO: Use sourceFile from the callback if
// is taken
const originalFile = absoluteFilePath.replace(this.tsOpts.outDir, this.tsOpts.rootDir)
.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '.ts');
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(originalFile);
this.emitMetadata(absoluteFilePath, sourceFile, typeChecker);
if (this.genInternalTypings) {
// serialize the .d.ts files containing @internal symbols
tsEmitInternal = true;
program.emit(undefined, (absoluteFilePath, fileContent) => {
if (endsWith(absoluteFilePath, '.d.ts')) {
fs.writeFileSync(absoluteFilePath, fileContent, FS_OPTS);
tsEmitInternal = false;
if (emitResult.emitSkipped) {
let allDiagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program).concat(emitResult.diagnostics);
let errorMessages = [];
allDiagnostics.forEach(diagnostic => {
var pos = '';
if (diagnostic.file) {
var {line, character} = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start);
pos = `${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1}, ${character + 1}): `
var message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, '\n');
errorMessages.push(` ${pos}${message}`);
if (errorMessages.length) {
this.previousRunFailed = true;
var error =
new Error('Typescript found the following errors:\n' + errorMessages.join('\n'));
error['showStack'] = false;
throw error;
} else {
this.previousRunFailed = false;
* Emit a .metadata.json file to correspond to the .d.ts file if the module contains classes that
* use decorators or exported constants.
private emitMetadata(dtsFileName: string, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile,
typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker) {
if (sourceFile) {
const metadata = this.metadataCollector.getMetadata(sourceFile, typeChecker);
if (metadata && metadata.metadata) {
const metadataText = JSON.stringify(metadata);
const metadataFileName = dtsFileName.replace(/\.d.ts$/, '.metadata.json');
fs.writeFileSync(metadataFileName, metadataText, FS_OPTS);
* There is a bug in TypeScript 1.6, where the sourceRoot and inlineSourceMap properties
* are exclusive. This means that the sources property always contains relative paths
* (e.g, ../../../../angular2/src/di/injector.ts).
* Here, we normalize the sources property and remove the ../../../
* This issue is fixed in
* Once we switch to TypeScript 1.8, we can remove this method.
private fixSourceMapSources(content: string): string {
try {
const marker = "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,";
const index = content.indexOf(marker);
if (index == -1) return content;
const base = content.substring(0, index + marker.length);
const sourceMapBit =
new Buffer(content.substring(index + marker.length), 'base64').toString("utf8");
const sourceMaps = JSON.parse(sourceMapBit);
const source = sourceMaps.sources[0];
sourceMaps.sources = [source.substring(source.lastIndexOf("../") + 3)];
return `${base}${new Buffer(JSON.stringify(sourceMaps)).toString('base64')}`;
} catch (e) {
return content;
private removeOutputFor(tsFilePath: string) {
let absoluteJsFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, tsFilePath.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js'));
let absoluteMapFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, tsFilePath.replace(/.ts$/, ''));
let absoluteDtsFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, tsFilePath.replace(/\.ts$/, '.d.ts'));
if (fs.existsSync(absoluteJsFilePath)) {
if (fs.existsSync(absoluteMapFilePath)) {
// source map could be inline or not generated
class CustomLanguageServiceHost implements ts.LanguageServiceHost {
private currentDirectory: string;
private defaultLibFilePath: string;
constructor(private compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, private fileNames: string[],
private fileRegistry: FileRegistry, private treeInputPath: string) {
this.currentDirectory = process.cwd();
this.defaultLibFilePath = ts.getDefaultLibFilePath(compilerOptions).replace(/\\/g, '/');
getScriptFileNames(): string[] {
return => path.join(this.treeInputPath, f));
getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string {
if (startsWith(fileName, this.treeInputPath)) {
const key = fileName.substr(this.treeInputPath.length + 1);
return this.fileRegistry[key] && this.fileRegistry[key].version.toString();
getScriptSnapshot(tsFilePath: string): ts.IScriptSnapshot {
// TypeScript seems to request lots of bogus paths during import path lookup and resolution,
// so we we just return undefined when the path is not correct.
// Ensure it is in the input tree or a lib.d.ts file.
if (!startsWith(tsFilePath, this.treeInputPath) && !tsFilePath.match(/\/lib(\..*)*.d\.ts$/)) {
if (fs.existsSync(tsFilePath)) {
console.log('Rejecting', tsFilePath, '. File is not in the input tree.');
return undefined;
// Ensure it exists
if (!fs.existsSync(tsFilePath)) {
return undefined;
return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(fs.readFileSync(tsFilePath, FS_OPTS));
getCurrentDirectory(): string { return this.currentDirectory; }
getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions { return this.compilerOptions; }
getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string {
// ignore options argument, options should not change during the lifetime of the plugin
return this.defaultLibFilePath;
export default wrapDiffingPlugin(DiffingTSCompiler);
function clone<T>(object: T): T {
const result: any = {};
for (const id in object) {
result[id] = (<any>object)[id];
return <T>result;
function startsWith(str: string, substring: string): boolean {
return str.substring(0, substring.length) === substring;
function endsWith(str: string, substring: string): boolean {
return str.indexOf(substring, str.length - substring.length) !== -1;