Greg Magolan 9bb349e1c8 refactor: handle breaking changes in rules_nodejs 1.0.0 (#34589)
The major one that affects the angular repo is the removal of the bootstrap attribute in nodejs_binary, nodejs_test and jasmine_node_test in favor of using templated_args --node_options=--require=/path/to/script. The side-effect of this is that the bootstrap script does not get the require.resolve patches with explicitly loading the targets _loader.js file.

PR Close #34589
2020-01-10 08:31:59 -08:00

382 lines
14 KiB

"""Re-export of some bazel rules with repository-wide defaults."""
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", _nodejs_binary = "nodejs_binary", _pkg_npm = "pkg_npm")
load("@npm_bazel_jasmine//:index.bzl", _jasmine_node_test = "jasmine_node_test")
load("@npm_bazel_karma//:index.bzl", _karma_web_test = "karma_web_test", _karma_web_test_suite = "karma_web_test_suite")
load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", _ts_devserver = "ts_devserver", _ts_library = "ts_library")
load("@npm_bazel_protractor//:index.bzl", _protractor_web_test_suite = "protractor_web_test_suite")
load("//packages/bazel:index.bzl", _ng_module = "ng_module", _ng_package = "ng_package")
load("//tools/ng_rollup_bundle:ng_rollup_bundle.bzl", _ng_rollup_bundle = "ng_rollup_bundle")
load("//tools:ng_benchmark.bzl", _ng_benchmark = "ng_benchmark")
load("@npm_bazel_rollup//:index.bzl", _rollup_bundle = "rollup_bundle")
load("@npm_bazel_terser//:index.bzl", "terser_minified")
load("@npm//typescript:index.bzl", "tsc")
_DEFAULT_TSCONFIG_TEST = "//packages:tsconfig-test"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_API_EXTRACTOR = "//packages/bazel/src/api-extractor:api_extractor"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_COMPILER = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped"
_INTERNAL_NG_MODULE_XI18N = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped:xi18n"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_PACKAGER = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:packager"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFALUT_TERSER_CONFIG_FILE = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:terser_config.default.json"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_ROLLUP_CONFIG_TMPL = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:rollup.config.js"
_INTERNAL_NG_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_ROLLUP = "//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:rollup_for_ng_package"
# Packages which are versioned together on npm
ANGULAR_SCOPED_PACKAGES = ["@angular/%s" % p for p in [
# core should be the first package because it's the main package in the group
# this is significant for Angular CLI and "ng update" specifically, @angular/core
# is considered the identifier of the group by these tools.
# Current plan for Angular v8 is to not include @angular/http in ng update
# "http",
]""" % ",\n ".join(["\"%s\"" % s for s in ANGULAR_SCOPED_PACKAGES]),
def _default_module_name(testonly):
""" Provide better defaults for package names.
e.g. rather than angular/packages/core/testing we want @angular/core/testing
TODO(alexeagle): we ought to supply a default module name for every library in the repo.
But we short-circuit below in cases that are currently not working.
pkg = native.package_name()
if testonly:
# Some tests currently rely on the long-form package names
return None
if pkg.startswith("packages/bazel"):
# Avoid infinite recursion in the ViewEngine compiler. Error looks like:
# Compiling Angular templates (ngc) //packages/bazel/test/ngc-wrapped/empty:empty failed (Exit 1)
# : RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
# at normalizeString (path.js:57:25)
# at Object.normalize (path.js:1132:12)
# at Object.join (path.js:1167:18)
# at resolveModule (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:582:50)
# at MetadataBundler.exportAll (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:119:42)
# at MetadataBundler.exportAll (execroot/angular/bazel-out/host/bin/packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/ngc-wrapped.runfiles/angular/packages/compiler-cli/src/metadata/bundler.js:121:52)
return None
if pkg.startswith("packages/"):
return "@angular/" + pkg[len("packages/"):]
return None
def ts_devserver(**kwargs):
"""Default values for ts_devserver"""
serving_path = kwargs.pop("serving_path", "/app_bundle.js")
serving_path = serving_path,
def ts_library(name, tsconfig = None, testonly = False, deps = [], module_name = None, **kwargs):
"""Default values for ts_library"""
deps = deps + ["@npm//tslib"]
if testonly:
# Match the types[] in //packages:tsconfig-test.json
if not tsconfig and testonly:
if not module_name:
module_name = _default_module_name(testonly)
name = name,
tsconfig = tsconfig,
testonly = testonly,
deps = deps,
module_name = module_name,
# Select the es5 .js output of the ts_library for use in downstream boostrap targets
# with `output_group = "es5_sources"`. This exposes an internal detail of ts_library
# that is not ideal.
# TODO(gregmagolan): clean this up by using tsc() in these cases rather than ts_library
name = "%s_es5" % name,
srcs = [":%s" % name],
testonly = testonly,
output_group = "es5_sources",
def ng_module(name, tsconfig = None, entry_point = None, testonly = False, deps = [], module_name = None, bundle_dts = True, **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_module"""
deps = deps + ["@npm//tslib"]
if testonly:
# Match the types[] in //packages:tsconfig-test.json
if not tsconfig and testonly:
if not module_name:
module_name = _default_module_name(testonly)
if not entry_point:
entry_point = "public_api.ts"
name = name,
flat_module_out_file = name,
tsconfig = tsconfig,
entry_point = entry_point,
testonly = testonly,
bundle_dts = bundle_dts,
deps = deps,
module_name = module_name,
def ng_package(name, readme_md = None, license_banner = None, deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_package"""
if not readme_md:
readme_md = "//"
if not license_banner:
license_banner = "//packages:license-banner.txt"
deps = deps + [
name = name,
deps = deps,
readme_md = readme_md,
license_banner = license_banner,
def pkg_npm(name, substitutions = {}, **kwargs):
"""Default values for npm_package"""
name = name,
substitutions = dict(substitutions, **PKG_GROUP_REPLACEMENTS),
def karma_web_test(bootstrap = [], deps = [], data = [], runtime_deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for karma_web_test"""
if not bootstrap:
bootstrap = ["//:web_test_bootstrap_scripts"]
local_deps = [
] + deps
local_runtime_deps = [
] + runtime_deps
runtime_deps = local_runtime_deps,
bootstrap = bootstrap,
config_file = "//:karma-js.conf.js",
deps = local_deps,
data = data + [
configuration_env_vars = ["KARMA_WEB_TEST_MODE"],
def karma_web_test_suite(bootstrap = [], deps = [], runtime_deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for karma_web_test_suite"""
if not bootstrap:
bootstrap = ["//:web_test_bootstrap_scripts"]
local_deps = [
] + deps
local_runtime_deps = [
] + runtime_deps
runtime_deps = local_runtime_deps,
bootstrap = bootstrap,
deps = local_deps,
browsers = ["//tools/browsers:chromium"],
def protractor_web_test_suite(**kwargs):
"""Default values for protractor_web_test_suite"""
browsers = ["//tools/browsers:chromium"],
def ng_benchmark(**kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_benchmark"""
def nodejs_binary(data = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for nodejs_binary"""
configuration_env_vars = ["angular_ivy_enabled"],
data = data + ["@npm//source-map-support"],
def jasmine_node_test(deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for jasmine_node_test"""
deps = deps + [
# Very common dependencies for tests
deps = deps,
configuration_env_vars = ["angular_ivy_enabled"],
def ng_rollup_bundle(deps = [], **kwargs):
"""Default values for ng_rollup_bundle"""
deps = deps + [
deps = deps,
def rollup_bundle(name, testonly = False, **kwargs):
"""A drop in replacement for the rules nodejs [legacy rollup_bundle].
Runs [rollup_bundle], [terser_minified] and [babel] for downleveling to es5
to produce a number of output bundles.
es2015 iife : "%{name}.es2015.js"
es2015 iife minified : "%{name}.min.es2015.js"
es2015 iife minified (debug) : "%{name}.min_debug.es2015.js"
es5 iife : "%{name}.js"
es5 iife minified : "%{name}.min.js"
es5 iife minified (debug) : "%{name}.min_debug.js"
es5 umd : "%{name}.es5umd.js"
es5 umd minified : "%{name}.min.es5umd.js"
es2015 umd : "%{name}.umd.js"
es2015 umd minified : "%{name}.min.umd.js"
"" files are also produced for each bundle.
[legacy rollup_bundle]:
# Common arguments for all terser_minified targets
common_terser_args = {
"args": ["--comments"],
"sourcemap": False,
# es2015
_rollup_bundle(name = name + ".es2015", testonly = testonly, format = "iife", sourcemap = "true", **kwargs)
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.es2015", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es2015", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.es2015.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.es2015"])
terser_minified(name = name + ".min_debug.es2015", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es2015", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min_debug.es2015.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min_debug.es2015"])
# es5
name = name,
testonly = testonly,
outs = [
name + ".js",
args = [
"$(location :%s.es2015.js)" % name,
"$(location :%s.js)" % name,
data = [
name + ".es2015.js",
terser_minified(name = name + ".min", testonly = testonly, src = name + "", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min"])
terser_minified(name = name + ".min_debug", testonly = testonly, src = name + "", debug = True, **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min_debug.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min_debug"])
# umd
_rollup_bundle(name = name + ".umd", testonly = testonly, format = "umd", sourcemap = "true", **kwargs)
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.umd", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".umd", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.umd.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.umd"])
name = name + ".es5umd",
testonly = testonly,
outs = [
name + ".es5umd.js",
args = [
"$(location :%s.umd.js)" % name,
"$(location :%s.es5umd.js)" % name,
data = [
name + ".umd.js",
terser_minified(name = name + ".min.es5umd", testonly = testonly, src = name + ".es5umd", **common_terser_args)
native.filegroup(name = name + ".min.es5umd.js", testonly = testonly, srcs = [name + ".min.es5umd"])