
159 lines
4.9 KiB

// Imports
import {GithubApi} from '../../lib/common/github-api';
import {GithubPullRequests, PullRequest} from '../../lib/common/github-pull-requests';
import {GithubTeams} from '../../lib/common/github-teams';
import {BuildVerifier} from '../../lib/preview-server/build-verifier';
// Tests
describe('BuildVerifier', () => {
const defaultConfig = {
allowedTeamSlugs: ['team1', 'team2'],
githubOrg: 'organization',
githubRepo: 'repo',
githubToken: 'githubToken',
secret: 'secret',
trustedPrLabel: 'trusted: pr-label',
let prs: GithubPullRequests;
let bv: BuildVerifier;
// Helpers
const createBuildVerifier = (partialConfig: Partial<typeof defaultConfig> = {}) => {
const cfg = {...defaultConfig, ...partialConfig} as typeof defaultConfig;
const api = new GithubApi(cfg.githubToken);
prs = new GithubPullRequests(api, cfg.githubOrg, cfg.githubRepo);
const teams = new GithubTeams(api, cfg.githubOrg);
return new BuildVerifier(prs, teams, cfg.allowedTeamSlugs, cfg.trustedPrLabel);
beforeEach(() => bv = createBuildVerifier());
describe('constructor()', () => {
['githubToken', 'githubRepo', 'githubOrg', 'allowedTeamSlugs', 'trustedPrLabel'].
forEach(param => {
it(`should throw if '${param}' is missing or empty`, () => {
expect(() => createBuildVerifier({[param]: ''})).
toThrowError(`Missing or empty required parameter '${param}'!`);
it('should throw if \'allowedTeamSlugs\' is an empty array', () => {
expect(() => createBuildVerifier({allowedTeamSlugs: []})).
toThrowError('Missing or empty required parameter \'allowedTeamSlugs\'!');
describe('getSignificantFilesChanged', () => {
it('should return false if none of the fetched files match the given pattern', async () => {
const fetchFilesSpy = spyOn(prs, 'fetchFiles');
{filename: 'a/b/c', sha: 'a1'},
{filename: 'd/e/f', sha: 'b2'},
expect(await bv.getSignificantFilesChanged(777, /^x/)).toEqual(false);
expect(await bv.getSignificantFilesChanged(777, /^a/)).toEqual(true);
describe('getPrIsTrusted()', () => {
const pr = 9;
let mockPrInfo: PullRequest;
let prsFetchSpy: jasmine.Spy;
let teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(() => {
mockPrInfo = {
labels: [
{name: 'foo'},
{name: 'bar'},
number: 9,
user: {login: 'username'},
prsFetchSpy = spyOn(GithubPullRequests.prototype, 'fetch').and.resolveTo(mockPrInfo);
teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy = spyOn(GithubTeams.prototype, 'isMemberBySlug').and.resolveTo(true);
it('should return a promise', async () => {
const promise = bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr);
// Do not complete the test (and release the spies) synchronously to avoid running the actual
// `GithubTeams#isMemberBySlug()`.
await promise;
it('should fetch the corresponding PR', async () => {
await bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr);
it('should fail if fetching the PR errors', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr)).toBeRejectedWith('Test');
describe('when the PR has the "trusted PR" label', () => {
beforeEach(() => mockPrInfo.labels.push({name: 'trusted: pr-label'}));
it('should resolve to true', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr)).toBeResolvedTo(true);
it('should not try to verify the author\'s membership status', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr));
describe('when the PR does not have the "trusted PR" label', () => {
it('should verify the PR author\'s membership in the specified teams', async () => {
await bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr);
expect(teamsIsMemberBySlugSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('username', ['team1', 'team2']);
it('should fail if verifying membership errors', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr)).toBeRejectedWith('Test');
it('should resolve to true if the PR\'s author is a member', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr)).toBeResolvedTo(true);
it('should resolve to false if the PR\'s author is not a member', async () => {
await expectAsync(bv.getPrIsTrusted(pr)).toBeResolvedTo(false);