We currently provide completions for DOM elements in the schema as well as attributes when we are in the context of an external template. However, these completions are already provided by other extensions for HTML contexts (like Emmet). To avoid duplication of results, this commit updates the language service to exclude DOM completions for external templates. They are still provided for inline templates because those are not handled by the HTML language extensions. PR Close #41078
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {CssSelector, SelectorMatcher, TmplAstElement, TmplAstTemplate} from '@angular/compiler';
import {DirectiveInScope, ElementSymbol, TemplateSymbol, TemplateTypeChecker, TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {DisplayInfoKind, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind} from './display_parts';
import {makeElementSelector} from './utils';
* Differentiates different kinds of `AttributeCompletion`s.
export enum AttributeCompletionKind {
* Completion of an attribute from the HTML schema.
* Attributes often have a corresponding DOM property of the same name.
* Completion of a property from the DOM schema.
* `DomProperty` completions are generated only for properties which don't share their name with
* an HTML attribute.
* Completion of an attribute that results in a new directive being matched on an element.
* Completion of an attribute that results in a new structural directive being matched on an
* element.
* Completion of an input from a directive which is either present on the element, or becomes
* present after the addition of this attribute.
* Completion of an output from a directive which is either present on the element, or becomes
* present after the addition of this attribute.
* Completion of an attribute from the DOM schema.
export interface DomAttributeCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute;
* Name of the HTML attribute (not to be confused with the corresponding DOM property name).
attribute: string;
* Whether this attribute is also a DOM property.
isAlsoProperty: boolean;
* Completion of a DOM property of an element that's distinct from an HTML attribute.
export interface DomPropertyCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty;
* Name of the DOM property
property: string;
* Completion of an attribute which results in a new directive being matched on an element.
export interface DirectiveAttributeCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute|
* Name of the attribute whose addition causes this directive to match the element.
attribute: string;
* The directive whose selector gave rise to this completion.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* Completion of an input of a directive which may either be present on the element, or become
* present when a binding to this input is added.
export interface DirectiveInputCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput;
* The public property name of the input (the name which would be used in any binding to that
* input).
propertyName: string;
* The directive which has this input.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* The field name on the directive class which corresponds to this input.
* Currently, in the case where a single property name corresponds to multiple input fields, only
* the first such field is represented here. In the future multiple results may be warranted.
classPropertyName: string;
* Whether this input can be used with two-way binding (that is, whether a corresponding change
* output exists on the directive).
twoWayBindingSupported: boolean;
export interface DirectiveOutputCompletion {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput;
* The public event name of the output (the name which would be used in any binding to that
* output).
eventName: string;
*The directive which has this output.
directive: DirectiveInScope;
* The field name on the directive class which corresponds to this output.
classPropertyName: string;
* Any named attribute which is available for completion on a given element.
* Disambiguated by the `kind` property into various types of completions.
export type AttributeCompletion = DomAttributeCompletion|DomPropertyCompletion|
* Given an element and its context, produce a `Map` of all possible attribute completions.
* 3 kinds of attributes are considered for completion, from highest to lowest priority:
* 1. Inputs/outputs of directives present on the element already.
* 2. Inputs/outputs of directives that are not present on the element, but which would become
* present if such a binding is added.
* 3. Attributes from the DOM schema for the element.
* The priority of these options determines which completions are added to the `Map`. If a directive
* input shares the same name as a DOM attribute, the `Map` will reflect the directive input
* completion, not the DOM completion for that name.
export function buildAttributeCompletionTable(
component: ts.ClassDeclaration, element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate,
checker: TemplateTypeChecker,
includeDomSchemaAttributes: boolean): Map<string, AttributeCompletion> {
const table = new Map<string, AttributeCompletion>();
// Use the `ElementSymbol` or `TemplateSymbol` to iterate over directives present on the node, and
// their inputs/outputs. These have the highest priority of completion results.
const symbol: ElementSymbol|TemplateSymbol =
checker.getSymbolOfNode(element, component) as ElementSymbol | TemplateSymbol;
const presentDirectives = new Set<ts.ClassDeclaration>();
if (symbol !== null) {
// An `ElementSymbol` was available. This means inputs and outputs for directives on the
// element can be added to the completion table.
for (const dirSymbol of symbol.directives) {
const directive = dirSymbol.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
if (!ts.isClassDeclaration(directive)) {
const meta = checker.getDirectiveMetadata(directive);
if (meta === null) {
for (const [classPropertyName, propertyName] of meta.inputs) {
if (table.has(propertyName)) {
table.set(propertyName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput,
directive: dirSymbol,
twoWayBindingSupported: meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(propertyName + 'Change'),
for (const [classPropertyName, propertyName] of meta.outputs) {
if (table.has(propertyName)) {
table.set(propertyName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput,
eventName: propertyName,
directive: dirSymbol,
// Next, explore hypothetical directives and determine if the addition of any single attributes
// can cause the directive to match the element.
const directivesInScope = checker.getDirectivesInScope(component);
if (directivesInScope !== null) {
const elementSelector = makeElementSelector(element);
for (const dirInScope of directivesInScope) {
const directive = dirInScope.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
// Skip directives that are present on the element.
if (!ts.isClassDeclaration(directive) || presentDirectives.has(directive)) {
const meta = checker.getDirectiveMetadata(directive);
if (meta === null || meta.selector === null) {
if (!meta.isStructural) {
// For non-structural directives, the directive's attribute selector(s) are matched against
// a hypothetical version of the element with those attributes. A match indicates that
// adding that attribute/input/output binding would cause the directive to become present,
// meaning that such a binding is a valid completion.
const selectors = CssSelector.parse(meta.selector);
const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
for (const selector of selectors) {
for (const [attrName, attrValue] of selectorAttributes(selector)) {
if (attrValue !== '') {
// This attribute selector requires a value, which is not supported in completion.
if (table.has(attrName)) {
// Skip this attribute as there's already a binding for it.
// Check whether adding this attribute would cause the directive to start matching.
const newElementSelector = elementSelector + `[${attrName}]`;
if (!matcher.match(CssSelector.parse(newElementSelector)[0], null)) {
// Nope, move on with our lives.
// Adding this attribute causes a new directive to be matched. Decide how to categorize
// it based on the directive's inputs and outputs.
if (meta.inputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName)) {
// This attribute corresponds to an input binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput,
directive: dirInScope,
propertyName: attrName,
twoWayBindingSupported: meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName + 'Change'),
} else if (meta.outputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attrName)) {
// This attribute corresponds to an output binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput,
directive: dirInScope,
eventName: attrName,
} else {
// This attribute causes a new directive to be matched, but does not also correspond
// to an input or output binding.
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute,
attribute: attrName,
directive: dirInScope,
} else {
// Hypothetically matching a structural directive is a litle different than a plain
// directive. Use of the '*' structural directive syntactic sugar means that the actual
// directive is applied to a plain <ng-template> node, not the existing element with any
// other attributes it might already have.
// Additionally, more than one attribute/input might need to be present in order for the
// directive to match (e.g. `ngFor` has a selector of `[ngFor][ngForOf]`). This gets a
// little tricky.
const structuralAttributes = getStructuralAttributes(meta);
for (const attrName of structuralAttributes) {
table.set(attrName, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute,
attribute: attrName,
directive: dirInScope,
// Finally, add any DOM attributes not already covered by inputs.
if (element instanceof TmplAstElement && includeDomSchemaAttributes) {
for (const {attribute, property} of checker.getPotentialDomBindings(element.name)) {
const isAlsoProperty = attribute === property;
if (!table.has(attribute)) {
table.set(attribute, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute,
if (!isAlsoProperty && !table.has(property)) {
table.set(property, {
kind: AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty,
return table;
* Given an `AttributeCompletion`, add any available completions to a `ts.CompletionEntry` array of
* results.
* The kind of completions generated depends on whether the current context is an attribute context
* or not. For example, completing on `<element attr|>` will generate two results: `attribute` and
* `[attribute]` - either a static attribute can be generated, or a property binding. However,
* `<element [attr|]>` is not an attribute context, and so only the property completion `attribute`
* is generated. Note that this completion does not have the `[]` property binding sugar as its
* implicitly present in a property binding context (we're already completing within an `[attr|]`
* expression).
export function addAttributeCompletionEntries(
entries: ts.CompletionEntry[], completion: AttributeCompletion, isAttributeContext: boolean,
isElementContext: boolean, replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan|undefined): void {
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute: {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute: {
// In an element, the completion is offered with a leading '*' to activate the structural
// directive. Once present, the structural attribute will be parsed as a template and not an
// element, and the prefix is no longer necessary.
const prefix = isElementContext ? '*' : '';
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE),
name: prefix + completion.attribute,
sortText: prefix + completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
// Offer a completion of a property binding.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[${completion.propertyName}]`,
sortText: completion.propertyName,
// If the directive supports banana-in-a-box for this input, offer that as well.
if (completion.twoWayBindingSupported) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[(${completion.propertyName})]`,
// This completion should sort after the property binding.
sortText: completion.propertyName + '_1',
// Offer a completion of the input binding as an attribute.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE),
name: completion.propertyName,
// This completion should sort after both property binding options (one-way and two-way).
sortText: completion.propertyName + '_2',
} else {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: completion.propertyName,
sortText: completion.propertyName,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.EVENT),
name: `(${completion.eventName})`,
sortText: completion.eventName,
} else {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.EVENT),
name: completion.eventName,
sortText: completion.eventName,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute: {
if (isAttributeContext) {
// Offer a completion of an attribute binding.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
if (completion.isAlsoProperty) {
// Offer a completion of a property binding to the DOM property.
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: `[${completion.attribute}]`,
// In the case of DOM attributes, the property binding should sort after the attribute
// binding.
sortText: completion.attribute + '_1',
} else if (completion.isAlsoProperty) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: completion.attribute,
sortText: completion.attribute,
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty: {
if (!isAttributeContext) {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY),
name: completion.property,
sortText: completion.property,
export function getAttributeCompletionSymbol(
completion: AttributeCompletion, checker: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Symbol|null {
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
return null;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.StructuralDirectiveAttribute:
return completion.directive.tsSymbol;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
return checker.getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(completion.directive.tsSymbol)
.getProperty(completion.classPropertyName) ??
* Iterates over `CssSelector` attributes, which are internally represented in a zipped array style
* which is not conducive to straightforward iteration.
function* selectorAttributes(selector: CssSelector): Iterable<[string, string]> {
for (let i = 0; i < selector.attrs.length; i += 2) {
yield [selector.attrs[0], selector.attrs[1]];
function getStructuralAttributes(meta: TypeCheckableDirectiveMeta): string[] {
if (meta.selector === null) {
return [];
const structuralAttributes: string[] = [];
const selectors = CssSelector.parse(meta.selector);
for (const selector of selectors) {
if (selector.element !== null && selector.element !== 'ng-template') {
// This particular selector does not apply under structural directive syntax.
// Every attribute of this selector must be name-only - no required values.
const attributeSelectors = Array.from(selectorAttributes(selector));
if (!attributeSelectors.every(([_, attrValue]) => attrValue === '')) {
// Get every named selector.
const attributes = attributeSelectors.map(([attrName, _]) => attrName);
// Find the shortest attribute. This is the structural directive "base", and all potential
// input bindings must begin with the base. E.g. in `*ngFor="let a of b"`, `ngFor` is the
// base attribute, and the `of` binding key corresponds to an input of `ngForOf`.
const baseAttr = attributes.reduce(
(prev, curr) => prev === null || curr.length < prev.length ? curr : prev,
null as string | null);
if (baseAttr === null) {
// No attributes in this selector?
// Validate that the attributes are compatible with use as a structural directive.
const isValid = (attr: string): boolean => {
// The base attribute is valid by default.
if (attr === baseAttr) {
return true;
// Non-base attributes must all be prefixed with the base attribute.
if (!attr.startsWith(baseAttr)) {
return false;
// Non-base attributes must also correspond to directive inputs.
if (!meta.inputs.hasBindingPropertyName(attr)) {
return false;
// This attribute is compatible.
return true;
if (!attributes.every(isValid)) {
// This attribute is valid as a structural attribute for this directive.
return structuralAttributes;