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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Adapter, Context} from './adapter';
import {CacheState, UpdateCacheStatus, UpdateSource, UrlMetadata} from './api';
import {Database, Table} from './database';
import {SwCriticalError, errorToString} from './error';
import {IdleScheduler} from './idle';
import {AssetGroupConfig} from './manifest';
import {sha1Binary} from './sha1';
* A group of assets that are cached in a `Cache` and managed by a given policy.
* Concrete classes derive from this base and specify the exact caching policy.
export abstract class AssetGroup {
* A deduplication cache, to make sure the SW never makes two network requests
* for the same resource at once. Managed by `fetchAndCacheOnce`.
private inFlightRequests = new Map<string, Promise<Response>>();
* Regular expression patterns.
protected patterns: RegExp[] = [];
* A Promise which resolves to the `Cache` used to back this asset group. This
* is openedfrom the constructor.
protected cache: Promise<Cache>;
* Group name from the configuration.
readonly name: string;
* Metadata associated with specific cache entries.
protected metadata: Promise<Table>;
private origin: string;
protected scope: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope, protected adapter: Adapter,
protected idle: IdleScheduler, protected config: AssetGroupConfig,
protected hashes: Map<string, string>, protected db: Database, protected prefix: string) {
this.name = config.name;
// Patterns in the config are regular expressions disguised as strings. Breathe life into them.
this.patterns = this.config.patterns.map(pattern => new RegExp(pattern));
// This is the primary cache, which holds all of the cached requests for this group. If a
// resource
// isn't in this cache, it hasn't been fetched yet.
this.cache = this.scope.caches.open(`${this.prefix}:${this.config.name}:cache`);
// This is the metadata table, which holds specific information for each cached URL, such as
// the timestamp of when it was added to the cache.
this.metadata = this.db.open(`${this.prefix}:${this.config.name}:meta`);
// Determine the origin from the registration scope. This is used to differentiate between
// relative and absolute URLs.
this.origin = this.adapter.parseUrl(this.scope.registration.scope).origin;
async cacheStatus(url: string): Promise<UpdateCacheStatus> {
const cache = await this.cache;
const meta = await this.metadata;
const res = await cache.match(this.adapter.newRequest(url));
if (res === undefined) {
return UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED;
try {
const data = await meta.read<UrlMetadata>(url);
if (!data.used) {
return UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED_BUT_UNUSED;
} catch (_) {
// Error on the side of safety and assume cached.
return UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED;
* Initialize this asset group, updating from the given source if available.
abstract initializeFully(updateFrom?: UpdateSource): Promise<void>;
* Clean up all the cached data for this group.
async cleanup(): Promise<void> {
await this.scope.caches.delete(`${this.prefix}:${this.config.name}:cache`);
await this.db.delete(`${this.prefix}:${this.config.name}:meta`);
* Process a request for a given resource and return it, or return null if it's not available.
async handleFetch(req: Request, ctx: Context): Promise<Response|null> {
const url = this.getConfigUrl(req.url);
// Either the request matches one of the known resource URLs, one of the patterns for
// dynamically matched URLs, or neither. Determine which is the case for this request in
// order to decide how to handle it.
if (this.config.urls.indexOf(url) !== -1 || this.patterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(url))) {
// This URL matches a known resource. Either it's been cached already or it's missing, in
// which case it needs to be loaded from the network.
// Open the cache to check whether this resource is present.
const cache = await this.cache;
// Look for a cached response. If one exists, it can be used to resolve the fetch
// operation.
const cachedResponse = await cache.match(req);
if (cachedResponse !== undefined) {
// A response has already been cached (which presumably matches the hash for this
// resource). Check whether it's safe to serve this resource from cache.
if (this.hashes.has(url)) {
// This resource has a hash, and thus is versioned by the manifest. It's safe to return
// the response.
return cachedResponse;
} else {
// This resource has no hash, and yet exists in the cache. Check how old this request is
// to make sure it's still usable.
if (await this.needToRevalidate(req, cachedResponse)) {
`revalidate(${this.prefix}, ${this.config.name}): ${req.url}`,
async() => { await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req); });
// In either case (revalidation or not), the cached response must be good.
return cachedResponse;
// No already-cached response exists, so attempt a fetch/cache operation. The original request
// may specify things like credential inclusion, but for assets these are not honored in order
// to avoid issues with opaque responses. The SW requests the data itself.
const res = await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(this.adapter.newRequest(req.url));
// If this is successful, the response needs to be cloned as it might be used to respond to
// multiple fetch operations at the same time.
return res.clone();
} else {
return null;
private getConfigUrl(url: string): string {
// If the URL is relative to the SW's own origin, then only consider the path relative to
// the domain root. Determine this by checking the URL's origin against the SW's.
const parsed = this.adapter.parseUrl(url, this.scope.registration.scope);
if (parsed.origin === this.origin) {
// The URL is relative to the SW's origin domain.
return parsed.path;
} else {
return url;
* Some resources are cached without a hash, meaning that their expiration is controlled
* by HTTP caching headers. Check whether the given request/response pair is still valid
* per the caching headers.
private async needToRevalidate(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<boolean> {
// Three different strategies apply here:
// 1) The request has a Cache-Control header, and thus expiration needs to be based on its age.
// 2) The request has an Expires header, and expiration is based on the current timestamp.
// 3) The request has no applicable caching headers, and must be revalidated.
if (res.headers.has('Cache-Control')) {
// Figure out if there is a max-age directive in the Cache-Control header.
const cacheControl = res.headers.get('Cache-Control') !;
const cacheDirectives =
// Directives are comma-separated within the Cache-Control header value.
// Make sure each directive doesn't have extraneous whitespace.
.map(v => v.trim())
// Some directives have values (like maxage and s-maxage)
.map(v => v.split('='));
// Lowercase all the directive names.
cacheDirectives.forEach(v => v[0] = v[0].toLowerCase());
// Find the max-age directive, if one exists.
const maxAgeDirective = cacheDirectives.find(v => v[0] === 'max-age');
const cacheAge = maxAgeDirective ? maxAgeDirective[1] : undefined;
if (!cacheAge) {
// No usable TTL defined. Must assume that the response is stale.
return true;
try {
const maxAge = 1000 * parseInt(cacheAge);
// Determine the origin time of this request. If the SW has metadata on the request (which
// it
// should), it will have the time the request was added to the cache. If it doesn't for some
// reason, the request may have a Date header which will serve the same purpose.
let ts: number;
try {
// Check the metadata table. If a timestamp is there, use it.
const metaTable = await this.metadata;
ts = (await metaTable.read<UrlMetadata>(req.url)).ts;
} catch {
// Otherwise, look for a Date header.
const date = res.headers.get('Date');
if (date === null) {
// Unable to determine when this response was created. Assume that it's stale, and
// revalidate it.
return true;
ts = Date.parse(date);
const age = this.adapter.time - ts;
return age < 0 || age > maxAge;
} catch {
// Assume stale.
return true;
} else if (res.headers.has('Expires')) {
// Determine if the expiration time has passed.
const expiresStr = res.headers.get('Expires') !;
try {
// The request needs to be revalidated if the current time is later than the expiration
// time, if it parses correctly.
return this.adapter.time > Date.parse(expiresStr);
} catch {
// The expiration date failed to parse, so revalidate as a precaution.
return true;
} else {
// No way to evaluate staleness, so assume the response is already stale.
return true;
* Fetch the complete state of a cached resource, or return null if it's not found.
async fetchFromCacheOnly(url: string): Promise<CacheState|null> {
const cache = await this.cache;
const metaTable = await this.metadata;
// Lookup the response in the cache.
const response = await cache.match(this.adapter.newRequest(url));
if (response === undefined) {
// It's not found, return null.
return null;
// Next, lookup the cached metadata.
let metadata: UrlMetadata|undefined = undefined;
try {
metadata = await metaTable.read<UrlMetadata>(url);
} catch {
// Do nothing, not found. This shouldn't happen, but it can be handled.
// Return both the response and any available metadata.
return {response, metadata};
* Lookup all resources currently stored in the cache which have no associated hash.
async unhashedResources(): Promise<string[]> {
const cache = await this.cache;
// Start with the set of all cached URLs.
return (await cache.keys())
.map(request => request.url)
// Exclude the URLs which have hashes.
.filter(url => !this.hashes.has(url));
* Fetch the given resource from the network, and cache it if able.
protected async fetchAndCacheOnce(req: Request, used: boolean = true): Promise<Response> {
// The `inFlightRequests` map holds information about which caching operations are currently
// underway for known resources. If this request appears there, another "thread" is already
// in the process of caching it, and this work should not be duplicated.
if (this.inFlightRequests.has(req.url)) {
// There is a caching operation already in progress for this request. Wait for it to
// complete, and hopefully it will have yielded a useful response.
return this.inFlightRequests.get(req.url) !;
// No other caching operation is being attempted for this resource, so it will be owned here.
// Go to the network and get the correct version.
const fetchOp = this.fetchFromNetwork(req);
// Save this operation in `inFlightRequests` so any other "thread" attempting to cache it
// will block on this chain instead of duplicating effort.
this.inFlightRequests.set(req.url, fetchOp);
// Make sure this attempt is cleaned up properly on failure.
try {
// Wait for a response. If this fails, the request will remain in `inFlightRequests`
// indefinitely.
const res = await fetchOp;
// It's very important that only successful responses are cached. Unsuccessful responses
// should never be cached as this can completely break applications.
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(
`Response not Ok (fetchAndCacheOnce): request for ${req.url} returned response ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);
try {
// This response is safe to cache (as long as it's cloned). Wait until the cache operation
// is complete.
const cache = await this.scope.caches.open(`${this.prefix}:${this.config.name}:cache`);
await cache.put(req, res.clone());
// If the request is not hashed, update its metadata, especially the timestamp. This is
// needed for future determination of whether this cached response is stale or not.
if (!this.hashes.has(req.url)) {
// Metadata is tracked for requests that are unhashed.
const meta: UrlMetadata = {ts: this.adapter.time, used};
const metaTable = await this.metadata;
await metaTable.write(req.url, meta);
return res;
} catch (err) {
// Among other cases, this can happen when the user clears all data through the DevTools,
// but the SW is still running and serving another tab. In that case, trying to write to the
// caches throws an `Entry was not found` error.
// If this happens the SW can no longer work correctly. This situation is unrecoverable.
throw new SwCriticalError(
`Failed to update the caches for request to '${req.url}' (fetchAndCacheOnce): ${errorToString(err)}`);
} finally {
// Finally, it can be removed from `inFlightRequests`. This might result in a double-remove
// if some other chain was already making this request too, but that won't hurt anything.
protected async fetchFromNetwork(req: Request, redirectLimit: number = 3): Promise<Response> {
// Make a cache-busted request for the resource.
const res = await this.cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork(req);
// Check for redirected responses, and follow the redirects.
if ((res as any)['redirected'] && !!res.url) {
// If the redirect limit is exhausted, fail with an error.
if (redirectLimit === 0) {
throw new SwCriticalError(
`Response hit redirect limit (fetchFromNetwork): request redirected too many times, next is ${res.url}`);
// Unwrap the redirect directly.
return this.fetchFromNetwork(this.adapter.newRequest(res.url), redirectLimit - 1);
return res;
* Load a particular asset from the network, accounting for hash validation.
protected async cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const url = this.getConfigUrl(req.url);
// If a hash is available for this resource, then compare the fetched version with the
// canonical hash. Otherwise, the network version will have to be trusted.
if (this.hashes.has(url)) {
// It turns out this resource does have a hash. Look it up. Unless the fetched version
// matches this hash, it's invalid and the whole manifest may need to be thrown out.
const canonicalHash = this.hashes.get(url) !;
// Ideally, the resource would be requested with cache-busting to guarantee the SW gets
// the freshest version. However, doing this would eliminate any chance of the response
// being in the HTTP cache. Given that the browser has recently actively loaded the page,
// it's likely that many of the responses the SW needs to cache are in the HTTP cache and
// are fresh enough to use. In the future, this could be done by setting cacheMode to
// *only* check the browser cache for a cached version of the resource, when cacheMode is
// fully supported. For now, the resource is fetched directly, without cache-busting, and
// if the hash test fails a cache-busted request is tried before concluding that the
// resource isn't correct. This gives the benefit of acceleration via the HTTP cache
// without the risk of stale data, at the expense of a duplicate request in the event of
// a stale response.
// Fetch the resource from the network (possibly hitting the HTTP cache).
const networkResult = await this.safeFetch(req);
// Decide whether a cache-busted request is necessary. It might be for two independent
// reasons: either the non-cache-busted request failed (hopefully transiently) or if the
// hash of the content retrieved does not match the canonical hash from the manifest. It's
// only valid to access the content of the first response if the request was successful.
let makeCacheBustedRequest: boolean = networkResult.ok;
if (makeCacheBustedRequest) {
// The request was successful. A cache-busted request is only necessary if the hashes
// don't match. Compare them, making sure to clone the response so it can be used later
// if it proves to be valid.
const fetchedHash = sha1Binary(await networkResult.clone().arrayBuffer());
makeCacheBustedRequest = (fetchedHash !== canonicalHash);
// Make a cache busted request to the network, if necessary.
if (makeCacheBustedRequest) {
// Hash failure, the version that was retrieved under the default URL did not have the
// hash expected. This could be because the HTTP cache got in the way and returned stale
// data, or because the version on the server really doesn't match. A cache-busting
// request will differentiate these two situations.
// TODO: handle case where the URL has parameters already (unlikely for assets).
const cacheBustReq = this.adapter.newRequest(this.cacheBust(req.url));
const cacheBustedResult = await this.safeFetch(cacheBustReq);
// If the response was unsuccessful, there's nothing more that can be done.
if (!cacheBustedResult.ok) {
throw new SwCriticalError(
`Response not Ok (cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork): cache busted request for ${req.url} returned response ${cacheBustedResult.status} ${cacheBustedResult.statusText}`);
// Hash the contents.
const cacheBustedHash = sha1Binary(await cacheBustedResult.clone().arrayBuffer());
// If the cache-busted version doesn't match, then the manifest is not an accurate
// representation of the server's current set of files, and the SW should give up.
if (canonicalHash !== cacheBustedHash) {
throw new SwCriticalError(
`Hash mismatch (cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork): ${req.url}: expected ${canonicalHash}, got ${cacheBustedHash} (after cache busting)`);
// If it does match, then use the cache-busted result.
return cacheBustedResult;
// Excellent, the version from the network matched on the first try, with no need for
// cache-busting. Use it.
return networkResult;
} else {
// This URL doesn't exist in our hash database, so it must be requested directly.
return this.safeFetch(req);
* Possibly update a resource, if it's expired and needs to be updated. A no-op otherwise.
protected async maybeUpdate(updateFrom: UpdateSource, req: Request, cache: Cache):
Promise<boolean> {
const url = this.getConfigUrl(req.url);
const meta = await this.metadata;
// Check if this resource is hashed and already exists in the cache of a prior version.
if (this.hashes.has(url)) {
const hash = this.hashes.get(url) !;
// Check the caches of prior versions, using the hash to ensure the correct version of
// the resource is loaded.
const res = await updateFrom.lookupResourceWithHash(url, hash);
// If a previously cached version was available, copy it over to this cache.
if (res !== null) {
// Copy to this cache.
await cache.put(req, res);
await meta.write(req.url, { ts: this.adapter.time, used: false } as UrlMetadata);
// No need to do anything further with this resource, it's now cached properly.
return true;
// No up-to-date version of this resource could be found.
return false;
* Construct a cache-busting URL for a given URL.
private cacheBust(url: string): string {
return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'ngsw-cache-bust=' + Math.random();
protected async safeFetch(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
try {
return await this.scope.fetch(req);
} catch {
return this.adapter.newResponse('', {
status: 504,
statusText: 'Gateway Timeout',
* An `AssetGroup` that prefetches all of its resources during initialization.
export class PrefetchAssetGroup extends AssetGroup {
async initializeFully(updateFrom?: UpdateSource): Promise<void> {
// Open the cache which actually holds requests.
const cache = await this.cache;
// Cache all known resources serially. As this reduce proceeds, each Promise waits
// on the last before starting the fetch/cache operation for the next request. Any
// errors cause fall-through to the final Promise which rejects.
await this.config.urls.reduce(async(previous: Promise<void>, url: string) => {
// Wait on all previous operations to complete.
await previous;
// Construct the Request for this url.
const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url);
// First, check the cache to see if there is already a copy of this resource.
const alreadyCached = (await cache.match(req)) !== undefined;
// If the resource is in the cache already, it can be skipped.
if (alreadyCached) {
// If an update source is available.
if (updateFrom !== undefined && await this.maybeUpdate(updateFrom, req, cache)) {
// Otherwise, go to the network and hopefully cache the response (if successful).
await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req, false);
}, Promise.resolve());
// Handle updating of unknown (unhashed) resources. This is only possible if there's
// a source to update from.
if (updateFrom !== undefined) {
const metaTable = await this.metadata;
// Select all of the previously cached resources. These are cached unhashed resources
// from previous versions of the app, in any asset group.
await(await updateFrom.previouslyCachedResources())
// First, narrow down the set of resources to those which are handled by this group.
// Either it's a known URL, or it matches a given pattern.
url => this.config.urls.some(cacheUrl => cacheUrl === url) ||
this.patterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(url)))
// Finally, process each resource in turn.
.reduce(async(previous, url) => {
await previous;
const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url);
// It's possible that the resource in question is already cached. If so,
// continue to the next one.
const alreadyCached = (await cache.match(req) !== undefined);
if (alreadyCached) {
// Get the most recent old version of the resource.
const res = await updateFrom.lookupResourceWithoutHash(url);
if (res === null || res.metadata === undefined) {
// Unexpected, but not harmful.
// Write it into the cache. It may already be expired, but it can still serve
// traffic until it's updated (stale-while-revalidate approach).
await cache.put(req, res.response);
await metaTable.write(url, { ...res.metadata, used: false } as UrlMetadata);
}, Promise.resolve());
export class LazyAssetGroup extends AssetGroup {
async initializeFully(updateFrom?: UpdateSource): Promise<void> {
// No action necessary if no update source is available - resources managed in this group
// are all lazily loaded, so there's nothing to initialize.
if (updateFrom === undefined) {
// Open the cache which actually holds requests.
const cache = await this.cache;
// Loop through the listed resources, caching any which are available.
await this.config.urls.reduce(async(previous: Promise<void>, url: string) => {
// Wait on all previous operations to complete.
await previous;
// Construct the Request for this url.
const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url);
// First, check the cache to see if there is already a copy of this resource.
const alreadyCached = (await cache.match(req)) !== undefined;
// If the resource is in the cache already, it can be skipped.
if (alreadyCached) {
const updated = await this.maybeUpdate(updateFrom, req, cache);
if (this.config.updateMode === 'prefetch' && !updated) {
// If the resource was not updated, either it was not cached before or
// the previously cached version didn't match the updated hash. In that
// case, prefetch update mode dictates that the resource will be updated,
// except if it was not previously utilized. Check the status of the
// cached resource to see.
const cacheStatus = await updateFrom.recentCacheStatus(url);
// If the resource is not cached, or was cached but unused, then it will be
// loaded lazily.
if (cacheStatus !== UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED) {
// Update from the network.
await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req, false);
}, Promise.resolve());