
716 lines
27 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @fileoverview
* @suppress {missingRequire}
import {ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR, attachOriginToPatched, FALSE_STR, isNode, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR, TRUE_STR, ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX, zoneSymbol} from './utils';
/** @internal **/
interface EventTaskData extends TaskData {
// use global callback or not
readonly useG?: boolean;
let passiveSupported = false;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
try {
const options = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
get: function() {
passiveSupported = true;
window.addEventListener('test', options, options);
window.removeEventListener('test', options, options);
} catch (err) {
passiveSupported = false;
// an identifier to tell ZoneTask do not create a new invoke closure
useG: true
export const zoneSymbolEventNames: any = {};
export const globalSources: any = {};
const EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX = new RegExp('^' + ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + '(\\w+)(true|false)$');
const IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL = zoneSymbol('propagationStopped');
function prepareEventNames(eventName: string, eventNameToString?: (eventName: string) => string) {
const falseEventName = (eventNameToString ? eventNameToString(eventName) : eventName) + FALSE_STR;
const trueEventName = (eventNameToString ? eventNameToString(eventName) : eventName) + TRUE_STR;
const symbol = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + falseEventName;
const symbolCapture = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + trueEventName;
zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName] = {};
zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName][FALSE_STR] = symbol;
zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName][TRUE_STR] = symbolCapture;
export interface PatchEventTargetOptions {
// validateHandler
vh?: (nativeDelegate: any, delegate: any, target: any, args: any) => boolean;
// addEventListener function name
add?: string;
// removeEventListener function name
rm?: string;
// prependEventListener function name
prepend?: string;
// listeners function name
listeners?: string;
// removeAllListeners function name
rmAll?: string;
// useGlobalCallback flag
useG?: boolean;
// check duplicate flag when addEventListener
chkDup?: boolean;
// return target flag when addEventListener
rt?: boolean;
// event compare handler
diff?: (task: any, delegate: any) => boolean;
// support passive or not
supportPassive?: boolean;
// get string from eventName (in nodejs, eventName maybe Symbol)
eventNameToString?: (eventName: any) => string;
// transfer eventName
transferEventName?: (eventName: string) => string;
export function patchEventTarget(
_global: any, apis: any[], patchOptions?: PatchEventTargetOptions) {
const ADD_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.add) || ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR;
const REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.rm) || REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR;
const LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.listeners) || 'eventListeners';
(patchOptions && patchOptions.rmAll) || 'removeAllListeners';
const zoneSymbolAddEventListener = zoneSymbol(ADD_EVENT_LISTENER);
const PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER = 'prependListener';
const invokeTask = function(task: any, target: any, event: Event) {
// for better performance, check isRemoved which is set
// by removeEventListener
if (task.isRemoved) {
const delegate = task.callback;
if (typeof delegate === 'object' && delegate.handleEvent) {
// create the bind version of handleEvent when invoke
task.callback = (event: Event) => delegate.handleEvent(event);
task.originalDelegate = delegate;
// invoke static task.invoke
task.invoke(task, target, [event]);
const options = task.options;
if (options && typeof options === 'object' && options.once) {
// if options.once is true, after invoke once remove listener here
// only browser need to do this, nodejs eventEmitter will cal removeListener
// inside EventEmitter.once
const delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
target[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(target, event.type, delegate, options);
// global shared zoneAwareCallback to handle all event callback with capture = false
const globalZoneAwareCallback = function(this: unknown, event: Event) {
//, in IE, sometimes
// event will be undefined, so we need to use window.event
event = event || _global.event;
if (!event) {
// is needed for Samsung TV and SourceBuffer
// || global is needed
const target: any = this || || _global;
const tasks = target[zoneSymbolEventNames[event.type][FALSE_STR]];
if (tasks) {
// invoke all tasks which attached to current target with given event.type and capture = false
// for performance concern, if task.length === 1, just invoke
if (tasks.length === 1) {
invokeTask(tasks[0], target, event);
} else {
// copy the tasks array before invoke, to avoid
// the callback will remove itself or other listener
const copyTasks = tasks.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < copyTasks.length; i++) {
if (event && (event as any)[IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL] === true) {
invokeTask(copyTasks[i], target, event);
// global shared zoneAwareCallback to handle all event callback with capture = true
const globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback = function(this: unknown, event: Event) {
//, in IE, sometimes
// event will be undefined, so we need to use window.event
event = event || _global.event;
if (!event) {
// is needed for Samsung TV and SourceBuffer
// || global is needed
const target: any = this || || _global;
const tasks = target[zoneSymbolEventNames[event.type][TRUE_STR]];
if (tasks) {
// invoke all tasks which attached to current target with given event.type and capture = false
// for performance concern, if task.length === 1, just invoke
if (tasks.length === 1) {
invokeTask(tasks[0], target, event);
} else {
// copy the tasks array before invoke, to avoid
// the callback will remove itself or other listener
const copyTasks = tasks.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < copyTasks.length; i++) {
if (event && (event as any)[IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL] === true) {
invokeTask(copyTasks[i], target, event);
function patchEventTargetMethods(obj: any, patchOptions?: PatchEventTargetOptions) {
if (!obj) {
return false;
let useGlobalCallback = true;
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.useG !== undefined) {
useGlobalCallback = patchOptions.useG;
const validateHandler = patchOptions && patchOptions.vh;
let checkDuplicate = true;
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.chkDup !== undefined) {
checkDuplicate = patchOptions.chkDup;
let returnTarget = false;
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.rt !== undefined) {
returnTarget = patchOptions.rt;
let proto = obj;
while (proto && !proto.hasOwnProperty(ADD_EVENT_LISTENER)) {
proto = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(proto);
if (!proto && obj[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER]) {
// somehow we did not find it, but we can see it. This happens on IE for Window properties.
proto = obj;
if (!proto) {
return false;
if (proto[zoneSymbolAddEventListener]) {
return false;
const eventNameToString = patchOptions && patchOptions.eventNameToString;
// a shared global taskData to pass data for scheduleEventTask
// so we do not need to create a new object just for pass some data
const taskData: any = {};
const nativeAddEventListener = proto[zoneSymbolAddEventListener] = proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
const nativeRemoveEventListener = proto[zoneSymbol(REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
const nativeListeners = proto[zoneSymbol(LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
const nativeRemoveAllListeners = proto[zoneSymbol(REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
let nativePrependEventListener: any;
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.prepend) {
nativePrependEventListener = proto[zoneSymbol(patchOptions.prepend)] =
* This util function will build an option object with passive option
* to handle all possible input from the user.
function buildEventListenerOptions(options: any, passive: boolean) {
if (!passiveSupported && typeof options === 'object' && options) {
// doesn't support passive but user want to pass an object as options.
// this will not work on some old browser, so we just pass a boolean
// as useCapture parameter
return !!options.capture;
if (!passiveSupported || !passive) {
return options;
if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
return {capture: options, passive: true};
if (!options) {
return {passive: true};
if (typeof options === 'object' && options.passive !== false) {
return {...options, passive: true};
return options;
const customScheduleGlobal = function(task: Task) {
// if there is already a task for the eventName + capture,
// just return, because we use the shared globalZoneAwareCallback here.
if (taskData.isExisting) {
return, taskData.eventName,
taskData.capture ? globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback : globalZoneAwareCallback,
const customCancelGlobal = function(task: any) {
// if task is not marked as isRemoved, this call is directly
// from Zone.prototype.cancelTask, we should remove the task
// from tasksList of target first
if (!task.isRemoved) {
const symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[task.eventName];
let symbolEventName;
if (symbolEventNames) {
symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[task.capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
const existingTasks = symbolEventName &&[symbolEventName];
if (existingTasks) {
for (let i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
const existingTask = existingTasks[i];
if (existingTask === task) {
existingTasks.splice(i, 1);
// set isRemoved to data for faster invokeTask check
task.isRemoved = true;
if (existingTasks.length === 0) {
// all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
// remove globalZoneAwareCallback and remove the task cache from target
task.allRemoved = true;[symbolEventName] = null;
// if all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
// we will really remove the global event callback,
// if not, return
if (!task.allRemoved) {
return, task.eventName,
task.capture ? globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback : globalZoneAwareCallback, task.options);
const customScheduleNonGlobal = function(task: Task) {
return, taskData.eventName, task.invoke, taskData.options);
const customSchedulePrepend = function(task: Task) {
return, taskData.eventName, task.invoke, taskData.options);
const customCancelNonGlobal = function(task: any) {
return, task.eventName, task.invoke, task.options);
const customSchedule = useGlobalCallback ? customScheduleGlobal : customScheduleNonGlobal;
const customCancel = useGlobalCallback ? customCancelGlobal : customCancelNonGlobal;
const compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate = function(task: any, delegate: any) {
const typeOfDelegate = typeof delegate;
return (typeOfDelegate === 'function' && task.callback === delegate) ||
(typeOfDelegate === 'object' && task.originalDelegate === delegate);
const compare =
(patchOptions && patchOptions.diff) ? patchOptions.diff : compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate;
const unpatchedEvents: string[] = (Zone as any)[zoneSymbol('UNPATCHED_EVENTS')];
const passiveEvents: string[] = _global[zoneSymbol('PASSIVE_EVENTS')];
const makeAddListener = function(
nativeListener: any, addSource: string, customScheduleFn: any, customCancelFn: any,
returnTarget = false, prepend = false) {
return function(this: unknown) {
const target = this || _global;
let eventName = arguments[0];
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.transferEventName) {
eventName = patchOptions.transferEventName(eventName);
let delegate = arguments[1];
if (!delegate) {
return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
if (isNode && eventName === 'uncaughtException') {
// don't patch uncaughtException of nodejs to prevent endless loop
return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
// don't create the bind delegate function for handleEvent
// case here to improve addEventListener performance
// we will create the bind delegate when invoke
let isHandleEvent = false;
if (typeof delegate !== 'function') {
if (!delegate.handleEvent) {
return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
isHandleEvent = true;
if (validateHandler && !validateHandler(nativeListener, delegate, target, arguments)) {
const passive =
passiveSupported && !!passiveEvents && passiveEvents.indexOf(eventName) !== -1;
const options = buildEventListenerOptions(arguments[2], passive);
if (unpatchedEvents) {
// check upatched list
for (let i = 0; i < unpatchedEvents.length; i++) {
if (eventName === unpatchedEvents[i]) {
if (passive) {
return, eventName, delegate, options);
} else {
return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
const capture = !options ? false : typeof options === 'boolean' ? true : options.capture;
const once = options && typeof options === 'object' ? options.once : false;
const zone = Zone.current;
let symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
if (!symbolEventNames) {
prepareEventNames(eventName, eventNameToString);
symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
const symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
let existingTasks = target[symbolEventName];
let isExisting = false;
if (existingTasks) {
// already have task registered
isExisting = true;
if (checkDuplicate) {
for (let i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
if (compare(existingTasks[i], delegate)) {
// same callback, same capture, same event name, just return
} else {
existingTasks = target[symbolEventName] = [];
let source;
const constructorName = target.constructor['name'];
const targetSource = globalSources[constructorName];
if (targetSource) {
source = targetSource[eventName];
if (!source) {
source = constructorName + addSource +
(eventNameToString ? eventNameToString(eventName) : eventName);
// do not create a new object as to pass those things
// just use the global shared one
taskData.options = options;
if (once) {
// if addEventListener with once options, we don't pass it to
// native addEventListener, instead we keep the once setting
// and handle ourselves.
taskData.options.once = false;
} = target;
taskData.capture = capture;
taskData.eventName = eventName;
taskData.isExisting = isExisting;
const data = useGlobalCallback ? OPTIMIZED_ZONE_EVENT_TASK_DATA : undefined;
// keep taskData into data to allow onScheduleEventTask to access the task information
if (data) {
(data as any).taskData = taskData;
const task: any =
zone.scheduleEventTask(source, delegate, data, customScheduleFn, customCancelFn);
// should clear to avoid memory leak
// issue, = null;
// need to clear up taskData because it is a global object
if (data) {
(data as any).taskData = null;
// have to save those information to task in case
// application may call directly
if (once) {
options.once = true;
if (!(!passiveSupported && typeof task.options === 'boolean')) {
// if not support passive, and we pass an option object
// to addEventListener, we should save the options to task
task.options = options;
} = target;
task.capture = capture;
task.eventName = eventName;
if (isHandleEvent) {
// save original delegate for compare to check duplicate
(task as any).originalDelegate = delegate;
if (!prepend) {
} else {
if (returnTarget) {
return target;
proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER] = makeAddListener(
nativeAddEventListener, ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE, customSchedule, customCancel,
if (nativePrependEventListener) {
proto[PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER] = makeAddListener(
nativePrependEventListener, PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE, customSchedulePrepend,
customCancel, returnTarget, true);
proto[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER] = function() {
const target = this || _global;
let eventName = arguments[0];
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.transferEventName) {
eventName = patchOptions.transferEventName(eventName);
const options = arguments[2];
const capture = !options ? false : typeof options === 'boolean' ? true : options.capture;
const delegate = arguments[1];
if (!delegate) {
return nativeRemoveEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
if (validateHandler &&
!validateHandler(nativeRemoveEventListener, delegate, target, arguments)) {
const symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
let symbolEventName;
if (symbolEventNames) {
symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
const existingTasks = symbolEventName && target[symbolEventName];
if (existingTasks) {
for (let i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
const existingTask = existingTasks[i];
if (compare(existingTask, delegate)) {
existingTasks.splice(i, 1);
// set isRemoved to data for faster invokeTask check
(existingTask as any).isRemoved = true;
if (existingTasks.length === 0) {
// all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
// remove globalZoneAwareCallback and remove the task cache from target
(existingTask as any).allRemoved = true;
target[symbolEventName] = null;
// in the target, we have an event listener which is added by on_property
// such as target.onclick = function() {}, so we need to clear this internal
// property too if all delegates all removed
if (typeof eventName === 'string') {
const onPropertySymbol = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + 'ON_PROPERTY' + eventName;
target[onPropertySymbol] = null;
if (returnTarget) {
return target;
// issue 930, didn't find the event name or callback
// from zone kept existingTasks, the callback maybe
// added outside of zone, we need to call native removeEventListener
// to try to remove it.
return nativeRemoveEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
proto[LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER] = function() {
const target = this || _global;
let eventName = arguments[0];
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.transferEventName) {
eventName = patchOptions.transferEventName(eventName);
const listeners: any[] = [];
const tasks =
findEventTasks(target, eventNameToString ? eventNameToString(eventName) : eventName);
for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
const task: any = tasks[i];
let delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
return listeners;
const target = this || _global;
let eventName = arguments[0];
if (!eventName) {
const keys = Object.keys(target);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const prop = keys[i];
const match = EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX.exec(prop);
let evtName = match && match[1];
// in nodejs EventEmitter, removeListener event is
// used for monitoring the removeListener call,
// so just keep removeListener eventListener until
// all other eventListeners are removed
if (evtName && evtName !== 'removeListener') {
// remove removeListener listener finally
this[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, 'removeListener');
} else {
if (patchOptions && patchOptions.transferEventName) {
eventName = patchOptions.transferEventName(eventName);
const symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
if (symbolEventNames) {
const symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[FALSE_STR];
const symbolCaptureEventName = symbolEventNames[TRUE_STR];
const tasks = target[symbolEventName];
const captureTasks = target[symbolCaptureEventName];
if (tasks) {
const removeTasks = tasks.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < removeTasks.length; i++) {
const task = removeTasks[i];
let delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
this[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, eventName, delegate, task.options);
if (captureTasks) {
const removeTasks = captureTasks.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < removeTasks.length; i++) {
const task = removeTasks[i];
let delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
this[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, eventName, delegate, task.options);
if (returnTarget) {
return this;
// for native toString patch
attachOriginToPatched(proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeAddEventListener);
attachOriginToPatched(proto[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeRemoveEventListener);
if (nativeRemoveAllListeners) {
attachOriginToPatched(proto[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeRemoveAllListeners);
if (nativeListeners) {
attachOriginToPatched(proto[LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeListeners);
return true;
let results: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < apis.length; i++) {
results[i] = patchEventTargetMethods(apis[i], patchOptions);
return results;
export function findEventTasks(target: any, eventName: string): Task[] {
if (!eventName) {
const foundTasks: any[] = [];
for (let prop in target) {
const match = EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX.exec(prop);
let evtName = match && match[1];
if (evtName && (!eventName || evtName === eventName)) {
const tasks: any = target[prop];
if (tasks) {
for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
return foundTasks;
let symbolEventName = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
if (!symbolEventName) {
symbolEventName = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
const captureFalseTasks = target[symbolEventName[FALSE_STR]];
const captureTrueTasks = target[symbolEventName[TRUE_STR]];
if (!captureFalseTasks) {
return captureTrueTasks ? captureTrueTasks.slice() : [];
} else {
return captureTrueTasks ? captureFalseTasks.concat(captureTrueTasks) :
export function patchEventPrototype(global: any, api: _ZonePrivate) {
const Event = global['Event'];
if (Event && Event.prototype) {
Event.prototype, 'stopImmediatePropagation',
(delegate: Function) => function(self: any, args: any[]) {
// we need to call the native stopImmediatePropagation
// in case in some hybrid application, some part of
// application will be controlled by zone, some are not
delegate && delegate.apply(self, args);