Tobias Bosch 0cc77b4a69 refactor(compiler): split compiler and core (#18683)
After this, neither @angular/compiler nor @angular/comnpiler-cli depend
on @angular/core.

This add a duplication of some interfaces and enums which is stored
in @angular/compiler/src/core.ts

- `@angular/platform-server` now additionally depends on
  `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic` as a peer dependency.

PR Close #18683
2017-08-16 17:58:53 -05:00

167 lines
6.4 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {DirectiveResolver, ResourceLoader} from '@angular/compiler';
import {Compiler, Component, Injector, NgModule, NgModuleFactory, ɵstringify as stringify} from '@angular/core';
import {TestBed, async, fakeAsync, inject, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers';
import {MockDirectiveResolver} from '../testing';
import {SpyResourceLoader} from './spies';
@Component({selector: 'child-cmp'})
class ChildComp {
@Component({selector: 'some-cmp', template: 'someComp'})
class SomeComp {
@Component({selector: 'some-cmp', templateUrl: './someTpl'})
class SomeCompWithUrlTemplate {
export function main() {
describe('RuntimeCompiler', () => {
describe('compilerComponentSync', () => {
describe('never resolving loader', () => {
class StubResourceLoader {
get(url: string) { return new Promise(() => {}); }
beforeEach(() => {
{providers: [{provide: ResourceLoader, useClass: StubResourceLoader, deps: []}]});
it('should throw when using a templateUrl that has not been compiled before', async(() => {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate]});
TestBed.compileComponents().then(() => {
expect(() => TestBed.createComponent(SomeCompWithUrlTemplate))
`Can't compile synchronously as ${stringify(SomeCompWithUrlTemplate)} is still being loaded!`);
it('should throw when using a templateUrl in a nested component that has not been compiled before',
() => {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [SomeComp, ChildComp]});
TestBed.overrideComponent(ChildComp, {set: {templateUrl: '/someTpl.html'}});
TestBed.overrideComponent(SomeComp, {set: {template: '<child-cmp></child-cmp>'}});
TestBed.compileComponents().then(() => {
expect(() => TestBed.createComponent(SomeComp))
`Can't compile synchronously as ${stringify(ChildComp)} is still being loaded!`);
describe('resolving loader', () => {
class StubResourceLoader {
get(url: string) { return Promise.resolve('hello'); }
beforeEach(() => {
{providers: [{provide: ResourceLoader, useClass: StubResourceLoader, deps: []}]});
it('should allow to use templateUrl components that have been loaded before', async(() => {
TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate]});
TestBed.compileComponents().then(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SomeCompWithUrlTemplate);
describe('RuntimeCompiler', () => {
let compiler: Compiler;
let resourceLoader: SpyResourceLoader;
let dirResolver: MockDirectiveResolver;
let injector: Injector;
beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureCompiler({providers: [SpyResourceLoader.PROVIDE]}); });
[Compiler, ResourceLoader, DirectiveResolver, Injector],
(_compiler: Compiler, _resourceLoader: SpyResourceLoader,
_dirResolver: MockDirectiveResolver, _injector: Injector) => {
compiler = _compiler;
resourceLoader = _resourceLoader;
dirResolver = _dirResolver;
injector = _injector;
describe('compileModuleAsync', () => {
it('should allow to use templateUrl components', fakeAsync(() => {
declarations: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate],
entryComponents: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate]
class SomeModule {
resourceLoader.spy('get').and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve('hello'));
let ngModuleFactory: NgModuleFactory<any> = undefined !;
compiler.compileModuleAsync(SomeModule).then((f) => ngModuleFactory = f);
describe('compileModuleSync', () => {
it('should throw when using a templateUrl that has not been compiled before', () => {
{declarations: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate], entryComponents: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate]})
class SomeModule {
resourceLoader.spy('get').and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve(''));
expect(() => compiler.compileModuleSync(SomeModule))
`Can't compile synchronously as ${stringify(SomeCompWithUrlTemplate)} is still being loaded!`);
it('should throw when using a templateUrl in a nested component that has not been compiled before',
() => {
@NgModule({declarations: [SomeComp, ChildComp], entryComponents: [SomeComp]})
class SomeModule {
resourceLoader.spy('get').and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve(''));
dirResolver.setDirective(SomeComp, new Component({selector: 'some-cmp', template: ''}));
ChildComp, new Component({selector: 'child-cmp', templateUrl: '/someTpl.html'}));
expect(() => compiler.compileModuleSync(SomeModule))
`Can't compile synchronously as ${stringify(ChildComp)} is still being loaded!`);
it('should allow to use templateUrl components that have been loaded before',
fakeAsync(() => {
declarations: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate],
entryComponents: [SomeCompWithUrlTemplate]
class SomeModule {
resourceLoader.spy('get').and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve('hello'));
const ngModuleFactory = compiler.compileModuleSync(SomeModule);