2015-08-13 15:39:14 -07:00

46 lines
1.7 KiB

- var getFrag = function(fileName) {
- var frag = partial(fileName);
- if (frag == null) {
- return "BAD FILENAME: " + fileName + " Current path: " + current.path;
- } else {
- // ``` gets translated to <pre><code>.....</code></pre> and we need
- // to remove this from the fragment prefix is 11 long and suffix is 13 long
- var r = frag.substring(11, frag.length-13);
- return r;
- }
- }
- var getExtn = function(fileName) {
- var ix = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
- return ix > 0 ? fileName.substr(ix+1) : "";
- }
// HACK: to avoid having to include a path in makeTabs calls
- var currentPath = current.path;
// simple way to only take as many '../' sections as we need to back up to the 'docs' dir
// from the current document
// we will almost certainly never go 10 or 11 deep but ...
- var pathToFrags = "../../../../../../../../../../../".substr(0, (currentPath.length-2)*3) + "_fragments/";
mixin makeExample(path, fileName, title)
- var extn = getExtn(fileName);
- var extPath = pathToFrags + path + "/";
if (title)
.example-title #{title}
code-example(language="#{extn}" format="linenums")
!= getFrag(extPath + fileName + ".md")
mixin makeTabs(path, fileNames, tabNames)
- fileNames = fileNames.split(",");
- tabNames = tabNames.split(",")
// .p Length #{currentPath.length}
each fileName,index in fileNames
- var tabName = tabNames[index].trim();
- var fileName = fileNames[index].trim();
- var extn = getExtn(fileName);
- var extPath = pathToFrags + path + "/";
code-pane(language="#{extn}" name="#{tabName}" format="linenums")
!= getFrag(extPath + fileName + ".md")