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import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Pipe, WrappedValue} from './pipe';
import {ChangeDetectorRef} from '../change_detector_ref';
// HACK: workaround for Traceur behavior.
// It expects all transpiled modules to contain this marker.
// TODO: remove this when we no longer use traceur
export var __esModule = true;
* Implements async bindings to Promise.
* # Example
* In this example we bind the description promise to the DOM.
* The async pipe will convert a promise to the value with which it is resolved. It will also
* request a change detection check when the promise is resolved.
* ```
* @Component({
* selector: "task-cmp",
* changeDetection: ON_PUSH
* })
* @View({
* inline: "Task Description {{description|promise}}"
* })
* class Task {
* description:Promise<string>;
* }
* ```
* @exportedAs angular2/pipes
export class PromisePipe extends Pipe {
_ref: ChangeDetectorRef;
_latestValue: Object;
_latestReturnedValue: Object;
_sourcePromise: Promise<any>;
constructor(ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
this._ref = ref;
this._latestValue = null;
this._latestReturnedValue = null;
supports(promise): boolean { return PromiseWrapper.isPromise(promise); }
onDestroy(): void {
// NO-OP
transform(promise: Promise<any>): any {
if (isBlank(this._sourcePromise)) {
this._sourcePromise = promise;
promise.then((val) => {
if (this._sourcePromise === promise) {
return null;
if (promise !== this._sourcePromise) {
this._sourcePromise = null;
return this.transform(promise);
if (this._latestValue === this._latestReturnedValue) {
return this._latestReturnedValue;
} else {
this._latestReturnedValue = this._latestValue;
return WrappedValue.wrap(this._latestValue);
_updateLatestValue(value: Object) {
this._latestValue = value;
* Provides a factory for [PromisePipe].
* @exportedAs angular2/pipes
export class PromisePipeFactory {
supports(promise): boolean { return PromiseWrapper.isPromise(promise); }
create(cdRef): Pipe { return new PromisePipe(cdRef); }