Enables Chrome users to search angular.io and its subdomains from the browsers navigation bar. Not sure if compatible with Firefox yet. The queried term in the URL is removed after closing the search-results. PR Close #25479
109 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
109 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# WARNING: FIREBASE_TOKEN should NOT be printed.
set +x -eu -o pipefail
# Only deploy if this not a PR. PRs are deployed early in `build.sh`.
if [[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != "false" ]]; then
echo "Skipping deploy because this is a PR build."
exit 0
# Do not deploy if the current commit is not the latest on its branch.
readonly LATEST_COMMIT=$(git ls-remote origin $TRAVIS_BRANCH | cut -c1-40)
echo "Skipping deploy because $TRAVIS_COMMIT is not the latest commit ($LATEST_COMMIT)."
exit 0
# The deployment mode is computed based on the branch we are building
if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == master ]]; then
readonly deployEnv=next
elif [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == $STABLE_BRANCH ]]; then
readonly deployEnv=stable
# Extract the major versions from the branches, e.g. the 4 from 4.3.x
readonly majorVersion=${TRAVIS_BRANCH%%.*}
readonly majorVersionStable=${STABLE_BRANCH%%.*}
# Do not deploy if the major version is not less than the stable branch major version
if [[ !( "$majorVersion" < "$majorVersionStable" ) ]]; then
echo "Skipping deploy of branch \"${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\" to firebase."
echo "We only deploy archive branches with the major version less than the stable branch: \"${STABLE_BRANCH}\""
exit 0
# Find the branch that has highest minor version for the given `$majorVersion`
readonly mostRecentMinorVersion=$(
# List the branches that start with the major version
git ls-remote origin refs/heads/${majorVersion}.*.x |
# Extract the version number
awk -F'/' '{print $3}' |
# Sort by the minor version
sort -t. -k 2,2n |
# Get the highest version
tail -n1
# Do not deploy as it is not the latest branch for the given major version
if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH != $mostRecentMinorVersion ]]; then
echo "Skipping deploy of branch \"${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\" to firebase."
echo "There is a more recent branch with the same major version: \"${mostRecentMinorVersion}\""
exit 0
readonly deployEnv=archive
case $deployEnv in
readonly projectId=aio-staging
readonly deployedUrl=https://next.angular.io/
readonly firebaseToken=$FIREBASE_TOKEN
readonly projectId=angular-io
readonly deployedUrl=https://angular.io/
readonly firebaseToken=$FIREBASE_TOKEN
readonly projectId=v${majorVersion}-angular-io
readonly deployedUrl=https://v${majorVersion}.angular.io/
readonly firebaseToken=$FIREBASE_TOKEN
echo "Git branch : $TRAVIS_BRANCH"
echo "Build/deploy mode : $deployEnv"
echo "Firebase project : $projectId"
echo "Deployment URL : $deployedUrl"
if [[ ${1:-} == "--dry-run" ]]; then
exit 0
# Deploy
cd "`dirname $0`/.."
# Build the app
yarn build-for $deployEnv
# Include any mode-specific files
cp -rf src/extra-files/$deployEnv/. dist/
# Set deployedUrl as parameter in the opensearch description
# deployedUrl must end with /
yarn set-opensearch-url $deployedUrl
# Check payload size
yarn payload-size
# Deploy to Firebase
firebase use "$projectId" --token "$firebaseToken"
firebase deploy --message "Commit: $TRAVIS_COMMIT" --non-interactive --token "$firebaseToken"
# Run PWA-score tests
yarn test-pwa-score "$deployedUrl" "$MIN_PWA_SCORE"