But do it during the build process for cjs. Right now we only need this when we transpile from ts directly to es5. This is only the case in our cis build, as for our browser build we only transpile from ts to es6 via ts and then use traceur to do the rest.
142 lines
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142 lines
5.1 KiB
'use strict';
import destCopy from '../broccoli-dest-copy';
var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var path = require('path');
var renderLodashTemplate = require('broccoli-lodash');
var replace = require('broccoli-replace');
var stew = require('broccoli-stew');
import transpileWithTraceur from '../traceur/index';
import compileWithTypescript from '../broccoli-typescript';
var projectRootDir = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..'));
module.exports = function makeNodeTree(destinationPath) {
// list of npm packages that this build will create
var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress', 'rtts_assert'];
var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', 'rtts_assert/**', '**/e2e_test/**'],
exclude: [
// the following code and tests are not compatible with CJS/node environment
var nodeTree = transpileWithTraceur(modulesTree, {
destExtension: '.js',
destSourceMapExtension: '.map',
traceurOptions: {
sourceMaps: true,
annotations: true, // parse annotations
types: true, // parse types
script: false, // parse as a module
memberVariables: true, // parse class fields
typeAssertionModule: 'rtts_assert/rtts_assert',
// Don't use type assertions since this is partly transpiled by typescript
typeAssertions: false,
modules: 'commonjs'
// Transform all tests to make them runnable in node
nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, {
files: ['**/test/**/*_spec.js'],
patterns: [
// Override the default DOM adapter with Parse5 for all tests
match: /"use strict";/,
"'use strict'; var parse5Adapter = require('angular2/src/dom/parse5_adapter'); " +
// Append main() to all tests since all of our tests are wrapped in exported main fn
match: /$/g,
replacement: "\r\n main();"
// Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages
outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) {
var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir});
nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, license]);
// Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build
var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']});
docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md');
// Generate shared package.json info
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json'));
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: {
"yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'],
"gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'],
"gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'],
"gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'],
"gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'],
"through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2']
// Add a .template extension since renderLodashTemplate strips one extension
var packageJsons = stew.rename(new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}), '.json',
packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate(
packageJsons, {files: ["**/**"], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});
// HACK: workaround for Traceur behavior.
// It expects all transpiled modules to contain this marker.
// TODO: remove this when we no longer use traceur
var traceurCompatibleTsModulesTree = replace(modulesTree, {
files: ['**/*.ts'],
patterns: [{
// Empty replacement needed so that replaceWithPath gets triggered...
match: /$/g,
replacement: ""
replaceWithPath: (path, content) => {
if (!path.endsWith('.d.ts')) {
content += '\r\nexport var __esModule = true;\n';
return content;
var typescriptTree = compileWithTypescript(traceurCompatibleTsModulesTree, {
allowNonTsExtensions: false,
emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
declaration: true,
mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */
module: 'commonjs',
noEmitOnError: true,
rootDir: '.',
rootFilePaths: ['angular2/traceur-runtime.d.ts', 'angular2/globals.d.ts'],
sourceMap: true,
sourceRoot: '.',
target: 'ES5'
nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, typescriptTree, docs, packageJsons]);
// TODO(iminar): tree differ seems to have issues with trees created by mergeTrees, investigate!
// ENOENT error is thrown while doing fs.readdirSync on inputRoot
// in the meantime, we just do noop mv to create a new tree
nodeTree = stew.mv(nodeTree, '');
return destCopy(nodeTree, destinationPath);