Paul Gschwendtner 3c726c3516 fix(compiler): unclear lexer error when using private identifier in expressions ()
TypeScript supports ECMAScript private identifiers. It can happen that
developers intend to access such members from within an expression.

This currently results in an unclear error from the lexer. e.g.

'Parser Error: Unexpected token # at column 1 in [{{#myField}}] in C:/test.ts@5:2

We could improve such errors by tokenizing private identifiers similar to
how the TypeScript scanner processes them. Later we can report better
errors in the expression parser or in the typecheck block. This commit
causes all private identifier tokens to be disallowed, so it never
reaches the type checker. This is done intentionally as private
identifiers should not be considered valid Angular syntax, especially
because private fields are not guaranteed to be accessible from within
a component/directive definition (e.g. there cases where a template
function is generated outside of the class; which results in private
members not being accessible; and this results in mixed/confusing

Fixes .

PR Close 
2021-05-18 10:15:12 -07:00

293 lines
10 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Lexer, Token} from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/lexer';
function lex(text: string): any[] {
return new Lexer().tokenize(text);
function expectToken(token: any, index: number, end: number) {
expect(token instanceof Token).toBe(true);
function expectCharacterToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, character: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectOperatorToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, operator: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectNumberToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, n: number) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectStringToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, str: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectIdentifierToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, identifier: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectPrivateIdentifierToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, identifier: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectKeywordToken(token: any, index: number, end: number, keyword: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
function expectErrorToken(token: Token, index: any, end: number, message: string) {
expectToken(token, index, end);
describe('lexer', () => {
describe('token', () => {
it('should tokenize a simple identifier', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('j');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j');
it('should tokenize "this"', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('this');
expectKeywordToken(tokens[0], 0, 4, 'this');
it('should tokenize a dotted identifier', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('j.k');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '.');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'k');
it('should tokenize a private identifier', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('#a');
expectPrivateIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 2, '#a');
it('should tokenize a property access with private identifier', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('j.#k');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '.');
expectPrivateIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 4, '#k');
it('should throw an invalid character error when a hash character is discovered but ' +
'not indicating a private identifier',
() => {
lex('#')[0], 0, 1,
`Lexer Error: Invalid character [#] at column 0 in expression [#]`);
lex('#0')[0], 0, 1,
`Lexer Error: Invalid character [#] at column 0 in expression [#0]`);
it('should tokenize an operator', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('j-k');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '-');
it('should tokenize an indexed operator', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('j[k]');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '[');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, ']');
it('should tokenize numbers', () => {
const tokens: number[] = lex('88');
expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 2, 88);
it('should tokenize numbers within index ops', () => {
expectNumberToken(lex('a[22]')[2], 2, 4, 22);
it('should tokenize simple quoted strings', () => {
expectStringToken(lex('"a"')[0], 0, 3, 'a');
it('should tokenize quoted strings with escaped quotes', () => {
expectStringToken(lex('"a\\""')[0], 0, 5, 'a"');
it('should tokenize a string', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('j-a.bc[22]+1.3|f:\'a\\\'c\':"d\\"e"');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'j');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '-');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'a');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, '.');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[4], 4, 6, 'bc');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[5], 6, 7, '[');
expectNumberToken(tokens[6], 7, 9, 22);
expectCharacterToken(tokens[7], 9, 10, ']');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 10, 11, '+');
expectNumberToken(tokens[9], 11, 14, 1.3);
expectOperatorToken(tokens[10], 14, 15, '|');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[11], 15, 16, 'f');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[12], 16, 17, ':');
expectStringToken(tokens[13], 17, 23, 'a\'c');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[14], 23, 24, ':');
expectStringToken(tokens[15], 24, 30, 'd"e');
it('should tokenize undefined', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('undefined');
expectKeywordToken(tokens[0], 0, 9, 'undefined');
it('should ignore whitespace', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('a \t \n \r b');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[1], 8, 9, 'b');
it('should tokenize quoted string', () => {
const str = '[\'\\\'\', "\\""]';
const tokens: Token[] = lex(str);
expectStringToken(tokens[1], 1, 5, '\'');
expectStringToken(tokens[3], 7, 11, '"');
it('should tokenize escaped quoted string', () => {
const str = '"\\"\\n\\f\\r\\t\\v\\u00A0"';
const tokens: Token[] = lex(str);
it('should tokenize unicode', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('"\\u00A0"');
it('should tokenize relation', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('! == != < > <= >= === !==');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, '!');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[1], 2, 4, '==');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[2], 5, 7, '!=');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[3], 8, 9, '<');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[4], 10, 11, '>');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[5], 12, 14, '<=');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[6], 15, 17, '>=');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[7], 18, 21, '===');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 22, 25, '!==');
it('should tokenize statements', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('a;b;');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, ';');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'b');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, ';');
it('should tokenize function invocation', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('a()');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '(');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, ')');
it('should tokenize simple method invocations', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('a.method()');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 8, 'method');
it('should tokenize method invocation', () => {
const tokens: Token[] = lex('a.b.c (d) - e.f()');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[0], 0, 1, 'a');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[1], 1, 2, '.');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[2], 2, 3, 'b');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[3], 3, 4, '.');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[4], 4, 5, 'c');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[5], 6, 7, '(');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[6], 7, 8, 'd');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[7], 8, 9, ')');
expectOperatorToken(tokens[8], 10, 11, '-');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[9], 12, 13, 'e');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[10], 13, 14, '.');
expectIdentifierToken(tokens[11], 14, 15, 'f');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[12], 15, 16, '(');
expectCharacterToken(tokens[13], 16, 17, ')');
it('should tokenize number', () => {
expectNumberToken(lex('0.5')[0], 0, 3, 0.5);
it('should tokenize number with exponent', () => {
let tokens: Token[] = lex('0.5E-10');
expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 7, 0.5E-10);
tokens = lex('0.5E+10');
expectNumberToken(tokens[0], 0, 7, 0.5E+10);
it('should return exception for invalid exponent', () => {
lex('0.5E-')[0], 4, 5,
'Lexer Error: Invalid exponent at column 4 in expression [0.5E-]');
lex('0.5E-A')[0], 4, 5,
'Lexer Error: Invalid exponent at column 4 in expression [0.5E-A]');
it('should tokenize number starting with a dot', () => {
expectNumberToken(lex('.5')[0], 0, 2, 0.5);
it('should throw error on invalid unicode', () => {
lex('\'\\u1\'\'bla\'')[0], 2, 2,
'Lexer Error: Invalid unicode escape [\\u1\'\'b] at column 2 in expression [\'\\u1\'\'bla\']');
it('should tokenize ?. as operator', () => {
expectOperatorToken(lex('?.')[0], 0, 2, '?.');
it('should tokenize ?? as operator', () => {
expectOperatorToken(lex('??')[0], 0, 2, '??');