Joey Perrott d1ea1f4c7f build: update license headers to reference Google LLC ()
Update the license headers throughout the repository to reference Google LLC
rather than Google Inc, for the required license headers.

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2020-05-26 14:26:58 -04:00

372 lines
16 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CssRule, processRules, ShadowCss} from '@angular/compiler/src/shadow_css';
import {normalizeCSS} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util';
describe('ShadowCss', function() {
function s(css: string, contentAttr: string, hostAttr: string = '') {
const shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
const shim = shadowCss.shimCssText(css, contentAttr, hostAttr);
const nlRegexp = /\n/g;
return normalizeCSS(shim.replace(nlRegexp, ''));
it('should handle empty string', () => {
expect(s('', 'contenta')).toEqual('');
it('should add an attribute to every rule', () => {
const css = 'one {color: red;}two {color: red;}';
const expected = 'one[contenta] {color:red;}two[contenta] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle invalid css', () => {
const css = 'one {color: red;}garbage';
const expected = 'one[contenta] {color:red;}garbage';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should add an attribute to every selector', () => {
const css = 'one, two {color: red;}';
const expected = 'one[contenta], two[contenta] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should support newlines in the selector and content ', () => {
const css = 'one, \ntwo {\ncolor: red;}';
const expected = 'one[contenta], two[contenta] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle media rules', () => {
const css = '@media screen and (max-width:800px, max-height:100%) {div {font-size:50px;}}';
const expected =
'@media screen and (max-width:800px, max-height:100%) {div[contenta] {font-size:50px;}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle page rules', () => {
const css = '@page {div {font-size:50px;}}';
const expected = '@page {div[contenta] {font-size:50px;}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle document rules', () => {
const css = '@document url( {div {font-size:50px;}}';
const expected = '@document url( {div[contenta] {font-size:50px;}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle media rules with simple rules', () => {
const css = '@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {div {font-size: 50px;}} div {}';
const expected =
'@media screen and (max-width:800px) {div[contenta] {font-size:50px;}} div[contenta] {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle support rules', () => {
const css = '@supports (display: flex) {section {display: flex;}}';
const expected = '@supports (display:flex) {section[contenta] {display:flex;}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(expected);
// Check that the browser supports unprefixed CSS animation
it('should handle keyframes rules', () => {
const css = '@keyframes foo {0% {transform:translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(css);
it('should handle -webkit-keyframes rules', () => {
const css = '@-webkit-keyframes foo {0% {-webkit-transform:translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual(css);
it('should handle complicated selectors', () => {
expect(s('one::before {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[contenta]::before {}');
expect(s('one two {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[contenta] two[contenta] {}');
expect(s('one > two {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[contenta] > two[contenta] {}');
expect(s('one + two {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[contenta] + two[contenta] {}');
expect(s('one ~ two {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[contenta] ~ two[contenta] {}');
const res = s('.one.two > three {}', 'contenta'); // IE swap classes
res == '.one.two[contenta] > three[contenta] {}' ||
res == '[contenta] > three[contenta] {}')
expect(s('one[attr="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr=value] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr^="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr^="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr$="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr$="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr*="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr*="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr|="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr|="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr~="value"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr~="value"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr="va lue"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr="va lue"][contenta] {}');
expect(s('one[attr] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('one[attr][contenta] {}');
expect(s('[is="one"] {}', 'contenta')).toEqual('[is="one"][contenta] {}');
describe((':host'), () => {
it('should handle no context', () => {
expect(s(':host {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host] {}');
it('should handle tag selector', () => {
expect(s(':host(ul) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('ul[a-host] {}');
it('should handle class selector', () => {
expect(s(':host(.x) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('.x[a-host] {}');
it('should handle attribute selector', () => {
expect(s(':host([a="b"]) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a="b"][a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host([a=b]) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a="b"][a-host] {}');
it('should handle multiple tag selectors', () => {
expect(s(':host(ul,li) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('ul[a-host], li[a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host(ul,li) > .z {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('ul[a-host] > .z[contenta], li[a-host] > .z[contenta] {}');
it('should handle multiple class selectors', () => {
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('.x[a-host], .y[a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) > .z {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('.x[a-host] > .z[contenta], .y[a-host] > .z[contenta] {}');
it('should handle multiple attribute selectors', () => {
expect(s(':host([a="b"],[c=d]) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a="b"][a-host], [c="d"][a-host] {}');
it('should handle pseudo selectors', () => {
expect(s(':host(:before) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host]:before {}');
expect(s(':host:before {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host]:before {}');
expect(s(':host:nth-child(8n+1) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host]:nth-child(8n+1) {}');
expect(s(':host:nth-of-type(8n+1) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host]:nth-of-type(8n+1) {}');
expect(s(':host(.class):before {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('.class[a-host]:before {}');
expect(s(':host.class:before {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('.class[a-host]:before {}');
expect(s(':host(:not(p)):before {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host]:not(p):before {}');
// see b/63672152
it('should handle unexpected selectors in the most reasonable way', () => {
expect(s('cmp:host {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp[a-host] {}');
expect(s('cmp:host >>> {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp[a-host] {}');
expect(s('cmp:host child {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('cmp[a-host] child[contenta] {}');
expect(s('cmp:host >>> child {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp[a-host] child {}');
expect(s('cmp :host {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp [a-host] {}');
expect(s('cmp :host >>> {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp [a-host] {}');
expect(s('cmp :host child {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('cmp [a-host] child[contenta] {}');
expect(s('cmp :host >>> child {}', 'contenta', 'a-host')).toEqual('cmp [a-host] child {}');
describe((':host-context'), () => {
it('should handle tag selector', () => {
expect(s(':host-context(div) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('div[a-host], div [a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host-context(ul) > .y {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('ul[a-host] > .y[contenta], ul [a-host] > .y[contenta] {}');
it('should handle class selector', () => {
expect(s(':host-context(.x) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('.x[a-host], .x [a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host-context(.x) > .y {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('.x[a-host] > .y[contenta], .x [a-host] > .y[contenta] {}');
it('should handle attribute selector', () => {
expect(s(':host-context([a="b"]) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a="b"][a-host], [a="b"] [a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host-context([a=b]) {}', 'contenta', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a=b][a-host], [a="b"] [a-host] {}');
it('should support polyfill-next-selector', () => {
let css = s('polyfill-next-selector {content: \'x > y\'} z {}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('x[contenta] > y[contenta]{}');
css = s('polyfill-next-selector {content: "x > y"} z {}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('x[contenta] > y[contenta]{}');
css = s(`polyfill-next-selector {content: 'button[priority="1"]'} z {}`, 'contenta');
it('should support polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
let css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'#menu > .bar\';color: blue;}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toContain('#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}');
css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: "#menu > .bar";color: blue;}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toContain('#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}');
css = s(`polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: 'button[priority="1"]'}`, 'contenta');
expect(css).toContain('button[priority="1"] {}');
it('should support multiple instances polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
const css =
s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'foo\';color: blue;}' +
'polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'bar\';color: blue;}',
expect(css).toContain('foo {;color:blue;}');
expect(css).toContain('bar {;color:blue;}');
it('should support polyfill-rule', () => {
let css = s('polyfill-rule {content: \' .bar\';color: blue;}', 'contenta', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('.foo[a-host] .bar[contenta] {;color:blue;}');
css = s('polyfill-rule {content: " .bar";color:blue;}', 'contenta', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('.foo[a-host] .bar[contenta] {;color:blue;}');
css = s(`polyfill-rule {content: 'button[priority="1"]'}`, 'contenta', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('button[priority="1"][contenta] {}');
it('should handle ::shadow', () => {
const css = s('x::shadow > y {}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('x[contenta] > y[contenta] {}');
it('should handle /deep/', () => {
const css = s('x /deep/ y {}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('x[contenta] y {}');
it('should handle >>>', () => {
const css = s('x >>> y {}', 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('x[contenta] y {}');
it('should handle ::ng-deep', () => {
let css = '::ng-deep y {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual('y {}');
css = 'x ::ng-deep y {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta')).toEqual('x[contenta] y {}');
css = ':host > ::ng-deep .x {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta', 'h')).toEqual('[h] > .x {}');
css = ':host ::ng-deep > .x {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta', 'h')).toEqual('[h] > .x {}');
css = ':host > ::ng-deep > .x {}';
expect(s(css, 'contenta', 'h')).toEqual('[h] > > .x {}');
it('should pass through @import directives', () => {
const styleStr = '@import url("");';
const css = s(styleStr, 'contenta');
it('should shim rules after @import', () => {
const styleStr = '@import url("a"); div {}';
const css = s(styleStr, 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('@import url("a"); div[contenta] {}');
it('should leave calc() unchanged', () => {
const styleStr = 'div {height:calc(100% - 55px);}';
const css = s(styleStr, 'contenta');
expect(css).toEqual('div[contenta] {height:calc(100% - 55px);}');
it('should strip comments', () => {
expect(s('/* x */b {c}', 'contenta')).toEqual('b[contenta] {c}');
it('should ignore special characters in comments', () => {
expect(s('/* {;, */b {c}', 'contenta')).toEqual('b[contenta] {c}');
it('should support multiline comments', () => {
expect(s('/* \n */b {c}', 'contenta')).toEqual('b[contenta] {c}');
it('should keep sourceMappingURL comments', () => {
expect(s('b {c}/*# sourceMappingURL=data:x */', 'contenta'))
.toEqual('b[contenta] {c}/*# sourceMappingURL=data:x */');
expect(s('b {c}/* #sourceMappingURL=data:x */', 'contenta'))
.toEqual('b[contenta] {c}/* #sourceMappingURL=data:x */');
it('should keep sourceURL comments', () => {
expect(s('/*# sourceMappingURL=data:x */b {c}/*# sourceURL=xxx */', 'contenta'))
.toEqual('b[contenta] {c}/*# sourceMappingURL=data:x *//*# sourceURL=xxx */');
describe('processRules', () => {
describe('parse rules', () => {
function captureRules(input: string): CssRule[] {
const result: CssRule[] = [];
processRules(input, (cssRule) => {
return cssRule;
return result;
it('should work with empty css', () => {
it('should capture a rule without body', () => {
expect(captureRules('a;')).toEqual([new CssRule('a', '')]);
it('should capture css rules with body', () => {
expect(captureRules('a {b}')).toEqual([new CssRule('a', 'b')]);
it('should capture css rules with nested rules', () => {
expect(captureRules('a {b {c}} d {e}')).toEqual([
new CssRule('a', 'b {c}'),
new CssRule('d', 'e'),
it('should capture multiple rules where some have no body', () => {
expect(captureRules('@import a ; b {c}')).toEqual([
new CssRule('@import a', ''),
new CssRule('b', 'c'),
describe('modify rules', () => {
it('should allow to change the selector while preserving whitespaces', () => {
'@import a; b {c {d}} e {f}',
(cssRule: CssRule) => new CssRule(cssRule.selector + '2', cssRule.content)))
.toEqual('@import a2; b2 {c {d}} e2 {f}');
it('should allow to change the content', () => {
'a {b}',
(cssRule: CssRule) => new CssRule(cssRule.selector, cssRule.content + '2')))
.toEqual('a {b2}');