
191 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {LocationChangeEvent, LocationChangeListener, PlatformLocation} from '@angular/common';
import {Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken, Optional} from '@angular/core';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs';
* Parser from
* ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?
* 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Example:
* Results in:
* $1 = http:
* $2 = http
* $3 = //
* $4 =
* $5 = /pub/ietf/uri/
* $6 = <undefined>
* $7 = <undefined>
* $8 = #Related
* $9 = Related
const urlParse = /^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/;
function parseUrl(urlStr: string, baseHref: string) {
const verifyProtocol = /^((http[s]?|ftp):\/\/)/;
let serverBase: string|undefined;
// URL class requires full URL. If the URL string doesn't start with protocol, we need to add
// an arbitrary base URL which can be removed afterward.
if (!verifyProtocol.test(urlStr)) {
serverBase = '';
let parsedUrl: {
protocol: string,
hostname: string,
port: string,
pathname: string,
search: string,
hash: string
try {
parsedUrl = new URL(urlStr, serverBase);
} catch (e) {
const result = urlParse.exec(serverBase || '' + urlStr);
if (!result) {
throw new Error(`Invalid URL: ${urlStr} with base: ${baseHref}`);
const hostSplit = result[4].split(':');
parsedUrl = {
protocol: result[1],
hostname: hostSplit[0],
port: hostSplit[1] || '',
pathname: result[5],
search: result[6],
hash: result[8],
if (parsedUrl.pathname && parsedUrl.pathname.indexOf(baseHref) === 0) {
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname.substring(baseHref.length);
return {
hostname: !serverBase && parsedUrl.hostname || '',
protocol: !serverBase && parsedUrl.protocol || '',
port: !serverBase && parsedUrl.port || '',
pathname: parsedUrl.pathname || '/',
search: || '',
hash: parsedUrl.hash || '',
* Mock platform location config
* @publicApi
export interface MockPlatformLocationConfig {
startUrl?: string;
appBaseHref?: string;
* Provider for mock platform location config
* @publicApi
* Mock implementation of URL state.
* @publicApi
export class MockPlatformLocation implements PlatformLocation {
private baseHref: string = '';
private hashUpdate = new Subject<LocationChangeEvent>();
private urlChanges: {
hostname: string,
protocol: string,
port: string,
pathname: string,
search: string,
hash: string,
state: unknown
}[] = [{hostname: '', protocol: '', port: '', pathname: '/', search: '', hash: '', state: null}];
constructor(@Inject(MOCK_PLATFORM_LOCATION_CONFIG) @Optional() config?:
MockPlatformLocationConfig) {
if (config) {
this.baseHref = config.appBaseHref || '';
const parsedChanges =
this.parseChanges(null, config.startUrl || 'http://<empty>/', this.baseHref);
this.urlChanges[0] = {...parsedChanges};
get hostname() { return this.urlChanges[0].hostname; }
get protocol() { return this.urlChanges[0].protocol; }
get port() { return this.urlChanges[0].port; }
get pathname() { return this.urlChanges[0].pathname; }
get search() { return this.urlChanges[0].search; }
get hash() { return this.urlChanges[0].hash; }
get state() { return this.urlChanges[0].state; }
getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string { return this.baseHref; }
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void {
// No-op: a state stack is not implemented, so
// no events will ever come.
onHashChange(fn: LocationChangeListener): void { this.hashUpdate.subscribe(fn); }
get href(): string {
let url = `${this.protocol}//${this.hostname}${this.port ? ':' + this.port : ''}`;
url += `${this.pathname === '/' ? '' : this.pathname}${}${this.hash}`;
return url;
get url(): string { return `${this.pathname}${}${this.hash}`; }
private parseChanges(state: unknown, url: string, baseHref: string = '') {
// When the `history.state` value is stored, it is always copied.
state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state));
return {...parseUrl(url, baseHref), state};
replaceState(state: any, title: string, newUrl: string): void {
const {pathname, search, state: parsedState, hash} = this.parseChanges(state, newUrl);
this.urlChanges[0] = {...this.urlChanges[0], pathname, search, hash, state: parsedState};
pushState(state: any, title: string, newUrl: string): void {
const {pathname, search, state: parsedState, hash} = this.parseChanges(state, newUrl);
this.urlChanges.unshift({...this.urlChanges[0], pathname, search, hash, state: parsedState});
forward(): void { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }
back(): void {
const oldUrl = this.url;
const oldHash = this.hash;
const newHash = this.hash;
if (oldHash !== newHash) {
scheduleMicroTask(() =>{
type: 'hashchange', state: null, oldUrl, newUrl: this.url
} as LocationChangeEvent));
getState(): unknown { return this.state; }
export function scheduleMicroTask(cb: () => any) {