2018-02-25 10:06:14 -08:00

615 lines
25 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AfterContentChecked, AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit, ApplicationRef, Component, DoCheck, Inject, Injector, Input, NgModule, NgZone, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, StaticProvider, ViewRef, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core';
import {async, fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import {browserDetection} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util';
import {downgradeComponent, downgradeModule} from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import * as angular from '@angular/upgrade/static/src/common/angular1';
import {$ROOT_SCOPE, INJECTOR_KEY, LAZY_MODULE_REF} from '@angular/upgrade/static/src/common/constants';
import {LazyModuleRef} from '@angular/upgrade/static/src/common/util';
import {html, multiTrim, withEachNg1Version} from '../test_helpers';
withEachNg1Version(() => {
[true, false].forEach(propagateDigest => {
describe(`lazy-load ng2 module (propagateDigest: ${propagateDigest})`, () => {
beforeEach(() => destroyPlatform());
it('should support downgrading a component and propagate inputs', async(() => {
{selector: 'ng2A', template: 'a({{ value }}) | <ng2B [value]="value"></ng2B>'})
class Ng2AComponent {
@Input() value = -1;
@Component({selector: 'ng2B', template: 'b({{ value }})'})
class Ng2BComponent {
@Input() value = -2;
declarations: [Ng2AComponent, Ng2BComponent],
entryComponents: [Ng2AComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2AComponent, propagateDigest}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => $rootScope.value = 0);
const element = html('<div><ng2 [value]="value" ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('value = 1');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('a(1) | b(1)'));
it('should support using an upgraded service', async(() => {
class Ng2Service {
constructor(@Inject('ng1Value') private ng1Value: string) {}
getValue = () => `${this.ng1Value}-bar`;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: '{{ value }}'})
class Ng2Component {
value: string;
constructor(ng2Service: Ng2Service) { this.value = ng2Service.getValue(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: [
provide: 'ng1Value',
useFactory: (i: angular.IInjectorService) => i.get('ng1Value'),
deps: ['$injector'],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
.directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}))
.value('ng1Value', 'foo');
const element = html('<div><ng2 ng-if="loadNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
$rootScope.$apply('loadNg2 = true');
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).toThrowError();
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(() => $injector.get(INJECTOR_KEY)).not.toThrow();
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('foo-bar'));
it('should create components inside the Angular zone', async(() => {
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'In the zone: {{ inTheZone }}'})
class Ng2Component {
private inTheZone = false;
constructor() { this.inTheZone = NgZone.isInAngularZone(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
angular.bootstrap(element, []);
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
// Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
setTimeout(() => expect(element.textContent).toBe('In the zone: true'));
it('should destroy components inside the Angular zone', async(() => {
let destroyedInTheZone = false;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component implements OnDestroy {
ngOnDestroy() { destroyedInTheZone = NgZone.isInAngularZone(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2 ng-if="!hideNg2"></ng2>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => {
$rootScope.$apply('hideNg2 = true');
it('should propagate input changes inside the Angular zone', async(() => {
let ng2Component: Ng2Component;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component implements OnChanges {
@Input() attrInput = 'foo';
@Input() propInput = 'foo';
constructor() { ng2Component = this; }
ngOnChanges() {}
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
.directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => {
$rootScope.attrVal = 'bar';
$rootScope.propVal = 'bar';
const element = html('<ng2 attr-input="{{ attrVal }}" [prop-input]="propVal"></ng2>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
const expectToBeInNgZone = () => expect(NgZone.isInAngularZone()).toBe(true);
const changesSpy =
spyOn(ng2Component, 'ngOnChanges').and.callFake(expectToBeInNgZone);
$rootScope.$apply('attrVal = "baz"');
$rootScope.$apply('propVal = "qux"');
it('should wire up the component for change detection', async(() => {
{selector: 'ng2', template: '{{ count }}<button (click)="increment()"></button>'})
class Ng2Component {
private count = 0;
increment() { ++this.count; }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
angular.bootstrap(element, []);
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
const button = element.querySelector('button') !;
it('should run the lifecycle hooks in the correct order', async(() => {
const logs: string[] = [];
let rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService;
selector: 'ng2',
template: `
{{ value }}
<button (click)="value = 'qux'"></button>
class Ng2Component implements AfterContentChecked,
AfterContentInit, AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit, DoCheck, OnChanges, OnDestroy,
OnInit {
@Input() value = 'foo';
ngAfterContentChecked() { this.log('AfterContentChecked'); }
ngAfterContentInit() { this.log('AfterContentInit'); }
ngAfterViewChecked() { this.log('AfterViewChecked'); }
ngAfterViewInit() { this.log('AfterViewInit'); }
ngDoCheck() { this.log('DoCheck'); }
ngOnChanges() { this.log('OnChanges'); }
ngOnDestroy() { this.log('OnDestroy'); }
ngOnInit() { this.log('OnInit'); }
private log(hook: string) { logs.push(`${hook}(${this.value})`); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
.directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}))
.run(($rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => {
rootScope = $rootScope;
rootScope.value = 'bar';
const element =
html('<div><ng2 value="{{ value }}" ng-if="!hideNg2">Content</ng2></div>');
angular.bootstrap(element, []);
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
const button = element.querySelector('button') !;
// Once initialized.
expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('bar Content');
// `ngOnChanges()` call triggered directly through the `inputChanges` $watcher.
// Initial CD triggered directly through the `detectChanges()` or `inputChanges`
// $watcher (for `propagateDigest` true/false respectively).
...(propagateDigest ?
// CD triggered directly through the `detectChanges()` $watcher (2nd
// $digest).
] :
// CD triggered due to entering/leaving the NgZone (in `downgradeFn()`).
logs.length = 0;
// Change inputs and run `$digest`.
rootScope.$apply('value = "baz"');
expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('baz Content');
// `ngOnChanges()` call triggered directly through the `inputChanges` $watcher.
// `propagateDigest: true` (3 CD runs):
// - CD triggered due to entering/leaving the NgZone (in `inputChanges`
// $watcher).
// - CD triggered directly through the `detectChanges()` $watcher.
// - CD triggered due to entering/leaving the NgZone (in `detectChanges`
// $watcher).
// `propagateDigest: false` (2 CD runs):
// - CD triggered directly through the `inputChanges` $watcher.
// - CD triggered due to entering/leaving the NgZone (in `inputChanges`
// $watcher).
...(propagateDigest ?
] :
logs.length = 0;
// Run `$digest` (without changing inputs).
expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('baz Content');
propagateDigest ?
// CD triggered directly through the `detectChanges()` $watcher.
// CD triggered due to entering/leaving the NgZone (in the above $watcher).
] :
logs.length = 0;
// Trigger change detection (without changing inputs).;
expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('qux Content');
logs.length = 0;
// Destroy the component.
rootScope.$apply('hideNg2 = true');
logs.length = 0;
it('should detach hostViews from the ApplicationRef once destroyed', async(() => {
let ng2Component: Ng2Component;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component {
constructor(public appRef: ApplicationRef) {
ng2Component = this;
spyOn(appRef, 'attachView').and.callThrough();
spyOn(appRef, 'detachView').and.callThrough();
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2 ng-if="!hideNg2"></ng2>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => { // Wait for the hostView to be attached (during the `$digest`).
const hostView: ViewRef =
(ng2Component.appRef.attachView as jasmine.Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0];
$rootScope.$apply('hideNg2 = true');
it('should only retrieve the Angular zone once (and cache it for later use)',
fakeAsync(() => {
let count = 0;
let getNgZoneCount = 0;
{selector: 'ng2', template: 'Count: {{ count }} | In the zone: {{ inTheZone }}'})
class Ng2Component {
private count = ++count;
private inTheZone = false;
constructor() { this.inTheZone = NgZone.isInAngularZone(); }
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
constructor(injector: Injector) {
const originalGet = injector.get;
injector.get = function(token: any) {
if (token === NgZone) ++getNgZoneCount;
return originalGet.apply(injector, arguments);
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const tickDelay = browserDetection.isIE ? 100 : 0;
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<div><ng2 ng-if="showNg2"></ng2></div>');
const $injector = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
const $rootScope = $injector.get($ROOT_SCOPE) as angular.IRootScopeService;
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = true');
tick(tickDelay); // Wait for the module to be bootstrapped and `$evalAsync()` to
// propagate inputs.
const injector = ($injector.get(LAZY_MODULE_REF) as LazyModuleRef).injector !;
const injectorGet = injector.get;
spyOn(injector, 'get').and.callFake((...args: any[]) => {
return injectorGet.apply(injector, args);
expect(element.textContent).toBe('Count: 1 | In the zone: true');
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = false');
$rootScope.$apply('showNg2 = true');
tick(tickDelay); // Wait for `$evalAsync()` to propagate inputs.
expect(element.textContent).toBe('Count: 2 | In the zone: true');
it('should give access to both injectors in the Angular module\'s constructor', async(() => {
let $injectorFromNg2: angular.IInjectorService|null = null;
@Component({selector: 'ng2', template: ''})
class Ng2Component {
declarations: [Ng2Component],
entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
class Ng2Module {
constructor(injector: Injector) {
$injectorFromNg2 = injector.get<angular.IInjectorService>('$injector' as any);
ngDoBootstrap() {}
const bootstrapFn = (extraProviders: StaticProvider[]) =>
const lazyModuleName = downgradeModule<Ng2Module>(bootstrapFn);
const ng1Module =
angular.module('ng1', [lazyModuleName])
'ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component, propagateDigest}));
const element = html('<ng2></ng2>');
const $injectorFromNg1 = angular.bootstrap(element, []);
// Wait for the module to be bootstrapped.
setTimeout(() => expect($injectorFromNg2).toBe($injectorFromNg1));