We need to explicitly set the `enableIvy` option in a tsconfig file to tell StackBlitz not to use ViewEngine. This commit will generate an appropriate tsconfig.json file in the example data that is sent to StackBlitz, which matches the Ivy setting of the AIO project itself. PR Close #40930
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341 lines
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'use strict';
// Canonical path provides a consistent path (i.e. always forward slashes) across different OSes
const path = require('canonical-path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const globby = require('globby');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const json5 = require('json5');
const regionExtractor = require('../transforms/examples-package/services/region-parser');
class StackblitzBuilder {
constructor(basePath, destPath) {
this.basePath = basePath;
this.destPath = destPath;
this.copyrights = this._buildCopyrightStrings();
this._boilerplatePackageJsons = {};
build() {
// When testing it sometimes helps to look a just one example directory like so:
// const stackblitzPaths = path.join(this.basePath, '**/testing/*stackblitz.json');
const stackblitzPaths = path.join(this.basePath, '**/*stackblitz.json');
const fileNames = globby.sync(stackblitzPaths, { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'] });
fileNames.forEach((configFileName) => {
try {
// console.log('***'+configFileName)
} catch (e) {
_addDependencies(config, postData) {
// Extract npm package dependencies
const exampleType = this._getExampleType(config.basePath);
const packageJson = this._getBoilerplatePackageJson(exampleType) || this._getBoilerplatePackageJson('cli');
const exampleDependencies = packageJson.dependencies;
// Add unit test packages from devDependencies for unit test examples
const devDependencies = packageJson.devDependencies;
['jasmine-core', 'jasmine-marbles'].forEach(dep => exampleDependencies[dep] = devDependencies[dep]);
postData.dependencies = JSON.stringify(exampleDependencies);
_getExampleType(exampleDir) {
const configPath = `${exampleDir}/example-config.json`;
const configSrc = fs.existsSync(configPath) && fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf-8').trim();
const config = configSrc ? JSON.parse(configSrc) : {};
return config.projectType || 'cli';
_getBoilerplatePackageJson(exampleType) {
if (!this._boilerplatePackageJsons.hasOwnProperty(exampleType)) {
const pkgJsonPath = `${__dirname}/../examples/shared/boilerplate/${exampleType}/package.json`;
this._boilerplatePackageJsons[exampleType] = fs.existsSync(pkgJsonPath) ? require(pkgJsonPath) : null;
return this._boilerplatePackageJsons[exampleType];
_buildCopyrightStrings() {
const copyright = 'Copyright Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n' +
'Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that\n' +
'can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license';
const pad = '\n\n';
return {
jsCss: `${pad}/*\n${copyright}\n*/`,
html: `${pad}<!-- \n${copyright}\n-->`,
// Build stackblitz from JSON configuration file (e.g., stackblitz.json):
// all properties are optional
// files: string[] - array of globs - defaults to all js, ts, html, json, css and md files (with certain files removed)
// description: string - description of this stackblitz - defaults to the title in the index.html page.
// tags: string[] - optional array of stackblitz tags (for searchability)
// main: string - name of file that will become index.html in the stackblitz - defaults to index.html
// file: string - name of file to display within the stackblitz (e.g. `"file": "app/app.module.ts"`)
_buildStackblitzFrom(configFileName) {
// replace ending 'stackblitz.json' with 'stackblitz.no-link.html' to create output file name;
const outputFileName = configFileName.replace(/stackblitz\.json$/, 'stackblitz.no-link.html');
let altFileName;
if (this.destPath && this.destPath.length > 0) {
const partPath = path.dirname(path.relative(this.basePath, outputFileName));
altFileName = path.join(this.destPath, partPath, path.basename(outputFileName)).replace('.no-link.', '.');
try {
const config = this._initConfigAndCollectFileNames(configFileName);
const postData = this._createPostData(config, configFileName);
this._addDependencies(config, postData);
const html = this._createStackblitzHtml(config, postData);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, html, 'utf-8');
if (altFileName) {
const altDirName = path.dirname(altFileName);
fs.writeFileSync(altFileName, html, 'utf-8');
} catch (e) {
// if we fail delete the outputFile if it exists because it is an old one.
if (fs.existsSync(outputFileName)) {
if (altFileName && fs.existsSync(altFileName)) {
throw e;
_checkForOutdatedConfig() {
// Ensure that nobody is trying to use the old config filenames (i.e. `plnkr.json`).
const plunkerPaths = path.join(this.basePath, '**/*plnkr.json');
const fileNames = globby.sync(plunkerPaths, { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'] });
if (fileNames.length) {
const readmePath = path.join(__dirname, 'README.md');
const errorMessage =
'One or more examples are still trying to use \'plnkr.json\' files for configuring ' +
'live examples. This is not supported any more. \'stackblitz.json\' should be used ' +
'instead.\n' +
`(Slight modifications may be required. See '${readmePath}' for more info.\n\n` +
fileNames.map(name => `- ${name}`).join('\n');
throw Error(errorMessage);
_getPrimaryFile(config) {
if (config.file) {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(config.basePath, config.file))) {
throw new Error(`The specified primary file (${config.file}) does not exist in '${config.basePath}'.`);
return config.file;
} else {
const defaultPrimaryFiles = ['src/app/app.component.html', 'src/app/app.component.ts', 'src/app/main.ts'];
const primaryFile = defaultPrimaryFiles.find(fileName => fs.existsSync(path.join(config.basePath, fileName)));
if (!primaryFile) {
throw new Error(`None of the default primary files (${defaultPrimaryFiles.join(', ')}) exists in '${config.basePath}'.`);
return primaryFile;
_createBaseStackblitzHtml(config) {
const file = `?file=${this._getPrimaryFile(config)}`;
const action = `https://run.stackblitz.com/api/angular/v1${file}`;
return `
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body>
<form id="mainForm" method="post" action="${action}" target="_self"></form>
var embedded = 'ctl=1';
var isEmbedded = window.location.search.indexOf(embedded) > -1;
if (isEmbedded) {
var form = document.getElementById('mainForm');
var action = form.action;
var actionHasParams = action.indexOf('?') > -1;
var symbol = actionHasParams ? '&' : '?'
form.action = form.action + symbol + embedded;
_createPostData(config, configFileName) {
const postData = {};
// If `config.main` is specified, ensure that it points to an existing file.
if (config.main && !fs.existsSync(path.join(config.basePath, config.main))) {
throw Error(`The main file ('${config.main}') specified in '${configFileName}' does not exist.`);
config.fileNames.forEach((fileName) => {
let content;
const extn = path.extname(fileName);
if (extn === '.png') {
content = this._encodeBase64(fileName);
fileName = `${fileName.slice(0, -extn.length)}.base64${extn}`;
} else {
content = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8');
if (extn === '.js' || extn === '.ts' || extn === '.css') {
content = content + this.copyrights.jsCss;
} else if (extn === '.html') {
content = content + this.copyrights.html;
// const escapedValue = escapeHtml(content);
let relativeFileName = path.relative(config.basePath, fileName);
// Is the main a custom index-xxx.html file? Rename it
if (relativeFileName === config.main) {
relativeFileName = 'src/index.html';
// A custom main.ts file? Rename it
if (/src\/main[-.]\w+\.ts$/.test(relativeFileName)) {
relativeFileName = 'src/main.ts';
if (relativeFileName === 'index.html') {
if (config.description == null) {
// set config.description to title from index.html
const matches = /<title>(.*)<\/title>/.exec(content);
if (matches) {
config.description = matches[1];
content = regionExtractor()(content, extn.substr(1)).contents;
postData[`files[${relativeFileName}]`] = content;
// Stackblitz defaults to ViewEngine unless `"enableIvy": true`
// So if there is a tsconfig.json file and there is no `enableIvy` property, we need to
// explicitly set it.
const tsConfigJSON = postData['files[tsconfig.json]'];
if (tsConfigJSON !== undefined) {
const tsConfig = json5.parse(tsConfigJSON);
if (tsConfig.angularCompilerOptions.enableIvy === undefined) {
tsConfig.angularCompilerOptions.enableIvy = true;
postData['files[tsconfig.json]'] = JSON.stringify(tsConfig, null, 2);
const tags = ['angular', 'example', ...config.tags || []];
tags.forEach((tag, ix) => postData[`tags[${ix}]`] = tag);
postData.description = `Angular Example - ${config.description}`;
return postData;
_createStackblitzHtml(config, postData) {
const baseHtml = this._createBaseStackblitzHtml(config);
const doc = jsdom.jsdom(baseHtml);
const form = doc.querySelector('form');
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(postData)) {
const ele = this._htmlToElement(doc, `<input type="hidden" name="${key}">`);
ele.setAttribute('value', value);
return doc.documentElement.outerHTML;
_encodeBase64(file) {
// read binary data
return fs.readFileSync(file, { encoding: 'base64' });
_htmlToElement(document, html) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
return div.firstChild;
_initConfigAndCollectFileNames(configFileName) {
const config = this._parseConfig(configFileName);
const defaultIncludes = ['**/*.ts', '**/*.js', '**/*.css', '**/*.html', '**/*.md', '**/*.json', '**/*.png', '**/*.svg'];
const boilerplateIncludes = ['src/environments/*.*', 'angular.json', 'src/polyfills.ts', 'tsconfig.json'];
if (config.files) {
if (config.files.length > 0) {
if (config.files[0][0] === '!') {
config.files = defaultIncludes.concat(config.files);
} else {
config.files = defaultIncludes;
config.files = config.files.concat(boilerplateIncludes);
let includeSpec = false;
const gpaths = config.files.map((fileName) => {
fileName = fileName.trim();
if (fileName[0] === '!') {
return '!' + path.join(config.basePath, fileName.substr(1));
} else {
includeSpec = includeSpec || /\.spec\.(ts|js)$/.test(fileName);
return path.join(config.basePath, fileName);
const defaultExcludes = [
// exclude all specs if no spec is mentioned in `files[]`
if (!includeSpec) {
config.fileNames = globby.sync(gpaths, { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'] });
return config;
_parseConfig(configFileName) {
try {
const configSrc = fs.readFileSync(configFileName, 'utf-8');
const config = (configSrc && configSrc.trim().length) ? JSON.parse(configSrc) : {};
config.basePath = path.dirname(configFileName); // assumes 'stackblitz.json' is at `/src` level.
return config;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Stackblitz config - unable to parse json file: ${configFileName}\n${e}`);
module.exports = StackblitzBuilder;