Andrew Kushnir 40833ba54b fix(ivy): process property bindings in i18n blocks similar to non-i18n bindings (#28969)
Prior to this change i18n block bindings were converted to Expressions right away (once we first access them), when in non-i18n cases we processed them differently: the actual conversion happens at instructions generation. Because of this discrepancy, the output for bindings in i18n blocks was generated incorrectly (with invalid indicies in pipeBindN fns and invalid references to non-existent local variables). Now the bindings processing is unified and i18nExp instructions should contain right bind expressions.

PR Close #28969
2019-02-27 11:56:12 -08:00

594 lines
21 KiB

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import {Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, Directive, QueryList, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core';
import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
import {onlyInIvy, polyfillGoogGetMsg} from '@angular/private/testing';
selector: '[tplRef]',
class DirectiveWithTplRef {
constructor(public vcRef: ViewContainerRef, public tplRef: TemplateRef<{}>) {}
ngOnInit() { this.vcRef.createEmbeddedView(this.tplRef, {}); }
@Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ''})
class MyComp {
name = 'John';
items = ['1', '2', '3'];
obj = {a: {b: 'value'}};
visible = true;
age = 20;
count = 2;
otherLabel = 'other label';
const TRANSLATIONS: any = {
'one': 'un',
'two': 'deux',
'more than two': 'plus que deux',
'ten': 'dix',
'twenty': 'vingt',
'other': 'autres',
'Hello': 'Bonjour',
'Hello {$interpolation}': 'Bonjour {$interpolation}',
'Bye': 'Au revoir',
'Item {$interpolation}': 'Article {$interpolation}',
'\'Single quotes\' and "Double quotes"': '\'Guillemets simples\' et "Guillemets doubles"',
'My logo': 'Mon logo',
'{$interpolation} - {$interpolation_1}': '{$interpolation} - {$interpolation_1} (fr)',
'{$startTagSpan}My logo{$tagImg}{$closeTagSpan}':
'{$startTagSpan}Mon logo{$tagImg}{$closeTagSpan}',
'{$startTagNgTemplate} Hello {$closeTagNgTemplate}{$startTagNgContainer} Bye {$closeTagNgContainer}':
'{$startTagNgTemplate} Bonjour {$closeTagNgTemplate}{$startTagNgContainer} Au revoir {$closeTagNgContainer}',
'{$startTagSpan} Hello - 1 {$closeTagSpan}{$startTagSpan_1} Hello - 2 {$startTagSpan_1} Hello - 3 {$startTagSpan_1} Hello - 4 {$closeTagSpan}{$closeTagSpan}{$closeTagSpan}{$startTagSpan} Hello - 5 {$closeTagSpan}':
'{$startTagSpan} Bonjour - 1 {$closeTagSpan}{$startTagSpan_1} Bonjour - 2 {$startTagSpan_1} Bonjour - 3 {$startTagSpan_1} Bonjour - 4 {$closeTagSpan}{$closeTagSpan}{$closeTagSpan}{$startTagSpan} Bonjour - 5 {$closeTagSpan}',
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}':
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {dix} 20 {vingt} other {autres}}',
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}':
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 1 {un} 2 {deux} other {plus que deux}}',
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {10 - {$startBoldText}ten{$closeBoldText}} 20 {20 - {$startItalicText}twenty{$closeItalicText}} other {{$startTagDiv}{$startUnderlinedText}other{$closeUnderlinedText}{$closeTagDiv}}}':
'{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {10 - {$startBoldText}dix{$closeBoldText}} 20 {20 - {$startItalicText}vingt{$closeItalicText}} other {{$startTagDiv}{$startUnderlinedText}autres{$closeUnderlinedText}{$closeTagDiv}}}',
'{VAR_SELECT_2, select, 10 {ten - {VAR_SELECT, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}} 20 {twenty - {VAR_SELECT_1, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}} other {other}}':
'{VAR_SELECT_2, select, 10 {dix - {VAR_SELECT, select, 1 {un} 2 {deux} other {plus que deux}}} 20 {vingt - {VAR_SELECT_1, select, 1 {un} 2 {deux} other {plus que deux}}} other {autres}}',
const getFixtureWithOverrides = (overrides = {}) => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(MyComp, {set: overrides});
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComp);
return fixture;
onlyInIvy('Ivy i18n logic').describe('i18n', function() {
beforeEach(() => {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [MyComp, DirectiveWithTplRef]});
describe('attributes', () => {
it('should translate static attributes', () => {
const title = 'Hello';
const template = `<div i18n-title="m|d" title="${title}"></div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
it('should support interpolation', () => {
const title = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `<div i18n-title="m|d" title="${title}"></div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.title).toBe('Bonjour John');
it('should support interpolation with custom interpolation config', () => {
const title = 'Hello {% name %}';
const template = `<div i18n-title="m|d" title="${title}"></div>`;
const interpolation = ['{%', '%}'] as[string, string];
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template, interpolation});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.title).toBe('Bonjour John');
it('should correctly bind to context in nested template', () => {
const title = 'Item {{ id }}';
const template = `
<div *ngFor='let id of items'>
<div i18n-title='m|d' title='${title}'></div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
for (let i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
const child = element.children[i];
expect((child as any).innerHTML).toBe(`<div title="Article ${i + 1}"></div>`);
it('should work correctly when placed on i18n root node', () => {
const title = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const content = 'Hello';
const template = `
<div i18n i18n-title="m|d" title="${title}">${content}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.title).toBe('Bonjour John');
it('should add i18n attributes on self-closing tags', () => {
const title = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `<img src="logo.png" i18n-title title="${title}">`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.title).toBe('Bonjour John');
describe('nested nodes', () => {
it('should handle static content', () => {
const content = 'Hello';
const template = `<div i18n>${content}</div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
it('should support interpolation', () => {
const content = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `<div i18n>${content}</div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
it('should support interpolation with custom interpolation config', () => {
const content = 'Hello {% name %}';
const template = `<div i18n>${content}</div>`;
const interpolation = ['{%', '%}'] as[string, string];
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template, interpolation});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
it('should support interpolations with complex expressions', () => {
const template = `<div i18n>{{ name | uppercase }} - {{ obj?.a?.b }}</div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('JOHN - value (fr)');
it('should properly escape quotes in content', () => {
const content = `'Single quotes' and "Double quotes"`;
const template = `<div i18n>${content}</div>`;
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('\'Guillemets simples\' et "Guillemets doubles"');
it('should correctly bind to context in nested template', () => {
const content = 'Item {{ id }}';
const template = `
<div *ngFor='let id of items'>
<div i18n>${content}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
for (let i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
const child = element.children[i];
expect(child).toHaveText(`Article ${i + 1}`);
it('should handle i18n attributes inside i18n section', () => {
const title = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `
<div i18n>
<div i18n-title="m|d" title="${title}"></div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
const content = `<div title="Bonjour John"></div>`;
it('should handle i18n blocks in nested templates', () => {
const content = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `
<div *ngIf="visible">
<div i18n>${content}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.children[0]).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
it('should ignore i18n attributes on self-closing tags', () => {
const template = '<img src="logo.png" i18n>';
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
expect(element.innerHTML).toBe(template.replace(' i18n', ''));
it('should handle i18n attribute with directives', () => {
const content = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `
<div *ngIf="visible" i18n>${content}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
describe('ng-container and ng-template support', () => {
it('should handle single translation message within ng-container', () => {
const content = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `
<ng-container i18n>${content}</ng-container>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
it('should handle single translation message within ng-template', () => {
const content = 'Hello {{ name }}';
const template = `
<ng-template i18n tplRef>${content}</ng-template>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
expect(element).toHaveText('Bonjour John');
it('should be able to act as child elements inside i18n block (plain text content)', () => {
const hello = 'Hello';
const bye = 'Bye';
const template = `
<div i18n>
<ng-template tplRef>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()).toBe('Bonjour Au revoir');
it('should be able to act as child elements inside i18n block (text + tags)', () => {
const content = 'Hello';
const template = `
<div i18n>
<ng-template tplRef>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
const spans = element.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (let i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
it('should be able to handle deep nested levels with templates', () => {
const content = 'Hello';
const template = `
<div i18n>
${content} - 1
<span *ngIf="visible">
${content} - 2
<span *ngIf="visible">
${content} - 3
<span *ngIf="visible">
${content} - 4
${content} - 5
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
const spans = element.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (let i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
expect(spans[i].innerHTML).toContain(`Bonjour - ${i + 1}`);
it('should handle self-closing tags as content', () => {
const label = 'My logo';
const content = `${label}<img src="logo.png" title="Logo">`;
const template = `
<ng-container i18n>
<ng-template i18n tplRef>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
const spans = element.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (let i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
const child = spans[i];
expect(child).toHaveText('Mon logo');
describe('ICU logic', () => {
it('should handle single ICUs', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should support ICU-only templates', () => {
const template = `
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should support ICUs generated outside of i18n blocks', () => {
const template = `
<div>{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should support interpolation', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>{age, select, 10 {ten} other {{{ otherLabel }}}}</div>
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should support interpolation with custom interpolation config', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>{age, select, 10 {ten} other {{% otherLabel %}}}</div>
const interpolation = ['{%', '%}'] as[string, string];
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template, interpolation});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should handle ICUs with HTML tags inside', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>
{age, select, 10 {10 - <b>ten</b>} 20 {20 - <i>twenty</i>} other {<div class="other"><u>other</u></div>}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
const italicTags = element.getElementsByTagName('i');
it('should handle multiple ICUs in one block', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}} -
{count, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('vingt - deux');
it('should handle multiple ICUs in one i18n block wrapped in HTML elements', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
{count, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
const spans = element.getElementsByTagName('span');
it('should handle ICUs inside a template in i18n block', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>
<span *ngIf="visible">
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
const spans = element.getElementsByTagName('span');
it('should handle nested icus', () => {
const template = `
<div i18n>
{age, select,
10 {ten - {count, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}}
20 {twenty - {count, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {more than two}}}
other {other}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement.firstChild;
expect(element).toHaveText('vingt - deux');
it('should handle ICUs inside <ng-container>', () => {
const template = `
<ng-container i18n>
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
it('should handle ICUs inside <ng-template>', () => {
const template = `
<ng-template i18n tplRef>
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const element = fixture.nativeElement;
describe('queries', () => {
function toHtml(element: Element): string {
return element.innerHTML.replace(/\sng-reflect-\S*="[^"]*"/g, '')
.replace(/<!--bindings=\{(\W.*\W\s*)?\}-->/g, '');
it('detached nodes should still be part of query', () => {
const template = `
<div-query #q i18n>
<div *ngIf="visible">
<span text="1">Content</span>
@Directive({selector: '[text]', inputs: ['text'], exportAs: 'textDir'})
class TextDirective {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
text !: string;
constructor() {}
@Component({selector: 'div-query', template: '<ng-container #vc></ng-container>'})
class DivQuery {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
@ContentChild(TemplateRef) template !: TemplateRef<any>;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
@ViewChild('vc', {read: ViewContainerRef})
vc !: ViewContainerRef;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
@ContentChildren(TextDirective, {descendants: true})
query !: QueryList<TextDirective>;
create() {; }
destroy() {; }
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [TextDirective, DivQuery]});
const fixture = getFixtureWithOverrides({template});
const q = fixture.debugElement.children[0].references.q;
// Create embedded view
// Disable ng-if
fixture.componentInstance.visible = false;