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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, NodeJSFileSystem, PathSegment} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
const fs = new NodeJSFileSystem();
const basePath = fs.resolve(__dirname, '../test_cases');
* Search the `test_cases` directory, in the real file-system, for all the compliance tests.
* Test are indicated by a `TEST_CASES.json` file which contains one or more test cases.
export function* getAllComplianceTests(): Generator<ComplianceTest> {
const testConfigPaths = collectPaths(basePath, segment => segment === 'TEST_CASES.json');
for (const testConfigPath of testConfigPaths) {
yield* getComplianceTests(testConfigPath);
* Extract all the compliance tests from the TEST_CASES.json file at the `testConfigPath`.
* @param testConfigPath The path, relative to the `test_cases` basePath, of the `TEST_CASES.json`
* config file.
export function* getComplianceTests(testConfigPath: string): Generator<ComplianceTest> {
const absTestConfigPath = fs.resolve(basePath, testConfigPath);
const realTestPath = fs.dirname(absTestConfigPath);
const testConfigJSON = loadTestCasesFile(fs, absTestConfigPath, basePath).cases;
const testConfig = Array.isArray(testConfigJSON) ? testConfigJSON : [testConfigJSON];
for (const test of testConfig) {
const inputFiles = getStringArrayOrDefault(test, 'inputFiles', realTestPath, ['test.ts']);
const compilationModeFilter = getStringArrayOrDefault(
test, 'compilationModeFilter', realTestPath,
['linked compile', 'full compile']) as CompilationMode[];
yield {
relativePath: fs.relative(basePath, realTestPath),
description: getStringOrFail(test, 'description', realTestPath),
expectations: parseExpectations(test.expectations, realTestPath, inputFiles),
compilerOptions: getConfigOptions(test, 'compilerOptions', realTestPath),
angularCompilerOptions: getConfigOptions(test, 'angularCompilerOptions', realTestPath),
focusTest: test.focusTest,
excludeTest: test.excludeTest,
function loadTestCasesFile(
fs: FileSystem, testCasesPath: AbsoluteFsPath, basePath: AbsoluteFsPath): any {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFile(testCasesPath));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to load test-cases at "${fs.relative(basePath, testCasesPath)}":\n ${e.message}`);
* Search the file-system from the `current` path to find all paths that satisfy the `predicate`.
collectPaths(current: AbsoluteFsPath, predicate: (segment: PathSegment) => boolean):
Generator<AbsoluteFsPath> {
if (!fs.exists(current)) {
for (const segment of fs.readdir(current)) {
const absPath = fs.resolve(current, segment);
if (predicate(segment)) {
yield absPath;
} else {
if (fs.lstat(absPath).isDirectory()) {
yield* collectPaths(absPath, predicate);
function getStringOrFail(container: any, property: string, testPath: AbsoluteFsPath): string {
const value = container[property];
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`Test is missing "${property}" property in TEST_CASES.json: ` + testPath);
return value;
function getBooleanOrDefault(
container: any, property: string, testPath: AbsoluteFsPath, defaultValue: boolean): boolean {
const value = container[property];
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return defaultValue;
if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error(
`Test has invalid "${property}" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected boolean: ` +
return value;
function getStringArrayOrDefault(
container: any, property: string, testPath: AbsoluteFsPath, defaultValue: string[]): string[] {
const value = container[property];
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return defaultValue;
if (!Array.isArray(value) || !value.every(item => typeof item === 'string')) {
throw new Error(
`Test has invalid "${property}" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected array of strings: ` +
return value;
function parseExpectations(
value: any, testPath: AbsoluteFsPath, inputFiles: string[]): Expectation[] {
const defaultFailureMessage = 'Incorrect generated output.';
const tsFiles = inputFiles.filter(f => f.endsWith('.ts') && !f.endsWith('.d.ts'));
const defaultFiles = => {
const outputFile = inputFile.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js');
return {expected: outputFile, generated: outputFile};
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return [{
failureMessage: defaultFailureMessage,
files: defaultFiles,
expectedErrors: [],
extraChecks: []
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return parseExpectations([value], testPath, inputFiles);
return, i) => {
if (typeof expectation !== 'object') {
throw new Error(
`Test has invalid "expectations" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected array of "expectation" objects: ${
const failureMessage: string = expectation.failureMessage ?? defaultFailureMessage;
const expectedErrors = parseExpectedErrors(expectation.expectedErrors, testPath);
const extraChecks = parseExtraChecks(expectation.extraChecks, testPath);
if (typeof expectation.files === 'undefined') {
return {failureMessage, files: defaultFiles, expectedErrors, extraChecks};
if (!Array.isArray(expectation.files)) {
throw new Error(`Test has invalid "expectations[${
i}].files" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected array of "expected files": ${
const files: ExpectedFile[] = any) => {
if (typeof file === 'string') {
return {expected: file, generated: file};
if (typeof file === 'object' && typeof file.expected === 'string' &&
typeof file.generated === 'string') {
return file;
throw new Error(`Test has invalid "expectations[${
i}].files" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected each item to be a string or an "expected file" object: ${
return {failureMessage, files, expectedErrors, extraChecks};
function parseExpectedErrors(expectedErrors: any = [], testPath: AbsoluteFsPath): ExpectedError[] {
if (!Array.isArray(expectedErrors)) {
throw new Error(
'Test has invalid "expectedErrors" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected an array: ' +
return => {
if (typeof error !== 'object' || typeof error.message !== 'string' ||
(error.location && typeof error.location !== 'string')) {
throw new Error(
`Test has invalid "expectedErrors" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected an array of ExpectedError objects: ` +
return {message: parseRegExp(error.message), location: parseRegExp(error.location)};
function parseExtraChecks(extraChecks: any = [], testPath: AbsoluteFsPath): ExtraCheck[] {
if (!Array.isArray(extraChecks) ||
!extraChecks.every(i => typeof i === 'string' || Array.isArray(i))) {
throw new Error(
`Test has invalid "extraChecks" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected an array of strings or arrays: ` +
return extraChecks;
function parseRegExp(str: string|undefined): RegExp {
return new RegExp(str || '');
function getConfigOptions(
container: any, property: string, testPath: AbsoluteFsPath): ConfigOptions|undefined {
const options = container[property];
if (options !== undefined && typeof options !== 'object') {
throw new Error(
`Test have invalid "${
property}" property in TEST_CASES.json - expected config option object: ` +
return options;
* Describes a compliance test, as defined in a `TEST_CASES.json` file.
export interface ComplianceTest {
/** The path, relative to the test_cases directory, of the directory containing this test. */
relativePath: string;
/** The absolute path (on the real file-system) to the test case containing this test. */
realTestPath: AbsoluteFsPath;
/** A description of this particular test. */
description: string;
* Any additional options to pass to the TypeScript compiler when compiling this test's source
* files. These are equivalent to what you would put in `tsconfig.json`.
compilerOptions?: ConfigOptions;
* Any additional options to pass to the Angular compiler when compiling this test's source
* files. These are equivalent to what you would put in `tsconfig.json`.
angularCompilerOptions?: ConfigOptions;
/** A list of paths to source files that should be compiled for this test case. */
inputFiles: string[];
* Only run this test when the input files are compiled using the given compilation
* modes. The default is to run for all modes.
compilationModeFilter: CompilationMode[];
/** A list of expectations to check for this test case. */
expectations: Expectation[];
/** If set to `true`, then focus on this test (equivalent to jasmine's 'fit()`). */
focusTest?: boolean;
/** If set to `true`, then exclude this test (equivalent to jasmine's 'xit()`). */
excludeTest?: boolean;
export type CompilationMode = 'linked compile'|'full compile';
export interface Expectation {
/** The message to display if this expectation fails. */
failureMessage: string;
/** A list of pairs of paths to expected and generated files to compare. */
files: ExpectedFile[];
/** A collection of errors that should be reported when compiling the generated file. */
expectedErrors: ExpectedError[];
/** Additional checks to run against the generated code. */
extraChecks: ExtraCheck[];
* A pair of paths to expected and generated files that should be compared in an `Expectation`.
export interface ExpectedFile {
expected: string;
generated: string;
* Regular expressions that should match an error message.
export interface ExpectedError {
message: RegExp;
location: RegExp;
* The name (or name and arguments) of a function to call to run additional checks against the
* generated code.
export type ExtraCheck = (string|[string, ...any]);
* Options to pass to configure the compiler.
export type ConfigOptions = Record<string, string|boolean|null>;