
215 lines
6.1 KiB

library angular.symbol_inspector.symbol_inspector;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import './simple_library.dart' as simple_library;
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart' as angular2;
const IGNORE = const {
'runtimeType': true,
'toString': true,
'noSuchMethod': true,
'hashCode': true,
'originalException': true,
'originalStack': true
const LIB_MAP = const {
'simple_library': 'angular2.test.symbol_inspector.simple_library',
'ng': 'angular2'
// Have this list here to trick dart to force import.
var libs = [simple_library.A, angular2.Component];
List<String> getSymbolsFromLibrary(String name) {
var libraryName = LIB_MAP[name];
if (libs.isEmpty) throw "No libriries loaded.";
if (libraryName == null) throw "Don't know how to load '$name' library.";
var lib = currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(new Symbol(libraryName));
var names = [];
// remove duplicates;
var lastValue;
names = names.where((v) {
var duplicate = v == lastValue;
lastValue = v;
return !duplicate;
return names;
class ExportedSymbol {
Symbol symbol;
DeclarationMirror declaration;
LibraryMirror library;
ExportedSymbol(this.symbol, this.declaration, this.library);
addTo(List<String> names) {
var name = unwrapSymbol(symbol);
if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
} else if (declaration is ClassMirror) {
var classMirror = declaration as ClassMirror;
if (classMirror.isAbstract) name = '{$name}';
classMirror.staticMembers.forEach(members('$name#', names));
classMirror.instanceMembers.forEach(members('$name.', names));
} else if (declaration is TypedefMirror) {
} else if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
} else {
throw 'UNEXPECTED: $declaration';
toString() => unwrapSymbol(symbol);
members(String prefix, List<String> names) {
return (Symbol symbol, MethodMirror method) {
var name = unwrapSymbol(symbol);
if (method.isOperator || method.isPrivate || IGNORE[name] == true) return;
var suffix = (method.isSetter || method.isGetter) ? '' : '()';
class LibraryInfo {
List<ExportedSymbol> names;
Map<Symbol, List<Symbol>> symbolsUsedForName;
LibraryInfo(this.names, this.symbolsUsedForName);
addTo(List<String> names) {
this.names.forEach((ExportedSymbol es) => es.addTo(names));
Iterable<Symbol> _getUsedSymbols(DeclarationMirror decl, seenDecls, path, onlyType) {
if (seenDecls.containsKey(decl.qualifiedName)) return [];
seenDecls[decl.qualifiedName] = true;
if (decl.isPrivate) return [];
path = "$path -> $decl";
var used = [];
if (decl is TypedefMirror) {
TypedefMirror tddecl = decl;
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(tddecl.referent, seenDecls, path, onlyType));
if (decl is FunctionTypeMirror) {
FunctionTypeMirror ftdecl = decl;
ftdecl.parameters.forEach((ParameterMirror p) {
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(p.type, seenDecls, path, onlyType));
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(ftdecl.returnType, seenDecls, path, onlyType));
else if (decl is TypeMirror) {
var tdecl = decl;
if (!onlyType) {
if (decl is ClassMirror) {
ClassMirror cdecl = decl;
cdecl.declarations.forEach((s, d) {
try {
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(d, seenDecls, path, false));
} catch (e, s) {
print("Got error [$e] when visiting $d\n$s");
if (decl is MethodMirror) {
MethodMirror mdecl = decl;
if (mdecl.parameters != null)
mdecl.parameters.forEach((p) {
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(p.type, seenDecls, path, true));
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(mdecl.returnType, seenDecls, path, true));
if (decl is VariableMirror) {
VariableMirror vdecl = decl;
used.addAll(_getUsedSymbols(vdecl.type, seenDecls, path, true));
// Strip out type variables.
if (decl is TypeMirror) {
TypeMirror tdecl = decl;
var typeVariables = => tv.qualifiedName);
used = used.where((x) => !typeVariables.contains(x));
return used;
LibraryInfo extractSymbols(LibraryMirror lib, [String printPrefix = ""]) {
List<ExportedSymbol> exportedSymbols = [];
Map<Symbol, List<Symbol>> used = {};
printPrefix += " ";
lib.declarations.forEach((Symbol symbol, DeclarationMirror decl) {
if (decl.isPrivate) return;
// Work-around for
if (decl is TypedefMirror && unwrapSymbol(symbol).startsWith('_')) return;
exportedSymbols.add(new ExportedSymbol(symbol, decl, lib));
used[decl.qualifiedName] = _getUsedSymbols(decl, {}, "", false);
lib.libraryDependencies.forEach((LibraryDependencyMirror libDep) {
LibraryMirror target = libDep.targetLibrary;
if (!libDep.isExport) return;
var childInfo = extractSymbols(target, printPrefix);
var childNames = childInfo.names;
// If there was a "show" or "hide" on the exported library, filter the results.
// This API needs love :-(
var showSymbols = [], hideSymbols = [];
libDep.combinators.forEach((CombinatorMirror c) {
if (c.isShow) {
if (c.isHide) {
// I don't think you can show and hide from the same library
assert(showSymbols.isEmpty || hideSymbols.isEmpty);
if (!showSymbols.isEmpty) {
childNames = childNames.where((symAndLib) {
return showSymbols.contains(symAndLib.symbol);
if (!hideSymbols.isEmpty) {
childNames = childNames.where((symAndLib) {
return !hideSymbols.contains(symAndLib.symbol);
return new LibraryInfo(exportedSymbols, used);
var _SYMBOL_NAME = new RegExp('"(.*)"');
unwrapSymbol(sym) => _SYMBOL_NAME.firstMatch(sym.toString()).group(1);