178 lines
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178 lines
7.1 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
const DEBUG = false;
const configPath = 'TMPL_config';
const onPreparePath = 'TMPL_on_prepare';
const workspace = 'TMPL_workspace';
const server = 'TMPL_server';
if (DEBUG)
console.info(`Protractor test starting with:
cwd: ${process.cwd()}
configPath: ${configPath}
onPreparePath: ${onPreparePath}
workspace: ${workspace}
server: ${server}`);
// Helper function to warn when a user specified value is being overwritten
function setConf(conf, name, value, msg) {
if (conf[name] && conf[name] !== value) {
`Your protractor configuration specifies an option which is overwritten by Bazel: '${name}' ${msg}`);
conf[name] = value;
function mergeCapabilities(conf, capabilities) {
if (conf.capabilities) {
if (conf.capabilities.browserName === capabilities.browserName) {
// there are capabilities to merge
if (capabilities.browserName === 'chrome') {
conf.capabilities.chromeOptions = conf.capabilities.chromeOptions || {};
conf.capabilities.chromeOptions.binary = capabilities.chromeOptions.binary;
conf.capabilities.chromeOptions.args = conf.capabilities.chromeOptions.args || [];
`Your protractor configuration specifies capabilities for browser '${conf.capabilities.browserName}'
which will be merged with capabilities provided by Bazel resulting in:`,
JSON.stringify(conf.capabilities, null, 2));
} else {
// TODO(gmagolan): implement firefox support for protractor
throw new Error(
`Unexpected browserName ${capabilities.browserName} for capabilities merging`);
} else {
`Your protractor configuration specifies capabilities for browser '${conf.capabilities.browserName}' which will be overwritten by Bazel`);
conf.capabilities = capabilities;
} else {
conf.capabilities = capabilities;
let conf = {};
// Import the user's base protractor configuration if specified
if (configPath) {
const baseConf = require(configPath);
if (!baseConf.config) {
throw new Error('Invalid base protractor configuration. Expected config to be exported.');
conf = baseConf.config;
if (DEBUG) console.info(`Base protractor configuration: ${JSON.stringify(conf, null, 2)}`);
// Import the user's on prepare function if specified
if (onPreparePath) {
const onPrepare = require(onPreparePath);
if (typeof onPrepare === 'function') {
const original = conf.onPrepare;
conf.onPrepare = function() {
return Promise.resolve(original ? original() : null)
.then(() => Promise.resolve(onPrepare({workspace, server})));
} else {
throw new Error(
'Invalid protractor on_prepare script. Expected a function as the default export.');
// Override the user's base protractor configuration as appropriate based on the
// ts_web_test_suite & rules_webtesting WEB_TEST_METADATA attributes
setConf(conf, 'framework', 'jasmine2', 'is set to jasmine2');
const specs =
[TMPL_specs].map(s => require.resolve(s)).filter(s => /(\b|_)(spec|test)\.js$/.test(s));
setConf(conf, 'specs', specs, 'are determined by the srcs and deps attribute');
// WEB_TEST_METADATA is configured in rules_webtesting based on value
// of the browsers attribute passed to ts_web_test_suite
// We setup the protractor configuration based on the values in this object
if (process.env['WEB_TEST_METADATA']) {
const webTestMetadata = require(process.env['WEB_TEST_METADATA']);
if (DEBUG) console.info(`WEB_TEST_METADATA: ${JSON.stringify(webTestMetadata, null, 2)}`);
if (webTestMetadata['environment'] === 'sauce') {
// If a sauce labs browser is chosen for the test such as
// "@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//browsers/sauce:chrome-win10"
// than the 'environment' will equal 'sauce'.
// We expect that a SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY is available
// from the environment for this test to run
// TODO(gmagolan): implement sauce labs support for protractor
throw new Error('Saucelabs not yet support by protractor_web_test_suite.');
// if (!process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME || !process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY) {
// console.error('Make sure the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are
// set.');
// process.exit(1);
// }
// setConf(conf, 'sauceUser', process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME, 'is determined by the SAUCE_USERNAME
// environment variable');
// setConf(conf, 'sauceKey', process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, 'is determined by the
// SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variable');
} else if (webTestMetadata['environment'] === 'local') {
// When a local chrome or firefox browser is chosen such as
// "@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//browsers:chromium-local" or
// "@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//browsers:firefox-local"
// then the 'environment' will equal 'local' and
// 'webTestFiles' will contain the path to the binary to use
const webTestNamedFiles = webTestMetadata['webTestFiles'][0]['namedFiles'];
const headless = !process.env['DISPLAY'];
if (webTestNamedFiles['CHROMIUM']) {
const chromeBin = require.resolve(webTestNamedFiles['CHROMIUM']);
const chromeDriver = require.resolve(webTestNamedFiles['CHROMEDRIVER']);
// The sandbox needs to be disabled, because it causes Chrome to crash on some environments.
// See: http://chromedriver.chromium.org/help/chrome-doesn-t-start
const args = ['--no-sandbox'];
if (headless) {
args.push('--headless', '--disable-gpu');
setConf(conf, 'directConnect', true, 'is set to true for chrome');
setConf(conf, 'chromeDriver', chromeDriver, 'is determined by the browsers attribute');
mergeCapabilities(conf, {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
binary: chromeBin,
args: args,
if (webTestNamedFiles['FIREFOX']) {
// TODO(gmagolan): implement firefox support for protractor
throw new Error('Firefox not yet support by protractor_web_test_suite');
// const firefoxBin = require.resolve(webTestNamedFiles['FIREFOX'])
// const args = [];
// if (headless) {
// args.push("--headless")
// args.push("--marionette")
// }
// setConf(conf, 'seleniumAddress', process.env.WEB_TEST_HTTP_SERVER.trim() + "/wd/hub", 'is
// configured by Bazel for firefox browser')
// mergeCapabilities(conf, {
// browserName: "firefox",
// 'moz:firefoxOptions': {
// binary: firefoxBin,
// args: args,
// }
// }, 'is determined by the browsers attribute');
} else {
console.warn(`Unknown WEB_TEST_METADATA environment '${webTestMetadata['environment']}'`);
// Export the complete protractor configuration
if (DEBUG) console.info(`Protractor configuration: ${JSON.stringify(conf, null, 2)}`);
exports.config = conf;